6 resultados para perturbations

em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech


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Self-stabilization is a property of a distributed system such that, regardless of the legitimacy of its current state, the system behavior shall eventually reach a legitimate state and shall remain legitimate thereafter. The elegance of self-stabilization stems from the fact that it distinguishes distributed systems by a strong fault tolerance property against arbitrary state perturbations. The difficulty of designing and reasoning about self-stabilization has been witnessed by many researchers; most of the existing techniques for the verification and design of self-stabilization are either brute-force, or adopt manual approaches non-amenable to automation. In this dissertation, we first investigate the possibility of automatically designing self-stabilization through global state space exploration. In particular, we develop a set of heuristics for automating the addition of recovery actions to distributed protocols on various network topologies. Our heuristics equally exploit the computational power of a single workstation and the available parallelism on computer clusters. We obtain existing and new stabilizing solutions for classical protocols like maximal matching, ring coloring, mutual exclusion, leader election and agreement. Second, we consider a foundation for local reasoning about self-stabilization; i.e., study the global behavior of the distributed system by exploring the state space of just one of its components. It turns out that local reasoning about deadlocks and livelocks is possible for an interesting class of protocols whose proof of stabilization is otherwise complex. In particular, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions – verifiable in the local state space of every process – for global deadlock- and livelock-freedom of protocols on ring topologies. Local reasoning potentially circumvents two fundamental problems that complicate the automated design and verification of distributed protocols: (1) state explosion and (2) partial state information. Moreover, local proofs of convergence are independent of the number of processes in the network, thereby enabling our assertions about deadlocks and livelocks to apply on rings of arbitrary sizes without worrying about state explosion.


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The seasonal appearance of a deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) in Lake Superior is a striking phenomenon that is widely observed; however its mechanisms of formation and maintenance are not well understood. As this phenomenon may be the reflection of an ecological driver, or a driver itself, a lack of understanding its driving forces limits the ability to accurately predict and manage changes in this ecosystem. Key mechanisms generally associated with DCM dynamics (i.e. ecological, physiological and physical phenomena) are examined individually and in concert to establish their role. First the prevailing paradigm, “the DCM is a great place to live”, is analyzed through an integration of the results of laboratory experiments and field measurements. The analysis indicates that growth at this depth is severely restricted and thus not able to explain the full magnitude of this phenomenon. Additional contributing mechanisms like photoadaptation, settling and grazing are reviewed with a one-dimensional mathematical model of chlorophyll and particulate organic carbon. Settling has the strongest impact on the formation and maintenance of the DCM, transporting biomass to the metalimnion and resulting in the accumulation of algae, i.e. a peak in the particulate organic carbon profile. Subsequently, shade adaptation becomes manifest as a chlorophyll maximum deeper in the water column where light conditions particularly favor the process. Shade adaptation mediates the magnitude, shape and vertical position of the chlorophyll peak. Growth at DCM depth shows only a marginal contribution, while grazing has an adverse effect on the extent of the DCM. The observed separation of the carbon biomass and chlorophyll maximum should caution scientists to equate the DCM with a large nutrient pool that is available to higher trophic levels. The ecological significance of the DCM should not be separated from the underlying carbon dynamics. When evaluated in its entirety, the DCM becomes the projected image of a structure that remains elusive to measure but represents the foundation of all higher trophic levels. These results also offer guidance in examine ecosystem perturbations such as climate change. For example, warming would be expected to prolong the period of thermal stratification, extending the late summer period of suboptimal (phosphorus-limited) growth and attendant transport of phytoplankton to the metalimnion. This reduction in epilimnetic algal production would decrease the supply of algae to the metalimnion, possibly reducing the supply of prey to the grazer community. This work demonstrates the value of modeling to challenge and advance our understanding of ecosystem dynamics, steps vital to reliable testing of management alternatives.


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Space Based Solar Power satellites use solar arrays to generate clean, green, and renewable electricity in space and transmit it to earth via microwave, radiowave or laser beams to corresponding receivers (ground stations). These traditionally are large structures orbiting around earth at the geo-synchronous altitude. This thesis introduces a new architecture for a Space Based Solar Power satellite constellation. The proposed concept reduces the high cost involved in the construction of the space satellite and in the multiple launches to the geo-synchronous altitude. The proposed concept is a constellation of Low Earth Orbit satellites that are smaller in size than the conventional system. For this application a Repeated Sun-Synchronous Track Circular Orbit is considered (RSSTO). In these orbits, the spacecraft re-visits the same locations on earth periodically every given desired number of days with the line of nodes of the spacecraft’s orbit fixed relative to the Sun. A wide range of solutions are studied, and, in this thesis, a two-orbit constellation design is chosen and simulated. The number of satellites is chosen based on the electric power demands in a given set of global cities. The orbits of the satellites are designed such that their ground tracks visit a maximum number of ground stations during the revisit period. In the simulation, the locations of the ground stations are chosen close to big cities, in USA and worldwide, so that the space power constellation beams down power directly to locations of high electric power demands. The j2 perturbations are included in the mathematical model used in orbit design. The Coverage time of each spacecraft over a ground site and the gap time between two consecutive spacecrafts visiting a ground site are simulated in order to evaluate the coverage continuity of the proposed solar power constellation. It has been observed from simulations that there always periods in which s spacecraft does not communicate with any ground station. For this reason, it is suggested that each satellite in the constellation be equipped with power storage components so that it can store power for later transmission. This thesis presents a method for designing the solar power constellation orbits such that the number of ground stations visited during the given revisit period is maximized. This leads to maximizing the power transmission to ground stations.


