em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech


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Micro-scale, two-phase flow is found in a variety of devices such as Lab-on-a-chip, bio-chips, micro-heat exchangers, and fuel cells. Knowledge of the fluid behavior near the dynamic gas-liquid interface is required for developing accurate predictive models. Light is distorted near a curved gas-liquid interface preventing accurate measurement of interfacial shape and internal liquid velocities. This research focused on the development of experimental methods designed to isolate and probe dynamic liquid films and measure velocity fields near a moving gas-liquid interface. A high-speed, reflectance, swept-field confocal (RSFC) imaging system was developed for imaging near curved surfaces. Experimental studies of dynamic gas-liquid interface of micro-scale, two-phase flow were conducted in three phases. Dynamic liquid film thicknesses of segmented, two-phase flow were measured using the RSFC and compared to a classic film thickness deposition model. Flow fields near a steadily moving meniscus were measured using RSFC and particle tracking velocimetry. The RSFC provided high speed imaging near the menisci without distortion caused the gas-liquid interface. Finally, interfacial morphology for internal two-phase flow and droplet evaporation were measured using interferograms produced by the RSFC imaging technique. Each technique can be used independently or simultaneously when.


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This study develops an automated analysis tool by combining total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), an evanescent wave microscopic imaging technique to capture time-sequential images and the corresponding image processing Matlab code to identify movements of single individual particles. The developed code will enable us to examine two dimensional hindered tangential Brownian motion of nanoparticles with a sub-pixel resolution (nanoscale). The measured mean square displacements of nanoparticles are compared with theoretical predictions to estimate particle diameters and fluid viscosity using a nonlinear regression technique. These estimated values will be confirmed by the diameters and viscosities given by manufacturers to validate this analysis tool. Nano-particles used in these experiments are yellow-green polystyrene fluorescent nanospheres (200 nm, 500 nm and 1000 nm in diameter (nominal); 505 nm excitation and 515 nm emission wavelengths). Solutions used in this experiment are de-ionized (DI) water, 10% d-glucose and 10% glycerol. Mean square displacements obtained near the surface shows significant deviation from theoretical predictions which are attributed to DLVO forces in the region but it conforms to theoretical predictions after ~125 nm onwards. The proposed automation analysis tool will be powerfully employed in the bio-application fields needed for examination of single protein (DNA and/or vesicle) tracking, drug delivery, and cyto-toxicity unlike the traditional measurement techniques that require fixing the cells. Furthermore, this tool can be also usefully applied for the microfluidic areas of non-invasive thermometry, particle tracking velocimetry (PTV), and non-invasive viscometry.


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Atmospheric turbulence near the ground severely limits the quality of imagery acquired over long horizontal paths. In defense, surveillance, and border security applications, there is interest in deploying man-portable, embedded systems incorporating image reconstruction methods to compensate turbulence effects. While many image reconstruction methods have been proposed, their suitability for use in man-portable embedded systems is uncertain. To be effective, these systems must operate over significant variations in turbulence conditions while subject to other variations due to operation by novice users. Systems that meet these requirements and are otherwise designed to be immune to the factors that cause variation in performance are considered robust. In addition robustness in design, the portable nature of these systems implies a preference for systems with a minimum level of computational complexity. Speckle imaging methods have recently been proposed as being well suited for use in man-portable horizontal imagers. In this work, the robustness of speckle imaging methods is established by identifying a subset of design parameters that provide immunity to the expected variations in operating conditions while minimizing the computation time necessary for image recovery. Design parameters are selected by parametric evaluation of system performance as factors external to the system are varied. The precise control necessary for such an evaluation is made possible using image sets of turbulence degraded imagery developed using a novel technique for simulating anisoplanatic image formation over long horizontal paths. System performance is statistically evaluated over multiple reconstruction using the Mean Squared Error (MSE) to evaluate reconstruction quality. In addition to more general design parameters, the relative performance the bispectrum and the Knox-Thompson phase recovery methods is also compared. As an outcome of this work it can be concluded that speckle-imaging techniques are robust to the variation in turbulence conditions and user controlled parameters expected when operating during the day over long horizontal paths. Speckle imaging systems that incorporate 15 or more image frames and 4 estimates of the object phase per reconstruction provide up to 45% reduction in MSE and 68% reduction in the deviation. In addition, Knox-Thompson phase recover method is shown to produce images in half the time required by the bispectrum. The quality of images reconstructed using Knox-Thompson and bispectrum methods are also found to be nearly identical. Finally, it is shown that certain blind image quality metrics can be used in place of the MSE to evaluate quality in field scenarios. Using blind metrics rather depending on user estimates allows for reconstruction quality that differs from the minimum MSE by as little as 1%, significantly reducing the deviation in performance due to user action.


