3 resultados para post-translational modification

em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech


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One of two active volcanoes in the western branch of the East African Rift, Nyamuragira (1.408ºS, 29.20ºE; 3058 m) is located in the D.R. Congo. Nyamuragira emits large amounts of SO2 (up to ~1 Mt/day) and erupts low-silica, alkalic lavas, which achieve flow rates of up to ~20 km/hr. The source of the large SO2 emissions and pre-eruptive magma conditions were unknown prior to this study, and 1994-2010 lava volumes were only recently mapped via satellite imagery, mainly due to the region’s political instability. In this study, new olivine-hosted melt inclusion volatile (H2O, CO2, S, Cl, F) and major element data from five historic Nyamuragira eruptions (1912, 1938, 1948, 1986, 2006) are presented. Melt compositions derived from the 1986 and 2006 tephra samples best represent pre-eruptive volatile compositions because these samples contain naturally glassy inclusions that underwent less post-entrapment modification than crystallized inclusions. The total amount of SO2 released from the 1986 (0.04 Mt) and 2006 (0.06 Mt) eruptions are derived using the petrologic method, whereby S contents in melt inclusions are scaled to erupted lava volumes. These amounts are significantly less than satellite-based SO2 emissions for the same eruptions (1986 = ~1 Mt; 2006 = ~2 Mt). Potential explanations for this observation are: 1) accumulation of a vapor phase within the magmatic system that is only released during eruptions, and/or 2) syn-eruptive gas release from unerupted magma. Post-1994 Nyamuragira lava volumes were not available at the beginning of this study. These flows (along with others since 1967) are mapped with Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM+, Hyperion, and ALI satellite data and combined with published flow thicknesses to derive volumes. Satellite remote sensing data was also used to evaluate Nyamuragira SO2 emissions. These results show that the most recent Nyamuragira eruptions injected SO2 into the atmosphere between 15 km (2006 eruption) and 5 km (2010 eruption). This suggests that past effusive basaltic eruptions (e.g., Laki 1783) are capable of similar plume heights that reached the upper troposphere or tropopause, allowing SO2 and resultant aerosols to remain longer in the atmosphere, travel farther around the globe, and affect global climates.


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Phytic acid is the major storage form of phosphorus and inositol in seeds and legumes. It forms insoluble phytate salts by chelating with positively charged mineral ions. Non-ruminant animals are not able to digest phytate due to the lack of phytases in their GI tracks, thus the undigested phytate is excreted leading to environmental contamination. Supplementation with phytases in animal feed has proven to be an effective strategy to alleviate nutritional and environmental issues. The unique catalytic and thermal stability properties of alkaline phytase from lily pollen (LlALP) suggest that it has the potential to be useful as a feed supplement. Our goal is to develop a method for the production of substantial amounts of rLlALP for animal feed and structural studies. rLlALP2 has been successfully expressed in the yeast, Pichia pastoris. However, expression yield was modest (8-10 mg/L). Gene copy number has been identified as an important parameter in enhancing protein yields. Multicopy clones were selected using Zeocin-resistance-based vectors and challenging transformants to high Zeocin levels under different conditions. Data indicate that increasing selection pressure led to the generation of clones with amplification of both rLlAlp2 and Zeor genes and the two genes were not equally amplified. Additionally, clones generated by step-wise methods led to clones with greater amplification. The effects of transgene copy number and gene sequence optimization on expression levels of rLlALP2 were examined. The data indicate that increasing the copy number of rLlAlp2 in transformed clones was detrimental to expression level. The use of a sequence-optimized rLlAlp2 (op-rLlAlp2) increased expression yield of the active enzyme by 25-50%, suggesting that transcription and translation efficiency are not major bottlenecks in the production of rLlALP2. Lowering induction temperature to 20 oC led to an increase in enzyme activity of 1.2 to 20-fold, suggesting that protein folding or post-translational processes may be limiting factors for rLlALP2 production. Cumulatively, optimization of copy number, gene sequence optimization and reduced temperature led to increase of rLlALP2 enzyme activity by three-fold (25-30 mg/L). In an effort to simplify the purification process of rLlALP2, extracellular expression of phytase was investigated. Extracellular expression is dependent on the presence of an appropriate secretion signal upstream of the transgene native signal peptide(s) present in the transgene may also influence secretion efficiency. The data suggest that deletion of both N- and C-terminal signal peptides of rLlALP2 enhanced α-mating factor (α-MF)-driven secretion of LlALP2 by four-fold. The secretion signal peptide of chicken egg white lysozyme was ineffective in secretion rLlALP2 in P. pastoris. To enhance rLlALP2 secretion, effectiveness of the strong inducible promoter (PAOX1) was compared with the constitutive promoter (PGAP). The intracellular yield of rLlALP2 was about four-fold greater under the control of PGAP compared to PAOX1 and extracellular expression level of rLlALP2 was around eight-fold (75-100 mg/L) greater. The successful production of active rLlALP2 in P. pastoris will allow us to conduct the animal feed supplementation studies and structural studies.


