11 resultados para Gasoline, Synthetic
em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech
Ethanol-gasoline fuel blends are increasingly being used in spark ignition (SI) engines due to continued growth in renewable fuels as part of a growing renewable portfolio standard (RPS). This leads to the need for a simple and accurate ethanol-gasoline blends combustion model that is applicable to one-dimensional engine simulation. A parametric combustion model has been developed, integrated into an engine simulation tool, and validated using SI engine experimental data. The parametric combustion model was built inside a user compound in GT-Power. In this model, selected burn durations were computed using correlations as functions of physically based non-dimensional groups that have been developed using the experimental engine database over a wide range of ethanol-gasoline blends, engine geometries, and operating conditions. A coefficient of variance (COV) of gross indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) correlation was also added to the parametric combustion model. This correlation enables the cycle combustion variation modeling as a function of engine geometry and operating conditions. The computed burn durations were then used to fit single and double Wiebe functions. The single-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used the least squares method to compute the single-Wiebe parameters, while the double-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used an analytical solution to compute the double-Wiebe parameters. These compounds were then integrated into the engine model in GT-Power through the multi-Wiebe combustion template in which the values of Wiebe parameters (single-Wiebe or double-Wiebe) were sensed via RLT-dependence. The parametric combustion models were validated by overlaying the simulated pressure trace from GT-Power on to experimentally measured pressure traces. A thermodynamic engine model was also developed to study the effect of fuel blends, engine geometries and operating conditions on both the burn durations and COV of gross IMEP simulation results.
This report is a PhD dissertation proposal to study the in-cylinder temperature and heat flux distributions within a gasoline turbocharged direct injection (GTDI) engine. Recent regulations requiring automotive manufacturers to increase the fuel efficiency of their vehicles has led to great technological achievements in internal combustion engines. These achievements have increased the power density of gasoline engines dramatically in the last two decades. Engine technologies such as variable valve timing (VVT), direct injection (DI), and turbocharging have significantly improved engine power-to-weight and power-to-displacement ratios. A popular trend for increasing vehicle fuel economy in recent years has been to downsize the engine and add VVT, DI, and turbocharging technologies so that a lighter more efficient engine can replace a larger, heavier one. With the added power density, thermal management of the engine becomes a more important issue. Engine components are being pushed to their temperature limits. Therefore it has become increasingly important to have a greater understanding of the parameters that affect in-cylinder temperatures and heat transfer. The proposed research will analyze the effects of engine speed, load, relative air-fuel ratio (AFR), and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on both in-cylinder and global temperature and heat transfer distributions. Additionally, the effect of knocking combustion and fuel spray impingement will be investigated. The proposed research will be conducted on a 3.5 L six cylinder GTDI engine. The research engine will be instrumented with a large number of sensors to measure in-cylinder temperatures and pressures, as well as, the temperature, pressure, and flow rates of energy streams into and out of the engine. One of the goals of this research is to create a model that will predict the energy distribution to the crankshaft, exhaust, and cooling system based on normalized values for engine speed, load, AFR, and EGR. The results could be used to aid in the engine design phase for turbocharger and cooling system sizing. Additionally, the data collected can be used for validation of engine simulation models, since in-cylinder temperature and heat flux data is not readily available in the literature..
There is a need by engine manufactures for computationally efficient and accurate predictive combustion modeling tools for integration in engine simulation software for the assessment of combustion system hardware designs and early development of engine calibrations. This thesis discusses the process for the development and validation of a combustion modeling tool for Gasoline Direct Injected Spark Ignited Engine with variable valve timing, lift and duration valvetrain hardware from experimental data. Data was correlated and regressed from accepted methods for calculating the turbulent flow and flame propagation characteristics for an internal combustion engine. A non-linear regression modeling method was utilized to develop a combustion model to determine the fuel mass burn rate at multiple points during the combustion process. The computational fluid dynamic software Converge ©, was used to simulate and correlate the 3-D combustion system, port and piston geometry to the turbulent flow development within the cylinder to properly predict the experimental data turbulent flow parameters through the intake, compression and expansion processes. The engine simulation software GT-Power © is then used to determine the 1-D flow characteristics of the engine hardware being tested to correlate the regressed combustion modeling tool to experimental data to determine accuracy. The results of the combustion modeling tool show accurate trends capturing the combustion sensitivities to turbulent flow, thermodynamic and internal residual effects with changes in intake and exhaust valve timing, lift and duration.
