em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech
Heroin prices are a reflection of supply and demand, and similar to any other market, profits motivate participation. The intent of this research is to examine the change in Afghan opium production due to political conflict affecting Europe’s heroin market and government policies. If the Taliban remain in power, or a new Afghan government is formed, the changes will affect the heroin market in Europe to a certain degree. In the heroin market, the degree of change is dependent on many socioeconomic forces such as law enforcement, corruption, and proximity to Afghanistan. An econometric model that examines the degree of these socioeconomic effects has not been applied to the heroin trade in Afghanistan before. This research uses a two-stage least squares econometric model to reveal the supply and demand of heroin in 36 different countries from the Middle East to Western Europe in 2008. An application of the two-stage least squares model to the heroin market in Europe will attempt to predict the socioeconomic consequences of Afghanistan opium production.
This thesis represents the overview of hydrographic surveying and different types of modern and traditional surveying equipment, and data acquisition using the traditional single beam sonar system and a modern fully autonomous underwater vehicle, IVER3. During the thesis, the data sets were collected using the vehicles of the Great Lake Research Center at Michigan Technological University. This thesis also presents how to process and edit the bathymetric data on SonarWiz5. Moreover, the three dimensional models were created after importing the data sets in the same coordinate system. In these interpolated surfaces, the details and excavations can be easily seen on the surface models. In this study, the profiles are plotted on the surface models to compare the sensors and details on the seabed. It is shown that single beam sonar might miss some details, such as pipeline and quick elevation changes on the seabed when we compare to the side scan sonar of IVER3 because the single side scan sonar can acquire better resolution. However, sometimes using single beam sonar can save your project time and money because the single beam sonar is cheaper than side scan sonars and the processing might be easier than the side scan data.