4 resultados para Planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability

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This doctoral thesis presents the computational work and synthesis with experiments for internal (tube and channel geometries) as well as external (flow of a pure vapor over a horizontal plate) condensing flows. The computational work obtains accurate numerical simulations of the full two dimensional governing equations for steady and unsteady condensing flows in gravity/0g environments. This doctoral work investigates flow features, flow regimes, attainability issues, stability issues, and responses to boundary fluctuations for condensing flows in different flow situations. This research finds new features of unsteady solutions of condensing flows; reveals interesting differences in gravity and shear driven situations; and discovers novel boundary condition sensitivities of shear driven internal condensing flows. Synthesis of computational and experimental results presented here for gravity driven in-tube flows lays framework for the future two-phase component analysis in any thermal system. It is shown for both gravity and shear driven internal condensing flows that steady governing equations have unique solutions for given inlet pressure, given inlet vapor mass flow rate, and fixed cooling method for condensing surface. But unsteady equations of shear driven internal condensing flows can yield different “quasi-steady” solutions based on different specifications of exit pressure (equivalently exit mass flow rate) concurrent to the inlet pressure specification. This thesis presents a novel categorization of internal condensing flows based on their sensitivity to concurrently applied boundary (inlet and exit) conditions. The computational investigations of an external shear driven flow of vapor condensing over a horizontal plate show limits of applicability of the analytical solution. Simulations for this external condensing flow discuss its stability issues and throw light on flow regime transitions because of ever-present bottom wall vibrations. It is identified that laminar to turbulent transition for these flows can get affected by ever present bottom wall vibrations. Detailed investigations of dynamic stability analysis of this shear driven external condensing flow result in the introduction of a new variable, which characterizes the ratio of strength of the underlying stabilizing attractor to that of destabilizing vibrations. Besides development of CFD tools and computational algorithms, direct application of research done for this thesis is in effective prediction and design of two-phase components in thermal systems used in different applications. Some of the important internal condensing flow results about sensitivities to boundary fluctuations are also expected to be applicable to flow boiling phenomenon. Novel flow sensitivities discovered through this research, if employed effectively after system level analysis, will result in the development of better control strategies in ground and space based two-phase thermal systems.


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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) obtained much attention because of their unusual structures and properties as well as their potential applications. This dissertation research was focused on (1) the effects of synthesis conditions on the structures of MOFs, (2) the thermal stability of MOFs, (3) pressure-induced amorphization, and (4) the effect of high-valent ions on the structure of a MOF. This research demonstrated that the crystal structure of MOF-5 could be controlled by drying solvents. If the vacuum solvent is dimethylformamide (DMF), the crystal structure of MOF-5 is tetragonal. In contrast, if the DMF is displaced by CH2Cl2 before the vacuum, the obtained MOF-5 occupies a cubic structure. Furthermore, it was found that the tetragonal MOF-5 exhibited a mediate surface area (300-1000 m2/g). The surface area of tetragonal MOF-5 is also dependent on Zn(NO3)2/H2BDC (H2BDC: terephthalic acid) molar ratios used for its synthesis. The optimum ratio is 1.38, at which synthesized tetragonal MOF-5 exhibits the highest crystallinity and surface area (1297 m2/g). The thermal stability and decomposition of MOF-5 were systematically investigated. The thermal decomposition of cubic and tetragonal MOF-5s resulted in the same products: CO2, benzene, amorphous carbon, and crystal ZnO. The thermal decomposition is due to breaking carboxylic bridges between benzene rings and Zn4O clusters. Identifying structural relationships between crystalline and noncrystalline states is of fundamental interest in materials research. Currently, amorphization of solid materials at ambient temperature