112 resultados para Masters theses


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Lipoxygenases are a class of enzymes which consist of non-heme iron dioxygenases that are produced by fungi, plants, and mammals and catalyze the oxygenation of polyunsaturated fatty acid substrates to unsaturated fatty acid hydroperoxide products. The unsaturated fatty acid hydroperoxide products are stereo- and regiospecific. One such lipoxygenase, soybean lipoxygenase-1 (SBLO-1), catalyzes the conversion of linoleate to 13-hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoate (13-HPOD) and a small amount of 9-hydroperoxy-10(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoate (9-HPOD). Although the structure of SBLO-1 is known and it is the most widely studied lipoxygenase, how it binds to substrate is still poorly understood. Two competing binding hypotheses that have been used to understand and explain the binding are the head first binding model and the tail first binding model. The head first binding model predicts linoleate binds with its polar carboxylate group in the binding pocket and the methyl terminus at the surface of the binding pocket. The tail first binding model predicts that linoleate binds with its methyl terminus end in the binding pocket and the polar carboxylate group at the surface of the binding pocket. Both binding models have been used in the explanation of previous work. In previous work the replacement of phenylalanine with valine has been performed to produce the phe557val mutant SBLO-1. The mutant SBLO-1 was then used in the enzymatic oxygenation of linoleate. With this mutant, the amount of 9-HPOD that is formed increases. This result has been interpreted using the head-first binding model in which the smaller valine residue allows linoleate to bind with the polar carboxylate group of linoleate interacting with arginine-707. The work presented in this thesis confirms the regiochemical results of the previous work and further tests the head-first binding model. If head-first binding occurs, the 9-HPOD is expected to have primarily S configuration. Utilizing chiral-phase HPLC, it was found that the 9-HPOD produced by the phe557val mutant SBLO-1 is primarily S, consistent with head-first binding. The head-first binding model was also tested using linoleyl dimethylamine (LDMA), which has been shown to be a good substrate for SBLO-1 at pH 7.0, where LDMA is thought to be positively charged. This model predicts that less of the 9-peroxide should be produced with this substrate. Through the use of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, it was found that the conversion of LDMA by the phe557val mutant SBLO-1 resulted in the formation of a 46:54 mixture of the 13-peroxide:9-peroxide. The higher amount of 9-peroxide is the opposite of what is expected for the currently proposed model suggesting that the proposed model may not be entirely correct. The results thus far have been consistent with reverse binding but not with the proposed interaction of the polar end of the substrate with arginine-707.


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I compose a poem in the same way I compose a photograph: shifting focus until I see only what is most beautiful or most terrible, warily choosing what will be in view and what will be left out, trying to find just the right amount of light or darkness. Art¿¿poetry, especially¿¿is a way for me to frame and illuminate experience. In this collection, I investigate experiences that dumbfound me, and the details of landscape become a vocabulary for discovery. The wheat fields of the Midwest are signifiers for loss and homesickness; a Pennsylvania forest is a catalyst for meditations on pregnancy and motherhood. Images of light and of water are abundant in these poems, and the speakers of my poems look to these elements for guidance and comfort with almost religious deference.


