15 resultados para traditional film history
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In the face of increasing globalisation, and a collision between global communication systems and local traditions, this book offers innovative trans-disciplinary analyses of the value of traditional cultural expressions (TCE) and suggests appropriate protection mechanisms for them. It combines approaches from history, philosophy, anthropology, sociology and law, and charts previously untravelled paths for developing new policy tools and legal designs that go beyond conventional copyright models. Its authors extend their reflections to a consideration of the specific features of the digital environment, which, despite enhancing the risks of misappropriation of traditional knowledge and creativity, may equally offer new opportunities for revitalising indigenous peoples' values and provide for the sustainability of TCE.This book will appeal to scholars interested in multidisciplinary analyses of the fragmentation of international law in the field of intellectual property and traditional cultural expressions. It will also be valuable reading for those working on broader governance and human rights issues.
History and Identity in the Late Antique Near East gathers together the work of distinguished historians and early career scholars with a broad range of expertise to investigate the significance of newly emerged, or recently resurrected, ethnic identities on the borders of the eastern Mediterranean world. It focuses on the "long late antiquity" from the eve of the Arab conquest of the Roman East to the formation of the Abbasid caliphate. The first half of the book offers papers on the Christian Orient on the cusp of the Islamic invasions. These papers discuss how Christians negotiated the end of Roman power, whether in the selective use of the patristic past to create confessional divisions or the emphasis of the shared philosophical legacy of the Greco-Roman world. The second half of the book considers Muslim attempts to negotiate the pasts of the conquered lands of the Near East, where the Christian histories of Hira or Egypt were used to create distinctive regional identities for Arab settlers. Like the first half, this section investigates the redeployment of a shared history, this time the historical imagination of the Qu'ran and the era of the first caliphs. All the papers in the volume bring together studies of the invention of the past across traditional divides between disciplines, placing the re-assessment of the past as a central feature of the long late antiquity. As a whole, History and Identity in the Late Antique Near East represents a distinctive contribution to recent writing on late antiquity, due to its cultural breadth, its interdisciplinary focus, and its novel definition of late antiquity itself.
Background Persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have increased rates of coronary artery disease (CAD). The relative contribution of genetic background, HIV-related factors, antiretroviral medications, and traditional risk factors to CAD has not been fully evaluated in the setting of HIV infection. Methods In the general population, 23 common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were shown to be associated with CAD through genome-wide association analysis. Using the Metabochip, we genotyped 1875 HIV-positive, white individuals enrolled in 24 HIV observational studies, including 571 participants with a first CAD event during the 9-year study period and 1304 controls matched on sex and cohort. Results A genetic risk score built from 23 CAD-associated SNPs contributed significantly to CAD (P = 2.9×10−4). In the final multivariable model, participants with an unfavorable genetic background (top genetic score quartile) had a CAD odds ratio (OR) of 1.47 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.05–2.04). This effect was similar to hypertension (OR = 1.36; 95% CI, 1.06–1.73), hypercholesterolemia (OR = 1.51; 95% CI, 1.16–1.96), diabetes (OR = 1.66; 95% CI, 1.10–2.49), ≥1 year lopinavir exposure (OR = 1.36; 95% CI, 1.06–1.73), and current abacavir treatment (OR = 1.56; 95% CI, 1.17–2.07). The effect of the genetic risk score was additive to the effect of nongenetic CAD risk factors, and did not change after adjustment for family history of CAD. Conclusions In the setting of HIV infection, the effect of an unfavorable genetic background was similar to traditional CAD risk factors and certain adverse antiretroviral exposures. Genetic testing may provide prognostic information complementary to family history of CAD.
Forest ecosystems worldwide are heavily influenced by human activities. Information on these human activities are key for understanding ecosystem dynamics, especially as some of these human activities have long-term consequences, i.e. legacy effects. We assessed the diversity of forest uses across the Swiss Alps and the respective traditional forest-related knowledge (TFRK) by conducting 56 oral history interviews in five regions. As TFRK tends to be underrepresented in written records, oral history proves to be a very valuable approach. We classified the information gathered in 61 specific forest use practices, characterized by activity, product and use, in order to gain a comprehensive picture of the regional variability but also cross-regional ubiquity of certain forest uses. Based on these results we are able to name the ecologically most relevant forest uses which were most likely, or potentially occurring in Central European forests. We suggest a simple, systematic historical assessment of these relevant forest uses to be applied in all studies on forest ecosystems. This procedure will enable scientists to better evaluate to what degree human activities had an impact on forest ecosystem dynamics in their study area.
