5 resultados para Multi-body Dynamics
em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech
With the insatiable curiosity of human beings to explore the universe and our solar system, it is essential to benefit from larger propulsion capabilities to execute efficient transfers and carry more scientific equipment. In the field of space trajectory optimization the fundamental advances in using low-thrust propulsion and exploiting the multi-body dynamics has played pivotal role in designing efficient space mission trajectories. The former provides larger cumulative momentum change in comparison with the conventional chemical propulsion whereas the latter results in almost ballistic trajectories with negligible amount of propellant. However, the problem of space trajectory design translates into an optimal control problem which is, in general, time-consuming and very difficult to solve. Therefore, the goal of the thesis is to address the above problem by developing a methodology to simplify and facilitate the process of finding initial low-thrust trajectories in both two-body and multi-body environments. This initial solution will not only provide mission designers with a better understanding of the problem and solution but also serves as a good initial guess for high-fidelity optimal control solvers and increases their convergence rate. Almost all of the high-fidelity solvers enjoy the existence of an initial guess that already satisfies the equations of motion and some of the most important constraints. Despite the nonlinear nature of the problem, it is sought to find a robust technique for a wide range of typical low-thrust transfers with reduced computational intensity. Another important aspect of our developed methodology is the representation of low-thrust trajectories by Fourier series with which the number of design variables reduces significantly. Emphasis is given on simplifying the equations of motion to the possible extent and avoid approximating the controls. These facts contribute to speeding up the solution finding procedure. Several example applications of two and three-dimensional two-body low-thrust transfers are considered. In addition, in the multi-body dynamic, and in particular the restricted-three-body dynamic, several Earth-to-Moon low-thrust transfers are investigated.
This report presents a study on the problem of spacecraft attitude control using magnetic actuators. Several existing approaches are reviewed and one control strategy is implemented and simulated. A time-varying feedback control law achieving inertial pointing for magnetically actuated spacecraft is implemented. The report explains the modeling of the spacecraft rigid body dynamics, kinematics and attitude control in detail. Besides the fact that control laws have been established for stabilization around local equilibrium, this report presents the results of a control law that yields a generic, global solution for attitude stabilization of a magnetically actuated spacecraft. The report also involves the use MATLAB as a tool for both modeling and simulation of the spacecraft and controller. In conclusion, the simulation outlines the performance of the controller in independently stabilizing the spacecraft in three mutually perpendicular directions.
The focus of the current dissertation is to study qualitatively the underlying physics of vortex-shedding and wake dynamics in long aspect-ratio aerodynamics in incompressible viscous flow through the use of the KLE method. We carried out a long series of numerical experiments in the cases of flow around the cylinder at low Reynolds numbers. The study of flow at low Reynolds numbers provides an insight in the fluid physics and also plays a critical role when applying to stalled turbine rotors. Many of the conclusions about the qualitative nature of the physical mechanisms characterizing vortex formation, shedding and further interaction analyzed here at low Re could be extended to other Re regimes and help to understand the separation of the boundary layers in airfoils and other aerodynamic surfaces. In the long run, it aims to provide a better understanding of the complex multi-physics problems involving fluid-structure-control interaction through improved mathematical computational models of the multi-physics process. Besides the scientific conclusions produced, the research work on streamlined and bluff-body condition will also serve as a valuable guide for the future design of blade aerodynamics and the placement of wind turbines and hydrakinetic turbines, increasing the efficiency in the use of expensive workforce, supplies, and infrastructure. After the introductory section describing the main fields of application of wind power and hydrokinetic turbines, we describe the main features and theoretical background of the numerical method used here. Then, we present the analysis of the numerical experimentation results for the oscillatory regime right before the onset of vortex shedding for circular cylinders. We verified the wake length of the closed near-wake behind the cylinder and analysed the decay of the wake at the wake formation region, and then studied the St-Re relationship at the Reynolds numbers before the wake sheds compared to the experimental data. We found a theoretical model that describes the time evolution of the amplitude of fluctuations in the vorticity field on the twin vortex wake, which accurately matches the numerical results in terms of the frequency of the oscillation and rate of decay. We also proposed a model based on an analog circuit that is able to interpret the concerning flow by reducing the number of degrees of freedom. It follows the idea of the non-linear oscillator and resembles the dynamics mechanism of the closed near-wake with a common configured sine wave oscillator. This low-dimensional circuital model may also help to understand the underlying physical mechanisms, related to vorticity transport, that give origin to those oscillations.
