17 resultados para staphylococcal toxins

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus contributes to an increased risk of developing an infection with the same bacterial strain. Genetic regulatory elements and toxin-expressing genes are virulence factors associated with the pathogenic potential of S. aureus. We undertook an extensive molecular characterization of methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) carried by children. MSSA were recovered from the nostrils of children. The presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), exfoliatins A and B (exfoA and exfoB), and the toxic-shock staphylococcal toxin (TSST-1) and agr group typing were determined by quantitative PCR. A multiple-locus variable-number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) assay was also performed for genotyping. Five hundred and seventy-two strains of MSSA were analysed. Overall, 30% were positive for toxin-expressing genes: 29% contained one toxin and 1.6% two toxins. The most commonly detected toxin gene was tst, which was present in 145 (25%) strains. The TSST-1 gene was significantly associated with the agr group 3 (OR 56.8, 95% CI 32.0-100.8). MLVA analysis revealed a large diversity of genetic content and no clonal relationship was demonstrated among the analysed MSSA strains. Multilocus sequence typing confirmed this observation of diversity and identified ST45 as a frequent colonizer. This broad diversity in MSSA carriage strains suggests a limited selection pressure in our geographical area.


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Elevated rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriage have been reported in veterinary personnel, suggesting an occupational colonization risk. Hong Kong veterinary personnel (n = 150) were sampled for coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS) nasal colonization. Risk factors for colonization were assessed by questionnaire. Isolates were identified and antibiotic susceptibility determined. All CPS isolates were investigated for mecA carriage, SCCmec type and PVL genes. Two subjects were colonized with methicillin-resistant CPS: one with MRSA (spa type t002 (CC5), SCCmec type II) and one with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) (MLST type ST71, SCCmec type II-III). MLST type ST71 S. pseudintermedius strain is the predominant MRSP clone circulating in dogs in Europe and in Hong Kong. The low MR-CPS colonization rate may be associated with low levels of large animal exposure or low rates of MRSA colonization of companion animals in Hong Kong. Colonization with non-aureus CPS, which may cause human infection, must also be considered in veterinary personnel.


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RTX toxins are bacterial pore-forming toxins that are particularly abundant among pathogenic species of Pasteurellaceae, in which they play a major role in virulence. RTX toxins of several primary pathogens of the family of Pasteurellaceae are directly involved in causing necrotic lesions in the target organs. Many RTX toxins are known as haemolysins because they lyse erythrocytes in vitro, an effect that is non-specific, but which serves as a useful marker in bacteriological identification and as an easily measurable signal in vitro in experimental studies. More recent studies have shown that the specific targets of most RTX toxins are leukocytes, with RTX toxins binding to the corresponding beta-subunit (CD18) of beta2 integrins and then exerting cytotoxic activity. After uptake by the target cell, at sub-lytic concentrations, some RTX toxins are transported to mitochondria and induce apoptosis. For several RTX toxins the binding to CD18 has been shown to be host specific and this seems to be the basis for the host range specificity of these RTX toxins. Observations on two very closely related species of the Pasteurellaceae family, Actinobacillus suis, a porcine pathogen particularly affecting suckling pigs, and Actinobacillus equuli subsp. haemolytica, which causes pyosepticaemia in new-born foals (sleepy foal disease), have revealed that they express different RTX toxins, named ApxI/II and Aqx, respectively. These RTX toxins are specifically cytotoxic for porcine and equine leukocytes, respectively. Furthermore, the ApxI and Aqx toxins of these species, when expressed in an isogenetic background in Escherichia coli, are specifically cytotoxic for leukocytes of their respective hosts. These data indicate the determinative role of RTX toxins in host specificity of pathogenic species of Pasteurellaceae.


