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Turbulence affects traditional free space optical communication by causing speckle to appear in the received beam profile. This occurs due to changes in the refractive index of the atmosphere that are caused by fluctuations in temperature and pressure, resulting in an inhomogeneous medium. The Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence has been suggested as a means of mitigating these atmospheric inhomogeneities on the transmission side. This dissertation analyzed the Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence by verifying the Gaussian-Schell model in the far-field, investigated the number of independent phase control screens necessary to approach the ideal Gaussian-Schell model, and showed experimentally that the Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence is achievable in the far-field using a liquid crystal spatial light modulator. A method for optimizing the statistical properties of the Gaussian-Schell model was developed to maximize the coherence of the field while ensuring that it does not exhibit the same statistics as a fully coherent source. Finally a technique to estimate the minimum spatial resolution necessary in a spatial light modulator was developed to effectively propagate the Gaussian-Schell model through a range of atmospheric turbulence strengths. This work showed that regardless of turbulence strength or receiver aperture, transmitting the Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence instead of a fully coherent source will yield a reduction in the intensity fluctuations of the received field. By measuring the variance of the intensity fluctuations and the received mean, it is shown through the scintillation index that using the Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence is a simple and straight forward method to mitigate atmospheric turbulence instead of traditional adaptive optics in free space optical communications.


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Magmatic volatiles play a crucial role in volcanism, from magma production at depth to generation of seismic phenomena to control of eruption style. Accordingly, many models of volcano dynamics rely heavily on behavior of such volatiles. Yet measurements of emission rates of volcanic gases have historically been limited, which has restricted model verification to processes on the order of days or longer. UV cameras are a recent advancement in the field of remote sensing of volcanic SO2 emissions. They offer enhanced temporal and spatial resolution over previous measurement techniques, but need development before they can be widely adopted and achieve the promise of integration with other geophysical datasets. Large datasets require a means by which to quickly and efficiently use imagery to calculate emission rates. We present a suite of programs designed to semi-automatically determine emission rates of SO2 from series of UV images. Extraction of high temporal resolution SO2 emission rates via this software facilitates comparison of gas data to geophysical data for the purposes of evaluating models of volcanic activity and has already proven useful at several volcanoes. Integrated UV camera and seismic measurements recorded in January 2009 at Fuego volcano, Guatemala, provide new insight into the system’s shallow conduit processes. High temporal resolution SO2 data reveal patterns of SO2 emission rate relative to explosions and seismic tremor that indicate tremor and degassing share a common source process. Progressive decreases in emission rate appear to represent inhibition of gas loss from magma as a result of rheological stiffening in the upper conduit. Measurements of emission rate from two closely-spaced vents, made possible by the high spatial resolution of the camera, help constrain this model. UV camera measurements at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, in May of 2010 captured two occurrences of lava filling and draining within the summit vent. Accompanying high lava stands were diminished SO2 emission rates, decreased seismic and infrasonic tremor, minor deflation, and slowed lava lake surface velocity. Incorporation of UV camera data into the multi-parameter dataset gives credence to the likelihood of shallow gas accumulation as the cause of such events.


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This research is about producing recombinant Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase Cel7B by using Kluyveromyces lactis, transformed with chromosomally integrated Cel7B cDNA, as a host cell (K. lactis Cel7B). Cel7B is one of the glycoside hydrolyze family of proteins that are produced by T. reesei. Cel7B together with other endoglucanases, exoglucanases, and â-glucosidases hydrolyze cellulose to glucose, which can then be fermented to biofuels or other value-added products. The research objective of this MS project is to examine favorable fermentation conditions for recombinant Cel7B enzyme production and improved activity. Production of enzyme on different types of media was examined, and the activity of the enzyme was measured by using different tools or procedures. The first condition tested for was using different concentrations of galactose as a carbon and energy source; however galactose also acts as a potent promoter of recombinant Cel7B expression in K. lactis Cel7B. The purpose of this method is to determine the relationship between production of enzyme with increasing sugar concentration. The second culture condition test was using different types of media: a complex medium-yeast extract, peptone, galactose (YPGal); a minimal medium-yeast nitrogen base (YNB) with galactose; and a minimal medium with supplement-yeast nitrogen base with casamino acid (YBC), a nitrogen source, with galactose. The third condition was using different types of reactors or fermenters: a small reactor (shake flask) and a larger automated bioreactor (BioFlo 3000 fermenter). The purpose of this method is to determine the quantity of the protein produced by using different environments of production. Different tools to determine the presence and activity of Cel7B enzyme were used. For the presence of enzyme, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used. Secondly, to detect enzyme activity, the carboxymethyl cellulose- 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (CMC- DNS) assay was employed. SDS-PAGE showed that the enzyme band was at 67 kDa, which is larger than native Cel7B (52 kDa.), likely due to over glycolylation during post-translational processing in K. lactis. For the different types of media used in our fermentation, recombinant Cel7B was produced from yeast extract peptone galactose (YPGal), and yeast nitrogen base with casamino acid (YBC), but was not produced and no activity was detected from yeast nitrogen base (YNB). This experiment concluded that the Cel7B production requires the amino acid resources as part of fermentation medium. In experiments where recombinant Cel7B net activity was measured at 1% galactose initial concentration in YPGal and YBC media, higher enzyme activity was detected for the complex medium YPGal. Higher activity of recombinant Cel7B was detected for flask culture in 2% galactose compared to 1% galactose for YBC medium. Two bioreactor experiments were conducted under these culture conditions at 30°C, pH 7.0, dissolved oxygen of 50% of saturation, and 250 rpm agitation (variable depending on DO control) K. lactis-Cel7B yeast growth curves were quite reproducible with maximum optical density (O.D) at 600 nm of between 7 and 8 (when factoring dilution of 10:1). Galactose was consumed rapidly during the first 15 hours of bioreactor culture and recombinant Cel7B started to appear in the culture at 10-15 hours and increased thereafter up to a maximum of between 0.9 and 1.6 mg/mL/hr in these experiments. These bioreactor enzyme activity results are much higher than comparable experiments conducted with flask-scale culture (0.5 mg/mL/hr). In order to achieve the highest recombinant Cel7B activity from batch culture of K. lactis-Cel7B, based on this research it is best to use a complex medium, 2% initial galactose concentration, and an automated bioreactor where good control of temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen can be achieved.