requires an ultra-high pressure (several GPa). However, this research demonstrated that MOF-5 and IRMOF-8 can be irreversibly amorphized at ambient temperature by employing a low compressing pressure of 3.5 MPa, which is 100 times lower than that required for amorphization of other solids. Furthermore, the pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) of MOFs is strongly dependent on the changeability of bond angles. If the geometric structure of a MOF can allow bond angles to be changed without breaking bonds, it can easily be amorphized by compression. This can explain why MOF-5 and IRMOF-8 can easily be amorphized via compression than Cu-BTC. It is generally recognized that zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) occupy much higher stability than other types of MOFs. The representative of ZIFs is Zn(2-methylimidazole)2 (ZIF-8) exhibiting high-decomposition temperature and high chemical resistance to various solvents. However, so far, it is still unknown whether the high stability of ZIF-8 can be challenged by ions, which is important for its modification by doping ions. In this research, we performed aqueous salt solution treatment on ZIF-8, and the results showed that anions (Cl¯ and NO3¯) in a solution exhibited no effect on the crystal structure of ZIF-8. However, the effect of cations (in a solution) on structure of ZIF-8 strongly depends on the cation valences. The univalent metal cations showed no effect on the structure of ZIF-8, whereas the bivalent or higher-valent metal cations caused the collapse of ZIF-8 crystal structure. Therefore, structure stability of ZIF-8 is considered when it is subjected to the application, in which high-valent metal cations are involved.


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The production by biosynthesis of optically active amino acids and amines satisfies the pharmaceutical industry in its demand for chiral building blocks for the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals. Among several enzymatic methods that allow the synthesis of optically active aminoacids and amines, the use of minotransferase is a promising one due to its broad substrate specificity and no requirement for external cofactor regeneration. The synthesis of chiral compounds by aminotransferases can be done either by asymmetric synthesis starting from keto acids or ketones, and by kinetic resolution starting from racemic aminoacids or amines. The asymmetric synthesis of substituted (S)-aminotetralin, an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), has shown to have two major factors that contribute to increasing the cost of production. These factors are the raw material cost of biocatalyst used to produce it and product loss during biocatalyst separation. To minimize the cost contribution of biocatalyst and to minimize the loss of product, two routes have been chosen in this research: 1. To engineer the aminotransferase biocatalyst to have greater specific activity, and 2. Improve the engineering of the process by immobilization of biocatalyst in calcium alginate and addition of cosolvents. An (S)-aminotransferase (Mutant CNB03-03) was immobilized, not as purified enzyme but as enzyme within spray dried cells, in calcium alginate beads and used to produce substituted (S)-aminotetralin at 50 °C and pH 7 in experiments where the immobilized biocatalyst was recycled. Initial rate of reaction for cycle 1 (6 hr duration) was determined to be 0.258 mM/min, for cycle 2 (20 hr duration) it decreased by ~50% compared to cycle 1, and for cycle 3 (20 hr duration) it decreased by ~90% compared to cycle 1 (immobilized preparation consisted of 50 mg of spray dried cells per gram of calcium alginate). Conversion to product for each cycle decreased as well, from 100% in cycle 1 (About 50 mM), 80% in cycle 2, and 30% after cycle 3. This mutant was determined to be deactivated at elevated temperatures during the reaction cycle and was not stable enough to allow multiple cycles in its immobilized form. A new mutant aminotransferase was isolated by applying error-prone polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on the gene coding for this enzyme and screening/selection: CNB04-01. This mutant showed a significant improvement in thermostability in comparison to CNB03-03. The new mutant was immobilized and tested under similar reaction conditions. Initial rate remained fairly constant (0.2 mM/min) over four cycles (each cycle with a duration of about 20 hours) with the mutant retaining almost 80% of initial rate in the fourth cycle. The final product concentrations after each cycle did not decrease during recycle experiments. Thermostability of CNB04-01 was much improved compared to CNB03-03. Under the same reaction conditions as stated above, the addition