Water-saturated debris flows are among some of the most destructive mass movements. Their complex nature presents a challenge for quantitative description and modeling. In order to improve understanding of the dynamics of these flows, it is important to seek a simplified dynamic system underlying their behavior. Models currently in use to describe the motion of debris flows employ depth-averaged equations of motion, typically assuming negligible effects from vertical acceleration. However, in many cases debris flows experience significant vertical acceleration as they move across irregular surfaces, and it has been proposed that friction associated with vertical forces and liquefaction merit inclusion in any comprehensive mechanical model. The intent of this work is to determine the effect of vertical acceleration through a series of laboratory experiments designed to simulate debris flows, testing a recent model for debris flows experimentally. In the experiments, a mass of water-saturated sediment is released suddenly from a holding container, and parameters including rate of collapse, pore-fluid pressure, and bed load are monitored. Experiments are simplified to axial geometry so that variables act solely in the vertical dimension. Steady state equations to infer motion of the moving sediment mass are not sufficient to model accurately the independent solid and fluid constituents in these experiments. The model developed in this work more accurately predicts the bed-normal stress of a saturated sediment mass in motion and illustrates the importance of acceleration and deceleration.
The development of innovative carbon-based materials can be greatly facilitated by molecular modeling techniques. Although molecular modeling has been used extensively to predict elastic properties of materials, modeling of more complex phenomenon such as fracture has only recently been possible with the development of new force fields such as ReaxFF, which is used in this work. It is not fully understood what molecular modeling parameters such as thermostat type, thermostat coupling, time step, system size, and strain rate are required for accurate modeling of fracture. Selection of modeling parameters to model fracture can be difficult and non-intuitive compared to modeling elastic properties using traditional force fields, and the errors generated by incorrect parameters may be non-obvious. These molecular modeling parameters are systematically investigated and their effects on the fracture of well-known carbon materials are analyzed. It is determined that for coupling coefficients of 250 fs and greater do not result in substantial differences in the stress-strain response of the materials using any thermostat type. A time step of 0.5 fs of smaller is required for accurate results. Strain rates greater than 2.2 ns-1 are sufficient to obtain repeatable results with slower strain rates for the materials studied. The results of this study indicate that further refinement of the Chenoweth parameter set is required to accurately predict the mechanical response of carbon-based systems. The ReaxFF has been used extensively to model systems in which bond breaking and formation occur. In particular ReaxFF has been used to model reactions of small molecules. Some elastic and fracture properties have been successfully modeled using ReaxFF in materials such as silicon and some metals. However, it is not clear if current parameterizations for ReaxFF are able to accurately reproduce the elastic and fracture properties of carbon materials. The stress-strain response of a new ReaxFF parameterization is compared to the previous parameterization and density functional theory results for well-known carbon materials. The new ReaxFF parameterization makes xv substantial improvements to the predicted mechanical response of carbon materials, and is found to be suitable for modeling the mechanical response of carbon materials. Finally, a new material composed of carbon nanotubes within an amorphous carbon (AC) matrix is modeled using the ReaxFF. Various parameters that may be experimentally controlled are investigated such as nanotube bundling, comparing multi-walled nanotube with single-walled nanotubes, and degree of functionalization of the nanotubes. Elastic and fracture properties are investigated for the composite systems and compared to results of pure-nanotube and pure-AC models. It is found that the arrangement of the nanotubes and degree of crosslinking may substantially affect the properties of the systems, particularly in the transverse directions.