83 resultados para Astronautics in geology.


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Gold is one of the rarer metals in nature, and chemically it is one of the most inactive. Gold forms stable, natural compounds with few other elements, and only with metals.


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This report includes the results of geological investigation of a small area in the northern part of the Argenta mining district. Approximately two square miles were mapped. The underground working of the three mines only were accessible: the Goldfinch. Golden Era, and Mayday mines.


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On the southern margin of the Boulder Batholith, about twenty miles south of Butte in the Highland Mountains, there are many miles of contact between the igneous and sedi­mentary rocks. As two kinds of igneous rocks and many diff­erent kinds of sedimentary rock are present, it is an excell­ent place for the study of contact metamorphism.


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The accepted chemical reactions in the dissolution of gold by cyanide solutions require the presence of gold, cyanide, water, and oxygen. The importance of dissolved oxygen in cyanide solutions as a factor is recognized by those familiar with cyanidation. Manufacturers of cyanidation equipment realize the necessity of oxygen, as shown by the appliances they have developed which are attached to the agitators in order to saturate the cyanide solutions with air.


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Since the development of cyanidation into a highly efficient process for treating gold ores, many papers have been written on its various aspects. Although, there has been much work done on it, the chemistry of the reaction is not yet completely understood.


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Rhenium properties offer many interesting possibilities, therefore any ores containing rhenium would be of considerable value. Its close relationship to manganese in the periodic table led to the belief that manganese ores would be an excellent place to search for the metal. Investigation of the literature of rhenium revealed that no ore was known to contain more than 0.001 per cent of rhenium.


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This investigation, carried on in the metallur­gical laboratories at the Montana School of Mines, was undertaken with the desire to work out a rapid method for the estimation, or the determination, of the amount of lead in zinc.


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Work was first done on a known section, the south Boulder Section, in order to familiarize the student with the formations. Most of the area was mapped by plane table and telescopic alidade, general features being surveyed by automobile traverse and a pacing traverse.


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The Golden Sunlight Mine is in the northern part of the Cardwell mining district on the eastern slope of a small range that rises by a series of benches to an elevation of 7,200 at a point five miles east of the town of Whitehall in Jefferson County.


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This report includes the results of geological investigation of the Clinton Mining District and the Hidden Treasure Mine.The Clinton Mining District is an unorganized mining dis­trict situated in the Garnet Range two and one-half miles northeast of the town of Clinton, Montana, which is on the Northern Pacific Railway and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad seventeen miles east of the city of Missoula. The district is in the same range of mountains as the Gar­net Mining District and the drainage from the district covered is to the south into the Hell Gate or Clarks Fork of the Colum­bia River. The main stream is known as Trail creek, which runs in a southerly direction from the area studied.


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The measurement of current efficiency by hydrogen evolution is based on the assumption that the portion of the current which deposits no zinc will release hydrogen. This assumption is correct for solutions containing no impurities electropositive to zinc.


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Probably most of the area included in this report has been ex­amined to some extent by oil geologists, and most, if not all, of the important domes have been discovered and surveyed thoroughly. In parts of the area, the bedrock is covered by glacial drift or alluvium materi­al, but it is reasonable to believe that no new domal structure will be found. This means that surface examination alone will be insufficient in locating new oil fields, so future prospecting will be dependent, to a great extent, on studies of sub-surface stratigraphy.


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The assaying of gold and silver cyanide solutions is by no means new. The first method of analysis which is given in the literature is an evaporation method by S. B. Christy in 1896. However, the fire assaying of gold and silver dates further back than this. There is a method of fire assaying for gold and silver given in literature as early as 1556 in Georgius, Agricola’s De Re Metallica book.


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The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe the fauna, correlate it with that of the Upper Devonian of other states, to note the geographic distribution, lithologic variations of outcrops, and to compare measured cross sections.


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This paper is a report of a geological survey made of an area of approximately fifty square miles lying Northeast of Whitehall, Montana, in the region of the Golden Sun­light Mine. The survey was made by a field party consisting of twenty-three members of the senior class of the Montana School of Mines.