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em Bucknell University Digital Commons - Pensilvania - USA
The study of animal sociality investigates the immediate and long-term consequences that a social structure has on its group members. Typically, social behavior is observed from interactions between two individuals at the dyadic level. However, a new framework for studying social behavior has emerged that allows the researcher to assess social complexity at multiple scales. Social Network Analysis has been recently applied in the field of ethology, and this novel tool enables an approach of focusing on social behavior in context of the global network rather than limited to dyadic interactions. This new technique was applied to a group of captive hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) in order to assess how overall network topology of the social group changes over time with the decline of an aging leader male. Observations on aggressive, grooming, and proximity spatial interactions were collected from three separate years in order to serve as `snapshots¿ of the current state of the group. Data on social behavior were collected from the group when the male was in prime health, when the male was at an old age, and after the male¿s death. A set of metrics was obtained from each time period for each type of social behavior and quantified a change in the patterns of interactions. The results suggest that baboon social behavior varies across context, and changes with the attributes of its individual members. Possible mechanisms for adapting to a changing social environment were also explored.
Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of peptides using tandem mass spectrometry (MS) has been used to determine the identity of peptides and other large biological molecules. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a useful tool for determining the identity of molecules based on their interaction with electromagnetic fields. If coupled with another method like infrared (IR) vibrational spectroscopy, MS can provide structural information, but in its own right, MS can only provide the mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio of the fragments produced, which may not be enough information to determine the mechanism of the collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the molecule. In this case, theoretical calculations provide a useful companion for MS data and yield clues about the energetics of the dissociation. In this study, negative ion electrospray tandem MS was used to study the CID of the deprotonated dipeptide glycine-serine (Gly-Ser). Though negative ion MS is not as popular a choice as positive ion MS, studies by Bowie et al. show that it yields unique clues about molecular structure which complement positive ion spectroscopy, such as characteristic fragmentations like the loss of formaldehyde from the serine residue.2 The increase in the collision energy in the mass spectrometer alters the flexibility of the dipeptide backbone, enabling isomerizations (reactions not resulting in a fragment loss) and dissociations to take place. The mechanism of the CID of Gly-Ser was studied using two computational methods, B3LYP/6-311+G* and M06-2X/6-311++G**. The main pathway for molecular dissociation was analyzed in 5 conformers in an attempt to verify the initial mechanism proposed by Dr. James Swan after examination of the MS data. The results suggest that the loss of formaldehyde from serine, which Bowie et al. indicates is a characteristic of the presence of serine in a protein residue, is an endothermic reaction that is made possible by the conversion of the translational energy of the ion into internal energy as the ion collides with the inert collision gas. It has also been determined that the M06-2X functional¿s improved description of medium and long-range correlation makes it more effective than the B3LYP functional at finding elusive transition states. M06-2X also more accurately predicts the energy of those transition states than does B3LYP. A second CID mechanism, which passes through intermediates with the same m/z ratio as the main pathway for molecular dissociation, but different structures, including a diketopiperazine intermediate, was also studied. This pathway for molecular dissociation was analyzed with 3 conformers and the M06-2X functional, due to its previously determined effectiveness. The results suggest that the latter pathway, which meets the same intermediate masses as the first mechanism, is lower in overall energy and therefore a more likely pathway of dissociation than the first mechanism.
The analysis of Komendant's design of the Kimbell Art Museum was carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the ring beams, edge beams and prestressing in the shells of the roof system. Finite element analysis was not available to Komendant or other engineers of the time to aid them in the design and analysis. Thus, the use of this tool helped to form a new perspective on the Kimbell Art Museum and analyze the engineer's work. In order to carry out the finite element analysis of Kimbell Art Museum, ADINA finite element analysis software was utilized. Eight finite element models (FEM-1 through FEM-8) of increasing complexity were created. The results of the most realistic model, FEM-8, which included ring beams, edge beams and prestressing, were compared to Komendant's calculations. The maximum deflection at the crown of the mid-span surface of -0.1739 in. in FEM-8 was found to be larger than Komendant's deflection in the design documents before the loss in prestressing force (-0.152 in.) but smaller than his prediction after the loss in prestressing force (-0.3814 in.). Komendant predicted a larger longitudinal stress of -903 psi at the crown (vs. -797 psi in FEM-8) and 37 psi at the edge (vs. -347 psi in FEM-8). Considering the strength of concrete of 5000 psi, the difference in results is not significant. From the analysis it was determined that both FEM-5, which included prestressing and fixed rings, and FEM-8 can be successfully and effectively implemented in practice. Prestressing was used in both models and thus served as the main contribution to efficiency. FEM-5 showed that ring and edge beams can be avoided, however an architect might find them more aesthetically appropriate than rigid walls.