8 resultados para gas phase reactions
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Free radicals are present in cigarette smoke and can have a negative effect on human health by attacking lipids, nucleic acids, proteins and other biologically important species. However, because of the complexity of the tobacco smoke system and the dynamic nature of radicals, little is known about the identity of the radicals, and debate continues on the mechanisms by which those radicals are produced. In this study, acetyl radicals were trapped from the gas phase using 3-amino-2, 2, 5, 5- tetramethyl-proxyl (3AP) on solid support to form stable 3AP adducts for later analysis by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry/tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS/MS) and liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Simulations of acetyl radical generation were performed using Matlab and the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) programs. A range of 10- 150 nmol/cigarette of acetyl radical was measured from gas phase tobacco smoke of both commerial and research cigarettes under several different smoking conditions. More radicals were detected from the puff smoking method compared to continuous flow sampling. Approximately twice as many acetyl radicals were trapped when a GF/F particle filter was placed before the trapping zone. Computational simulations show that NO/NO2 reacts with isoprene, initiating chain reactions to produce a hydroxyl radical, which abstracts hydrogen from acetaldehyde to generate acetyl radical. With initial concentrations of NO, acetaldehyde, and isoprene in a real-world cigarette smoke scenario, these mechanisms can account for the full amount of acetyl radical detected experimentally. This study contributes to the overall understanding of the free radical generation in gas phase cigarette smoke.
The existence and morphology, as well as the dynamics of micro-scale gas-liquid interfaces is investigated numerically and experimentally. These studies can be used to assess liquid management issues in microsystems such as PEMFC gas flow channels, and are meant to open new research perspectives in two-phase flow, particularly in film deposition on non-wetting surfaces. For example the critical plug volume data can be used to deliver desired length plugs, or to determine the plug formation frequency. The dynamics of gas-liquid interfaces, of interest for applications involving small passages (e.g. heat exchangers, phase separators and filtration systems), was investigated using high-speed microscopy - a method that also proved useful for the study of film deposition processes. The existence limit for a liquid plug forming in a mixed wetting channel is determined by numerical simulations using Surface Evolver. The plug model simulate actual conditions in the gas flow channels of PEM fuel cells, the wetting of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) side of the channel being different from the wetting of the bipolar plate walls. The minimum plug volume, denoted as critical volume is computed for a series of GDL and bipolar plate wetting properties. Critical volume data is meant to assist in the water management of PEMFC, when corroborated with experimental data. The effect of cross section geometry is assessed by computing the critical volume in square and trapezoidal channels. Droplet simulations show that water can be passively removed from the GDL surface towards the bipolar plate if we take advantage on differing wetting properties between the two surfaces, to possibly avoid the gas transport blockage through the GDL. High speed microscopy was employed in two-phase and film deposition experiments with water in round and square capillary tubes. Periodic interface destabilization was observed and the existence of compression waves in the gas phase is discussed by taking into consideration a naturally occurring convergent-divergent nozzle formed by the flowing liquid phase. The effect of channel geometry and wetting properties was investigated through two-phase water-air flow in square and round microchannels, having three static contact angles of 20, 80 and 105 degrees. Four different flow regimes are observed for a fixed flow rate, this being thought to be caused by the wetting behavior of liquid flowing in the corners as well as the liquid film stability. Film deposition experiments in wetting and non-wetting round microchannels show that a thicker film is deposited for wetting conditions departing from the ideal 0 degrees contact angle. A film thickness dependence with the contact angle theta as well as the Capillary number, in the form h_R ~ Ca^(2/3)/ cos(theta) is inferred from scaling arguments, for contact angles smaller than 36 degrees. Non-wetting film deposition experiments reveal that a film significantly thicker than the wetting Bretherton film is deposited. A hydraulic jump occurs if critical conditions are met, as given by a proposed nondimensional parameter similar to the Froude number. Film thickness correlations are also found by matching the measured and the proposed velocity derived in the shock theory. The surface wetting as well as the presence of the shock cause morphological changes in the Taylor bubble flow.
