10 resultados para Passive heating

em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech


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A 2007 Cummins ISL 8.9L direct-injection common rail diesel engine rated at 272 kW (365 hp) and 317 kW (425 hp) was used to load the filter to 2.2 g/L and passively oxidize particulate matter (PM) within an aftertreatment system consisting of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and catalyzed particulate filter (CPF). The tests conducted with the engine rated at 365 hp used a 2007 DOC and CPF. The tests conducted with the engine rated at 425 hp used a 2010 DOC and 2007 CPF. Understanding the passive NO2 oxidation kinetics of PM within the CPF allows for reducing the frequency of active regenerations (hydrocarbon injection) and the associated fuel penalties. Modeling the passive oxidation of accumulated PM in the CPF will lead to creating accurate state estimation strategies. The MTU 1-D CPF model will be used to simulate data collected from this study to examine differences in the PM oxidation kinetics when soy methyl ester (SME) biodiesel is used as the source of fuel for the engine, and when the engine is operated at a higher power rating. A test procedure developed by Hutton et al. [1, 2] was modified to improve the ability to model the experimental data and provide additional insight into passively oxidized PM in a partially regenerated CPF. A test procedure was developed to allow PM oxidation rates by NO2 to be determined from engine test cell data. An experimental matrix consisting of CPF inlet temperatures from 250 to 450 °C with varying NOX/PM from 25 to 583and NO2/PM ratios from 5 to 240 was used. SME biodiesel was volumetrically blended with ULSD in 10% (B10) and 20% (B20) portions. This blended fuel was then used to evaluate the effect of biodiesel on passive oxidation rates. Four tests were performed with B10 and four tests with B20. Gathering data to determine the effect of fuel type (ULSD and biodiesel blends) on PM oxidation is the primary goal. The engine used for this testing was then configured to a higher power rating and one of the tests planned was performed. Additional testing is scheduled to take place with ULSD fuel to determine the affect the engine rating has on the PM oxidation. The experimental reaction rates during passive oxidation varied based upon the average CPF temperature, NO2 concentrations, and the NOX/PM ratios for each engine rating and with all fuels. The data analysis requires a high fidelity model that includes NO2 and thermal oxidation mechanisms and back diffusion to determine the details of the PM oxidation process.


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Experimental warming provides a method to determine how an ecosystem will respond to increased temperatures. Northern peatland ecosystems, sensitive to changing climates, provide an excellent setting for experimental warming. Storing great quantities of carbon, northern peatlands play a critical role in regulating global temperatures. Two of the most common methods of experimental warming include open top chambers (OTCs) and infrared (IR) lamps. These warming systems have been used in many ecosystems throughout the world, yet their efficacy to create a warmer environment is variable and has not been widely studied. To date, there has not been a direct, experimentally controlled comparison of OTCs and IR lamps. As a result, a factorial study was implemented to compare the warming efficacy of OTCs and IR lamps and to examine the resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) flux rates in a Lake Superior peatland. IR lamps warmed the ecosystem on average by 1-2 #°C, with the majority of warming occurring during nighttime hours. OTC's did not provide any long-term warming above control plots, which is contrary to similar OTC studies at high latitudes. By investigating diurnal heating patterns and micrometeorological variables, we were able to conclude that OTCs were not achieving strong daytime heating peaks and were often cooler than control plots during nighttime hours. Temperate day-length, cloudy and humid conditions, and latent heat loss were factors that inhibited OTC warming. There were no changes in CO2 flux between warming treatments in lawn plots. Gross ecosystem production was significantly greater in IR lamp-hummock plots, while ecosystem respiration was not affected. CH4 flux was not significantly affected by warming treatment. Minimal daytime heating differences, high ambient temperatures, decay resistant substrate, as well as other factors suppressed significant gas flux responses from warming treatments.


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The demands in production and associate costs at power generation through non renewable resources are increasing at an alarming rate. Solar energy is one of the renewable resource that has the potential to minimize this increase. Utilization of solar energy have been concentrated mainly on heating application. The use of solar energy in cooling systems in building would benefit greatly achieving the goal of non-renewable energy minimization. The approaches of solar energy heating system research done by initiation such as University of Wisconsin at Madison and building heat flow model research conducted by Oklahoma State University can be used to develop and optimize solar cooling building system. The research uses two approaches to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) software for an integrated solar absorption cooling building model, which is capable of simulating and optimizing the absorption cooling system using solar energy as the main energy source to drive the cycle. The software was then put through a number of litmus test to verify its integrity. The litmus test was conducted on various building cooling system data sets of similar applications around the world. The output obtained from the software developed were identical with established experimental results from the data sets used. Software developed by other research are catered for advanced users. The software developed by this research is not only reliable in its code integrity but also through its integrated approach which is catered for new entry users. Hence, this dissertation aims to correctly model a complete building with the absorption cooling system in appropriate climate as a cost effective alternative to conventional vapor compression system.