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Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are pervasive developmental disorders that affect approximately 1 in 50 children (Blumberg et al., 2013). Due to the social nature of the deficits that characterize the disorders, many have classified them as disorders of social cognition, which is the process that individuals use in order to successfully interact with members of their own species (Frith & Frith, 2007). Previous research has typically neglected the spectrum nature of ASD in favor of a more categorical approach of ¿autistic¿ versus ¿non-autistic,¿ but the spectrum requires a more continuous approach. Thus, the present study sought to examine the genetic, social-cognitive, and neural correlates of ASD-like traits as well as the relationship between these dimensions in typically developing children. Parents and children completed several quantitative measures examining several areas of social-cognitive functioning, including theory of mind and social functioning, restricted/repetitive behaviors and interests, and adaptive/maladaptive functioning. Children were also asked to undergo an EEG and both parents and children contributed a saliva sample that was used to sequence four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the OXTR gene, rs1042778, rs53576, rs2254298, and rs237897. We successfully demonstrated a significant relationship between behavioral measures of social-cognition and differences in face perception via the N170. However, the directionality of these relationships varied based on the behavioral measure and particular N170 difference scores. We also found support for the associations between the G_G allelic combination of rs1042778 and the A_A and A_G allelic combinations of rs2254298 and increased ASD-like behavior with decreased social-cognitive functioning. In contrast, our results contradict previous findings with rs237897 and imply that individuals with the A_A and A_G genotypes are less similar to those with ASD and have higher social cognitive functioning than those with the G_G genotype. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the existence of ASD-like traits in typically developing children and have shown a link between behavioral, genetic, and neural correlates of social-cognition. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering autism as a spectrum disorder and provide support for the move to a more continuous approach to neurodevelopmental disorders.


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Micelle-forming bile salts have previously been shown to be effective pseudo-stationary phases for separating the chiral isomers of binaphthyl compounds with micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC). Here, cholate micelles are systematically investigated via electrophoretic separations and NMR using R, S-1, 1¿- binaphthyl- 2, 2¿-diylhydrogenphosphate (BNDHP) as a model chiral analyte. The pH, temperature, and concentration of BNDHP were systematically varied while monitoring the chiral resolution obtained with MEKC and the chemical shift of various protons in NMR. NMR data for each proton on BNDHP is monitored as a function of cholate concentration: as cholate monomers begin to aggregate and the analyte molecules begin to sample the micelle aggregate we observe changes in the cholate methyl and S-BNDHP proton chemical shifts. From such NMR data, the apparent CMC of cholate at pH 12 is found to be about 13-14 mM, but this value decreases at higher pH, suggesting that more extreme pHs may give rise to more effective separations. In general, CMCs increase with temperature indicating that one may be able to obtain better separations at lower temperatures. S-BNDHP concentrations ranging from 50 ¿M to 400 ¿M (pH 12.8) gave rise to apparent cholate CMC values from 10 mM to 8 mM, respectively, indicating that S-BNDHP, the chiral analyte molecule, may play an active role in stabilizing cholate aggregates. In all, these data show that NMR can be used to systematically investigate a complex multi-variable landscape of potential optimizations of chiral separations.


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ASTM A529 carbon¿manganese steel angle specimens were joined by flash butt welding and the effects of varying process parameter settings on the resulting welds were investigated. The weld metal and heat affected zones were examined and tested using tensile testing, ultrasonic scanning, Rockwell hardness testing, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy in order to quantify the effect of process variables on weld quality. Statistical analysis of experimental tensile and ultrasonic scanning data highlighted the sensitivity of weld strength and the presence of weld zone inclusions and interfacial defects to the process factors of upset current, flashing time duration, and upset dimension. Subsequent microstructural analysis revealed various phases within the weld and heat affected zone, including acicular ferrite, Widmanstätten or side-plate ferrite, and grain boundary ferrite. Inspection of the fracture surfaces of multiple tensile specimens, with scanning electron microscopy, displayed evidence of brittle cleavage fracture within the weld zone for certain factor combinations. Test results also indicated that hardness was increased in the weld zone for all specimens, which can be attributed to the extensive deformation of the upset operation. The significance of weld process factor levels on microstructure, fracture characteristics, and weld zone strength was analyzed. The relationships between significant flash welding process variables and weld quality metrics as applied to ASTM A529-Grade 50 steel angle were formalized in empirical process models.