Aids steht für die letzte grosse Krise der westlichen Welt im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert. Heute hat sich die Situation normalisiert: Aus der verheerenden Seuche ist eine zwar ernste, doch einschätzbare Krankheit geworden. Im Rückblick zeigen sich die dreissig Jahre des gesellschaftlichen Umgangs mit Aids als dicht gedrängte Zeit, in der der Umgang mit der neuen, höchst bedrohlich erscheinenden Krankheit ausgehandelt wurde. Der Band zeichnet die Entwicklung des Aids-Diskurses im deutschsprachigen Raum von den Anfängen in den 1980er Jahren bis zur Gegenwart nach. In der Rückschau werden die dominanten Strömungen und Gegenströmungen charakterisiert und die entscheidenden Drehpunkte des Diskurses akzentuiert. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dem Beitrag von Literatur, Theater und Film zur gesellschaftlichen Verarbeitung von Aids. Die systematische Analyse macht die komplexen Wechselverhältnisse zwischen den Massenmedien, den fiktionalen Gattungen sowie der medizinischen Kommunikation sichtbar. Die regelmässige Wiederkehr von epidemischen Szenarien – BSE, SARS, Vogel- und Schweinegrippe und jüngst EHEC – zeigt, dass ein prüfender Blick auf die sich wiederholenden dramaturgischen Muster der Auseinandersetzung mit ansteckenden Krankheiten nottut. In diesem Zusammenhang trägt das gleichermassen auf wissenschaftliche Genauigkeit wie auf Anschaulichkeit und Allgemeinverständlichkeit angelegte Buch zur kritischen Reflexion der jüngsten Zeitgeschichte bei.
Gegenstand / Untersuchungskorpus Die massenmediale Aufbereitung von Aids ist bereits seit den Anfängen der geisteswissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit diesem Thema ein zentraler Gegenstand kritischer Betrachtung. Demgegenüber stellt sich die systematische Erforschung des Beitrages von eher fiktionalen Gattungen zur gesellschaftlichen Verarbeitung von Aids ein Forschungsdesiderat dar. Die Dissertation „Dramaturgie der Seuche“ schliesst mit der Fokussierung auf Literatur, Theater und Film diese Lücke. Die dezidiert interdisziplinäre Auswahl des Untersuchungskorpus’ liefert eine Zusammenschau der Funktionen, die diese Gattungen im Laufe der Zeit innerhalb des Aids-Diskurses übernommen haben. Die Arbeit zeigt die komplexen Wechselverhältnisse zwischen den Massenmedien, den fiktionalen Gattungen sowie der medizinischen Kommunikation auf. Fragedesign auf der Höhe der aktuellen Forschung Gegenwärtig ist erneut ein Interesse kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen am Thema Aids zu beobachten. Eine junge Forschergeneration nimmt sich des Themas an und beleuchtet die Auseinandersetzung mit Aids an Hand neuer Fragestellungen und mit neuen Methoden. Im Mittelpunkt dieser wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung stehen die reflektierte Historisierung und Kontextualisierung des Aids-Diskurses seit den 1980er-Jahren. Die Dissertation „Dramaturgie der Seuche“ positioniert sich mit ihrer Frage nach der Struktur und der Entwicklung der gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Aids seit den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart innerhalb dieses aktuellen Forschungsfeldes. Die Herangehensweise unterscheidet sich damit deutlich von den Forschungen der 1990er-Jahre, die eher von Betroffenheit und/oder unmittelbarer Kritik am Aids-Diskurs in den Massenmedien geprägt war. Zugleich verschafft die kritische Re-Lektüre der zentralen Publikationen zum Thema Aids, etwa von Susan Sontag oder Sander L. Gilman, diesen eine kritische Aktualisierung. Innovatives Methodendesign Um dem interdiszplinären Korpus und der kulturwissenschaftlich inspirierten Fragestellung gerecht zu werden, entwirft die Dissertation ein innovatives Methodendesign, das diskursanalytische und systemtheoretische Ansätze mit theater-, literatur- und filmwissenschaftlichen Analyseinstrumenten synthetisiert. Dieses leistet in der Anwendung sowohl eine präzise und adäquate Tiefenanalyse der untersuchten Texte, Bilder und Filme als auch eine Auswertung dieser Ergebnisse auf einer abstrakteren Ebene, die die komplexe Struktur der Entwicklung des Aids-Diskurses seit den 1980er-Jahren bis heute überzeugend und anschaulich darlegt. Das entworfene Methodendesign lässt sich auf andere Gegenstände anwenden und verspricht ebenso präzise wie innovative Ergebnisse. Ergebnisse: Nutzen für die Öffentlichkeit Die analytische Auseinandersetzung mit der letzten grossen Seuche innerhalb der westlichen Welt birgt nicht nur in der Rückschau auf die letzten Dekaden einen Mehrwert für die Öffentlichkeit. Die regelmässige Wiederkehr von epidemischen Szenarien – BSE, SARS, Vogel- und Schweinegrippe und jüngst EHEC – zeigt, dass ein kritischer Blick auf die sich wiederholenden dramaturgischen Muster des Redens über ansteckende Krankheiten nottut. Die Dissertation „Dramaturgie der Seuche“ trägt dazu bei, die Muster des Seuchendiskurses zu erkennen und reflektiert und kritisch mit der Berichterstattung in den Medien wie auch mit den kursierenden Urban Legends umzugehen. Der Aufbau der Argumentation und der sprachliche Stil verbinden wissenschaftliche Genauigkeit mit Allgemeinverständlichkeit. Dadurch wird die Arbeit breit rezipierbar.