The molecular interactions between the host molecule, perthiolated beta-cyclodextrin (CD), and the guest molecules, adamantaneacetic acid (AD) and ferroceneacetic acid (FC), have been inestigated theoretically in both the gas and aqueous phases. The major computations have been carried out at the theoretical levels, RHF/6-31G and B3LYP/6- 31G. MP2 electronic energies were also computed based at the geometries optimized by both the RHF and B3LYP methods in the gas phase to establish a better estimate of the correlation effect. The solvent phase computations were completed at the RHF/6-31G and B3LYP/6-31G levels using the PCM model. The most stable structures optimized in gas phase by both the RHF and B3LYP methods were used for the computations in solution. A method to systematically manipulate the relative position and orientation between the interacting molecules is proposed. In the gas phase, six trials with different host-guest relative positions and orientations were completed successfully with the B3LYP method for both the CD-AD and CD-FC complexes. Only four trials were completed with RHF method. In the gas phase, the best results from the RHF method gives for the association Gibbs free energy (ΔG°) values equal to -32.21kj/mol for CD-AD and -25.73kj/mol for CD-FC. And the best results from the B3LYP method have ΔG° equal to -47.57kj/mol for CD-AD and -41.09kj/mol for CD-FC. The MP2 correction significantly lowers ΔG° based on the geometries from both methods. For the RHF structure, the MP2 computations lowered ΔG° to -60.64kj/mol for CD-AD and -54.10 for CD-FC. For the structure from the B3LYP method, it was reduced to -59.87 kj/mol for CD-AD and -54.84 kj/mol for CDFC. The RHF solvent phase calculations yielded following results: ΔG°(aq) equals 107.2kj/mol for CD-AD and 111.4kj/mol for CD-FC. Compared with the results from the RHF method, the B3LYP method provided clearly better solvent phase results with ΔG° (aq) equal to 38.64kj/mol for CD-AD and 39.61kj/mol for CD-FC. These results qualitatively explain the experimental observations. However quantitatively they are in poor agreement with the experimental values available in the literature and those recently published by Liu et al. And the reason is believed to be omission of hydrophobic contribution to the association. Determining the global geometrical minima for these very large systems was very difficult and computationally time consuming, but after a very thorough search, these were identified. A relevant result of this search is that when the complexes, CD-AD and CD-FC, are formed, the AD and FC molecules are only partially embedded inside the CD cavity. The totally embedded complexes were found to have significantly higher energies. The semiempirical method, ZINDO, was employed to investigate the effect of complexation on the first electronic excitation of CD anchored to a metal nano-particle. The computational results revealed that after complexation to FC, the transition intensity declines to about 25% of the original value, and after complexation with AD, the intensity drops almost 50%. The tighter binding and transition intensity of CD-AD qualitatively agrees with the experimental result that the addition of AD to a solution of CD and FC restores the fluorescence of CD that was quenched by the addition of FC. A method to evaluate the “hydrophobic force” effect is proposed for future work.
