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We show that the variation of flow stress with strain rate and grain size in a magnesium alloy deformed at a constant strain rate and 450 °C can be predicted by a crystal plasticity model that includes grain boundary sliding and diffusion. The model predicts the grain size dependence of the critical strain rate that will cause a transition in deformation mechanism from dislocation creep to grain boundary sliding, and yields estimates for grain boundary fluidity and diffusivity.


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The PM3 quantum-mechanical method has been used to study large water clusters ranging from 8 to 42 water molecules. These large clusters are built from smaller building blocks. The building blocks include cyclic tetramers, pentamers, octamers, and a pentagonal dodecahedron cage. The correlations between the strain energy resulting from bending of the hydrogen bonds formed by different cluster motifs and the number of waters involved in the cluster are discussed. The PM3 results are compared with TIP4P potential and ab initio results. The number of net hydrogen bonds per water increases with the cluster size. This places a limit on the size of clusters that would fit the Benson model of liquid water. Many of the 20-mer clusters fit the Benson model well. Calculations of the ion cluster (H20)4o(H30+)2 reveal that the m/e ratio obtainable by mass spectrometry experiments can uniquely indicate the conformation of the 20 water pentagonal dodecahedron cage present in the larger clusters.


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Experimental measurements are used to characterize the anisotropy of flow stress in extruded magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet during uniaxial tension tests at temperatures between 350°C and 450°C, and strain rates ranging from 10-5 to 10-2 s-1. The sheet exhibits lower flow stress and higher tensile ductility when loaded with the tensile axis perpendicular to the extrusion direction compared to when it is loaded parallel to the extrusion direction. This anisotropy is found to be grain size, strain rate, and temperature dependent, but is only weakly dependent on texture. A microstructure based model (D. E. Cipoletti, A. F. Bower, P. E. Krajewski, Scr. Mater., 64 (2011) 931–934) is used to explain the origin of the anisotropic behavior. In contrast to room temperature behavior, where anisotropy is principally a consequence of the low resistance to slip on the basal slip system, elevated temperature anisotropy is found to be caused by the grain structure of extruded sheet. The grains are elongated parallel to the extrusion direction, leading to a lower effective grain size perpendicular to the extrusion direction. As a result, grain boundary sliding occurs more readily if the material is loaded perpendicular to the extrusion direction.


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Two competing models exist for the formation of the Pennsylvania salient, a widely studied area of pronounced curvature in the Appalachian mountain belt. The viability of these models can be tested by compiling and analyzing the patterns of structures within the general hinge zone of the Pennsylvania salient. One end-member model suggests a NW-directed maximum shortening direction and no rotation through time in the culmination. An alternative model requires a two-phase development of the culmination involving NNW-directed maximum shortening overprinted by WNW-directed maximum shortening. Structural analysis at 22 locations throughout the Valley and Ridge and southern Appalachian Plateau Provinces of Pennsylvania are used to constrain orientations of the maximum shortening direction and establish whether these orientations have rotated during progressive deformation in the Pennsylvania salient's hinge. Outcrops of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks contain several orders of folds, conjugate faults, steeply dipping strike-slip faults, joints, conjugate en echelon gash vein arrays, spaced cleavage, and grain-scale finite strain indicators. This suite of structures records a complex deformation history similar to the Bear Valley sequence of progressive deformation. The available structural data from the Juniata culmination do not show a consistent temporal rotation of shortening directions and generally indicate uniform,