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We examined the effect of azithromycin (CP-62,993), a new oral macrolide-like antibiotic, alone and in combination with rifampin, as treatment for experimental staphylococcal osteomyelitis. Clindamycin was used as a comparison drug. Rats (n = 10 to 15 per group) were infected by direct instillation of Staphylococcus aureus into the tibial medullary cavity. After 10 days, 21-day treatments with azithromycin (50 mg/kg of body weight, once daily, by the oral route), rifampin (20 mg/kg, once daily, subcutaneously), or clindamycin (90 mg/kg, three times daily, by the oral route) were started. The drugs were used singly or in combination (azithromycin plus rifampin or clindamycin plus rifampin). Peak azithromycin concentrations in bone were > 30 times higher than levels in serum, but the drug had little effect on final bacterial titers (5.13 +/- 0.46 log10 CFU/g of bone; for controls, 6.54 +/- 0.28 log10 CFU/g). Clindamycin was more active than azithromycin (3.26 +/- 2.14 log10 CFU/g of bone; 20% of sterilized bones), but rifampin was the most active single drug (1.5 +/- 1.92 log10 CFU/g; 53% of sterilized bones). Therapy with rifampin or clindamycin alone was associated with the emergence of resistance. Rifampin plus azithromycin (0.51 +/- 1.08 log10 CFU/g of bone; 80% of sterilized bones) and rifampin plus clindamycin (0.87 +/- 1.34 log10 CFU/g of bone; 66% of sterilized bones) were the most active regimens. Thus, azithromycin is ineffective as a single drug for the treatment of experimental staphylococcal osteomyelitis, despite high levels in bone that markedly exceeded the MIC, but it may be an attractive partner drug for rifampin.


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Nitration of tyrosine residues has been observed during various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. However, the mechanism of tyrosine nitration and the nature of the proteins that become tyrosine nitrated during inflammation remain unclear. Here we show that eosinophils but not other cell types including neutrophils contain nitrotyrosine-positive proteins in specific granules. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the human eosinophil toxins, eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), major basic protein, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and the respective murine toxins, are post-translationally modified by nitration at tyrosine residues during cell maturation. High resolution affinity-mass spectrometry identified specific single nitration sites at Tyr349 in EPO and Tyr33 in both ECP and EDN. ECP and EDN crystal structures revealed and EPO structure modeling suggested that the nitrated tyrosine residues in the toxins are surface exposed. Studies in EPO(-/-), gp91phox(-/-), and NOS(-/-) mice revealed that tyrosine nitration of these toxins is mediated by EPO in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and minute amounts of NOx. Tyrosine nitration of eosinophil granule toxins occurs during maturation of eosinophils, independent of inflammation. These results provide evidence that post-translational tyrosine nitration is unique to eosinophils.


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We assessed and compared host cell specificity of the haemolytic and cytotoxic activity of the RTX toxins from Actinobacillus equuli, an equine pathogen, and Actinobacillus suis, which is pathogenic for pigs. The two bacterial species are closely related, phenotypically as well as phylogenetically, sharing the same 16S rRNA gene sequence. Both species contain specific protein toxins from the family of pore-forming RTX toxins, however, the two species differ in their RTX toxin profiles. Haemolytic A. equuli contains the operon for the Aqx toxin, whereas A. suis harbours genes for ApxI and ApxII. We tested the toxic activity of the corresponding proteins on erythrocytes as well as on lymphocytes isolated from horse and pig blood. The strength of the haemolytic activity for each of the toxins was independent of the origin of erythrocytes. When testing cytotoxic activity, the Aqx protein showed a higher toxic effect for horse lymphocytes than for porcine lymphocytes. On the other hand, ApxI and ApxII showed a strong cytotoxic effect on porcine lymphocytes and a reduced toxicity for horse lymphocytes; the toxicity of ApxII was generally much lower than ApxI. Our results indicate a host species specificity of the toxic activity of RTX toxins Aqx of A. equuli and ApxI and ApxII of A. suis.


