3 resultados para Faure, Sébastien (1858-1942) -- Contribution à la pédagogie
em CamPuce - an association for the promotion of science and humanities in African Countries
Dans l’histoire des civilisations, le contexte de guerre a très généralement placé les femmes en marge des actions de guerre. Au propre comme au figuré, elles y apparaissent le plus souvent protégées, écartées des fronts, qui semblent conséquemment être la seule affaire des hommes du fait de l’usage généralisé de la violence. C’est logiquement l’idée répandue qu’on s’en fait des occidentales établies en colonies africaines, surtout qu’entre 1914 et 1918, notamment au Cameroun, territoire colonial allemand disputé avec la France et l’Angleterre, les coloniales allemandes ont été prioritairement surprotégées1. Pourtant, il n’en a pas toujours été ainsi de toutes les crises majeures vécues sur ce territoire colonial. La période française apparaît plus intéressante en ceci que l’exclusion des blanches du front y a été peu évidente. La spécificité du Cameroun entre intérêts français et allemands, et la guerre fratricide qui mettent en opposition idéologique les Français entre eux, sont autant de raisons qui convoquent une attitude particulière des administrateurs coloniaux du Cameroun pour la défense du territoire. Entre 1939 et 1945 en effet, ils mettent à contribution la gente féminine dans la plupart de leurs stratégies adoptées pour la protection des acquis français outre-mer. De fait, au milieu des démonstrations de force essentiellement viriles vécues alors, il faut parfois compter sur une catégorie de femmes qui t battent parallèlement en brèche les stéréotypes liés au sexe, pour pénétrer un cercle fermé et jouer un rôle plus ou moins déterminant dans la défense de ce territoire français outre-mer. Face aux velléités de sujétion nazie qu’elles récusent, quelques coloniales surtout françaises se frottent exceptionnellement aux protagonistes du moment pour clairement s’affirmer comme de valeureuses résistantes de l’intégrité territoriale française. Qui étaient ces résistantes à l’ordre nazi au Cameroun ? Pourquoi et comment s’intègrent-elles dans le mouvement de résistance local ? A quel titre et de quelle manière ? Quels rôles y jouent-elles entre 1939 et 1945 ? Des questions pertinentes qu’il serait loisible d’analyser en profondeur afin de mettre en lumière la véritable participation féminine pour la vie et à la survie de la France en colonie, notamment au Cameroun. (Cameroun 1939 - 1945, Femmes, activisme français, résistance)
The aim of the study is to contribute to the knowledge and the identification of the main physical and chemical characteristics of the soil that affect the structural stability of soil types forming the soil cover of the plain of Sidi Bel Abbes region for agricultural use by excellence. Structural stability is an indicator of the cohesion of soil aggregates. This is a parameter that expresses the ability of soil aggregates to resist degradation in general the impact of rain or excess water. Measuring the structural stability makes it possible to evaluate the sensitivity a soil crusting and erosion. The results showed that soils subject of our study are stable and very stable with a slight difference. We have a statistical study made it possible to establish a correlation between the structural stability and other physical and chemical soil parameters measured )fersiallitic red soil and brown calcareous soil( such as organic matter content, the rate of total limestone and soil texture, to better explain the stability or instability of the soil structure and to establish a relationship between these parameters and the structural stability. // Keywords: Sidi Bel Abbes, chemical characteristics, physical, structural stability, soil, plain, fersiallitic red soil, brown calcareous soil
This thesis focuses on “The “great hunting” among the Baka pygmies of the Southeastern Cameroon. A contribution to Anthropology of environment. The problematic in the study is the confrontation of great hunting among the Baka with the institutional, socio-economic and ecological change in forest. The goal is to analyze the mechanisms of adaptation of this game against these changes that affect the Baka environment. The proposed hypothesis suggests that Baka Pygmies have restructured the preparatory ceremonies of the great hunting following changes that occurred in their environmental milieu. Certain ritual animals have been substituted. Hunting lands, tools, methods and periods were also modified. The great hunting is opened to Baka hunters and non Baka hunters. Qualitative techniques, including observation, interviews and focus group discussions were used for data collection. The observations allowed us to understand the reality of driving forces in the forest as well as tools for hunting, hunting land and even the species sought. Interviews and focus group discussions were consolidated data on the ancient practice of hunting for rituals like Jengi and Beka, on the current practice of this hunting and on the impact of the of the modification of this hunting practice on the Baka culture. The results of this research show that the Baka have taken important measure to adapt their great hunting to the changing time and space. But the restructuring of this hunting varies from one village to another. As and when we leave the depths of the forest to the city of Yokadouma the great hunting is practiced less and less. Baka use illegal hunting tools and even fully protected species in their great hunting and in rituals celebrations. The overexploitation of forest resources, the creation of protected areas, full protection of certain large mammals and the action of ecoguards are something of an obstacle to the ancient practice of hunting for ritual. In most of camp where hunting is no more existing, ritual ceremonies are less and less celebrated. The study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is related to the literature review, the theoretical framework, the definition of concepts, the second focuses on the geographical presentation of the study area, the third chapter looks at factors affecting the great hunting, the fourth chapter deal with the changes observed in the Baka’s great hunting, and the fifth chapter examines consequences of the restriction or suppression of the hunt on the Baka socio culture.