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We use a conceptual model to investigate how randomly varying building heights within a city affect the atmospheric drag forces and the aerodynamic roughness length of the city. The model is based on the assumptions regarding wake spreading and mutual sheltering effects proposed by Raupach (Boundary-Layer Meteorol 60:375-395, 1992). It is applied both to canopies having uniform building heights and to those having the same building density and mean height, but with variability about the mean. For each simulated urban area, a correction is determined, due to height variability, to the shear stress predicted for the uniform building height case. It is found that u (*)/u (*R) , where u (*) is the friction velocity and u (*R) is the friction velocity from the uniform building height case, is expressed well as an algebraic function of lambda and sigma (h) /h (m) , where lambda is the frontal area index, sigma (h) is the standard deviation of the building height, and h (m) is the mean building height. The simulations also resulted in a simple algebraic relation for z (0)/z (0R) as a function of lambda and sigma (h) /h (m) , where z (0) is the aerodynamic roughness length and z (0R) is z (0) found from the original Raupach formulation for a uniform canopy. Model results are in keeping with those of several previous studies.
Land surface temperature (LST) plays a key role in governing the land surface energy budget, and measurements or estimates of LST are an integral part of many land surface models and methods to estimate land surface sensible heat (H) and latent heat fluxes. In particular, the LST anchors the potential temperature profile in Monin-Obukhov similarity theory, from which H can be derived. Brutsaert has made important contributions to our understanding the nature of surface temperature measurements as well as the practical but theoretically sound use of LST in this framework. His work has coincided with the wide-spread availability of remotely sensed LST measurements. Use of remotely sensed LST estimates inevitably involves complicating factors, such as: varying spatial and temporal scales in measurements, theory, and models; spatial variability of LST and H; the relationship between measurements of LST and the temperature felt by the atmosphere; and the need to correct satellite-based radiometric LST measurements for the radiative effects of the atmosphere. This paper reviews the progress made in research in these areas by tracing and commenting on Brutsaert's contributions.
Experimental Evaluation of the Influence of Human-Structure Interaction for Vibration Serviceability
The effects of human-structure interaction on the dynamic performance of occupied structures have long been observed. The inclusion of the effects of human-structure interaction is important to ensure that the dynamic response of a structure is not overestimated. Previous observations, both in service and in the laboratory, have yielded results indicating that the effects are dependent on the natural frequency of the structure, the posture of the occupants, and the mass ratio of the occupants to the structure. These results are noteworthy, but are limited in their application,because the data are sparse and are only pertinent to a specific set of characteristics identified in a given study. To examine these characteristics simultaneously and consistently, an experimental test structure was designed with variable properties to replicate a variety of configurations within a controlled setting focusing on the effects of passive occupants. Experimental modal analysis techniques were employed to both the empty and occupied conditions of the structure and the dynamic properties associated with each condition were compared. Results similar to previous investigations were observed, including both an increase and a decrease in natural frequency of the occupied structure with respect to the empty structure, as well as the identification of a second mode of vibration. The damping of the combined system was higher for all configurations. Overall, this study provides a broad data set representing a wide array of configurations. The experimental results of this study were used to assess current recommendations for the dynamic properties of a crowd to analytically predict the effects of human-structure interaction. The experimental results were used to select a set of properties for passive, standing occupants and develop a new model that can more accurately represent the behavior of the human-structure system as experimentally measured in this study.
To protect motorists and avoid tort liability, highway agencies expend considerable resources to repair damaged longitudinal barriers, such as w-beam guardrails. With limited funding available, though, highway agencies are unable to maintain all field-installed systems in the ideal as-built condition. Instead, these agencies focus on repairing only damage that has a detrimental effect on the safety performance of the barrier. The distinction between minor damage and more severe performance-altering damage, however, is not always clear. This paper presents a critical review of current United States (US) and Canadian criteria on whether to repair damaged longitudinal barrier. Barrier repair policies were obtained via comprehensive literature review and a survey of US and Canadian transportation agencies. In an analysis of the maintenance procedures of 40 US States and 8 Canadian transportation agencies, fewer than one-third of highway agencies were found to have quantitative measures to determine when barrier repair is warranted. In addition, no engineering basis for the current US barrier repair guidelines could be found. These findings underscore the importance of the development of quantitative barrier repair guidelines based on a strong technical foundation.
