9 resultados para Significant Impact Loading

em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech


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This research is a study of the use of capital budgeting methods for investment decisions. It uses both the traditional methods and the newly introduced approach called the real options analysis to make a decision. The research elucidates how capital budgeting can be done when analysts encounter projects with high uncertainty and are capital intensive, for example oil and gas production. It then uses the oil and gas find in Ghana as a case study to support its argument. For a clear understanding a thorough literature review was done, which highlights the advantages and disadvantages of both methods. The revenue that the project will generate and the costs of production were obtained from the predictions by analysts from GNPC and compared to others experts’ opinion. It then applied both the traditional and real option valuation on the oil and gas find in Ghana to determine the project’s feasibility. Although, there are some short falls in real option analysis that are presented in this research, it is still helpful in valuing projects that are capital intensive with high volatility due to the strategic flexibility management possess in their decision making. It also suggests that traditional methods of evaluation should still be maintained and be used to value projects that have no options or those with options yet the options do not have significant impact on the project. The research points out the economic ripples the production of oil and gas will have on Ghana’s economy should the project be undertaken. These ripples include economic growth, massive job creation and reduction of the balance of trade deficit for the country. The long run effect is an eventually improvement of life of the citizens. It is also belief that the production of gas specifically can be used to generate electricity in Ghana which would enable the country to have a more stable and reliable power source necessary to attract more foreign direct investment.


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This study developed a transport climatology to the PICO-NARE station, in the central North Atlantic Ocean, using a 40-year set of atmospheric back trajectories. The trajectory set was subjected to a cluster analysis in order to group trajectories into six flow patterns, or clusters. An air flow probability analysis was conducted in conjunction with the cluster analysis in order to determine the source regions for flow to the site. Seasonal differences in the flow patterns were found, which included enhanced westerly flow in the winter, decreased westerly flow in the summer, and spring and fall having moderate westerly flow. The North Atlantic Oscillation had a significant impact on the winter and fall seasons and less significant impacts during spring and summer. The results of the climatology can be used in conjunction with measurements of ozone, CO, NOx, and NOy, which are currently being measured at the site, to develop a long-term, seasonal climatology of transport of pollutants to the central North Atlantic.


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Studies are suggesting that hurricane hazard patterns (e.g. intensity and frequency) may change as a consequence of the changing global climate. As hurricane patterns change, it can be expected that hurricane damage risks and costs may change as a result. This indicates the necessity to develop hurricane risk assessment models that are capable of accounting for changing hurricane hazard patterns, and develop hurricane mitigation and climatic adaptation strategies. This thesis proposes a comprehensive hurricane risk assessment and mitigation strategies that account for a changing global climate and that has the ability of being adapted to various types of infrastructure including residential buildings and power distribution poles. The framework includes hurricane wind field models, hurricane surge height models and hurricane vulnerability models to estimate damage risks due to hurricane wind speed, hurricane frequency, and hurricane-induced storm surge and accounts for the timedependant properties of these parameters as a result of climate change. The research then implements median insured house values, discount rates, housing inventory, etc. to estimate hurricane damage costs to residential construction. The framework was also adapted to timber distribution poles to assess the impacts climate change may have on timber distribution pole failure. This research finds that climate change may have a significant impact on the hurricane damage risks and damage costs of residential construction and timber distribution poles. In an effort to reduce damage costs, this research develops mitigation/adaptation strategies for residential construction and timber distribution poles. The costeffectiveness of these adaptation/mitigation strategies are evaluated through the use of a Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis. In addition, a scenario-based analysis of mitigation strategies for timber distribution poles is included. For both residential construction and timber distribution poles, adaptation/mitigation measures were found to reduce damage costs. Finally, the research develops the Coastal Community Social Vulnerability Index (CCSVI) to include the social vulnerability of a region to hurricane hazards within this hurricane risk assessment. This index quantifies the social vulnerability of a region, by combining various social characteristics of a region with time-dependant parameters of hurricanes (i.e. hurricane wind and hurricane-induced storm surge). Climate change was found to have an impact on the CCSVI (i.e. climate change may have an impact on the social vulnerability of hurricane-prone regions).


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Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) aims at utilizing spectral opportunities both in time and frequency domains at any given location, which arise due to variations in spectrum usage. Recently, Cognitive radios (CRs) have been proposed as a means of implementing DSA. In this work we focus on the aspect of resource management in overlaid CRNs. We formulate resource allocation strategies for cognitive radio networks (CRNs) as mathematical optimization problems. Specifically, we focus on two key problems in resource management: Sum Rate Maximization and Maximization of Number of Admitted Users. Since both the above mentioned problems are NP hard due to presence of binary assignment variables, we propose novel graph based algorithms to optimally solve these problems. Further, we analyze the impact of location awareness on network performance of CRNs by considering three cases: Full location Aware, Partial location Aware and Non location Aware. Our results clearly show that location awareness has significant impact on performance of overlaid CRNs and leads to increase in spectrum utilization effciency.


