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In developing countries many water distribution systems are branched networks with little redundancy. If any component in the distribution system fails, many users are left relying on secondary water sources. These sources oftentimes do not provide potable water and prolonged use leads to increased cases of water borne illnesses. Increasing redundancy in branched networks increases the reliability of the networks, but is oftentimes viewed as unaffordable. This paper presents a procedure for water system managers to use to determine which loops when added to a branch network provide the most benefit for users. Two methods are presented, one ranking the loops based on total number of users benefited, and one ranking the loops of number of vulnerable users benefited. A case study is presented using the water distribution system of Medina Bank Village, Belize. It was found that forming loops in upstream pipes connected to the main line had the potential to benefit the most users.


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More than eighteen percent of the world’s population lives without reliable access to clean water, forced to walk long distances to get small amounts of contaminated surface water. Carrying heavy loads of water long distances and ingesting contaminated water can lead to long-term health problems and even death. These problems affect the most vulnerable populations, women, children, and the elderly, more than anyone else. Water access is one of the most pressing issues in development today. Boajibu, a small village in Sierra Leone, where the author served in Peace Corps for two years, lacks access to clean water. Construction of a water distribution system was halted when a civil war broke out in 1992 and has not been continued since. The community currently relies on hand-dug and borehole wells that can become dirty during the dry season, which forces people to drink contaminated water or to travel a far distance to collect clean water. This report is intended to provide a design the system as it was meant to be built. The water system design was completed based on the taps present, interviews with local community leaders, local surveying, and points taken with a GPS. The design is a gravity-fed branched water system, supplied by a natural spring on a hill adjacent to Boajibu. The system’s source is a natural spring on a hill above Boajibu, but the flow rate of the spring is unknown. There has to be enough flow from the spring over a 24-hour period to meet the demands of the users on a daily basis, or what is called providing continuous flow. If the spring has less than this amount of flow, the system must provide intermittent flow, flow that is restricted to a few hours a day. A minimum flow rate of 2.1 liters per second was found to be necessary to provide continuous flow to the users of Boajibu. If this flow is not met, intermittent flow can be provided to the users. In order to aid the construction of a distribution system in the absence of someone with formal engineering training, a table was created detailing water storage tank sizing based on possible source flow rates. A builder can interpolate using the source flow rate found to get the tank size from the table. However, any flow rate below 2.1 liters per second cannot be used in the table. In this case, the builder should size the tank such that it can take in the water that will be supplied overnight, as all the water will be drained during the day because the users will demand more than the spring can supply through the night. In the developing world, there is often a problem collecting enough money to fund large infrastructure projects, such as a water distribution system. Often there is only enough money to add only one or two loops to a water distribution system. It is helpful to know where these one or two loops can be most effectively placed in the system. Various possible loops were designated for the Boajibu water distribution system and the Adaptive Greedy Heuristic Loop Addition Selection Algorithm (AGHLASA) was used to rank the effectiveness of the possible loops to construct. Loop 1 which was furthest upstream was selected because it benefitted the most people for the least cost. While loops which were further downstream were found to be less effective because they would benefit fewer people. Further studies should be conducted on the water use habits of the people of Boajibu to more accurately predict the demands that will be placed on the system. Further population surveying should also be conducted to predict population change over time so that the appropriate capacity can be built into the system to accommodate future growth. The flow at the spring should be measured using a V-notch weir and the system adjusted accordingly. Future studies can be completed adjusting the loop ranking method so that two users who may be using the water system for different lengths of time are not counted the same and vulnerable users are weighted more heavily than more robust users.


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This case study sought to determine how the potable water network of Cerro Prieto, Peru could be improved. The network as it exists now is branched and operated intermittently, exposing residents to water contamination risks and inconvenience. Using EPANET, it was found that the as-built network can support continuous water service, all points could stay over 10 psi, and the current water consumption rate could be maintained. To keep all points over 20 psi, the height of elevated water tank must be increased 6 feet, and the pump switched on whenever the tank drains. It was also found that almost the entire community would benefit from several possible closed loops in the network, but the high cost gives downstream loops higher priority. Due to the scarcity of water in the region, the first action must be assessing the well capacity, and a water conservation plan that may include water meters.