The occupant impact velocity (OIV) and acceleration severity index (ASI) are competing measures of crash severity used to assess occupant injury risk in full-scale crash tests involving roadside safety hardware, e.g. guardrail. Delta-V, or the maximum change in vehicle velocity, is the traditional metric of crash severity for real world crashes. This study compares the ability of the OIV, ASI, and delta-V to discriminate between serious and non-serious occupant injury in real world frontal collisions. Vehicle kinematics data from event data recorders (EDRs) were matched with detailed occupant injury information for 180 real world crashes. Cumulative probability of injury risk curves were generated using binary logistic regression for belted and unbelted data subsets. By comparing the available fit statistics and performing a separate ROC curve analysis, the more computationally intensive OIV and ASI were found to offer no significant predictive advantage over the simpler delta-V.
Introduction: Longitudinal barriers, such as guardrails, are designed to prevent a vehicle that leaves the roadway from impacting a more dangerous object while minimizing the risk of injury to the vehicle occupants. Current full-scale test procedures for these devices do not consider the effect of occupant restraints such as seatbelts and airbags. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which restraints are used or deployed in longitudinal barrier collisions and their subsequent effect on occupant injury. Methods: Binary logistic regression models were generated to predict occupant injury risk using data from the National Automotive Sampling System / Crashworthiness Data System from 1997 through 2007. Results: In tow-away longitudinal barrier crashes, airbag deployment rates were 70% for airbag-equipped vehicles. Compared with unbelted occupants without an airbag available, seat belt restrained occupants with an airbag available had a dramatically decreased risk of receiving a serious (MAIS 3+) injury (odds-ratio (OR)=0.03; 95% CI: 0.004- 0.24). A similar decrease was observed among those restrained by seat belts, but without an airbag available (OR=0.03; 95% CI: 0.001- 0.79). No significant differences in risk of serious injuries were observed between unbelted occupants with an airbag available compared with unbelted occupants without an airbag available (OR=0.53; 95% CI=0.10-2.68). Impact on Industry: This study refutes the perception in the roadside safety community that airbags rarely deploy in frontal barrier crashes, and suggests that current longitudinal barrier occupant risk criteria may over-estimate injury potential for restrained occupants involved in a longitudinal barrier crash.
Objectives: Previous research conducted in the late 1980s suggested that vehicle impacts following an initial barrier collision increase severe occupant injury risk. Now over 25years old, the data are no longer representative of the currently installed barriers or the present US vehicle fleet. The purpose of this study is to provide a present-day assessment of secondary collisions and to determine if current full-scale barrier crash testing criteria provide an indication of secondary collision risk for real-world barrier crashes. Methods: To characterize secondary collisions, 1,363 (596,331 weighted) real-world barrier midsection impacts selected from 13years (1997-2009) of in-depth crash data available through the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) / Crashworthiness Data System (CDS) were analyzed. Scene diagram and available scene photographs were used to determine roadside and barrier specific variables unavailable in NASS/CDS. Binary logistic regression models were developed for second event occurrence and resulting driver injury. To investigate current secondary collision crash test criteria, 24 full-scale crash test reports were obtained for common non-proprietary US barriers, and the risk of secondary collisions was determined using recommended evaluation criteria from National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350. Results: Secondary collisions were found to occur in approximately two thirds of crashes where a barrier is the first object struck. Barrier lateral stiffness, post-impact vehicle trajectory, vehicle type, and pre-impact tracking conditions were found to be statistically significant contributors to secondary event occurrence. The presence of a second event was found to increase the likelihood of a serious driver injury by a factor of 7 compared to cases with no second event present. The NCHRP Report 350 exit angle criterion was found to underestimate the risk of secondary collisions in real-world barrier crashes. Conclusions: Consistent with previous research, collisions following a barrier impact are not an infrequent event and substantially increase driver injury risk. The results suggest that using exit-angle based crash test criteria alone to assess secondary collision risk is not sufficient to predict second collision occurrence for real-world barrier crashes.
Outside of relatively limited crash testing with large trucks, very little is known regarding the performance of traffic barriers subjected to real-world large truck impacts. The purpose of this study was to investigate real-world large truck impacts into traffic barriers to determine barrier crash involvement rates, the impact performance of barriers not specifically designed to redirect large trucks, and the real-world performance of large-truck-specific barriers. Data sources included the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (2000-2009), the General Estimates System (2000-2009) and 155 in-depth large truck-to-barrier crashes from the Large Truck Crash Causation Study. Large truck impacts with a longitudinal barrier were found to comprise 3 percent of all police-reported longitudinal barrier impacts and roughly the same proportion of barrier fatalities. Based on a logistic regression model predicting barrier penetration, large truck barrier penetration risk was found to increase by a factor of 6 for impacts with barriers designed primarily for passenger vehicles. Although large-truck-specific barriers were found to perform better than non-heavy vehicle specific barriers, the penetration rate of these barriers were found to be 17 percent. This penetration rate is especially a concern because the higher test level barriers are designed to protect other road users, not the occupants of the large truck. Surprisingly, barriers not specifically designed for large truck impacts were found to prevent large truck penetration approximately half of the time. This suggests that adding costlier higher test level barriers may not always be warranted, especially on roadways with lower truck volumes.
