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em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech


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Roads and highways present a unique challenge to wildlife as they exhibit substantial impacts on the surrounding ecosystem through the interruption of a number of ecological processes. With new roads added to the national highway system every year, an understanding of these impacts is required for effective mitigation of potential environmental impacts. A major contributor to these negative effects is the deposition of chemicals used in winter deicing activities to nearby surface waters. These chemicals often vary in composition and may affect freshwater species differently. The negative impacts of widespread deposition of sodium chloride (NaCl) have prompted a search for an `environmentally friendly' alternative. However, little research has investigated the potential environmental effects of widespread use of these alternatives. Herein, I detail the results of laboratory tests and field surveys designed to determine the impacts of road salt (NaCl) and other chemical deicers on amphibian communities in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Using larval amphibians I demonstrate the lethal impacts of a suite of chemical deicers on this sensitive, freshwater species. Larval wood frogs (Lithobates sylvatica) were tolerant of short-term (96 hours) exposure to urea (CH4N2O), sodium chloride (NaCl), and magnesium chloride (MgCl2). However, these larvae were very sensitive to acetate products (C8H12CaMgO8, CH3COOK) and calcium chloride (CaCl2). These differences in tolerance suggest that certain deicers may be more harmful to amphibians than others. Secondly, I expanded this analysis to include an experiment designed to determine the sublethal effects of chronic exposure to environmentally realistic concentrations of NaCl on two unique amphibian species, L. sylvatica and green frogs (L. clamitans). L. sylvatica tend to breed in small, ephemeral wetlands and metamorphose within a single season. However, L. clamitans breed primarily in more permanent wetlands and often remain as tadpoles for one year or more. These species employ different life history strategies in this region which may influence their response to chronic NaCl exposure. Both species demonstrated potentially harmful effects on individual fitness. L. sylvatica larvae had a high incidence of edema suggesting the NaCl exposure was a significant physiologic stressor to these larvae. L. clamitans larvae reduced tail length during their exposure which may affect adult fitness of these individuals. In order to determine the risk local amphibians face when using these roadside pools, I conducted a survey of the spatial distribution of chloride in the three northernmost counties of Michigan. This area receives a relatively low amount of NaCl which is confined to state and federal highways. The chloride concentrations in this region were much lower than those in urban systems; however, amphibians breeding in the local area may encounter harmful chloride levels arising from temporal variations in hydroperiods. Spatial variation of chloride levels suggests the road-effect zone for amphibians may be as large as 1000 m from a salt-treated highway. Lastly, I performed an analysis of the use of specific conductance to predict chloride concentrations in natural surface water bodies. A number of studies have used this regression to predict chloride concentrations from measurements of specific conductance. This method is often chosen in the place of ion chromatography due to budget and time constraints. However, using a regression method to characterize this relationship does not result in accurate chloride ion concentration estimates.


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The seasonal appearance of a deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) in Lake Superior is a striking phenomenon that is widely observed; however its mechanisms of formation and maintenance are not well understood. As this phenomenon may be the reflection of an ecological driver, or a driver itself, a lack of understanding its driving forces limits the ability to accurately predict and manage changes in this ecosystem. Key mechanisms generally associated with DCM dynamics (i.e. ecological, physiological and physical phenomena) are examined individually and in concert to establish their role. First the prevailing paradigm, “the DCM is a great place to live”, is analyzed through an integration of the results of laboratory experiments and field measurements. The analysis indicates that growth at this depth is severely restricted and thus not able to explain the full magnitude of this phenomenon. Additional contributing mechanisms like photoadaptation, settling and grazing are reviewed with a one-dimensional mathematical model of chlorophyll and particulate organic carbon. Settling has the strongest impact on the formation and maintenance of the DCM, transporting biomass to the metalimnion and resulting in the accumulation of algae, i.e. a peak in the particulate organic carbon profile. Subsequently, shade adaptation becomes manifest as a chlorophyll maximum deeper in the water column where light conditions particularly favor the process. Shade adaptation mediates the magnitude, shape and vertical position of the chlorophyll peak. Growth at DCM depth shows only a marginal contribution, while grazing has an adverse effect on the extent of the DCM. The observed separation of the carbon biomass and chlorophyll maximum should caution scientists to equate the DCM with a large nutrient pool that is available to higher trophic levels. The ecological significance of the DCM should not be separated from the underlying carbon dynamics. When evaluated in its entirety, the DCM becomes the projected image of a structure that remains elusive to measure but represents the foundation of all higher trophic levels. These results also offer guidance in examine ecosystem perturbations such as climate change. For example, warming would be expected to prolong the period of thermal stratification, extending the late summer period of suboptimal (phosphorus-limited) growth and attendant transport of phytoplankton to the metalimnion. This reduction in epilimnetic algal production would decrease the supply of algae to the metalimnion, possibly reducing the supply of prey to the grazer community. This work demonstrates the value of modeling to challenge and advance our understanding of ecosystem dynamics, steps vital to reliable testing of management alternatives.


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The purpose of this study is to explore a Kalman Filter approach to estimating swing of crane-suspended loads. Measuring real-time swing is needed to implement swing damping control strategies where crane joints are used to remove energy from a swinging load. The typical solution to measuring swing uses an inertial sensor attached to the hook block. Measured hook block twist is used to resolve the other two sensed body rates into tangential and radial swing. Uncertainty in the twist measurement leads to inaccurate tangential and radial swing calculations and ineffective swing damping. A typical mitigation approach is to bandpass the inertial sensor readings to remove low frequency drift and high frequency noise. The center frequency of the bandpass filter is usually designed to track the load length and the pass band width set to trade off performance with damping loop gain. The Kalman Filter approach developed here allows all swing motions (radial, tangential and twist) to be measured without the use of a bandpass filter. This provides an alternate solution for swing damping control implementation. After developing a Kalman Filter solution for a two-dimensional swing scenario, the three-dimensional system is considered where simplifying assumptions, suggested by the two-dimensional study, are exploited. One of the interesting aspects of the three-dimensional study is the hook block twist model. Unlike the mass-independence of a pendulum's natural frequency, the twist natural frequency depends both on the pendulum length and the load’s mass distribution. The linear Kalman Filter is applied to experimental data demonstrating the ability to extract the individual swing components for complex motions. It should be noted that the three-dimensional simplifying assumptions preclude the ability to measure two "secondary" hook block rotations. The ability to segregate these motions from the primary swing degrees of freedom was illustrated in the two-dimensional study and could be included into the three-dimensional solution if they were found to be important for a particular application.