Since the advent of automobiles, alcohol has been considered a possible engine fuel1,2. With the recent increased concern about the high price of crude oil due to fluctuating supply and demand and environmental issues, interest in alcohol based fuels has increased2,3. However, using pure alcohols or blends with conventional fuels in high percentages requires changes to the engine and fuel system design2. This leads to the need for a simple and accurate conventional fuels-alcohol blends combustion models that can be used in developing parametric burn rate and knock combustion models for designing more efficient Spark Ignited (SI) engines. To contribute to this understanding, numerical simulations were performed to obtain detailed characteristics of Gasoline-Ethanol blends with respect to Laminar Flame Speed (LFS), autoignition and Flame-Wall interactions. The one-dimensional premixed flame code CHEMKIN® was applied to simulate the burning velocity and autoignition characteristics using the freely propagating model and closed homogeneous reactor model respectively. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used to obtain detailed flow, temperature, and species fields for Flame-wall interactions. A semi-detailed validated chemical kinetic model for a gasoline surrogate fuel developed by Andrae and Head4 was used for the study of LFS and Autoignition. For the quenching study, a skeletal chemical kinetic mechanism of gasoline surrogate, having 50 species and 174 reactions was used. The surrogate fuel was defined as a mixture of pure n-heptane, isooctane, and toluene. For LFS study, the ethanol volume fraction was varied from 0 to 85%, initial pressure from 4 to 8 bar, initial temperature from 300 to 900K, and dilution from 0 to 32%. Whereas for Autoignition study, the ethanol volume fraction was varied between 0 to 85%, initial pressure was varied between 20 to 60 bar, initial temperature was varied between 800 to 1200K, and the dilution was varied between 0 to 32% at equivalence ratios of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 to represent the in-cylinder conditions of a SI engine. For quenching study three Ethanol blends, namely E0, E25 and E85 are described in detail at an initial pressure of 8 atm and 17 atm. Initial wall temperature was taken to be 400 K. Quenching thicknesses and heat fluxes to the wall were computed. The laminar flame speed was found to increase with ethanol concentration and temperature but decrease with pressure and dilution. The autoignition time was found to increase with ethanol concentration at lower temperatures but was found to decrease marginally at higher temperatures. The autoignition time was also found to decrease with pressure and equivalence ratio but increase with dilution. The average quenching thickness was found to decrease with an increase in Ethanol concentration in the blend. Heat flux to the wall increased with increase in ethanol percentage in the blend and at higher initial pressures. Whereas the wall heat flux decreased with an increase in dilution. Unburned Hydrocarbon (UHC) and CO % was also found to decrease with ethanol concentration in the blend.
Free radicals play an important role in many physiological processes that occur in the human body such as cellular defense responses to infectious agents and a variety of cellular signaling pathways. While at low concentrations free radicals are involved in many significant metabolic reactions, high levels of free radicals can have deleterious effects on biomolecules like proteins, lipids, and DNA. Many physiological disorders such as diabetes, ageing, neurodegenerative diseases, and ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury are associated with oxidative stress.1 In particular, the deleterious effects caused by I/R injury developed during organ transplantation, cardiac infarct, and stroke have become the main cause of death in the United States and Europe.1,2 In this context, we synthesized and characterized a series of novel indole-amino acid conjugates as potential antioxidants for I/R injury. The synthesis of indole-phenol conjugate compounds is also discussed. Phenolic derivatives such as caffeic acid, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), resveratrol, and its analogues are known for their significant antioxidative properties. A series of resveratrol analogues have been designed and synthesized as potential antioxidants. The radical scavenging mechanisms for potential antioxidants and assays for the in vitro evaluation of antioxidant activities are also discussed.