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Heat transfer is considered as one of the most critical issues for design and implement of large-scale microwave heating systems, in which improvement of the microwave absorption of materials and suppression of uneven temperature distribution are the two main objectives. The present work focuses on the analysis of heat transfer in microwave heating for achieving highly efficient microwave assisted steelmaking through the investigations on the following aspects: (1) characterization of microwave dissipation using the derived equations, (2) quantification of magnetic loss, (3) determination of microwave absorption properties of materials, (4) modeling of microwave propagation, (5) simulation of heat transfer, and (6) improvement of microwave absorption and heating uniformity. Microwave heating is attributed to the heat generation in materials, which depends on the microwave dissipation. To theoretically characterize microwave heating, simplified equations for determining the transverse electromagnetic mode (TEM) power penetration depth, microwave field attenuation length, and half-power depth of microwaves in materials having both magnetic and dielectric responses were derived. It was followed by developing a simplified equation for quantifying magnetic loss in materials under microwave irradiation to demonstrate the importance of magnetic loss in microwave heating. The permittivity and permeability measurements of various materials, namely, hematite, magnetite concentrate, wüstite, and coal were performed. Microwave loss calculations for these materials were carried out. It is suggested that magnetic loss can play a major role in the heating of magnetic dielectrics. Microwave propagation in various media was predicted using the finite-difference time-domain method. For lossy magnetic dielectrics, the dissipation of microwaves in the medium is ascribed to the decay of both electric and magnetic fields. The heat transfer process in microwave heating of magnetite, which is a typical magnetic dielectric, was simulated by using an explicit finite-difference approach. It is demonstrated that the heat generation due to microwave irradiation dominates the initial temperature rise in the heating and the heat radiation heavily affects the temperature distribution, giving rise to a hot spot in the predicted temperature profile. Microwave heating at 915 MHz exhibits better heating homogeneity than that at 2450 MHz due to larger microwave penetration depth. To minimize/avoid temperature nonuniformity during microwave heating the optimization of object dimension should be considered. The calculated reflection loss over the temperature range of heating is found to be useful for obtaining a rapid optimization of absorber dimension, which increases microwave absorption and achieves relatively uniform heating. To further improve the heating effectiveness, a function for evaluating absorber impedance matching in microwave heating was proposed. It is found that the maximum absorption is associated with perfect impedance matching, which can be achieved by either selecting a reasonable sample dimension or modifying the microwave parameters of the sample.


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Skeletal muscle force evaluation is difficult to implement in a clinical setting. Muscle force is typically assessed through either manual muscle testing, isokinetic/isometric dynamometry, or electromyography (EMG). Manual muscle testing is a subjective evaluation of a patient’s ability to move voluntarily against gravity and to resist force applied by an examiner. Muscle testing using dynamometers adds accuracy by quantifying functional mechanical output of a limb. However, like manual muscle testing, dynamometry only provides estimates of the joint moment. EMG quantifies neuromuscular activation signals of individual muscles, and is used to infer muscle function. Despite the abundance of work performed to determine the degree to which EMG signals and muscle forces are related, the basic problem remains that EMG cannot provide a quantitative measurement of muscle force. Intramuscular pressure (IMP), the pressure applied by muscle fibers on interstitial fluid, has been considered as a correlate for muscle force. Numerous studies have shown that an approximately linear relationship exists between IMP and muscle force. A microsensor has recently been developed that is accurate, biocompatible, and appropriately sized for clinical use. While muscle force and pressure have been shown to be correlates, IMP has been shown to be non-uniform within the muscle. As it would not be practicable to experimentally evaluate how IMP is distributed, computational modeling may provide the means to fully evaluate IMP generation in muscles of various shapes and operating conditions. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on the development and validation of computational models of passive skeletal muscle and the evaluation of their performance for prediction of IMP. A transversly isotropic, hyperelastic, and nearly incompressible model will be evaluated along with a poroelastic model.


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Infrared thermography is a well-recognized non-destructive testing technique for evaluating concrete bridge elements such as bridge decks and piers. However, overcoming some obstacles and limitations are necessary to be able to add this invaluable technique to the bridge inspector's tool box. Infrared thermography is based on collecting radiant temperature and presenting the results as a thermal infrared image. Two methods considered in conducting an infrared thermography test include passive and active. The source of heat is the main difference between these two approaches of infrared thermography testing. Solar energy and ambient temperature change are the main heat sources in conducting a passive infrared thermography test, while active infrared thermography involves generating a temperature gradient using an external source of heat other than sun. Passive infrared thermography testing was conducted on three concrete bridge decks in Michigan. Ground truth information was gathered through coring several locations on each bridge deck to validate the results obtained from the passive infrared thermography test. Challenges associated with data collection and processing using passive infrared thermography are discussed and provide additional evidence to confirm that passive infrared thermography is a promising remote sensing tool for bridge inspections. To improve the capabilities of the infrared thermography technique for evaluation of the underside of bridge decks and bridge girders, an active infrared thermography technique using the surface heating method was developed in the laboratory on five concrete slabs with simulated delaminations. Results from this study demonstrated that active infrared thermography not only eliminates some limitations associated with passive infrared thermography, but also provides information regarding the depth of the delaminations. Active infrared thermography was conducted on a segment of an out-of-service prestressed box beam and cores were extracted from several locations on the beam to validate the results. This study confirms the feasibility of the application of active infrared thermography on concrete bridges and of estimating the size and depth of delaminations. From the results gathered in this dissertation, it was established that applying both passive and active thermography can provide transportation agencies with qualitative and quantitative measures for efficient maintenance and repair decision-making.