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RTX toxins (repeats in the structural toxin) are pore-forming protein toxins produced by a broad range of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. In vitro, RTX toxins mostly exhibit a cytotoxic and often also a hemolytic activity. They are particularly widespread in species of the family Pasteurellaceae which cause infectious diseases, most frequently in animals but also in humans. Most RTX toxins are proteins with a molecular mass of 100-200 kDa and are post-translationally activated by acylation via a specific activator protein. The repeated structure of RTX toxins, which gave them their name, is composed of iterative glycine-rich nonapeptides binding Ca2+ on the C-terminal half of the protein. Genetic analysis of RTX toxins of various species of Pasteurellaceae and of a few other Gram-negative bacteria gave evidence of horizontal transfer of genes encoding RTX toxins and led to speculations that RTX toxins might have originated from Pasteurellaceae. The toxic activities of RTX toxins in host cells may lead to necrosis and apoptosis and the underlying detailed mechanisms are currently under investigation. The impact of RTX toxins in pathogenicity and the immune responses of the host were described for several species of Pasteurellaceae. Neutralizing antibodies were shown to significantly reduce the cytotoxic activity of RTX toxins. They constitute a valuable strategy in the development of immuno-prophylactics against several animal diseases caused by pathogenic species of Pasteurellaceae. Although many RTX toxins possess cytotoxic and hemolytic activities toward a broad range of cells and erythrocytes, respectively, a few RTX toxins were shown to have cytotoxic activity only against cells of specific hosts and/or show cell-type specificity. Further evidence exists that RTX toxins play a potential role in host specificity of certain pathogens.


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Pasteurellaceae species particularly of porcine origin which are closely related to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae were analyzed for the presence of analogues to the major A. pleuropneumoniae RTX toxin genes, apxICABD, apxIICA and apxIIICABD and for their expression. Actinobacillus suis contains both apxICABD(var.suis) and apxIICA(var. suis) operons and was shown to produce ApxI and ApxII toxin. Actinobacillus rossii contained the operons apxIICA(var.rossii) and apxIIICABD(var.rossii). However, only the toxin ApxII and not ApxIII could be detected in cultures of A. rossii. The Apx toxins found in A. suis and A. rossi may play a role in virulence of these pathogens. Actinobacillus lignieresii, which was included since it is phylogenetically very closely related to A. pleuropneumoniae, was found to contain a full apxICABD(var.lign.) operon which however lacks the -35 and -10 boxes in the promoter sequences. As expected from these results, no expression of ApxI was detected in A. lignieresii grown under standard culture conditions. Actinobacillus seminis, Actinobacillus equuli, Pasteurella aerogenes, Pasteurella multocida, Haemophilus parasuis, and also Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica, which is known to secrete leukotoxin, were all shown to be devoid of any of the apx toxin genes and did not produce ApxI, ApxII or ApxIII toxin proteins. However, proteins of slightly lower molecular mass than ApxI, ApxII and ApxIII which showed limited cross-reactions with monospecific, polyclonal anti-ApxI, anti-ApxII and anti-ApxIII were detected on immunoblot analysis of A. equuli, A. seminis and P. aerogenes. The presence of Apx toxins and proteins that imunologically cross react with Apx toxins in porcine Actinobacillus species other than A. pleuropneumoniae can be expected to interfere with serodiagnosis of porcine pleuropneumonia.


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Avibacterium paragallinarum is an important pathogen of chicken livestock causing infectious coryza. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the virulent A. paragallinarum serotype A strain JF4211 (2.8 Mbp and G+C content of 41%) and the two toxin operons discovered from the annotation of the genome.


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Genetic characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) from Thailand and Israel revealed the presence of a predominant atypical clonal lineage which was not typeable by SmaI-PFGE and SCCmec typing. All the atypical isolates (n = 34) belonged to CC45 (30 ST45 and 2 ST179 isolates, 1 ST57 isolate, and 1 ST85 isolate). The isolates originated from healthy and diseased dogs and cats, as well as from the environment of one clinic. Cfr9I-pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (Cfr9I-PFGE) and dru typing permitted the further distinction of CC45 isolates from the two different countries. Microarray analysis identified genes that confer resistance to β-lactams (mecA; blaZ), aminoglycosides [aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia; aph(3')-III; ant(6)-Ia], macrolides and lincosamides [erm(B)], tetracyclines [tet(M)], trimethoprim [dfr(G)], streptothricin (sat4), and chloramphenicol (catpC221). Fluoroquinolone resistance was attributed to specific amino acid substitutions, i.e., Ser84Leu in GyrA and Ser80Ile and Asp84Asn in GrlA. A novel pseudo-staphylococcal cassette chromosome (ΨSCCmec57395) element was identified in MRSP strain 57395 (sequence type ST45) by whole-genome sequencing. The 12,282-bp ΨSCCmec57395 element contained a class C1 mec gene complex but no ccr genes. In addition to the methicillin resistance gene mecA, ΨSCCmec57395 also carried determinants of resistance to heavy metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, and copper. Bsu36I restriction analysis of the ΨSCCmec57395 element amplified by long-range PCR revealed the presence of ΨSCCmec57395 in the 33 additional isolates of MRSP CC45. The ΨSCCmec57395 element represents a new class of SCCmec and has been identified in MRSP of CC45, which is a predominant clonal lineage in Israel and Thailand.


