6 resultados para STRESS-RESPONSE

em Bucknell University Digital Commons - Pensilvania - USA


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Early embryonic exposure to maternal glucocorticoids can broadly impact physiology and behaviour across phylogenetically diverse taxa. The transfer of maternal glucocorticoids to offspring may be an inevitable cost associated with poor environmental conditions, or serve as a maternal effect that alters offspring phenotype in preparation for a stressful environment. Regardless, maternal glucocorticoids are likely to have both costs and benefits that are paid and collected over different developmental time periods. We manipulated yolk corticosterone (cort) in domestic chickens (Gallus domesticus) to examine the potential impacts of embryonic exposure to maternal stress on the juvenile stress response and cellular ageing. Here, we report that juveniles exposed to experimentally increased cort in ovo had a protracted decline in cort during the recovery phase of the stress response. All birds, regardless of treatment group, shifted to oxidative stress during an acute stress response. In addition, embryonic exposure to cort resulted in higher levels of reactive oxygen metabolites and an over-representation of short telomeres compared with the control birds. In many species, individuals with higher levels of oxidative stress and shorter telomeres have the poorest survival prospects. Given this, long-term costs of glucocorticoid-induced phenotypes may include accelerated ageing and increased mortality.


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Dexamethasone is routinely administered to women at risk for a preterm birth in order to enhance fetal lung development and reduce uterine contractions. Research has demonstrated possible behavioral abnormalities in adulthood as a result of dexamethasone treatment. Using nonlinear mixed effects modeling, this study found thatprenatal dexamethasone treatment impaired spatial learning and memory of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Prenatal dexamethasone treatment also led to more anxiety related behaviors on Elevated Plus Maze testing 1.5 hours after a stress challenge. Because theassumptions underlying the independent samples t-test were violated, the randomization test was used to compare groups on the Elevated Plus Maze.


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Telomeres are protective structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The loss of telomeres through cell division and oxidative stress is related to cellular aging, organismal growth and disease. In this way, telomeres link molecular and cellular mechanisms with organismal processes, and may explain variation in a number of important life-history traits. Here, we discuss how telomere biology relates to the study of physiological ecology and life history evolution. We emphasize current knowledge on how telomeres may relate to growth, survival and lifespan in natural populations. We finish by examining interesting new connections between telomeres and the glucocorticoid stress response. Glucocorticoids are often employed as indices of physiological condition, and there is evidence that the glucocorticoid stress response is adaptive. We suggest that one way that glucocorticoids impact organismal survival is through elevated oxidative stress and telomere loss. Future work needs to establish and explore the link between the glucocorticoid stress response and telomere shortening in natural populations. If a link is found, it provides an explanatory mechanism by which environmental perturbation impacts life history trajectories.


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Although stress is implicated in the pathophysiology of mood and anxiety disorders, not all individuals who suffer stressful life events develop psychopathology. Differential susceptibility to stress may be influenced by genetically mediated differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and moderation of the stress response by the opioid peptide beta-endorphin (beta-E). The present study investigated genetic contributions to coping behavior by examining anxious behavior of transgenic mice with varying capacities to synthesize beta-E [B6.129S2-Pomc(tm1Low)/J; regulated by insertion of a premature stop codon into one or both copies of the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene], both under normal conditions and following 3 min of forced swim (FS). Ten minutes after this stress exposure or a control manipulation, acutely food-deprived female and male transgenic mice were subjected to a novelty-suppressed feeding (NSF) test, during which their interaction with an almond slice located in the center of an open field box was measured. There was an interaction between genotype and stress for latency to approach the almond and whether or not the almond was approached, such that mice with low or absent beta-E displayed a stronger aversion to novelty-feeding after stress exposure than did mice with normal levels. These data provide evidence for a moderating effect of beta-E on the behavioral response to stress. Genotypic differences in anxious behavior emerged when mice were stressed prior to behavioral assessment, suggesting that beta-E plays a role in coping behavior. These findings indicate that genetic variability in sensitivity of the beta-E system to stress may contribute, at least in part, to heritable differences in stress reactivity as well as vulnerability to stress-related psychopathology.


