46 resultados para Library and Information Science Curricula


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Jahnke and Asher explore workflows and methodologies at a variety of academic data curation sites, and Keralis delves into the academic milieu of library and information schools that offer instruction in data curation. Their conclusions point to the urgent need for a reliable and increasingly sophisticated professional cohort to support data-intensive research in our colleges, universities, and research centers.


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In an effort to reduce Interlibrary borrowing activity, while enhancing the Library collection, the Bertrand Library has initiated a program to purchase current monographs requested through ILL by Bucknell University students and faculty. The results have been a successful reduction in ILL workload, and a cost-effective means of document delivery as measured by average delivery time, cost-per-title, processing costs, and circulation statistics. This procedure reflects an overall change in our philosophy concerning document access and delivery, which led to the reorganization of ILL services and staff in the Bertrand Library.


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Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), the standard subject language used in library catalogues, are often criticized for their lack of currency, biased language, and atypical syndetic structure. Conversely, folksonomies (or tags), which rely on the natural language of their users, offer a flexibility often lacking in controlled vocabularies and may offer a means of augmenting more rigid controlled vocabularies such as LCSH. Content analysis studies have demonstrated the potential for folksonomies to be used as a means of enhancing subject access to materials, and libraries are beginning to integrate tagging systems into their catalogues. This study examines the utility of tags as a means of enhancing subject access to materials in library online public access catalogues (OPACs) through usability testing with the LibraryThing for Libraries catalogue enhancements. Findings indicate that while they cannot replace LCSH, tags do show promise for aiding information seeking in OPACs. In the context of information systems design, the study revealed that while folksonomies have the potential to enhance subject access to materials, that potential is severely limited by the current inability of catalogue interfaces to support tag-based searches alongside standard catalogue searches.


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Unique as snowflakes, learning communities are formed in countless ways. Some are designed specifically for first-year students, while others offer combined or clustered upper-level courses. Most involve at least two linked courses, and some add residential and social components. Many address core general education and basic skills requirements. Learning communities differ in design, yet they are similar in striving to enhance students' academic and social growth. First-year learning communities foster experiences that have been linked to academic success and retention. They also offer unique opportunities for librarians interested in collaborating with departmental faculty and enhancing teaching skills. This article will explore one librarian's experiences teaching within three first-year learning communities at Buffalo State College.


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Frazier reviews The Great Pictorial History of World Crime by Jay Robert Nash.


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For the Capote connoisseur, this encyclopedia offers a treasure trove of details about Truman Capote's life and works. There are numerous biographical and critical sources about Capote and his works, including many online reference tools (e.g., Literature Criticism Online, Literature Online LION, Biography Resource Center, as well as other encyclopedias).


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With more than five hundred entries, Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence defines key terms and provides information about legislation, public policy, theoretical perspectives, and programs dedicated to assisting victims and raising awareness of these devastating social problems. Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence features nine pages of material with entries that cover anti-gay gender motivated, racially motivated, and religiously motivated crimes as well as information about the criminal justice response and legislation.