4 resultados para Bipartite Folding
em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech
Proteins are linear chain molecules made out of amino acids. Only when they fold to their native states, they become functional. This dissertation aims to model the solvent (environment) effect and to develop & implement enhanced sampling methods that enable a reliable study of the protein folding problem in silico. We have developed an enhanced solvation model based on the solution to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in order to describe the solvent effect. Following the quantum mechanical Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM), we decomposed net solvation free energy into three physical terms– Polarization, Dispersion and Cavitation. All the terms were implemented, analyzed and parametrized individually to obtain a high level of accuracy. In order to describe the thermodynamics of proteins, their conformational space needs to be sampled thoroughly. Simulations of proteins are hampered by slow relaxation due to their rugged free-energy landscape, with the barriers between minima being higher than the thermal energy at physiological temperatures. In order to overcome this problem a number of approaches have been proposed of which replica exchange method (REM) is the most popular. In this dissertation we describe a new variant of canonical replica exchange method in the context of molecular dynamic simulation. The advantage of this new method is the easily tunable high acceptance rate for the replica exchange. We call our method Microcanonical Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamic (MREMD). We have described the theoretical frame work, comment on its actual implementation, and its application to Trp-cage mini-protein in implicit solvent. We have been able to correctly predict the folding thermodynamics of this protein using our approach.
Phytic acid is the major storage form of phosphorus and inositol in seeds and legumes. It forms insoluble phytate salts by chelating with positively charged mineral ions. Non-ruminant animals are not able to digest phytate due to the lack of phytases in their GI tracks, thus the undigested phytate is excreted leading to environmental contamination. Supplementation with phytases in animal feed has proven to be an effective strategy to alleviate nutritional and environmental issues. The unique catalytic and thermal stability properties of alkaline phytase from lily pollen (LlALP) suggest that it has the potential to be useful as a feed supplement. Our goal is to develop a method for the production of substantial amounts of rLlALP for animal feed and structural studies. rLlALP2 has been successfully expressed in the yeast, Pichia pastoris. However, expression yield was modest (8-10 mg/L). Gene copy number has been identified as an important parameter in enhancing protein yields. Multicopy clones were selected using Zeocin-resistance-based vectors and challenging transformants to high Zeocin levels under different conditions. Data indicate that increasing selection pressure led to the generation of clones with amplification of both rLlAlp2 and Zeor genes and the two genes were not equally amplified. Additionally, clones generated by step-wise methods led to clones with greater amplification. The effects of transgene copy number and gene sequence optimization on expression levels of rLlALP2 were examined. The data indicate that increasing the copy number of rLlAlp2 in transformed clones was detrimental to expression level. The use of a sequence-optimized rLlAlp2 (op-rLlAlp2) increased expression yield of the active enzyme by 25-50%, suggesting that transcription and translation efficiency are not major bottlenecks in the production of rLlALP2. Lowering induction temperature to 20 oC led to an increase in enzyme activity of 1.2 to 20-fold, suggesting that protein folding or post-translational processes may be limiting factors for rLlALP2 production. Cumulatively, optimization of copy number, gene sequence optimization and reduced temperature led to increase of rLlALP2 enzyme activity by three-fold (25-30 mg/L). In an effort to simplify the purification process of rLlALP2, extracellular expression of phytase was investigated. Extracellular expression is dependent on the presence of an appropriate secretion signal upstream of the transgene native signal peptide(s) present in the transgene may also influence secretion efficiency. The data suggest that deletion of both N- and C-terminal signal peptides of rLlALP2 enhanced α-mating factor (α-MF)-driven secretion of LlALP2 by four-fold. The secretion signal peptide of chicken egg white lysozyme was ineffective in secretion rLlALP2 in P. pastoris. To enhance rLlALP2 secretion, effectiveness of the strong inducible promoter (PAOX1) was compared with the constitutive promoter (PGAP). The intracellular yield of rLlALP2 was about four-fold greater under the control of PGAP compared to PAOX1 and extracellular expression level of rLlALP2 was around eight-fold (75-100 mg/L) greater. The successful production of active rLlALP2 in P. pastoris will allow us to conduct the animal feed supplementation studies and structural studies.