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The main activation route for the stress response is the hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis (HPA) and the sympatho-adrenomedullary system. The HPA axis is a neuroendocrine feedback loop mediated by an array of tissue specific hormones, receptors and neurotransmitters that regulate glucocorticoid (GC) release. GCs are steroidal hormones produced by the adrenal glands and are key players in a negativefeedback loop controlling HPA activity. They influence the HPA axis through glucocorticoid receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary and through both glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralcorticoid receptors (MR) that are co-localized in the hippocampus. Repeated or chronic stress exerts a negative influence on these HPA axis regulatory sites and contributes to potentially pathological conditions, especially during early development. For example, chronic stress promotes increased maternal adrenal gland secretion of glucocortiocoid, leading to abnormally high concentrations of GC inthe fetal environment. The timing and maturation of the HPA axis relative to birth is highly species specific and is closely linked to landmarks in fetal development. In rats this development of the HPA axis takes place in utero and continues even shortly after birth. It is likely that the maternal endocrine environment will affect fetal development during this critical time point and may alter the overall set point for the expression ofgenes and their protein products that mediate fetal HPA axis function. Dexamethasone (DEX) is a synthetic glucocorticoid (sGC) and is a consensus treatment in preterm pregnancies used to expedite fetal lung development. However it has been shown that DEX causes long term physiological and behavioral disorders in prenatally-exposed laboratory animals. Previous studies have also shown that it alters the MR: GR receptor ratio in the hippocampus. Taking into consideration corticosteroid regulation of serotonin receptors, especially 5HT1A receptors and their putative interaction with glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus, we hypothesized that prenatal DEX exposure would lead to changes in the expression and function of 5HT1A receptors in the hippocampus. We administered DEX to rat dams during the last trimester of gestation and investigated the changes in these receptors in the adult rat offspring. Radioligand receptor binding assays were used to study hippocampal 5HT1A receptor binding affinity and number. Our results demonstrate that hippocampal 5HT1A receptors are increased in the DEX animalscompared with controls by 36%, with no change in binding affinity. The efficiency of ligand-induced receptor signal transduction via G-protein activation was also studied using [35S]GTPγS incorporation assay. Using this technique, we showed that there was no significant difference in the maximum ligand mediated stimulation (Emax) of 5HT1Areceptors between control and dex exposed animals. However, the intracellular signalling efficiency of hippocampal 5HT1A receptors was diminished, since a significant increase in EC50 values was obtained with the dex exposed group showing a value 51% higherEC50 than controls. Taken together these data illustrate a considerable change in the 5HT1A component of the serotonergic system following prenatal DEX exposure.


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Fluctuations of food availability, habitat quality, and environmental conditions throughout the year have been implicated in the breeding success and survival of migratory birds. Levels of circulating corticosterone, the hormone involved in energy balance and the stress response in birds, are also affected by fluctuations in these variables, and also play a role in self-maintenance and survival. In addition to changes in behaviors and resource allocation, the metabolic effects of corticosterone increase the amount of free radicals in the body, which can cause oxidative stress and damage lipids and DNA. In this thesis, I assessed if diet and physiology during the breeding and non-breeding seasons contributed to the reproductive success, survival, and oxidative stress of a long-lived migratory seabird, Leach’s storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa). I tested the hypotheses that 1.) diet and physiology throughout the breeding and non-breeding seasons predict reproductive effort; and 2.) corticosterone affects telomere length, a measure of oxidative damage. Through analyses of stable isotopes, corticosterone, and antioxidant capacity, I found that although there was variation in these measures of diet and physiology within the population, none of these factors during the breeding or non-breeding seasons correlated with reproductive effort or success. I also found that feather and plasma corticosterone did not predict telomere length. The life history strategies of Leach’s storm-petrels appear to be complex, and many factors likely contribute to self-maintenance and the decision to breed. Long-term monitoring of these variables may help identify relationships between trends in oceanographic variables during both the breeding and non-breeding seasons with reproductive effort and success, and survival.