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This research is about producing recombinant Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase Cel7B by using Kluyveromyces lactis, transformed with chromosomally integrated Cel7B cDNA, as a host cell (K. lactis Cel7B). Cel7B is one of the glycoside hydrolyze family of proteins that are produced by T. reesei. Cel7B together with other endoglucanases, exoglucanases, and â-glucosidases hydrolyze cellulose to glucose, which can then be fermented to biofuels or other value-added products. The research objective of this MS project is to examine favorable fermentation conditions for recombinant Cel7B enzyme production and improved activity. Production of enzyme on different types of media was examined, and the activity of the enzyme was measured by using different tools or procedures. The first condition tested for was using different concentrations of galactose as a carbon and energy source; however galactose also acts as a potent promoter of recombinant Cel7B expression in K. lactis Cel7B. The purpose of this method is to determine the relationship between production of enzyme with increasing sugar concentration. The second culture condition test was using different types of media: a complex medium-yeast extract, peptone, galactose (YPGal); a minimal medium-yeast nitrogen base (YNB) with galactose; and a minimal medium with supplement-yeast nitrogen base with casamino acid (YBC), a nitrogen source, with galactose. The third condition was using different types of reactors or fermenters: a small reactor (shake flask) and a larger automated bioreactor (BioFlo 3000 fermenter). The purpose of this method is to determine the quantity of the protein produced by using different environments of production. Different tools to determine the presence and activity of Cel7B enzyme were used. For the presence of enzyme, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used. Secondly, to detect enzyme activity, the carboxymethyl cellulose- 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (CMC- DNS) assay was employed. SDS-PAGE showed that the enzyme band was at 67 kDa, which is larger than native Cel7B (52 kDa.), likely due to over glycolylation during post-translational processing in K. lactis. For the different types of media used in our fermentation, recombinant Cel7B was produced from yeast extract peptone galactose (YPGal), and yeast nitrogen base with casamino acid (YBC), but was not produced and no activity was detected from yeast nitrogen base (YNB). This experiment concluded that the Cel7B production requires the amino acid resources as part of fermentation medium. In experiments where recombinant Cel7B net activity was measured at 1% galactose initial concentration in YPGal and YBC media, higher enzyme activity was detected for the complex medium YPGal. Higher activity of recombinant Cel7B was detected for flask culture in 2% galactose compared to 1% galactose for YBC medium. Two bioreactor experiments were conducted under these culture conditions at 30°C, pH 7.0, dissolved oxygen of 50% of saturation, and 250 rpm agitation (variable depending on DO control) K. lactis-Cel7B yeast growth curves were quite reproducible with maximum optical density (O.D) at 600 nm of between 7 and 8 (when factoring dilution of 10:1). Galactose was consumed rapidly during the first 15 hours of bioreactor culture and recombinant Cel7B started to appear in the culture at 10-15 hours and increased thereafter up to a maximum of between 0.9 and 1.6 mg/mL/hr in these experiments. These bioreactor enzyme activity results are much higher than comparable experiments conducted with flask-scale culture (0.5 mg/mL/hr). In order to achieve the highest recombinant Cel7B activity from batch culture of K. lactis-Cel7B, based on this research it is best to use a complex medium, 2% initial galactose concentration, and an automated bioreactor where good control of temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen can be achieved.