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The intent of the work presented in this thesis is to show that relativistic perturbations should be considered in the same manner as well known perturbations currently taken into account in planet-satellite systems. It is also the aim of this research to show that relativistic perturbations are comparable to standard perturbations in speciffc force magnitude and effects. This work would have been regarded as little more then a curiosity to most engineers until recent advancements in space propulsion methods { e.g. the creation of a artiffcial neutron stars, light sails, and continuous propulsion techniques. These cutting-edge technologies have the potential to thrust the human race into interstellar, and hopefully intergalactic, travel in the not so distant future. The relativistic perturbations were simulated on two orbit cases: (1) a general orbit and (2) a Molniya type orbit. The simulations were completed using Matlab's ODE45 integration scheme. The methods used to organize, execute, and analyze these simulations are explained in detail. The results of the simulations are presented in graphical and statistical form. The simulation data reveals that the speciffc forces that arise from the relativistic perturbations do manifest as variations in the classical orbital elements. It is also apparent from the simulated data that the speciffc forces do exhibit similar magnitudes and effects that materialize from commonly considered perturbations that are used in trajectory design, optimization, and maintenance. Due to the similarities in behavior of relativistic versus non-relativistic perturbations, a case is made for the development of a fully relativistic formulation for the trajectory design and trajectory optimization problems. This new framework would afford the possibility of illuminating new more optimal solutions to the aforementioned problems that do not arise in current formulations. This type of reformulation has already showed promise when the previously unknown Space Superhighways arose as a optimal solution when classical astrodynamics was reformulated using geometric mechanics.


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Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is susceptible to errors introduced by the presence of real-ground and resonant size scatterers in the vicinity of the antenna array. To compensate for these errors pre-calibration and auto-calibration techniques are presented. The effects of real-ground constituent parameters on the mutual coupling (MC) of wire type antenna arrays for DOA estimation are investigated. This is accomplished by pre-calibration of the antenna array over the real-ground using the finite element method (FEM). The mutual impedance matrix is pre-estimated and used to remove the perturbations in the received terminal voltage. The unperturbed terminal voltage is incorporated in MUSIC algorithm to estimate DOAs. First, MC of quarter wave monopole antenna arrays is investigated. This work augments an existing MC compensation technique for ground-based antennas and proposes reduction in MC for antennas over finite ground as compared to the perfect ground. A factor of 4 decrease in both the real and imaginary parts of the MC is observed when considering a poor ground versus a perfectly conducting one for quarter wave monopoles in the receiving mode. A simulated result to show the compensation of errors direction of arrival (DOA) estimation with actual realization of the environment is also presented. Secondly, investigations for the effects on received MC of λ/2 dipole arrays placed near real-earth are carried out. As a rule of thumb, estimation of mutual coupling can be divided in two regions of antenna height that is very near ground 0


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During locomotion, turning is a common and recurring event which is largely neglected in the current state-of-the-art ankle-foot prostheses, forcing amputees to use different steering mechanisms for turning, compared to non-amputees. A better understanding of the complexities surrounding lower limb prostheses will lead to increased health and well-being of amputees. The aim of this research is to develop a steerable ankle-foot prosthesis that mimics the human ankle mechanical properties. Experiments were developed to estimate the mechanical impedance of the ankle and the ankles angles during straight walk and step turn. Next, this information was used in the design of a prototype, powered steerable ankle-foot prosthesis with two controllable degrees of freedom. One of the possible approaches in design of the prosthetic robots is to use the human joints’ parameters, especially their impedance. A series of experiments were conducted to estimate the stochastic mechanical impedance of the human ankle when muscles were fully relaxed and co-contracting antagonistically. A rehabilitation robot for the ankle, Anklebot, was employed to provide torque perturbations to the ankle. The experiments were performed in two different configurations, one with relaxed muscles, and one with 10% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Surface electromyography (sEMG) was used to monitor muscle activation levels and these sEMG signals were displayed to subjects who attempted to maintain them constant. Time histories of ankle torques and angles in the lateral/medial (LM) directions, inversion-eversion (IE), and dorsiflexionplantarflexion (DP) were recorded. Linear time-invariant transfer functions between the measured torques and angles were estimated providing an estimate of ankle mechanical impedance. High coherence was observed over a frequency range up to 30 Hz. The main effect of muscle activation was to increase the magnitude of ankle mechanical impedance in all degrees of freedom of the ankle. Another experiment compared the three-dimensional angles of the ankle during step turn and straight walking. These angles were measured to be used for developing the control strategy of the ankle-foot prosthesis. An infrared camera system was used to track the trajectories and angles of the foot and leg. The combined phases of heel strike and loading response, mid stance, and terminal stance and pre-swing were determined and used to measure the average angles at each combined phase. The Range of motion (ROM) in IE increased during turning while ML rotation decreased and DP changed the least. During the turning step, ankle displacement in DP started with similar angles to straight walk and progressively showed less plantarflexion. In IE, the ankle showed increased inversion leaning the body toward the inside of the turn. ML rotation initiated with an increased medial rotation during the step turn relative to the straight walk transitioning to increased lateral rotation at the toe off. A prototype ankle-foot prosthesis capable of controlling both DP and IE using a cable driven mechanism was developed and assessed as part of a feasibility study. The design is capable of reproducing the angles required for straight walk and step turn; generates 712N of lifting force in plantarflexion, and shows passive stiffness comparable to a nonload bearing ankle impedance. To evaluate the performance of the ankle-foot prosthesis, a circular treadmill was developed to mimic human gait during steering. Preliminary results show that the device can appropriately simulate human gait with loading and unloading the ankle joint during the gait in circular paths.