6 resultados para Metal cutting process

em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech


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A novel solution to the long standing issue of chip entanglement and breakage in metal cutting is presented in this dissertation. Through this work, an attempt is made to achieve universal chip control in machining by using chip guidance and subsequent breakage by backward bending (tensile loading of the chip's rough top surface) to effectively control long continuous chips into small segments. One big limitation of using chip breaker geometries in disposable carbide inserts is that the application range is limited to a narrow band depending on cutting conditions. Even within a recommended operating range, chip breakers do not function effectively as designed due to the inherent variations of the cutting process. Moreover, for a particular process, matching the chip breaker geometry with the right cutting conditions to achieve effective chip control is a very iterative process. The existence of a large variety of proprietary chip breaker designs further exacerbates the problem of easily implementing a robust and comprehensive chip control technique. To address the need for a robust and universal chip control technique, a new method is proposed in this work. By using a single tool top form geometry coupled with a tooling system for inducing chip breaking by backward bending, the proposed method achieves comprehensive chip control over a wide range of cutting conditions. A geometry based model is developed to predict a variable edge inclination angle that guides the chip flow to a predetermined target location. Chip kinematics for the new tool geometry is examined via photographic evidence from experimental cutting trials. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to characterize the chip kinematics. Results from the chip characterization studies indicate that the chip flow and final form show a remarkable consistency across multiple levels of workpiece and tool configurations as well as cutting conditions. A new tooling system is then designed to comprehensively break the chip by backward bending. Test results with the new tooling system prove that by utilizing the chip guidance and backward bending mechanism, long continuous chips can be more consistently broken into smaller segments that are generally deemed acceptable or good chips. It is found that the proposed tool can be applied effectively over a wider range of cutting conditions than present chip breakers thus taking possibly the first step towards achieving universal chip control in machining.


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ab-initio Hartree Fock (HF), density functional theory (DFT) and hybrid potentials were employed to compute the optimized lattice parameters and elastic properties of perovskite 3-d transition metal oxides. The optimized lattice parameters and elastic properties are interdependent in these materials. An interaction is observed between the electronic charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom in 3-d transition metal oxides. The coupling between the electronic charge, spin and lattice structures originates due to localization of d-atomic orbitals. The coupling between the electronic charge, spin and crystalline lattice also contributes in the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties in perovskites. The cubic and tetragonal crystalline structures of perovskite transition metal oxides of ABO3 are studied. The electronic structure and the physics of 3-d perovskite materials is complex and less well considered. Moreover, the novelty of the electronic structure and properties of these perovskites transition metal oxides exceeds the challenge offered by their complex crystalline structures. To achieve the objective of understanding the structure and property relationship of these materials the first-principle computational method is employed. CRYSTAL09 code is employed for computing crystalline structure, elastic, ferromagnetic and other electronic properties. Second-order elastic constants (SOEC) and bulk moduli (B) are computed in an automated process by employing ELASTCON (elastic constants) and EOS (equation of state) programs in CRYSTAL09 code. ELASTCON, EOS and other computational algorithms are utilized to determine the elastic properties of tetragonal BaTiO3, rutile TiO2, cubic and tetragonal BaFeO3 and the ferromagentic properties of 3-d transition metal oxides. Multiple methods are employed to crosscheck the consistency of our computational results. Computational results have motivated us to explore the ferromagnetic properties of 3-d transition metal oxides. Billyscript and CRYSTAL09 code are employed to compute the optimized geometry of the cubic and tetragonal crystalline structure of transition metal oxides of Sc to Cu. Cubic crystalline structure is initially chosen to determine the effect of lattice strains on ferromagnetism due to the spin angular momentum of an electron. The 3-d transition metals and their oxides are challenging as the basis functions and potentials are not fully developed to address the complex physics of the transition metals. Moreover, perovskite crystalline structures are extremely challenging with respect to the quality of computations as the latter requires the well established methods. Ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of bulk, surfaces and interfaces are explored by employing CRYSTAL09 code. In our computations done on cubic TMOs of Sc-Fe it is observed that there is a coupling between the crystalline structure and FM/AFM spin polarization. Strained crystalline structures of 3-d transition metal oxides are subjected to changes in the electromagnetic and electronic properties. The electronic structure and properties of bulk, composites, surfaces of 3-d transition metal oxides are computed successfully.