Hall thrusters have been under active development around the world since the 1960’s. Thrusters using traditional propellants such as xenon have been flown on a variety of satellite orbit raising and maintenance missions with an excellent record. To expand the mission envelope, it is necessary to lower the specific impulse of the thrusters but xenon and krypton are poor performers at specific impulses below 1,200 seconds. To enhance low specific impulse performance, this dissertation examines the development of a Hall-effect thruster which uses bismuth as a propellant. Bismuth, the heaviest non-radioactive element, holds many advantages over noble gas propellants from an energetics as well as a practical economic standpoint. Low ionization energy, large electron-impact crosssection and high atomic mass make bismuth ideal for low-specific impulse applications. The primary disadvantage lies in the high temperatures which are required to generate the bismuth vapors. Previous efforts carried out in the Soviet Union relied upon the complete bismuth vaporization and gas phase delivery to the anode. While this proved successful, the power required to vaporize and maintain gas phase throughout the mass flow system quickly removed many of the efficiency gains expected from using bismuth. To solve these problems, a unique method of delivering liquid bismuth to the anode has been developed. Bismuth is contained within a hollow anode reservoir that is capped by a porous metallic disc. By utilizing the inherent waste heat generated in a Hall thruster, liquid bismuth is evaporated and the vapors pass through the porous disc into the discharge chamber. Due to the high temperatures and material compatibility requirements, the anode was fabricated out of pure molybdenum. The porous vaporizer was not available commercially so a method of creating a refractory porous plate with 40-50% open porosity was developed. Molybdenum also does not respond well to most forms of welding so a diffusion bonding process was also developed to join the molybdenum porous disc to the molybdenum anode. Operation of the direct evaporation bismuth Hall thruster revealed interesting phenomenon. By utilizing constant current mode on a discharge power supply, the discharge voltage settles out to a stable operating point which is a function of discharge current, anode face area and average pore size on the vaporizer. Oscillations with a 40 second period were also observed. Preliminary performance data suggests that the direct evaporation bismuth Hall thruster performs similar to xenon and krypton Hall thrusters. Plume interrogation with a Retarding Potential Analyzer confirmed that bismuth ions were being efficiently accelerated while Faraday probe data gave a view of the ion density in the exhausted plume.
This work presents a 1-D process scale model used to investigate the chemical dynamics and temporal variability of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ozone (O3) within and above snowpack at Summit, Greenland for March-May 2009 and estimates surface exchange of NOx between the snowpack and surface layer in April-May 2009. The model assumes the surface of snowflakes have a Liquid Like Layer (LLL) where aqueous chemistry occurs and interacts with the interstitial air of the snowpack. Model parameters and initialization are physically and chemically representative of snowpack at Summit, Greenland and model results are compared to measurements of NOx and O3 collected by our group at Summit, Greenland from 2008-2010. The model paired with measurements confirmed the main hypothesis in literature that photolysis of nitrate on the surface of snowflakes is responsible for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) production in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack at solar noon for March – May time periods in 2009. Nighttime peaks of NO2 in the snowpack for April and May were reproduced with aqueous formation of peroxynitric acid (HNO4) in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack with subsequent mass transfer to the gas phase, decomposition to form NO2 at nighttime, and transportation of the NO2 to depths of 2 meters. Modeled production of HNO4 was hindered in March 2009 due to the low production of its precursor, hydroperoxy radical, resulting in underestimation of nighttime NO2 in the snowpack for March 2009. The aqueous reaction of O3 with formic acid was the major sync of O3 in the snowpack for March-May, 2009. Nitrogen monoxide (NO) production in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack is related to the photolysis of NO2, which underrepresents NO in May of 2009. Modeled surface exchange of NOx in April and May are on the order of 1011 molecules m-2 s-1. Removal of measured downward fluxes of NO and NO2 in measured fluxes resulted in agreement between measured NOx fluxes and modeled surface exchange in April and an order of magnitude deviation in May. Modeled transport of NOx above the snowpack in May shows an order of magnitude increase of NOx fluxes in the first 50 cm of the snowpack and is attributed to the production of NO2 during the day from the thermal decomposition and photolysis of peroxynitric acid with minor contributions of NO from HONO photolysis in the early morning.