The push for improved fuel economy and reduced emissions has led to great achievements in engine performance and control. These achievements have increased the efficiency and power density of gasoline engines dramatically in the last two decades. With the added power density, thermal management of the engine has become increasingly important. Therefore it is critical to have accurate temperature and heat transfer models as well as data to validate them. With the recent adoption of the 2025 Corporate Average Fuel Economy(CAFE) standard, there has been a push to improve the thermal efficiency of internal combustion engines even further. Lean and dilute combustion regimes along with waste heat recovery systems are being explored as options for improving efficiency. In order to understand how these technologies will impact engine performance and each other, this research sought to analyze the engine from both a 1st law energy balance perspective, as well as from a 2nd law exergy analysis. This research also provided insights into the effects of various parameters on in-cylinder temperatures and heat transfer as well as provides data for validation of other models. It was found that the engine load was the dominant factor for the energy distribution, with higher loads resulting in lower coolant heat transfer and higher brake work and exhaust energy. From an exergy perspective, the exhaust system provided the best waste heat recovery potential due to its significantly higher temperatures compared to the cooling circuit. EGR and lean combustion both resulted in lower combustion chamber and exhaust temperatures; however, in most cases the increased flow rates resulted in a net increase in the energy in the exhaust. The exhaust exergy, on the other hand, was either increased or decreased depending on the location in the exhaust system and the other operating conditions. The effects of dilution from lean operation and EGR were compared using a dilution ratio, and the results showed that lean operation resulted in a larger increase in efficiency than the same amount of dilution with EGR. Finally, a method for identifying fuel spray impingement from piston surface temperature measurements was found. Note: The material contained in this section is planned for submission as part of a journal article and/or conference paper in the future.
Renewable hydrocarbon biofuels are being investigated as possible alternatives to conventional liquid transportation fossil fuels like gasoline, kerosene (aviation fuel), and diesel. A diverse range of biomass feedstocks such as corn stover, sugarcane bagasse, switchgrass, waste wood, and algae, are being evaluated as candidates for pyrolysis and catalytic upgrading to produce drop-in hydrocarbon fuels. This research has developed preliminary life cycle assessments (LCA) for each feedstock-specific pathway and compared the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the hydrocarbon biofuels to current fossil fuels. As a comprehensive study, this analysis attempts to account for all of the GHG emissions associated with each feedstock pathway through the entire life cycle. Emissions from all stages including feedstock production, land use change, pyrolysis, stabilizing the pyrolysis oil for transport and storage, and upgrading the stabilized pyrolysis oil to a hydrocarbon fuel are included. In addition to GHG emissions, the energy requirements and water use have been evaluated over the entire life cycle. The goal of this research is to help understand the relative advantages and disadvantages of the feedstocks and the resultant hydrocarbon biofuels based on three environmental indicators; GHG emissions, energy demand, and water utilization. Results indicate that liquid hydrocarbon biofuels produced through this pyrolysis-based pathway can achieve greenhouse gas emission savings of greater than 50% compared to petroleum fuels, thus potentially qualifying these biofuels under the US EPA RFS2 program. GHG emissions from biofuels ranged from 10.7-74.3 g/MJ from biofuels derived from sugarcane bagasse and wild algae at the extremes of this range, respectively. The cumulative energy demand (CED) shows that energy in every biofuel process is primarily from renewable biomass and the remaining energy demand is mostly from fossil fuels. The CED for biofuel range from 1.25-3.25 MJ/MJ from biofuels derived from sugarcane bagasse to wild algae respectively, while the other feedstock-derived biofuels are around 2 MJ/MJ. Water utilization is primarily from cooling water use during the pyrolysis stage if irrigation is not used during the feedstock production stage. Water use ranges from 1.7 - 17.2 gallons of water per kg of biofuel from sugarcane bagasse to open pond algae, respectively.