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Drawing on theories of technical communication, rhetoric, literacy, language and culture, and medical anthropology, this dissertation explores how local culture and traditions can be incorporated into health-risk-communication-program design and implementation, including the design and dissemination of health-risk messages. In a modern world with increasing global economic partnerships, mounting health and environmental risks, and cross-cultural collaborations, those who interact with people of different cultures have “a moral obligation to take those cultures seriously, including their social organization and values” (Hahn and Inhorn 10). Paradoxically, at the same time as we must carefully adapt health, safety, and environmental-risk messages to diverse cultures and populations, we must also recognize the increasing extent to which we are all becoming part of one, vast, interrelated global village. This, too, has a significant impact on the ways in which healthcare plans should be designed, communicated, and implemented. Because communicating across diverse cultures requires a system for “bridging the gap between individual differences and negotiating individual realities” (Kim and Gudykunst 50), both administrators and beneficiaries of malaria-treatment-and-control programs (MTCPs) in Liberia were targeted to participate in this study. A total of 105 people participated in this study: 21 MTCP administrators (including designers and implementers) completed survey questionnaires on program design, implementation, and outcomes; and 84 MTCP beneficiaries (e.g., traditional leaders and young adults) were interviewed about their knowledge of malaria and methods for communicating health risks in their tribe or culture. All participants showed a tremendous sense of courage, commitment, resilience, and pragmatism, especially in light of the fact that many of them live and work under dire socioeconomic conditions (e.g., no electricity and poor communication networks). Although many MTCP beneficiaries interviewed for this study had bed nets in their homes, a majority (46.34 percent) used a combination of traditional herbal medicine and Western medicine to treat malaria. MTCP administrators who participated in this study rated the impacts of their programs on reducing malaria in Liberia as moderately successful (61.90 percent) or greatly successful (38.10 percent), and they offered a variety of insights on what they might do differently in the future to incorporate local culture and traditions into program design and implementation. Participating MTCP administrators and beneficiaries differed in their understanding of what “cultural incorporation” meant, but they agreed that using local indigenous languages to communicate health-risk messages was essential for effective health-risk communication. They also suggested that understanding the literacy practices and linguistic cultures of the local people is essential to communicating health risks across diverse cultures and populations.


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The objective of this doctoral research is to investigate the internal frost damage due to crystallization pore pressure in porous cement-based materials by developing computational and experimental characterization tools. As an essential component of the U.S. infrastructure system, the durability of concrete has significant impact on maintenance costs. In cold climates, freeze-thaw damage is a major issue affecting the durability of concrete. The deleterious effects of the freeze-thaw cycle depend on the microscale characteristics of concrete such as the pore sizes and the pore distribution, as well as the environmental conditions. Recent theories attribute internal frost damage of concrete is caused by crystallization pore pressure in the cold environment. The pore structures have significant impact on freeze-thaw durability of cement/concrete samples. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) techniques were applied to characterize freeze-thaw damage within pore structure. In the microscale pore system, the crystallization pressures at sub-cooling temperatures were calculated using interface energy balance with thermodynamic analysis. The multi-phase Extended Finite Element Modeling (XFEM) and bilinear Cohesive Zone Modeling (CZM) were developed to simulate the internal frost damage of heterogeneous cement-based material samples. The fracture simulation with these two techniques were validated by comparing the predicted fracture behavior with the captured damage from compact tension (CT) and single-edge notched beam (SEB) bending tests. The study applied the developed computational tools to simulate the internal frost damage caused by ice crystallization with the two dimensional (2-D) SEM and three dimensional (3-D) reconstructed SEM and TXM digital samples. The pore pressure calculated from thermodynamic analysis was input for model simulation. The 2-D and 3-D bilinear CZM predicted the crack initiation and propagation within cement paste microstructure. The favorably predicted crack paths in concrete/cement samples indicate the developed bilinear CZM techniques have the ability to capture crack nucleation and propagation in cement-based material samples with multiphase and associated interface. By comparing the computational prediction with the actual damaged samples, it also indicates that the ice crystallization pressure is the main mechanism for the internal frost damage in cementitious materials.