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As the demand for miniature products and components continues to increase, the need for manufacturing processes to provide these products and components has also increased. To meet this need, successful macroscale processes are being scaled down and applied at the microscale. Unfortunately, many challenges have been experienced when directly scaling down macro processes. Initially, frictional effects were believed to be the largest challenge encountered. However, in recent studies it has been found that the greatest challenge encountered has been with size effects. Size effect is a broad term that largely refers to the thickness of the material being formed and how this thickness directly affects the product dimensions and manufacturability. At the microscale, the thickness becomes critical due to the reduced number of grains. When surface contact between the forming tools and the material blanks occur at the macroscale, there is enough material (hundreds of layers of material grains) across the blank thickness to compensate for material flow and the effect of grain orientation. At the microscale, there may be under 10 grains across the blank thickness. With a decreased amount of grains across the thickness, the influence of the grain size, shape and orientation is significant. Any material defects (either natural occurring or ones that occur as a result of the material preparation) have a significant role in altering the forming potential. To date, various micro metal forming and micro materials testing equipment setups have been constructed at the Michigan Tech lab. Initially, the research focus was to create a micro deep drawing setup to potentially build micro sensor encapsulation housings. The research focus shifted to micro metal materials testing equipment setups. These include the construction and testing of the following setups: a micro mechanical bulge test, a micro sheet tension test (testing micro tensile bars), a micro strain analysis (with the use of optical lithography and chemical etching) and a micro sheet hydroforming bulge test. Recently, the focus has shifted to study a micro tube hydroforming process. The intent is to target fuel cells, medical, and sensor encapsulation applications. While the tube hydroforming process is widely understood at the macroscale, the microscale process also offers some significant challenges in terms of size effects. Current work is being conducted in applying direct current to enhance micro tube hydroforming formability. Initially, adding direct current to various metal forming operations has shown some phenomenal results. The focus of current research is to determine the validity of this process.


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Silicon has long been considered as one of the most promising anode material for lithium-ion batteries. However, the poor cycle life due to stress during charge/discharge cycling has been a major concern for its practical applications. In this report, novel Si-metal nanocomposites have been explored to accommodate the stress generated in the intercalation process. Several approaches have been studied with the aim of getting uniform mixing, good mechanical stability and high Si content. Among the three approaches being investigated, Si- Galinstan nanocomposite based on electrophoretic deposition showed the best promise by achieving at least 32.3% Si theoretical weight percentage, and our in current experiments we’ve already get 13% Silicon weight percentage, which gave us an anode material 46% more capacity than the current commercial product.


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The application of photonic crystal technology on metal-oxide film is a very promising field for future optical telecommunication systems. Band gap and polarization effects in lithium niobate (LiNbO3) photonic crystals and bismuth-substituted iron garnets (BiYIG) photonic crystals are investigated in this work reported here. The design and fabrication process are similar for these two materials while the applications are different, involving Bragg filtering in lithium niobate and polarization rotation in nonreciprocal iron garnets. The research of photonic structures in LiNbO3 is of high interest for integrated device application due to its remarkable electro-optical characteristics. This work investigated the photonic band gap in high quality LiNbO3 single crystalline thin film by ion implantation to realize high efficiency narrow bandwidth filters. LiNbO3 thin film detachment by bonding is also demonstrated for optical device integration. One-dimensional Bragg BiYIG waveguides in gyrotropic system are found to have multiple stopbands and evince enhancement of polarization rotation efficiency. Previous photon trapping theory cannot explain the phenomena because of the presence of linear birefringence. This work is aimed at investigating the mechanism with the support of experiments. The results we obtained show that selective suppression of Bloch states in gyrotropic bandgaps is the key mechanism for the observed phenomena. Finally, the research of ferroelectric single crystal PMN-PT with ultra high piezoelectric coefficient as a biosensor is also reported. This work presents an investigation and results on higher sensitivity effects than conventional materials such as quartz and lithium niobate.


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A low cost electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process was successfully used for liquid metal thin film deposition with a high depositing rate of 0.6 µ/min. Furthermore, silicon nano-powder and liquid metal were then simultaneously deposited as the negative electrode of lithium-ion battery by a technology called co-EPD. The liquid metal was hoping to act as the matrix for silicon particles during lithium ion insertion and distraction. Half-cell testing was performed using as prepared co-EPD sample. An initial discharge capacity of 1500 mAh/g was reported for nano-silicon and galinstan electrode, although the capacity fading issue of these samples was also observed.