Data of the strength of Earth’s magnetic field (paleointensity) in the geological past are crucial for understanding the geodynamo. Conventional paleointensity determination methods require heating a sample to a high temperature in one or more steps. Consequently, many rocks are unsuitable for these methods due to a heating-induced experimental alteration. Alternative non-heating paleointensity methods are investigated to assess their effectiveness and reliability using both natural samples from Lemptégy Volcano, France, and synthetic samples. Paleointensity was measured from the natural and synthetic samples using the Pseudo-Thellier, ARM, REM, REMc, REM’, and Preisach methods. For the natural samples, only the Pseudo-Thellier method was able to produce a reasonable paleointensity estimate consistent with previous paleointensity data. The synthetic samples yielded more successful estimates using all the methods, with the Pseudo-Thellier and ARM methods producing the most accurate results. The Pseudo-Thellier method appears to be the best alternative to the heating-based paleointensity methods.
Synthetic oligonucleotides and peptides have found wide applications in industry and academic research labs. There are ~60 peptide drugs on the market and over 500 under development. The global annual sale of peptide drugs in 2010 was estimated to be $13 billion. There are three oligonucleotide-based drugs on market; among them, the FDA newly approved Kynamro was predicted to have a $100 million annual sale. The annual sale of oligonucleotides to academic labs was estimated to be $700 million. Both bio-oligomers are mostly synthesized on automated synthesizers using solid phase synthesis technology, in which nucleoside or amino acid monomers are added sequentially until the desired full-length sequence is reached. The additions cannot be complete, which generates truncated undesired failure sequences. For almost all applications, these impurities must be removed. The most widely used method is HPLC. However, the method is slow, expensive, labor-intensive, not amendable for automation, difficult to scale up, and unsuitable for high throughput purification. It needs large capital investment, and consumes large volumes of harmful solvents. The purification costs are estimated to be more than 50% of total production costs. Other methods for bio-oligomer purification also have drawbacks, and are less favored than HPLC for most applications. To overcome the problems of known biopolymer purification technologies, we have developed two non-chromatographic purification methods. They are (1) catching failure sequences by polymerization, and (2) catching full-length sequences by polymerization. In the first method, a polymerizable group is attached to the failure sequences of the bio-oligomers during automated synthesis; purification is achieved by simply polymerizing the failure sequences into an insoluble gel and extracting full-length sequences. In the second method, a polymerizable group is attached to the full-length sequences, which are then incorporated into a polymer; impurities are removed by washing, and pure product is cleaved from polymer. These methods do not need chromatography, and all drawbacks of HPLC no longer exist. Using them, purification is achieved by simple manipulations such as shaking and extraction. Therefore, they are suitable for large scale purification of oligonucleotide and peptide drugs, and also ideal for high throughput purification, which currently has a high demand for research projects involving total gene synthesis. The dissertation will present the details about the development of the techniques. Chapter 1 will make an introduction to oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), their synthesis and purification. Chapter 2 will describe the detailed studies of using the catching failure sequences by polymerization method to purify ODNs. Chapter 3 will describe the further optimization of the catching failure sequences by polymerization ODN purification technology to the level of practical use. Chapter 4 will present using the catching full-length sequence by polymerization method for ODN purification using acid-cleavable linker. Chapter 5 will make an introduction to peptides, their synthesis and purification. Chapter 6 will describe the studies using the catching full-length sequence by polymerization method for peptide purification.
Large quantities of pure synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) are important for preclinical research, drug development, and biological studies. These ODNs are synthesized on an automated synthesizer. It is inevitable that the crude ODN product contains failure sequences which are not easily removed because they have the same properties as the full length ODNs. Current ODN purification methods such as polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP HPLC), anion exchange HPLC, and affinity purification can remove those impurities. However, they are not suitable for large scale purification due to the expensive aspects associated with instrumentation, solvent demand, and high labor costs. To solve these problems, two non-chromatographic ODN purification methods have been developed. In the first method, the full-length ODN was tagged with the phosphoramidite containing a methacrylamide group and a cleavable linker while the failure sequences were not. The full-length ODN was incorporated into a polymer through radical acrylamide polymerization whereas failure sequences and other impurities were removed by washing. Pure full-length ODN was obtained by cleaving it from the polymer. In the second method, the failure sequences were capped by a methacrylated phosphoramidite in each synthetic cycle. During purification, the failure sequences were separated from the full-length ODN by radical acrylamide polymerization. The full-length ODN was obtained via water extraction. For both methods, excellent purification yields were achieved and the purity of ODNs was very satisfactory. Thus, this new technology is expected to be beneficial for large scale ODN purification.