One of the challenges for structural engineers during design is considering how the structure will respond to crowd-induced dynamic loading. It has been shown that human occupants of a structure do not simply add mass to the system when considering the overall dynamic response of the system, but interact with it and may induce changes of the dynamic properties from those of the empty structure. This study presents an investigation into the human-structure interaction based on several crowd characteristics and their effect on the dynamic properties of an empty structure. The dynamic properties including frequency, damping, and mode shapes were estimated for a single test structure by means of experimental modal analysis techniques. The same techniques were utilized to estimate the dynamic properties when the test structure was occupied by a crowd with different combinations of size, posture, and distribution. The goal of this study is to isolate the occupant characteristics in order to determine the significance of each to be considered when designing new structures to avoid crowd serviceability issues. The results are presented and summarized based on the level of influence of each characteristic. The posture that produces the most significant effects based on the scope of this research is standing with bent knees with a maximum decrease in frequency of the first mode of the empty structure by 32 percent atthe highest mass ratio. The associated damping also increased 36 times the damping of the empty structure. In addition to the analysis of the experimental data, finite element models and a two degree-of-freedom model were created. These models were used to gain an understanding of the test structure, model a crowd as an equivalent mass, and also to develop a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model to best represent a crowd of occupants based on the experimental results. The SDOF models created had an averagefrequency of 5.0 Hz, within the range presented in existing biomechanics research, and combined SDOF systems of the test structure and crowd were able to reproduce the frequency and damping ratios associated with experimental tests. Results of this study confirmed the existence of human-structure interaction andthe inability to simply model a crowd as only additional mass. The two degree-offreedom model determined was able to predict the change in natural frequency and damping ratio for a structure occupied by multiple group sizes in a single posture. These results and model are the preliminary steps in the development of an appropriate methodfor modeling a crowd in combination with a more complex FE model of the empty structure.
This study investigates the feasibility of predicting the momentamplification in beam-column elements of steel moment-resisting frames using the structure's natural period. Unlike previous methods, which perform moment-amplification on a story-by-story basis, this study develops and tests two models that aim to predict a global amplification factor indicative of the largest relevant instance of local moment amplification in the structure. To thisend, a variety of two-dimensional frames is investigated using first and secondorder finite element analysis. The observed moment amplification is then compared with the predicted amplification based on the structure's natural period, which is calculated by first-order finite element analysis. As a benchmark, design moment amplification factors are calculated for each story using the story stiffness approach, and serve to demonstrate the relativeconservatism and accuracy of the proposed models with respect to current practice in design. The study finds that the observed moment amplification factors may vastly exceed expectations when internal member stresses are initially very small. Where the internal stresses are small relative to the member capacities, thesecases are inconsequential for design. To qualify the significance of the observed amplification factors, two parameters are used: the second-order moment normalized to the plastic moment capacity, and the combined flexural and axial stress interaction equations developed by AISC
Currently, the Specification for Aluminum Structures (Aluminum Association, 2010) shows thin-walled aluminum plate sections with radii greater than eight inches have a lower compressive strength capacity than a flat plate with the same width and thickness. This inconsistency with intuition, which suggests any degree of folding a plate should increase its elastic buckling strength, inspired this study. A wide range of curvatures are studied—from a nearly flat plate to semi-circular. To quantify the curvature, a single non-dimensional parameter is used to represent all combinations of width, thickness and radius. Using the finite strip method (CU-FSM), elastic local buckling stresses are investigated. Using the ratio of stress values of curved plates compared to flat plates of the same size, equivalent plate-buckling coefficients are calculated. Using this data, nonlinear regression analyses are performed to develop closed form equations for five different edge support conditions. These equations can be used to calculate the elastic critical buckling stress for any curved aluminum section when the geometric properties (width, thickness, and radius) and the material properties (elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio) are known. This procedure is illustrated in examples, each showing the applicability of the derived equations to geometries other than those investigated in this study and also providing comparisons with theoretically exact numerical analysis results.