In the face of increasing globalisation, there is a pressing need for innovative trans-disciplinary analyses of the value of traditional cultural expressions (TCE) that also suggest appropriate protection mechanisms for them. The book to which this preface belongs combines approaches from history, philosophy, anthropology, sociology and law, and charts previously untravelled paths for developing new policy tools and legal designs that go beyond conventional copyright models. It reflects also upon the specific features of the digital environment, which, despite enhancing the risks of misappropriation of traditional knowledge and creativity, may equally offer some opportunities for revitalising indigenous peoples' values and provide for the sustainability of TCE.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Internet-based surveys provide a potentially important tool for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) research. The advantages include low cost, large numbers of participants, rapid study completion and less extensive infrastructure than traditional methods. The aim was to determine the accuracy of patient self-reporting in internet-based IBD research and identify predictors of greater reliability. METHODS: 197 patients from a tertiary care center answered an online survey concerning personal medical history and an evaluation of disease specific knowledge. Self-reported medical details were compared with data abstracted from medical records. Agreement was assessed by kappa (κ) statistics. RESULTS: Participants responded correctly with excellent agreement (κ=0.96-0.97) on subtype of IBD and history of surgery. The agreement was also excellent for colectomy (κ=0.88) and small bowel resection (κ=0.91), moderate for abscesses and fistulas (κ=0.60 and 0.63), but poor regarding partial colectomy (κ=0.39). Time since last colonoscopy was self-reported with better agreement (κ=0.84) than disease activity. For disease location/extent, moderate agreements at κ=69% and 64% were observed for patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, respectively. Subjects who scored higher than the average in the IBD knowledge assessment were significantly more accurate about disease location than their complementary group (74% vs. 59%, p=0.02). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that IBD patients accurately report their medical history regarding type of disease and surgical procedures. More detailed medical information is less reliably reported. Disease knowledge assessment may help in identifying the most accurate individuals and could therefore serve as validity criteria. Internet-based surveys are feasible with high reliability about basic disease features only. However, the participants in this study were engaged at a tertiary center, which potentially leads to a bias and compromises generalization to an unfiltered patient group.
This paper explores the works of German film-maker Rosa von Praunheim during the AIDS crisis. In the 1980ies and 1990ies he produced several films portraying the gay communities in Germany and the USA in the face of AIDS. First, this paper analyses the cinematic techniques von Praunheim uses to criticise the German gay community and present the American practices of performing community as a role model for AIDS-activism. In a second step, the focus is put on von Praunheim’s autobiography and the rhetoric strategies he uses to participate in New York’s HIV-community, while being HIV-negative himself.
The paper explores the works of German film-maker Rosa von Praunheim during the AIDS crisis, who worked in Germany and the USA in the 1980ies and 1990ies and produced several films portraying the gay communities in both countries in the face of AIDS. The first part of the paper analyses how von Praunheim’s films show different forms of performing community in the two countries. It discusses the filmic techniques utilized to criticize the reaction of the German gay community to the appearance of AIDS and to present Amercian traditions of forming and performing a community as a role model for AIDS-activism. The second part focuses on von Praunheim’s autobiography „40 Years of Perversity. The Sentimental Memoirs of Rosa von Raunheim“ (1993) and the rhetoric strategies he – being HIV-negative himself – uses to become part of New York’s HIV-community. The paper examines the hypothesis that von Praunheim’s rhetoric is constructing and performing a „participative identity“ (Alois Hahn). The paper finally discusses the use and adaption of terms and symbols originating from the context of German National Socialism (e.g. the pink triangle) within the process of forming and performing New York’s AIDS-Community and how they are reused and readapted by Rosa von Praunheim.
Empires as political entities may be a thing of the past, but as a concept, empire is alive and kicking. From heritage tourism and costume dramas to theories of the imperial idea(l): empire sells. Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empires presents innovative scholarship on the lives and legacies of empires in diverse media such as literature, film, advertising, and the visual arts. Though rooted in real space and history, the post-empire and its twin, the post-imperial, emerge as ungraspable ideational constructs. The volume convincingly establishes empire as welcoming resistance and affirmation, introducing post-empire imaginaries as figurations that connect the archives and repertoires of colonial nostalgia, postcolonial critique, post-imperial dreaming.