280 resultados para Porous ceramic materials
Millions of years of physiographic changes have conditioned us to the fact that our present drainage is a temporary feature. Rivers once flowing opposite to their present direction is not an unusual condition for physiographers to suggest.
The accelerated post-war demand for petroleum products with resultant high prices and dwindling reserves has spurred producers to an extensive search for new fields and for additional production in known fields. Exploration and discovery is dependent on the collection and correlation of vast amounts of data both in the field and that found in literature.
The United States, although the leading consumer of chromite, depends almost entirely on imports for its supply. Domestic production of chromite is limited, because high-grade imported ore is plentiful and inexpensive in normal times. There are several large deposits of chromite in the United States, representing millions of tons of low grade ore. These deposits form a strategic reserve that must be used in time of national emergency.
This investigation concerns the development of a satisfactory method or extracting or concentrating gold and silver from the ores of the U. S. Grant Mine. The choice between applying an extractive process and one by which the valuable mineral constituents are concentrated depends on more than one factor.
At present copper sulfide ores are recovered by pyrometallurgical processes. While the recovery of copper from sulfide ores by hydrometallurgical means has long been considered attractive, the impurities, low recovery and mechanical difficulties have kept this process from becoming commercial.
The possible benefits of oxygen enriched atmosphere roasting have been known to metallurgists for many years, but only since the development of equipment and processes to produce cheap oxygen in very large amounts has much serious consideration been given this matter.
Karst Kamp, a southwestern Montana recreation resort, is 32 road miles south of Bozeman on the east bank of the Gallatin River in a narrow V-shaped valley flanked on the west by the rugged Madison mountain range and on the east by the equally rough Gallatin range. The asbestos deposit itself lies approximately one-half mile northwest of the ranch on a heavily timbered "Alpine-like" slope nearly 1200 feet above the floor of the valley.
The field work was conducted in areas adjacent to Whitehall, Montana, as has been the custom for the past several years. Instruction in the proper use of the telescopic and open sight alidades, and the Brunton compass for surveying geologic features was given. Advantages of pacing and speedometer mapping were pointed out and used.
Alberta, responsible for ninety per cent of Canada's output, had, by 1947 entered into her fifth year of production decline. Only ten per cent of Canada's oil requirements were secured from home fields. Ninety per cent had to be imported, mainly from the United States. How long could imports be maintained on present levels? During the year, the United States had started rationing; in one sector of its domain. Would this become general? If so, what was the answer for Canada?
In 1915 the United States Geological Survey published a folio by Calkins and Emmons on the geology of the Philipsburg Quadrangle, which adjoins the area now under study to the west. Geology of this portion of Montana had not been mapped previously; consequently the purpose of this thesis is to make a geological reconnaissance of the stratigraphy and structure of the area.
A vast amount of information has been published by many workers on particular features of the geology of the state of Montana, as well as on local geology of many smaller divisions. However, a satisfactory summary of the geology in general, which would include all phases of geology as they apply to the greater area of the entire state, has not been published.
The object of casehardening is to produce articles of steel having a tough or ductile interior and a hard surface. Quenching produces a surface somewhat harder than the interior, but in order to obtain a high surface hardness, the percentage of alloying elements in the steel must be raised to such an extent that the core or central portion becomes hard and brittle also.
The term diffusion means an equalization or homogenization of diverse materials. Specifically applied to metals, diffusion is the interchange of atoms. It is, in effect, an invasion of one crystal lattice by the atoms of one or more other crystal lattices. Therefore, the study of diffusion must involve the geometry and physics of crystal lattices as well as their energies.
Although there are many uses for manganese today, none of them approaches its importance as a deoxidizing agent in the manufacture of steels. Without manganese the steelmaking industry would be very seriously handicapped. The metallurgy of manganese has been developed around the high-grade ores, and unfortunately, our reserves of high-grade ores are very limited.
The Salt Chuck, Rush and Brown, and adjacent mines and claims form an area of approximately 15 square miles near the head of Kasaan Bay about 10 miles northwest of the village of Kasaan on Prince of Wales Island in southeastern Alaska. It is an area of moderate relief in which the hills rise from the water’s edge to heights of some 500 feet. Most of the area is covered with dense vegetation and muskeg.