The waste tire is belonging to insoluble high polymer elastic materials. It takes hundreds of years to resolve the macromolecules of waste tire into the standard which does not pollute the environment. More and more waste tires are air stored which causes space occupation and mosquito-breeding in the places that will spread diseases. The disposal methods include landfill, stockpiles, dumping and incising into particles. However, all these methods are not technically and economically efficient. The trend for the development of waste tire treatment processes is low cost, on-site, and high product recovery at high energy efficiency. In this project, microwave energy has been applied for treatment of the waste tire in laboratory scale. Experimental conditions were varied in order to find the optimum processing parameters such as temperature and atmosphere. The microwave absorption capability of waste tire rubber was investigated by measuring its dielectric properties from room temperature to 800°C in stagnant air and pure nitrogen atmospheres, respectively, at both 915 and 2466MHz.The dielectric parameters data increase steadily at temperatures below 400°C. At temperatures above 400°C, the relative dielectric loss factor and relative dielectric constant begin to decrease. This is due to the solid phase of tire rubber begins to transform to gas phase and the release of volatiles. The calculations of microwave half-power depth and penetration depth of waste tire rubber show that the pyrolysis process significantly improves the microwave absorption capability of the waste tire rubber at low temperatures. The calculated reflection loss of the waste tire rubber suggests that its maximum microwave absorption can be obtained when the rubber has a thickness of 25mm at 915MHz. The sample dimension has a significant effect on the overall performance of microwave absorption in waste tire during pyrolysis and thus on the efficiency of microwave waste tire rubber pyrolysis.
Measurement and modeling techniques were developed to improve over-water gaseous air-water exchange measurements for persistent bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals (PBTs). Analytical methods were applied to atmospheric measurements of hexachlorobenzene (HCB), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Additionally, the sampling and analytical methods are well suited to study semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) in air with applications related to secondary organic aerosol formation, urban, and indoor air quality. A novel gas-phase cleanup method is described for use with thermal desorption methods for analysis of atmospheric SOCs using multicapillary denuders. The cleanup selectively removed hydrogen-bonding chemicals from samples, including much of the background matrix of oxidized organic compounds in ambient air, and thereby improved precision and method detection limits for nonpolar analytes. A model is presented that predicts gas collection efficiency and particle collection artifact for SOCs in multicapillary denuders using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) sorbent. An approach is presented to estimate the equilibrium PDMS-gas partition coefficient (Kpdms) from an Abraham solvation parameter model for any SOC. A high flow rate (300 L min-1) multicapillary denuder was designed for measurement of trace atmospheric SOCs. Overall method precision and detection limits were determined using field duplicates and compared to the conventional high-volume sampler method. The high-flow denuder is an alternative to high-volume or passive samplers when separation of gas and particle-associated SOCs upstream of a filter and short sample collection time are advantageous. A Lagrangian internal boundary layer transport exchange (IBLTE) Model is described. The model predicts the near-surface variation in several quantities with fetch in coastal, offshore flow: 1) modification in potential temperature and gas mixing ratio, 2) surface fluxes of sensible heat, water vapor, and trace gases using the NOAA COARE Bulk Algorithm and Gas Transfer Model, 3) vertical gradients in potential temperature and mixing ratio. The model was applied to interpret micrometeorological measurements of air-water exchange flux of HCB and several PCB congeners in Lake Superior. The IBLTE Model can be applied to any scalar, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, dimethyl sulfide, and other scalar quantities of interest with respect to hydrology, climate, and ecosystem science.
Micro-scale, two-phase flow is found in a variety of devices such as Lab-on-a-chip, bio-chips, micro-heat exchangers, and fuel cells. Knowledge of the fluid behavior near the dynamic gas-liquid interface is required for developing accurate predictive models. Light is distorted near a curved gas-liquid interface preventing accurate measurement of interfacial shape and internal liquid velocities. This research focused on the development of experimental methods designed to isolate and probe dynamic liquid films and measure velocity fields near a moving gas-liquid interface. A high-speed, reflectance, swept-field confocal (RSFC) imaging system was developed for imaging near curved surfaces. Experimental studies of dynamic gas-liquid interface of micro-scale, two-phase flow were conducted in three phases. Dynamic liquid film thicknesses of segmented, two-phase flow were measured using the RSFC and compared to a classic film thickness deposition model. Flow fields near a steadily moving meniscus were measured using RSFC and particle tracking velocimetry. The RSFC provided high speed imaging near the menisci without distortion caused the gas-liquid interface. Finally, interfacial morphology for internal two-phase flow and droplet evaporation were measured using interferograms produced by the RSFC imaging technique. Each technique can be used independently or simultaneously when.