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While nucleation of solids in supercooled liquids is ubiquitous [15, 65, 66], surface crystallization, the tendency for freezing to begin preferentially at the liquid-gas interface, has remained puzzling [74, 18, 68, 69, 51, 64, 72, 16]. Here we employ high-speed imaging of supercooled water drops to study the phenomenon of heterogeneous surface crystallization. Our geometry avoids the "point-like contact" of prior experiments by providing a simple, symmetric contact line (triple line defined by the substrate-liquid-air interface) for a drop resting on a homogeneous silicon substrate. We examine three possible mechanisms that might explain these laboratory observations: (i) Line Tension at the triple line, (ii) Thermal Gradients within the droplets and (iii) Surface Texture. In our first study we record nearly perfect spatial uniformity in the immersed (liquid-substrate) region and, thereby, no preference for nucleation at the triple line. In our second study, no influence of thermal gradients on the preference for freezing at the triple line was observed. Motivated by the conjectured importance of line tension (τ) [1, 66] for heterogeneous nucleation, we also searched for evidence of a transition to surface crystallization at length scales on the order of δ ∼ τ/σ, where σ is the surface tension [14]; poorly constrained τ [49] leads to δ ranging from microns to nanometers. We demonstrate that nano-scale texture causes a shift in the nucleation to the three-phase contact line, while micro-scale texture does not. The possibility of a critical length scale has implications for the effectiveness of nucleation catalysts, including formation of ice in atmospheric clouds [7].


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All optical systems that operate in or through the atmosphere suffer from turbulence induced image blur. Both military and civilian surveillance, gun-sighting, and target identification systems are interested in terrestrial imaging over very long horizontal paths, but atmospheric turbulence can blur the resulting images beyond usefulness. My dissertation explores the performance of a multi-frame-blind-deconvolution technique applied under anisoplanatic conditions for both Gaussian and Poisson noise model assumptions. The technique is evaluated for use in reconstructing images of scenes corrupted by turbulence in long horizontal-path imaging scenarios and compared to other speckle imaging techniques. Performance is evaluated via the reconstruction of a common object from three sets of simulated turbulence degraded imagery representing low, moderate and severe turbulence conditions. Each set consisted of 1000 simulated, turbulence degraded images. The MSE performance of the estimator is evaluated as a function of the number of images, and the number of Zernike polynomial terms used to characterize the point spread function. I will compare the mean-square-error (MSE) performance of speckle imaging methods and a maximum-likelihood, multi-frame blind deconvolution (MFBD) method applied to long-path horizontal imaging scenarios. Both methods are used to reconstruct a scene from simulated imagery featuring anisoplanatic turbulence induced aberrations. This comparison is performed over three sets of 1000 simulated images each for low, moderate and severe turbulence-induced image degradation. The comparison shows that speckle-imaging techniques reduce the MSE 46 percent, 42 percent and 47 percent on average for low, moderate, and severe cases, respectively using 15 input frames under daytime conditions and moderate frame rates. Similarly, the MFBD method provides, 40 percent, 29 percent, and 36 percent improvements in MSE on average under the same conditions. The comparison is repeated under low light conditions (less than 100 photons per pixel) where improvements of 39 percent, 29 percent and 27 percent are available using speckle imaging methods and 25 input frames and 38 percent, 34 percent and 33 percent respectively for the MFBD method and 150 input frames. The MFBD estimator is applied to three sets of field data and the results presented. Finally, a combined Bispectrum-MFBD Hybrid estimator is proposed and investigated. This technique consistently provides a lower MSE and smaller variance in the estimate under all three simulated turbulence conditions.


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The Acoustic emission (AE) technique, as one of non-intrusive and nondestructive evaluation techniques, acquires and analyzes the signals emitting from deformation or fracture of materials/structures under service loading. The AE technique has been successfully applied in damage detection in various materials such as metal, alloy, concrete, polymers and other composite materials. In this study, the AE technique was used for detecting crack behavior within concrete specimens under mechanical and environmental frost loadings. The instrumentations of the AE system used in this study include a low-frequency AE sensor, a computer-based data acquisition device and a preamplifier linking the AE sensor and the data acquisition device. The AE system purchased from Mistras Group was used in this study. The AE technique was applied to detect damage with the following laboratory tests: the pencil lead test, the mechanical three-point single-edge notched beam bending (SEB) test, and the freeze-thaw damage test. Firstly, the pencil lead test was conducted to verify the attenuation phenomenon of AE signals through concrete materials. The value of attenuation was also quantified. Also, the obtained signals indicated that this AE system was properly setup to detect damage in concrete. Secondly, the SEB test with lab-prepared concrete beam was conducted by employing Mechanical Testing System (MTS) and AE system. The cumulative AE events and the measured loading curves, which both used the crack-tip open displacement (CTOD) as the horizontal coordinate, were plotted. It was found that the detected AE events were qualitatively correlated with the global force-displacement behavior of the specimen. The Weibull distribution was vii proposed to quantitatively describe the rupture probability density function. The linear regression analysis was conducted to calibrate the Weibull distribution parameters with detected AE signals and to predict the rupture probability as a function of CTOD for the specimen. Finally, the controlled concrete freeze-thaw cyclic tests were designed and the AE technique was planned to investigate the internal frost damage process of concrete specimens.