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Fluoroquinolone- and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates harbor two new staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) elements that belong to class A, allotype 3 (SCCmec II-III), and to the new allotype 5 (SCCmec VII). Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequences of the topoisomerase loci gyrB/gyrA and grlB/grlA revealed mutations involved in fluoroquinolone resistance.


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Pneumolysin (PLY), a key virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae, permeabilizes eukaryotic cells by forming large trans-membrane pores. PLY imposes a puzzling multitude of diverse, often mutually excluding actions on eukaryotic cells. Whereas cytotoxicity of PLY can be directly attributed to the pore-mediated effects, mechanisms that are responsible for the PLY-induced activation of host cells are poorly understood. We show that PLY pores can be repaired and thereby PLY-induced cell death can be prevented. Pore-induced Ca2+ entry from the extracellular milieu is of paramount importance for the initiation of plasmalemmal repair. Nevertheless, active Ca2+ sequestration that prevents excessive Ca2+ elevation during the execution phase of plasmalemmal repair is of no less importance. The efficacy of plasmalemmal repair does not only define the fate of targeted cells but also intensity, duration and repetitiveness of PLY-induced Ca2+ signals in cells that were able to survive after PLY attack. Intracellular Ca2+ dynamics evoked by the combined action of pore formation and their elimination mimic the pattern of receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling, which is responsible for the activation of host immune responses. Therefore, we postulate that plasmalemmal repair of PLY pores might provoke cellular responses that are similar to those currently ascribed to the receptor-mediated PLY effects. Our data provide new insights into the understanding of the complexity of cellular non-immune defense responses to a major pneumococcal toxin that plays a critical role in the establishment and the progression of life-threatening diseases. Therapies boosting plasmalemmal repair of host cells and their metabolic fitness might prove beneficial for the treatment of pneumococcal infections.


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AIMS This study was to investigate and to characterize methicillin-resistant coagulase-positive staphylococci (MRCoPS) harboring in dogs and people associated with dogs in Thailand. METHODS AND RESULTS Staphylococci were collected from 100 dogs, 100 dog owners, 200 small animal veterinarians and 100 people without pet association. Species of MRCoPS were identified phenotypically and genotypically. Molecular characteristics were determined by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and SCCmec typing, and antimicrobial susceptibility was assayed by broth microdilution and by microarray analysis for resistance genes. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp. coagulans (MRSSc) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were isolated from dogs (45, 17 and 1%, respectively), veterinarians (8, 2 and 1·5%, respectively) and dog owners (3, 2 and 0%, respectively). Seventeen sequence types (STs) were identified among 83 MRSP isolates which specifically carried SCCmec V, II-III, ΨSCCmec57395 and three uncharacterized SCCmec types. MRSP ST 45, 68 and novel STs including 169, 178, 181 and 183 were shared among canine and human isolates. Most of MRSA ST398 and MRSSc carried SCCmec type V. The MRCoPS commonly displayed multiple resistances to tested antimicrobials and carried various resistance genes. CONCLUSION Variety of MRCoPS, especially new MRSP clones, distributed in dogs and people in Thailand. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY The existence of MRCoPS circulating between dogs and humans in Thailand provides indirect evidence of interspecies transmission and represents a potential public health hazard.


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A novel staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) composite island (SCCmecAI16-SCCczrAI16-CI) was identified in Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Four integration site sequences for SCC subdivided the 60,734-bp island into 41,232-bp SCCmecAI16, 19,400-bp SCCczrAI16, and 102-bp SCC-likeAI16 elements. SCCmecAI16 represents a new combination of ccrA1B3 genes with a class A mec complex. SCCczrAI16 contains ccrA1B6 and genes related to restriction modification and heavy metal resistance. SCCmecAI16-SCCczrAI16-CI was found in methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius sequence type 112 (ST112) and ST111 isolated from dogs and veterinarians in Thailand.