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The goal of this work is to develop a magnetic-based passive and wireless pressure sensor for use in biomedical applications. Structurally, the pressure sensor, referred to as the magneto-harmonic pressure sensor, is composed of two magnetic elements: a magnetically-soft material acts as a sensing element, and a magnetically hard material acts as a biasing element. Both elements are embedded within a rigid sensor body and sealed with an elastomer pressure membrane. Upon excitation of an externally applied AC magnetic field, the sensing element is capable of producing higher-order magnetic signature that is able to be remotely detected with an external receiving coil. When exposed to environment with changing ambient pressure, the elastomer pressure membrane of pressure sensor is deflected depending on the surrounding pressure. The deflection of elastomer membrane changes the separation distance between the sensing and biasing elements. As a result, the higher-order harmonic signal emitted by the magnetically-soft sensing element is shifted, allowing detection of pressure change by determining the extent of the harmonic shifting. The passive and wireless nature of the sensor is enabled with an external excitation and receiving system consisting of an excitation coil and a receiving coil. These unique characteristics made the sensor suitable to be used for continuous and long-term pressure monitoring, particularly useful for biomedical applications which often require frequent surveillance. In this work, abdominal aortic aneurysm is selected as the disease model for evaluation the performance of pressure sensor and system. Animal model, with subcutaneous sensor implantation in mice, was conducted to demonstrate the efficacy and feasibility of pressure sensor in biological environment.


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A microfluidic hydrogen generator is presented in this work. Its fabrication, characterization, and integration with a micro proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell are described. Hydrogen gas is generated by the hydrolysis of aqueous ammonia borane. Gas generation, as well as the circulation of ammonia borane from a rechargeable fuel reservoir, is performed without any power consumption. To achieve this, directional growth and selective venting of hydrogen gas is maintained in the microchannels, which results in the circulation of fresh reactant from the fuel reservoir. In addition to this self-circulation mechanism, the hydrogen generator has been demonstrated to self-regulate gas generation to meet demands of a connected micro fuel cell. All of this is done without parasitic power consumption from the fuel cell. Results show its feasibility in applications of high-impedance systems. Lastly, recommendations for improvements and suggestions for future work are described


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Measuring shallow seismic sources provides a way to reveal processes that cannot be directly observed, but the correct interpretation and value of these signals depend on the ability to distinguish source from propagation effects. Furthermore, seismic signals produced by a resonating source can look almost identical to those produced by impulsive sources, but modified along the path. Distinguishing these two phenomena can be accomplished by examining the wavefield with small aperture arrays or by recording seismicity near to the source when possible. We examine source and path effects in two different environments: Bering Glacier, Alaska and Villarrica Volcano, Chile. Using three 3-element seismic arrays near the terminus of the Bering Glacier, we have identified and located both terminus calving and iceberg breakup events. We show that automated array analysis provided a robust way to locate icequake events using P waves. This analysis also showed that arrivals within the long-period codas were incoherent within the small aperture arrays, demonstrating that these codas previously attributed to crack resonance were in fact a result of a complicated path rather than a source effect. At Villarrica Volcano, seismometers deployed from near the vent to ~10 km revealed that a several cycle long-period source signal recorded at the vent appeared elongated in the far-field. We used data collected from the stations nearest to the vent to invert for the repetitive seismic source, and found it corresponded to a shallow force within the lava lake oriented N75°E and dipping 7° from horizontal. We also used this repetitive signal to search the data for additional seismic and infrasonic properties which included calculating seismic-acoustic delay times, volcano acoustic-seismic ratios and energies, event frequency, and real-time seismic amplitude measurements. These calculations revealed lava lake level and activity fluctuations consistent with lava lake level changes inferred from the persistent infrasonic tremor.


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Data of the strength of Earth’s magnetic field (paleointensity) in the geological past are crucial for understanding the geodynamo. Conventional paleointensity determination methods require heating a sample to a high temperature in one or more steps. Consequently, many rocks are unsuitable for these methods due to a heating-induced experimental alteration. Alternative non-heating paleointensity methods are investigated to assess their effectiveness and reliability using both natural samples from Lemptégy Volcano, France, and synthetic samples. Paleointensity was measured from the natural and synthetic samples using the Pseudo-Thellier, ARM, REM, REMc, REM’, and Preisach methods. For the natural samples, only the Pseudo-Thellier method was able to produce a reasonable paleointensity estimate consistent with previous paleointensity data. The synthetic samples yielded more successful estimates using all the methods, with the Pseudo-Thellier and ARM methods producing the most accurate results. The Pseudo-Thellier method appears to be the best alternative to the heating-based paleointensity methods.