of co-solvents was studied in order to increase substituted tetralone solubility. Toluene and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) were used. SDS at 0.01% (w/v) allowed four recycles of the immobilized spray dried cells of CNB04-01, always reaching higher product concentration (80-85 mM) than the system with toluene at 3% (v/v) -70 mM-. The long term activity of immobilized CNB04-01 in a system with SDS 0.01% (w/v) at 50 °C, pH 7 was retained for three cycles (20 to 24 hours each one), reaching always final product concentration between 80-85 mM, but dropping precipitously in the fourth cycle to a final product concentration of 50 mM. Although significant improvement of immobilization on productivity and stability were observed using CNB04-01, another observation demonstrated the limitations of an immobilization strategy on reducing process costs. After analyzing the results of this experiment it was seen that a sudden drop occurred on final product concentration after the third recycle. This was due to product accumulation inside the immobilized preparation. In order to improve the economics of the process, research was focused on developing a free enzyme with an even higher activity, thus reducing raw material cost as well as improving biomass separation. A new enzyme was obtained (CNB05-01) using error-prone PCR and screening using as a template the gene derived from the previous improved enzyme. This mutant was determined to have 1.6 times the initial rate of CNB04-01 and had a higher temperature optimum (55°). This new enzyme would allow reducing enzyme loading in the reaction by five-fold compared to CNB03-03, when using it at concentration of one gram of spray dried cells per liter (completing the reaction after 20-24 hours). Also this mutant would allow reducing process time to 7-8 hours when used at a concentration of 5 grams of spray dried cells per liter compared to 24 hours for CNB03-03, assuming that the observations shown before are scalable. It could be possible to improve the economics of the process by either reducing enzyme concentration or reducing process time, since the production cost of the desired product is primarily a function of both enzyme concentration and process time.


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Global warming issue becomes more significant to human beings and other organisms on the earth. Among many greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) has the largest contribution to global warming. To find an effective way to utilize the greenhouse gas is urgent. It is the best way to convert CO2 to useful compounds. CO2 reforming of methane is an attractive process to convert CO2 and methane into synthesis gas (CO/H2), which can be used as a feedstock for gasoline, methanol, and other hydrocarbons. Nickel and cobalt were found to have good activity for CO2 reforming. However, they have a poor stability due to carbon deposition. This research developed efficient Ni-Co solid solution catalysts with excellent activities and high stability for CO2 reforming of methane. First, the structure of binary oxide solid solution of nickel and cobalt was investigated. It was found that while the calcination of Ni(NO3)2 and Co(NO3)2 mixture with 1:1 molar ratio at a high temperature above 800 oC generated NiO-CoO solid solution, only Ni3O4-Co3O4 solid solution was observed after the calcination at a low temperature of 500 oC. Furthermore, if the calcination was carried out at a medium temperature arranged from 600 to 700 oC, both NiO-CoO and Ni3O4-Co3O4 solid solutions can be formed. This occurred because Co3O4 can induce the formation of Ni3O4, whereas NiO can stabilize CoO. In addition, the lattice parameter of Ni3O4, which was predicted by using Vegard’s Law, is 8.2054 Å. As a very important part of this dissertation, Ni-Co solid solution was evaluated as catalysts for CO2 reforming of methane. It was revealed that nickel-cobalt solid solution showed excellent catalytic performance and high stability for CO2 reforming of methane. However, the stability of Ni-Co solid solution catalysts is strongly dependent on their composition and preparation condition. The optimum composition is 50%Ni-50%Co. Furthermore, the structure of Ni-Co catalysts was characterized by XRD, Vvis, TPR, TPD, BET, AES, TEM, XANES and EXAFS. The relationship between the structure and the catalytic performance was established: (1) The reduced NiO-CoO solid solution possesses better catalytic performance and stability than the reduced Ni3O4-Co3O4 solid solution. (2) Ni is richer on surface in Ni-Co catalysts. And (3) the reduction of Ni-Co-O solid solution generated two types of particles, small and large particles. The small ones are dispersed on large ones as catalytic component.