1 resultado para Social-educational measures
em CamPuce - an association for the promotion of science and humanities in African Countries
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This study examines the social cultural factors that influence HIV/AIDS transmission among women in RWANDA and especially in RUGALIKA sector. Some of those social cultural factors we can say marriage, polygamy, early marriage, poverty, religious beliefs, lack of access to productive resources and lack of education and training. The objectives of the study were to identify the social cultural factors which influence in HIV transmission among women and the constraint of HIV/AIDS among women and to find out how those constraint can be overcome and also to identify the measures that could be take for more prevent the spread of HIV infection to the women and to the all people in general. The research contains 5chapters which are: 1st chapter: general conclusion; 2nd chapter: literature review; 3rd chapter: research methodology; 4th chapter: data analysis and interpretation and the 5th chapter is general conclusion and recommendation. This research was conducted in RUGALIKA sector which has about 2990 women aged between 21 35 years old and thus a sample of 290 women was selected in different region of RUGALIKA sector. After the interpretation of the findings; the most vulnerable group is the women aged between 31-35 years; the vulnerability is due to different factors but most of them we have: poverty issues, polygamy, lack of access to productive resources, lack of education and training, religious beliefs and we cannot forget the physiological factors. After the genocide of 1994, Rwanda has known many orphans; and in RUGALIKA sector young women and girls are often to be sexual exploited in order to survive.