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Emerging nanogenerators have attracted the attention of the research community, focusing on energy generation using piezoelectric nanomaterials. Nanogenerators can be utilized for powering NEMS/MEMS devices. Understanding the piezoelectric properties of ZnO one-dimensional materials such as ZnO nanobelts (NBs) and Nanowires (NWs) can have a significant impact on the design of new devices. The goal of this dissertation is to study the piezoelectric properties of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures both experimentally and theoretically. First, the experimental procedure for producing the ZnO nanostructures is discussed. The produced ZnO nanostructures were characterized using an in-situ atomic force microscope and a piezoelectric force microscope. It is shown that the electrical conductivity of ZnO NBs is a function of applied mechanical force and its crystalline structure. This phenomenon was described in the context of formation of an electric field due to the piezoelectric property of ZnO NBs. In the PFM studies, it was shown that the piezoelectric response of the ZnO NBs depends on their production method and presence of defects in the NB. Second, a model was proposed for making nanocomposite electrical generators based on ZnO nanowires. The proposed model has advantages over the original configuration of nanogenerators which uses an AFM tip for bending the ZnO NWs. Higher stability of the electric source, capability for producing larger electric fields, and lower production costs are advantages of this configuration. Finally, piezoelectric properties of ZnO NBs were simulated using the molecular dynamics (MD) technique. The size-scale effect on piezoelectric properties of ZnO NBs was captured, and it is shown that the piezoelectric coefficient of ZnO NBs decreases by increasing their lateral dimensions. This phenomenon is attributed to the surface charge redistribution and compression of unit cells that are placed on the outer shell of ZnO NBs.


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Wood formation is an economically and environmentally important process and has played a significant role in the evolution of terrestrial plants. Despite its significance, the molecular underpinnings of the process are still poorly understood. We have previously shown that four Lateral Boundary Domain (LBD) transcription factors have important roles in the regulation of wood formation with two (LBD1 and LBD4) involved in secondary phloem and ray cell development and two (LBD15 and LBD18) in secondary xylem formation. Here, we used comparative phylogenetic analyses to test potential roles of the four LBD genes in the evolution of woodiness. We studied the copy number and variation in DNA and amino acid sequences of the four LBDs in a wide range of woody and herbaceous plant taxa with fully sequenced and annotated genomes. LBD1 showed the highest gene copy number across the studied species, and LBD1 gene copy number was strongly and significantly correlated with the level of ray seriation. The lianas, cucumber and grape, with multiseriate ray cells showed the highest gene copy number (12 and 11, respectively). Because lianas’ growth habit requires significant twisting and bending, the less lignified ray parenchyma cells likely facilitate stem flexibility and maintenance of xylem conductivity. We further demonstrate conservation of amino acids in the LBD18 protein sequences that are specific to woody taxa. Neutrality tests showed evidence for strong purifying selection on these gene regions across various orders, indicating adaptive convergent evolution of LBD18. Structural modeling demonstrates that the conserved amino acids have a significant impact on the tertiary protein structure and thus are likely of significant functional importance.


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Iron ore is one of the most important ores in the world. Over the past century, most mining of iron ore has been focused on magnetite (Fe3O4). As the name suggests, magnetite is magnetic in nature and is easily separated from gangue (unwanted) minerals through magnetic separation processes. Unfortunately, the magnetite ore bodies are diminishing. Because of this, there has been a recent drive to pursue technology that can economically separate hematite (Fe2O3) from its gangue minerals as hematite is a much more abundant source of iron. Most hematite ore has a very small liberation size that is frequently less than 25μm. Beneficiation of any ore with this fine of a liberation size requires advanced processing methods and is seldom pursued. A single process, known as selective flocculation and dispersion, has been successfully implemented at a plant scale for the beneficiation of fine liberation size hematite ore. Very little is known about this process as it was discovered by the U.S. Bureau of Mines by accident. The process is driven by water chemistry and surface chemistry modifications that enhance the separation of the hematite from its gangue minerals. This dissertation focuses on the role of water chemistry and process reagents in this hematite beneficiation process. It has been shown that certain ions, including calcium and magnesium, play a significant role in the process. These ions have a significant effect on the surface chemistry as reported by zeta potential studies. It was shown that magnesium ions within the process water have a more significant impact on surface chemistry than calcium ions due to steric hindrance effects at the hematite surface. It has also been shown that polyacrylic acid dispersants, if used in the process, can increase product quality (increase iron content, decrease phosphorus content, decrease silica content) substantially. Water, surface and reagent chemistry experiments were performed at a laboratory, pilot, and full plant scale during the course of this work. Many of the conclusions developed in the laboratory and pilot scale were found to be true at the full plant scale as well. These studies are the first published in history to develop theories of water chemistry and surface chemistry interactions at a full plant scale.