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Metacommunity ecology focuses on the interaction between local communities and is inherently linked to dispersal as a result. Within this framework, communities are structured by a combination of in-site responses to the immediate environment (species sorting), stochasticity (patch dynamics), and connections to other communities via distance between communities and dispersal (neutrality), and source-sink dynamics (mass effects; see Chapter 1 for a detailed description of metacommunity theory, the study site, and macroinvertebrate communities found). In Chapter 2 I describe spatial scale of study and dispersal ability as both have the ability to influence the degree to which communities interact. However, little is known about how these factors influence the importance of all metacommunity dynamics. I compared dispersal mode of immature aquatic insects and dispersal ability of winged adults across multiple spatial scales in a large river. The strongest drivers of river communities were patch dynamics, followed by species sorting, then neutrality. Active dispersers during aquatic lifestages on average exhibited lower patch dynamics, higher species sorting, and significant mass effects compared to passive dispersers. Active and strong dispersers also had a scale-independent influence of neutrality, while neutrality was stronger at broader spatial scale for passive and weak dispersers. These results indicate as dispersal ability increases patch dynamics decreases, species sorting increases, and neutrality should decrease. The perceived influence of neutrality may also be dependent on spatial scale and dispersal ability. In Chapter 3 I describe how river benthic macroinvertebrate communities may influence tributary invertebrate communities via adult flight and tributaries may influence mainstem communities via immature drift. This relationship may also depend on relative mainstem and tributary size, as well as abiotic tributary influence on mainstem habitat. To investigate the interaction between a larger river and tributary I sampled mainstem benthic invertebrate communities and quantified habitat of a 7th order river (West Branch Susquehanna River) above and below a 5th order tributary confluence, as well as 0.95-3.2 km upstream in the tributary. Non-metric multidimensional scaling showed similar patterns of clustering between sampling locations for both habitat characteristics and invertebrate communities. In addition, mainstem river communities and habitat directly downstream of the tributary confluence cluster tightly together, intermediate between tributary and mid-channel river samples. In Bray-Curtis dissimilarity comparisons between tributary and mainstem river communities the furthest upstream tributary communities were least similar to river communities. Middle tributary samples were also closest by Euclidean distance to the upstream mainstem riffle and exhibited higher similarity to mid-channel samples than the furthest downstream tributary communities. My results indicate river and tributary benthic invertebrate communities may interact and likely result in direct and indirect mass effects of a tributary on the downstream mainstem community by invertebrate drift and habitat restructuring via material delivery from the tributary. I also showed likely direct effects of adult dispersal from the river and oviposition in proximal tributary locations where Euclidian, rather than river, distance may be more important in determining river-tributary interactions.


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Multiple recent studies provide evidence that both human and nonhuman primates possess motor planning abilities. I tested for the demonstration of motor planning in two previously untested primate species through two experiments. In the first experiment, I compared the extent to which squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and brown capuchins (Cebus apella) plan their movements in a grasping task. Individuals were presented with an inverted cup that required being turned and held upright in order to extract a food reward from the inside of the cup. This task was most efficiently solved by using an initially awkward inverted grasp that affords a comfortable hand and arm orientation at the end of the movement (known as end-state comfort). While certain individuals from both species exhibited end-state comfort, many of the capuchins never demonstrated this type of motor planning. Furthermore, the squirrel monkeys used the efficient grasp significantly more than the capuchins. In the second experiment, I presented the capuchins with another grasping task to test if they would express motor planning abilities in a different context. Here, the capuchins were offered a dowel that was baited on either the left or right end. A radial grasp with the thumb pointing towards the baited end was considered to be the most efficient grasp because it afforded a comfortable final position. The capuchins switched hands and used an overhand radial grasp on the dowel significantly more often than not, thus demonstrating motor planning in this task. The grasps typically utilized by these two closely related species differ considerably in that capuchins are capable of exercising precision grips, whereas squirrel monkeys are limited to whole-handed power grips. Moreover, unlike capuchins, squirrel monkeys are not particularly dexterous nor are they capable of precise manipulative actions. It is therefore more beneficial for squirrel monkeys to plan their movements efficiently because they are less capable of compensating for inappropriate initial grasps. Due to the appreciable variability in the expression of motor planning skills across species, I proposed that morphological constraints might explain the observed discrepancies in movement planning among different primate species.