16 resultados para failure time data


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This paper introduces a novel approach to making inference about the regression parameters in the accelerated failure time (AFT) model for current status and interval censored data. The estimator is constructed by inverting a Wald type test for testing a null proportional hazards model. A numerically efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based resampling method is proposed to simultaneously obtain the point estimator and a consistent estimator of its variance-covariance matrix. We illustrate our approach with interval censored data sets from two clinical studies. Extensive numerical studies are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance of the new estimators.


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The positive and negative predictive value are standard measures used to quantify the predictive accuracy of binary biomarkers when the outcome being predicted is also binary. When the biomarkers are instead being used to predict a failure time outcome, there is no standard way of quantifying predictive accuracy. We propose a natural extension of the traditional predictive values to accommodate censored survival data. We discuss not only quantifying predictive accuracy using these extended predictive values, but also rigorously comparing the accuracy of two biomarkers in terms of their predictive values. Using a marginal regression framework, we describe how to estimate differences in predictive accuracy and how to test whether the observed difference is statistically significant.


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In medical follow-up studies, ordered bivariate survival data are frequently encountered when bivariate failure events are used as the outcomes to identify the progression of a disease. In cancer studies interest could be focused on bivariate failure times, for example, time from birth to cancer onset and time from cancer onset to death. This paper considers a sampling scheme where the first failure event (cancer onset) is identified within a calendar time interval, the time of the initiating event (birth) can be retrospectively confirmed, and the occurrence of the second event (death) is observed sub ject to right censoring. To analyze this type of bivariate failure time data, it is important to recognize the presence of bias arising due to interval sampling. In this paper, nonparametric and semiparametric methods are developed to analyze the bivariate survival data with interval sampling under stationary and semi-stationary conditions. Numerical studies demonstrate the proposed estimating approaches perform well with practical sample sizes in different simulated models. We apply the proposed methods to SEER ovarian cancer registry data for illustration of the methods and theory.


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In estimation of a survival function, current status data arises when the only information available on individuals is their survival status at a single monitoring time. Here we briefly review extensions of this form of data structure in two directions: (i) doubly censored current status data, where there is incomplete information on the origin of the failure time random variable, and (ii) current status information on more complicated stochastic processes. Simple examples of these data forms are presented for motivation.


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Various inference procedures for linear regression models with censored failure times have been studied extensively. Recent developments on efficient algorithms to implement these procedures enhance the practical usage of such models in survival analysis. In this article, we present robust inferences for certain covariate effects on the failure time in the presence of "nuisance" confounders under a semiparametric, partial linear regression setting. Specifically, the estimation procedures for the regression coefficients of interest are derived from a working linear model and are valid even when the function of the confounders in the model is not correctly specified. The new proposals are illustrated with two examples and their validity for cases with practical sample sizes is demonstrated via a simulation study.


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Use of microarray technology often leads to high-dimensional and low- sample size data settings. Over the past several years, a variety of novel approaches have been proposed for variable selection in this context. However, only a small number of these have been adapted for time-to-event data where censoring is present. Among standard variable selection methods shown both to have good predictive accuracy and to be computationally efficient is the elastic net penalization approach. In this paper, adaptation of the elastic net approach is presented for variable selection both under the Cox proportional hazards model and under an accelerated failure time (AFT) model. Assessment of the two methods is conducted through simulation studies and through analysis of microarray data obtained from a set of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma where time to survival is of interest. The approaches are shown to match or exceed the predictive performance of a Cox-based and an AFT-based variable selection method. The methods are moreover shown to be much more computationally efficient than their respective Cox- and AFT- based counterparts.


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Suppose that having established a marginal total effect of a point exposure on a time-to-event outcome, an investigator wishes to decompose this effect into its direct and indirect pathways, also know as natural direct and indirect effects, mediated by a variable known to occur after the exposure and prior to the outcome. This paper proposes a theory of estimation of natural direct and indirect effects in two important semiparametric models for a failure time outcome. The underlying survival model for the marginal total effect and thus for the direct and indirect effects, can either be a marginal structural Cox proportional hazards model, or a marginal structural additive hazards model. The proposed theory delivers new estimators for mediation analysis in each of these models, with appealing robustness properties. Specifically, in order to guarantee ignorability with respect to the exposure and mediator variables, the approach, which is multiply robust, allows the investigator to use several flexible working models to adjust for confounding by a large number of pre-exposure variables. Multiple robustness is appealing because it only requires a subset of working models to be correct for consistency; furthermore, the analyst need not know which subset of working models is in fact correct to report valid inferences. Finally, a novel semiparametric sensitivity analysis technique is developed for each of these models, to assess the impact on inference, of a violation of the assumption of ignorability of the mediator.


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In this paper we propose methods for smooth hazard estimation of a time variable where that variable is interval censored. These methods allow one to model the transformed hazard in terms of either smooth (smoothing splines) or linear functions of time and other relevant time varying predictor variables. We illustrate the use of this method on a dataset of hemophiliacs where the outcome, time to seroconversion for HIV, is interval censored and left-truncated.


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Visualization and exploratory analysis is an important part of any data analysis and is made more challenging when the data are voluminous and high-dimensional. One such example is environmental monitoring data, which are often collected over time and at multiple locations, resulting in a geographically indexed multivariate time series. Financial data, although not necessarily containing a geographic component, present another source of high-volume multivariate time series data. We present the mvtsplot function which provides a method for visualizing multivariate time series data. We outline the basic design concepts and provide some examples of its usage by applying it to a database of ambient air pollution measurements in the United States and to a hypothetical portfolio of stocks.