550 resultados para montana
An attempt was made to make lead-lithium alloys by electrodeposition of lithium using a molten bath and a molten lead cathode.The variables taken into consideration were: composition of the melt, temperature of the melt, and current density. The purpose of changing these factors was to determine what effect each had on the current efficiency.
The subject of the thesis was based upon the theory of precipitation or age hardening of the copper by the compound formed by the Manganese and silicon present in the ternary Cu-Mn-Si alloy. The effect of the heat treatment to such an alloy was to be studied and the best aging time and temperature was to be determined.
This poster illustrates the assembly of an engineer's vise, also known as a metal working bench vise or a fitter's vise. The purpose of this project is to enhance the student's ability to understand a basic engineering process.
Index for volume 3 (Aug. 1942-Aug. 1945) lists personal names, places, subjects; page and issue numbers.
Powder metallurgy is a branch of metallurgy which produces metallic compacts in their final forms by means of pressure and heat-treatment from the powders. The products of powder metallurgy are being used in our daily lives quite often. For example, the tungsten wires in the electric bulbs to the silver-tin fillings of our teeth.
From the standpoint of its practical usefulness, the most important characteristics of metallic lead are its cheapness, resistance to corrosion, plasticity, high specific gravity, low melting point, and its ability to form alloys in which some properties are modified by the addition of other elements, while other properties remain the same.
In the past few years a great deal of attention has been given to the electrodeposition of alloys. For the main part, this investigation has been of scientific interest only; but in a few instances, such work has attained commercial importance.
Dark fine grained basic masses of rock are found in nearly every part of the Boulder Batholith, these commonly being referred to as inclusions, segregations, autoliths, and various other names. The origin, distribution, and composition of the dark inclusions form the basis for this report.
Manganese is commonly known to be a metal of great strategic importance. It is essential in the production of all steels, first as a scavenger to remove oxygen and sulfur, and second as an alloying element in wear-resistant steels.
The presence of graphite in the ore of the Missouri-McKee Mine has made its treatment by the methods now used quite unsatisfactory. The study was undertaken to develop a new flow sheet which would give a high recovery and yet be economical enough to handle low grade material.
The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the possibility of recovering the vanadium in the phosphoric acid by anodic oxidation in an electrolytic cell. This problem allowed not only the possibility of improving a commercial operation, but a study of the functioning of an interesting and very important phenomena.
The purpose of this report is to collect geologic data concerning two Montana talc occurrences at Helena and Ennis and to offer some explanation as to their origin. The two deposits cited are in somewhat similar lithologic settings and both possess the same mineralogical and structural features. Because of this similarity only the Helena deposit is covered in detail.
Stratigraphic Studies of the Ordovician and Devonian Formations Throughout the Northwest Plains Area
As yet the knowledge of Ordovician and Devonian physiography in this vast northwest region remains almost a complete secret. Very little, in any, work has been done along this line with the exception of those areas where the various formations outcrop.
Since 1911, at which time, the age hardening phenomenon of duralumin was discovered by Film, much research has been carried on investigating the various alloy systems. The successful application of age hardening to the copper aluminum system (duralumin) has indicated the possibility of hardening practically all the metals in the same way.
The investigation was prompted by the fact that there seemed to be some discrepancy between the results published by Richards,and the empirical figures used in classification and in gravity concentration. Further, the work of Richards was restricted to quartz and galena whereas this study also includes pyrite and calcite.