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A comprehensive knowledge of cell wallstructure and function throughout the plant kingdom is essential to understanding cell wall evolution. The fundamental understanding of the charophycean green algal cell wall is broadening. The similarities and differences that exist between land plant and algal cell walls provide opportunities to understand plant evolution. A variety of polymers previously associated with higher plants were discovered in the charophycean green algae (CGA), including homogalacturonans, cross-linking glycans, arabinogalactan protein, β-glucans, and cellulose. The cellulose content of CGA cell walls ranged from 6% to 43%, with the higher valuescomparable to that found in the primary cell wall of land plants (20-30%). (1,3)β-glucans were found in the unicellular Chlorokybus atmophyticus, Penium margaritaceum, and Cosmarium turpini, the unbranched filamentous Klebsormidium flaccidum, and the multicellular Chara corallina. The discovery of homogalacturonan in Penium margaritaceum representsthe first confirmation of land plant-type pectinsin desmids and the second rigorous characterization of a pectin polymer from the charophycean algae. Homogalacturonan was also indicated from the basal species Chlorokybus atmophyticus and Klebsormidium flaccidum. There is evidence of branched pectins in Cosmarium turpini and linkage analysis suggests the presence of type I rhamnogalacturonan (RGI). Cross-linking β-glucans are associated with cellulose microfibrils during land plant cell growth, and were found in the cell wall of CGA. The evidence of mixed-linkage glucan (MLG) in the 11 charophytesis both suprising and significant given that MLG was once thought to be specific to some grasses. The organization and structure of Cosmarium turpini and Chara corallina MLG was found to be similar to that of Equisetumspp., whereas the basal species of the CGA, Chlorokybus atmophyticus and Klebsormidium flaccidum, have unique organization of alternating of 3- and 4-linkages. The significance of this result on the evolution of the MLG synthetic pathway has yet to be determined. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of Chlorokybus atmophyticus, Klebsormidium flaccidum, and Spirogyra spp. exhibits significant biochemical diversity, ranging from distinct “land plant” polymers to polysaccharides unique to these algae. The neutral sugar composition of Chlorokybus atmophyticus hot water extract and Spirogyra extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), combined with antibody labeling results, revealed the distinct possibility of an arabinogalactan protein in these organisms. Polysaccharide analysis of Zygnematales (desmid) EPS, indicated a probable range of different EPS backbones and substitution patterns upon the core portions of the molecules. Desmid EPS is predominately composed of a complex matrix of branched, uronic acid containing polysaccharides with ester sulfate substitutions and, as such, has an almost infinite capacity for various hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction and ionic cross-bridging motifs, which characterize their unique function in biofilms. My observations support the hypothesis that members of the CGA represent the phylogenetic line that gave rise to vascular plants and that the primary cell wall of vascular plants many have evolved directly from structures typical of the cell wall of filamentous green algae found in the charophycean green algae.


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BODIPY (4,4-Difluoro-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene) dyes have gained lots of attention in application of fluorescence sensing and imaging in recent years because they possess many distinctive and desirable properties such as high extinction coefficient, narrow absorption and emission bands, high quantum yield and low photobleaching effect. However, most of BODIPY-based fluorescent probes have very poor solubilities in aqueous solution, emit less than 650 nm fluorescence that can cause cell and tissue photodamages compared with bio-desirable near infrared (650-900 nm) light. These undesirable properties extremely limit the applications of BODIPY-based fluorescent probes in sensing and imaging applications. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we have developed a very effective strategy to prepare a series of neutral highly water- soluble BODIPY dyes by enhancing the water solubilities of BODIPY dyes via incorporation of tri(ethylene glycol)methyl ether (TEG) and branched oligo(ethylene glycol)methyl ether (BEG) residues onto BODIPY dyes at 1,7-, 2,6-, 3,5-, 4- and meso- positions. We also have effectively tuned absorptions and emissions of BOIDPY dyes to red, deep red and near infrared regions via significant extension of π-conjugation of BODIPY dyes by condensation reactions of aromatic aldehydes with 2,6-diformyl BODIPY dyes at 1,3,5,7-positions. Based on the foundation that we built for enhancing water solubility and tuning wavelength, we have designed and developed a series of water-soluble, BODIPY-based fluorescent probes for sensitive and selective sensing and imaging of cyanide, Zn (II) ions, lysosomal pH and cancer cells. We have developed three BODIPY-based fluorescent probes for sensing of cyanide ions by incorporating indolium moieties onto the 6-position of TEG- or BEG-modified BOIDPY dyes. Two of them are highly water-soluble. These fluorescent probes showed selective and fast ratiometric fluorescent responses to cyanide ions with a dramatic fluorescence color change from red to green accompanying a significant increase in fluorescent intensity. The detection limit was measured as 0.5 mM of cyanide ions. We also have prepared three highly water-soluble fluorescent probes for sensing of Zn (II) ions by introducing dipicoylamine (DPA, Zn ion chelator) onto 2- and/or 6-positions of BEG-modified BODIPY dyes. These probes showed selective and sensitive responses to Zn (II) ion in the range from 0.5 mM to 24 mM in aqueous solution at pH 7.0. Particularly, one of the probes displayed ratiometric responses to Zn (II) ions with fluorescence quenching at 661 nm and fluorescence enhancement at 521 nm. This probe has been successfully applied to the detection of intracellular Zn (II) ions inside the living cells. Then, we have further developed three acidotropic, near infrared emissive BODIPY- based fluorescent probes for detection of lysosomal pH by incorporating piperazine moiety at 3,5-positions of TEG- or BEG-modified BODIPY dyes as parts of conjugation. The probes have low auto-fluorescence at physiological neutral condition while their fluorescence intensities will significant increase at 715 nm when pH shift to acidic condition. These three probes have been successfully applied to the in vitro imaging of lysosomes inside two types of living cells. At the end, we have synthesized one water- soluble, near infrared emissive cancer cell targetable BODIPY-based fluorescent polymer bearing cancer homing peptide (cRGD) residues for cancer cell imaging applications. This polymer exhibited excellent water-solubility, near infrared emission (712 nm), good biocompatibility. It also showed low nonspecific interactions to normal endothelial cells and can effectively detect breast tumor cells.