11 resultados para youtube

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Cybermobbing ist ein brisantes Thema, das seit über einem Jahrzehnt weltweit für Aufsehen sorgt. Es handelt sich um eine elektronische Mobbingvariante, die vom Versenden einer beleidigenden SMS bis hin zum Veröffentlichen von peinlichen Videos auf YouTube oder Facebook geht. Cybermobbing kann als ungünstiges Nebenprodukt des gesellschaftlichen Wandels hin zur digitalen Kommunikation gesehen werden. Cybermobbing ist deswegen nicht nur ein individuelles, sondern auch ein gesellschaftliches Problem, das in diesem größeren Rahmen betrachtet werden muss. Sowohl das Individuum als auch die Familie, die Gleichaltrigen, die Schule und der gesellschaftliche Kontext sind wichtige Akteure einerseits bei Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Cybermobbing, andererseits bei dessen Prävention und Intervention.


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We offer here a multimodal discourse analysis of a range of verbal (writing and speech), nonverbal (movement and gesture) and technological (photography and video) resources used by tourists at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In doing so, we pin-point the recycling and layering of mediatized representations (e.g. guidebooks and official brochures), mediated actions (e.g. climbing the Tower or posing in front of it), and remediated practices (e.g. posting a YouTube video of oneself climbing the 294 steps to the top of the Tower). Through this kind of empirically-based examination of tourists’ discursive and embodied performances – their ways of talking about and behaving in spaces – we witness how people never simply visit places but are always actively shaping and making these places. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is, therefore, as much an emergent production of the tourist imagination as it is a pre-existing, lop-sided construction of stone.


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Information-centric networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that aims at increasing security and efficiency of content delivery in communication networks. In recent years, many research efforts in ICN have focused on caching strategies to reduce traffic and increase overall performance by decreasing download times. Since caches need to operate at line speed, they have only a limited size and content can only be stored for a short time. However, if content needs to be available for a longer time, e.g., for delay-tolerant networking or to provide high content availability similar to content delivery networks (CDNs), persistent caching is required. We base our work on the Content-Centric Networking (CCN) architecture and investigate persistent caching by extending the current repository implementation in CCNx. We show by extensive evaluations in a YouTube and webserver traffic scenario that repositories can be efficiently used to increase content availability by significantly increasing cache hit rates.


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Information-centric networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that aims at increasing security and efficiency of content delivery in communication networks. In recent years, many research efforts in ICN have focused on caching strategies to reduce traffic and increase overall performance by decreasing download times. Since caches need to operate at line-speed, they have only a limited size and content can only be stored for a short time. However, if content needs to be available for a longer time, e.g., for delay-tolerant networking or to provide high content availability similar to content delivery networks (CDNs), persistent caching is required. We base our work on the Content-Centric Networking (CCN) architecture and investigate persistent caching by extending the current repository implementation in CCNx. We show by extensive evaluations in a YouTube and webserver traffic scenario that repositories can be efficiently used to increase content availability by significantly increasing the cache hit rates.


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Lagunillas es un barrio céntrico de Málaga, a espaldas de algunas atracciones turísticas y culturales como la Plaza de la Merced, la Casa Natal de Picasso y el Teatro Cervantes. Durante muchos años este barrio se ha catalogado como área de riesgo social y de índices altos de pobreza y marginación, aunque recientemente varias asociaciones de vecinos se han esforzado por mejorar la situación de la barriada. Los colectivos activos en Lagunillas procuran documentar y denunciar el abandono de la zona por parte del Ayuntamiento y hacer visible las iniciativas tomadas por el vecindario en los medios sociales (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) y en periódicos de oposición. Por tanto, esta contribución se centra en la representación multimodal del barrio Lagunillas en dichos medios. El estudio se basa en un enfoque de la semiótica social multimodal y recurre a métodos cualitativos con la ayuda del programa TAMS Analyzer. Los objetivos de análisis son cómo los activistas emplean diferentes recursos semióticos multimodales para mostrar el estado del barrio y de qué manera los recursos semióticos interactúan. La multimodalidad subraya de este modo la acción situada, es decir, acentúa la importancia del contexto social y de la elección de los recursos disponibles para crear significado. En el caso de Lagunillas la relación intersemiótica, y en especial, el modo visual, se convierten en recursos sumamente impactantes para representar la transición de “Malaguistán” a “Málaga Soho subversivo”.