20 resultados para Stillwater County
In 1915 the United States Geological Survey published a folio by Calkins and Emmons on the geology of the Philipsburg Quadrangle, which adjoins the area now under study to the west. Geology of this portion of Montana had not been mapped previously; consequently the purpose of this thesis is to make a geological reconnaissance of the stratigraphy and structure of the area.
The mechanics of intrusion and the processes involved are becoming of more and more interest to contemporary geologists, because most of our mineral deposits are associated with igneous intrusions, and unknown-outcropping deposits are thought to be a thing of the past. If, by studying these processes, we could understand why some igneous masses are barren, while others of similar composition carry economic mineral deposits, geological prospecting for hidden mineral concentration would see a new era.
This thesis is concerned with the beneficiation of an oxidized lead ore. Emphasis was placed upon concentration by flotation rather than by gravity methods, although some investigation was made with the Wilfley shaking table. The concentration of lead minerals received most consideration in the problem, but wherever possible attempts were made to increase the silver and gold concentration along with the lead.
For many years the Elliston District, of Powell County has been a minor producer of gold, lead, zinc, and silver. Although never among the largest producing districts of the state, it has with the exception of the war years supplied a notable tonnage of ore to the neighboring mills ever since the first placer and lode claims were located there during the late eighteen hundreds.
This investigation was undertaken primarily as a problem in geologic mapping. The stratigraphy was studied as to the character, age, and sequence of the geologic formations that are exposed. The conclusions were based principally on the field relationships and lithology because no fossils were found.