5 resultados para FRACTURE-MECHANICS

em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech


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The study of advanced materials aimed at improving human life has been performed since time immemorial. Such studies have created everlasting and greatly revered monuments and have helped revolutionize transportation by ushering the age of lighter–than–air flying machines. Hence a study of the mechanical behavior of advanced materials can pave way for their use for mankind’s benefit. In this school of thought, the aim of this dissertation is to broadly perform two investigations. First, an efficient modeling approach is established to predict the elastic response of cellular materials with distributions of cell geometries. Cellular materials find important applications in structural engineering. The approach does not require complex and time-consuming computational techniques usually associated with modeling such materials. Unlike most current analytical techniques, the modeling approach directly accounts for the cellular material microstructure. The approach combines micropolar elasticity theory and elastic mixture theory to predict the elastic response of cellular materials. The modeling approach is applied to the two dimensional balsa wood material. Predicted properties are in good agreement with experimentally determined properties, which emphasizes the model’s potential to predict the elastic response of other cellular solids, such as open cell and closed cell foams. The second topic concerns intraneural ganglion cysts which are a set of medical conditions that result in denervation of the muscles innervated by the cystic nerve leading to pain and loss of function. Current treatment approaches only temporarily alleviate pain and denervation which, however, does not prevent cyst recurrence. Hence, a mechanistic understanding of the pathogenesis of intraneural ganglion cysts can help clinicians understand them better and therefore devise more effective treatment options. In this study, an analysis methodology using finite element analysis is established to investigate the pathogenesis of intraneural ganglion cysts. Using this methodology, the propagation of these cysts is analyzed in their most common site of occurrence in the human body i.e. the common peroneal nerve. Results obtained using finite element analysis show good correlation with clinical imaging patterns thereby validating the promise of the method to study cyst pathogenesis.


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The effect of shot particles on the high temperature, low cycle fatigue of a hybrid fiber/particulate metal-matrix composite (MMC) was studied. Two hybrid composites with the general composition A356/35%SiC particle/5%Fiber (one without shot) were tested. It was found that shot particles acting as stress concentrators had little effect on the fatigue performance. It appears that fibers with a high silica content were more likely to debond from the matrix. Final failure of the composite was found to occur preferentially in the matrix. SiC particles fracture progressively during fatigue testing, leading to higher stress in the matrix, and final failure by matrix overload. A continuum mechanics based model was developed to predict failure in fatigue based on the tensile properties of the matrix and particles. By accounting for matrix yielding and recovery, composite creep and particle strength distribution, failure of the composite was predicted.


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Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) has arisen from the implementation of a variety of concrete engineering and materials science concepts developed over the last century. This material offers superior strength, serviceability, and durability over its conventional counterparts. One of the most important differences for UHPFRC over other concrete materials is its ability to resist fracture through the use of randomly dispersed discontinuous fibers and improvements to the fiber-matrix bond. Of particular interest is the materials ability to achieve higher loads after first crack, as well as its high fracture toughness. In this research, a study of the fracture behavior of UHPFRC with steel fibers was conducted to look at the effect of several parameters related to the fracture behavior and to develop a fracture model based on a non-linear curve fit of the data. To determine this, a series of three-point bending tests were performed on various single edge notched prisms (SENPs). Compression tests were also performed for quality assurance. Testing was conducted on specimens of different cross-sections, span/depth (S/D) ratios, curing regimes, ages, and fiber contents. By comparing the results from prisms of different sizes this study examines the weakening mechanism due to the size effect. Furthermore, by employing the concept of fracture energy it was possible to obtain a comparison of the fracture toughness and ductility. The model was determined based on a fit to P-w fracture curves, which was cross referenced for comparability to the results. Once obtained the model was then compared to the models proposed by the AFGC in the 2003 and to the ACI 544 model for conventional fiber reinforced concretes.


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Skeletal muscle force evaluation is difficult to implement in a clinical setting. Muscle force is typically assessed through either manual muscle testing, isokinetic/isometric dynamometry, or electromyography (EMG). Manual muscle testing is a subjective evaluation of a patient’s ability to move voluntarily against gravity and to resist force applied by an examiner. Muscle testing using dynamometers adds accuracy by quantifying functional mechanical output of a limb. However, like manual muscle testing, dynamometry only provides estimates of the joint moment. EMG quantifies neuromuscular activation signals of individual muscles, and is used to infer muscle function. Despite the abundance of work performed to determine the degree to which EMG signals and muscle forces are related, the basic problem remains that EMG cannot provide a quantitative measurement of muscle force. Intramuscular pressure (IMP), the pressure applied by muscle fibers on interstitial fluid, has been considered as a correlate for muscle force. Numerous studies have shown that an approximately linear relationship exists between IMP and muscle force. A microsensor has recently been developed that is accurate, biocompatible, and appropriately sized for clinical use. While muscle force and pressure have been shown to be correlates, IMP has been shown to be non-uniform within the muscle. As it would not be practicable to experimentally evaluate how IMP is distributed, computational modeling may provide the means to fully evaluate IMP generation in muscles of various shapes and operating conditions. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on the development and validation of computational models of passive skeletal muscle and the evaluation of their performance for prediction of IMP. A transversly isotropic, hyperelastic, and nearly incompressible model will be evaluated along with a poroelastic model.


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Scaphoid is one of the 8 carpal bones found adjacent to the thumb supported proximally by Radius bone. During the free fall, on outstretched hand, the impact load gets transferred to the scaphoid at its free anterior end. Unique arrangement of other carpal bones in the palm is also one of the reasons for the load to get transferred to scaphoid. About half of the total load acting upon carpal bone gets transferred to scaphoid at its distal pole. There are about 10 to 12 clinically observed fracture pattern in the scaphoid due to free fall. The aim of the study is to determine the orientation of the load, magnitude of the load and the corresponding fracture pattern. This study includes both static and dynamic finite element models validated by experiments. The scaphoid model has been prepared from CT scans of a 27 year old person. The 2D slices of the CT scans have been converted to 3D model by using MIMICS software. There are four cases of loading studied which are considered to occur clinically more frequently. In case (i) the load is applied at the posterior end at distal pole whereas in case (ii), (iii) and (iv), the load is applied at anterior end at different directions. The model is given a fixed boundary condition at the region which is supported by Radius bone during the impact. Same loading and boundary conditions have been used in both static and dynamic explicit finite element analysis. The site of fracture initiation and path of fracture propagation have been identified by using max principal stress / gradient and max principal strain / gradient criterion respectively in static and dynamic explicit finite element analysis. Static and dynamic impact experiments were performed on the polyurethane foam specimens to validate the finite element results. Experimental results such as load at fracture, site of fracture initiation and path of fracture propagation have been compared with the results of finite element analysis. Four different types of fracture patterns observed in clinical studies have been identified in this study.