Increasing prices for fuel with depletion and instability in foreign oil imports has driven the importance for using alternative and renewable fuels. The alternative fuels such as ethanol, methanol, butyl alcohol, and natural gas are of interest to be used to relieve some of the dependence on oil for transportation. The renewable fuel, ethanol which is made from the sugars of corn, has been used widely in fuel for vehicles in the United States because of its unique qualities. As with any renewable fuel, ethanol has many advantages but also has disadvantages. Cold startability of engines is one area of concern when using ethanol blended fuel. This research was focused on the cold startability of snowmobiles at ambient temperatures of 20 °F, 0 °F, and -20 °F. The tests were performed in a modified 48 foot refrigerated trailer which was retrofitted for the purpose of cold-start tests. Pure gasoline (E0) was used as a baseline test. A splash blended ethanol and gasoline mixture (E15, 15% ethanol and 85% gasoline by volume) was then tested and compared to the E0 fuel. Four different types of snowmobiles were used for the testing including a Yamaha FX Nytro RTX four-stroke, Ski-doo MX Z TNT 600 E-TEC direct injected two stroke, Polaris 800 Rush semi-direct injected two-stroke, and an Arctic Cat F570 carbureted two-stroke. All of the snowmobiles operate on open loop systems which means there was no compensation for the change in fuel properties. Emissions were sampled using a Sensors Inc. Semtech DS five gas emissions analyzer and engine data was recoded using AIM Racing Data Power EVO3 Pro and EVO4 systems. The recorded raw exhaust emissions included carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), total hydrocarbons (THC), and oxygen (O2). To help explain the trends in the emissions data, engine parameters were also recorded. The EVO equipment was installed on each vehicle to record the following parameters: engine speed, exhaust gas temperature, head temperature, coolant temperature, and test cell air temperature. At least three consistent tests to ensure repeatability were taken at each fuel and temperature combination so a total of 18 valid tests were taken on each snowmobile. The snowmobiles were run at operating temperature to clear any excess fuel in the engine crankcase before each cold-start test. The trends from switching from E0 to E15 were different for each snowmobile as they all employ different engine technologies. The Yamaha snowmobile (four-stroke EFI) achieved higher levels of CO2 with lower CO and THC emissions on E15. Engine speeds were fairly consistent between fuels but the average engine speeds were increased as the temperatures decreased. The average exhaust gas temperature increased from 1.3-1.8% for the E15 compared to E0 due to enleanment. For the Ski-doo snowmobile (direct injected two-stroke) only slight differences were noted when switching from E0 to E15. This could possibly be due to the lean of stoichiometric operation of the engine at idle. The CO2 emissions decreased slightly at 20 °F and 0 °F for E15 fuel with a small difference at -20 °F. Almost no change in CO or THC emissions was noted for all temperatures. The only significant difference in the engine data observed was the exhaust gas temperature which decreased with E15. The Polaris snowmobile (semi-direct injected two-stroke) had similar raw exhaust emissions for each of the two fuels. This was probably due to changing a resistor when using E15 which changed the fuel map for an ethanol mixture (E10 vs. E0). This snowmobile operates at a rich condition which caused the engine to emit higher values of CO than CO2 along with exceeding the THC analyzer range at idle. The engine parameters and emissions did not increase or decrease significantly with decreasing temperature. The average idle engine speed did increase as the ambient temperature decreased. The Arctic Cat snowmobile (carbureted two-stroke) was equipped with a choke lever to assist cold-starts. The choke was operated in the same manor for both fuels. Lower levels of CO emissions with E15 fuel were observed yet the THC emissions exceeded the analyzer range. The engine had a slightly lower speed with E15.