This study examined the chemical compatibility of several model soil-bentonite(SB) backfills with an inorganic salt solution (CaCl2). First, bentonite-water slurry was created using a natural sodium-bentonite, as well as two modified bentonites –multiswellable bentonite (MSB) and a “salt-resistant” bentonite (SW101). Once slurries that met typical construction specifications had been created using the various bentonites,the model SB backfills were prepared for each type of bentonite. These backfills werealso designed to meet conventional construction and design requirements. The SB backfills were then subjected to permeation with tap water and/or CaCl2 solutions of various concentrations in order to evaluate the compatibility of the SB backfills with inorganic chemicals. The results indicate that SB backfill experiences only minor compatibility issues (i.e., no large differences between the hydraulic conductivity of the SB backfill to tap water and CaCl2) compared to many other types of clay barriers. In addition, SB backfills show no major change in final hydraulic conductivity to CaCl2 when permeated with tap water before CaCl2 versus being permeated with CaCl2 directly. These results may be due to the ability of the bentonite in the SB backfills to undergo osmotic swelling before permeation begins, and the inability of the CaCl2 solutions to undo the osmotic swelling. Similar results were obtained for all three clays tested, and while MSB did show less compatibility issues than the natural bentonite and SW101, it appears that the differences in performance may generally be negligible. Overall, thisstudy makes a significant addition to the understanding of SB cutoff wall compatibility.
This study investigated the effect of cyclic wetting and drying on the backfill used in soil-bentonite (SB) cutoff walls. For this purpose, model SB vertical cutoff wall backfills were prepared comprising of a fine grained mortar sand and 2% bentonite (by total weight) and 4% bentonite (by total weight). Results of the study indicate that the volume change is influenced by the bentonite content, that is, the increase in volume change increased with increasing bentonite content.
The long-term performance of infrastructure depends on reliable and sustainable designs. Many of Pennsylvania’s streams experience sediment transport problems that increase maintenance costs and lower structural integrity of bridge crossings. A stream restoration project is one common mitigation measure used to correct such problems at bridge crossings. Specifically, in an attempt to alleviate aggradation problems with the Old Route 15 Bridge crossing on White Deer Creek, in White Deer, PA, two in-stream structures (rock cross vanes) and several bank stabilization features were installed along with a complete channel redevelopment. The objectives of this research were to characterize the hydraulic and sediment transport processes occurring at the White Deer Creek site, and to investigate, through physical and mathematical modeling, the use of instream restoration structures. The goal is to be able to use the results of this study to prevent aggradation or other sediment related problems in the vicinity of bridges through improved design considerations. Monitoring and modeling indicate that the study site on White Deer Creek is currently unstable, experiencing general channel down-cutting, bank erosion, and several local areas of increased aggradation and degradation of the channel bed. An in-stream structure installed upstream of the Old Route 15 Bridge failed by sediment burial caused by the high sediment load that White Deer Creek is transporting as well as the backwater effects caused by the bridge crossing. The in-stream structure installed downstream of the Old Route 15 Bridge is beginning to fail because of the alignment of the structure with the approach direction of flow from upstream of the restoration structure.
Previous research conducted in the late 1980’s suggested that vehicle impacts following an initial barrier collision increase severe occupant injury risk. Now over twenty-five years old, the data used in the previous research is no longer representative of the currently installed barriers or US vehicle fleet. The purpose of this study is to provide a present-day assessment of secondary collisions and to determine if full-scale barrier crash testing criteria provide an indication of secondary collision risk for real-world barrier crashes. The analysis included 1,383 (596,331 weighted) real-world barrier midsection impacts selected from thirteen years (1997-2009) of in-depth crash data available through the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) / Crashworthiness Data System (CDS). For each suitable case, the scene diagram and available scene photographs were used to determine roadside and barrier specific variables not available in NASS/CDS. Binary logistic regression models were developed for second event occurrence and resulting driver injury. Barrier lateral stiffness, post-impact vehicle trajectory, vehicle type, and pre-impact tracking conditions were found to be statistically significant contributors toward secondary event occurrence. The presence of a second event was found to increase the likelihood of a serious driver injury by a factor of seven compared to cases with no second event present. Twenty-four full-scale crash test reports were obtained for common non-proprietary US barriers, and the risk of secondary collisions was determined using recommended evaluation criteria from NCHRP Report 350. It was found that the NCHRP Report 350 exit angle criterion alone was not sufficient to predict second collision occurrence for real-world barrier crashes.