This dissertation presents a detailed study in exploring quantum correlations of lights in macroscopic environments. We have explored quantum correlations of single photons, weak coherent states, and polarization-correlated/polarization-entangled photons in macroscopic environments. These included macroscopic mirrors, macroscopic photon number, spatially separated observers, noisy photons source and propagation medium with loss or disturbances. We proposed a measurement scheme for observing quantum correlations and entanglement in the spatial properties of two macroscopic mirrors using single photons spatial compass state. We explored the phase space distribution features of spatial compass states, such as chessboard pattern by using the Wigner function. The displacement and tilt correlations of the two mirrors were manifested through the propensities of the compass states. This technique can be used to extract Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations (EPR) of the two mirrors. We then formulated the discrete-like property of the propensity Pb(m,n), which can be used to explore environmental perturbed quantum jumps of the EPR correlations in phase space. With single photons spatial compass state, the variances in position and momentum are much smaller than standard quantum limit when using a Gaussian TEM00 beam. We observed intrinsic quantum correlations of weak coherent states between two parties through balanced homodyne detection. Our scheme can be used as a supplement to decoy-state BB84 protocol and differential phase-shift QKD protocol. We prepared four types of bipartite correlations ±cos2(θ12) that shared between two parties. We also demonstrated bits correlations between two parties separated by 10 km optical fiber. The bits information will be protected by the large quantum phase fluctuation of weak coherent states, adding another physical layer of security to these protocols for quantum key distribution. Using 10 m of highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) at 77 K, we observed coincidence to accidental-coincidence ratio of 130±5 for correlated photon-pair and Two-Photon Interference visibility >98% entangled photon-pair. We also verified the non-local behavior of polarization-entangled photon pair by violating Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell’s inequality by more than 12 standard deviations. With the HNLF at 300 K (77 K), photon-pair production rate about factor 3(2) higher than a 300 m dispersion-shifted fiber is observed. Then, we studied quantum correlation and interference of photon-pairs; with one photon of the photon-air experiencing multiple scattering in a random medium. We observed that depolarization noise photon in multiple scattering degrading the purity of photon-pair, and the existence of Raman noise photon in a photon-pair source will contribute to the depolarization affect. We found that quantum correlation of polarization-entangled photon-pair is better preserved than polarization-correlated photon-pair as one photon of the photon-pair scattered through a random medium. Our findings showed that high purity polarization-entangled photon-pair is better candidate for long distance quantum key distribution.
In this report, we attempt to define the capabilities of the infrared satellite remote sensor, Multifunctional Transport Satellite-2 (MTSAT-2) (i.e. a geosynchronous instrument), in characterizing volcanic eruptive behavior in the highly active region of Indonesia. Sulfur dioxide data from NASA's Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) (i.e. a polar orbiting instrument) are presented here for validation of the processes interpreted using the thermal infrared datasets. Data provided from two case studies are analyzed specifically for eruptive products producing large thermal anomalies (i.e. lava flows, lava domes, etc.), volcanic ash and SO2 clouds; three distinctly characteristic and abundant volcanic emissions. Two primary methods used for detection of heat signatures are used and compared in this report including, single-channel thermal radiance (4-µm) and the normalized thermal index (NTI) algorithm. For automated purposes, fixed thresholds must be determined for these methods. A base minimum detection limit (MDL) for single-channel thermal radiance of 2.30E+05 Wm- 2sr-1m-1 and -0.925 for NTI generate false alarm rates of 35.78% and 34.16%, respectively. A spatial comparison method, developed here specifically for use in Indonesia and used as a second parameter for detection, is implemented to address the high false alarm rate. For the single-channel thermal radiance method, the utilization of the spatial comparison method eliminated 100% of the false alarms while maintaining every true anomaly. The NTI algorithm showed similar results with only 2 false alarms remaining. No definitive difference is observed between the two thermal detection methods for automated use; however, the single-channel thermal radiance method coupled with the SO2 mass abundance data can be used to interpret volcanic processes including the identification of lava dome activity at Sinabung as well as the mechanism for the dome emplacement (i.e. endogenous or exogenous). Only one technique, the brightness temperature difference (BTD) method, is used for the detection of ash. Trends of ash area, water/ice area, and their respective concentrations yield interpretations of increased ice formation, aggregation, and sedimentation processes that only a high-temporal resolution instrument like the MTSAT-2 can analyze. A conceptual model of a secondary zone of aggregation occurring in the migrating Kelut ash cloud, which decreases the distal fine-ash component and hazards to flight paths, is presented in this report. Unfortunately, SO2 data was unable to definitively reinforce the concept of a secondary zone of aggregation due to the lack of a sufficient temporal resolution. However, a detailed study of the Kelut SO2 cloud is used to determine that there was no climatic impacts generated from this eruption due to the atmospheric residence times and e-folding rate of ~14 days for the SO2. This report applies the complementary assets offered by utilizing a high-temporal and a high-spatial resolution satellite, and it demonstrates that these two instruments can provide unparalleled observations of dynamic volcanic processes.