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Background Agroforestry is a sustainable land use method with a long tradition in the Bolivian Andes. A better understanding of people’s knowledge and valuation of woody species can help to adjust actor-oriented agroforestry systems. In this case study, carried out in a peasant community of the Bolivian Andes, we aimed at calculating the cultural importance of selected agroforestry species, and at analysing the intracultural variation in the cultural importance and knowledge of plants according to peasants’ sex, age, and migration. Methods Data collection was based on semi-structured interviews and freelisting exercises. Two ethnobotanical indices (Composite Salience, Cultural Importance) were used for calculating the cultural importance of plants. Intracultural variation in the cultural importance and knowledge of plants was detected by using linear and generalised linear (mixed) models. Results and discussion The culturally most important woody species were mainly trees and exotic species (e.g. Schinus molle, Prosopis laevigata, Eucalyptus globulus). We found that knowledge and valuation of plants increased with age but that they were lower for migrants; sex, by contrast, played a minor role. The age effects possibly result from decreasing ecological apparency of valuable native species, and their substitution by exotic marketable trees, loss of traditional plant uses or the use of other materials (e.g. plastic) instead of wood. Decreasing dedication to traditional farming may have led to successive abandonment of traditional tool uses, and the overall transformation of woody plant use is possibly related to diminishing medicinal knowledge. Conclusions Age and migration affect how people value woody species and what they know about their uses. For this reason, we recommend paying particular attention to the potential of native species, which could open promising perspectives especially for the young migrating peasant generation and draw their interest in agroforestry. These native species should be ecologically sound and selected on their potential to provide subsistence and promising commercial uses. In addition to offering socio-economic and environmental services, agroforestry initiatives using native trees and shrubs can play a crucial role in recovering elements of the lost ancient landscape that still forms part of local people’s collective identity.


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Background and Purpose— The term “minor stroke” is often used; however a consensus definition is lacking. We explored the relationship of 6 “minor stroke” definitions and outcome and tested their validity in subgroups of patients. Methods— A total of 760 consecutive patients with acute ischemic strokes were classified according to the following definitions: A, score ≤1 on every National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) item and normal consciousness; B, lacunar-like syndrome; C, motor deficits with or without sensory deficits; D, NIHSS ≤9 excluding those with aphasia, neglect, or decreased consciousness; E, NIHSS ≤9; and F, NIHSS ≤3. Short-term outcome was considered favorable when patients were discharged home, and favorable medium-term outcome was defined as a modified Rankin Scale score of ≤2 at 3 months. The following subgroup analyses were performed by definition: sex, age, anterior versus posterior and right versus left hemispheric stroke, and early (0 to 6 hours) versus late admission (6 to 24 hours) to the hospital. Results— Short-term and medium-term outcomes were most favorable in patients with definition A (74% and 90%, respectively) and F (71% and 90%, respectively). Patients with definition C and anterior circulation strokes were more likely to be discharged home than patients with posterior circulation strokes (P=0.021). The medium-term outcome of older patients with definition E was less favorable compared with the outcome of younger ones (P=0.001), whereas patients with definition A, D, and F did not show different outcomes in any subgroup. Conclusions— Patients fulfilling definition A and F had best short-term and medium-term outcomes. They would be best suited to the definition of “minor stroke.”


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OBJECTIVES:: Widespread central hypersensitivity and altered conditioned pain modulation (CPM) have been documented in chronic pain conditions. Information on their prognostic values is limited. This study tested the hypothesis that widespread central hypersensitivity (WCH) and altered CPM, assessed during the chronic phase of low back and neck pain, predict poor outcome. METHODS:: A total of 169 consecutive patients with chronic low back or neck pain, referred to the pain clinic during 1 year, were analyzed. Pressure pain tolerance threshold at the second toe and tolerance time during cold pressor test at the hand assessed WCH. CPM was measured by the change in pressure pain tolerance threshold (test stimulus) after cold pressor test (conditioning stimulus). A structured telephone interview was performed 12 to 15 months after testing to record outcome parameters. Linear regression models were used, with average and maximum pain intensity of the last 24 hours at follow-up as endpoints. Multivariable analyses included sex, age, catastrophizing scale, Beck Depression Inventory, pain duration, intake of opioids, and type of pain syndrome. RESULTS:: Statistically significant reductions from baseline to follow-up were observed in pain intensity (P<0.001). No evidence for an association between the measures of WCH or CPM and intensity of chronic pain at follow-up was found. DISCUSSION:: A major predictive value of the measures that we used is unlikely. Future studies adopting other assessment modalities and possibly standardized treatments are needed to further elucidate the prognostic value of WCH and altered CPM in chronic pain.


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In Switzerland, the prevalence and incidence of equine piroplasma parasite (EPP) infections are unknown. In order to obtain a first insight into the prevalence, a representative sample of 689 sera of horses from Switzerland was serologically tested for the presence of antibodies directed against T. equi and B. caballi using the Indirect Fluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT). A total of 50 (7.3%) horses were seropositive for EPP: overall, the seroprevalence of T. equi was significantly higher than that of B. caballi (p=0.002). The seropositivities in indigenous horses (animals bred and raised in Switzerland) and in imported horses were 4.8% (11/230) and 8.5% (39/459), respectively. Unlike in indigenous horses, where no significant difference in seroprevalences could be observed between the two parasite species, the seroprevalence of T. equi was significantly higher (p<0.001) than that of B. caballi in imported horses. Horses imported from France, Spain and Portugal exhibited a significantly higher seroprevalence, and horses imported from Germany a significantly lower seroprevalence of EPP compared to indigenous horses. There were no associations between sex, age, weight loss, surgery or blood transfusions with T. equi and B. caballi seroprevalences. The overall seroprevalence of 7.3% clearly shows that infection with EPP is a threat to the health of the horses in Switzerland. With the presumed expansion of permissive tick vectors, EPP infections will potentially increase in importance in the future. Therefore, continuous monitoring is mandatory.


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Human perception of stress includes an automatic pathway that processes subliminal presented stimuli below the threshold of conscious awareness. Subliminal stimuli can therefore activate the physiologic stress system. Unconscious emotional signals were shown to significantly moderate reactions and responses to subsequent stimuli, an effect called 'priming'. We hypothesized that subliminal presentation of a fearful signal during the Stroop task compared with an emotionally neutral one will prime stress reactivity in a subsequently applied psychosocial stress task, thereby yielding a significant increase in salivary cortisol. Half of 36 participants were repeatedly presented either a fearful face or a neutral one. After this, all underwent a psychosocial stress task. The fearful group showed a significant increase in cortisol levels (p = 0.022). This change was not affected by sex, age and body mass index, and it also did not change when taking resting cortisol levels into account. Post-hoc analyses showed that the increase in cortisol in the fearful group started immediately after the psychosocial stress test. Hence, subliminal exposure to a fearful signal in combination with the Stroop and followed by a psychosocial stress test leads to an increase in stress reactivity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Identification of children with elevated blood pressure (BP) is difficult because of the multiple sex, age, and height-specific thresholds to define elevated BP. We propose a simple set of absolute height-specific BP thresholds and evaluate their performance to identify children with elevated BP in two different populations.


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OBJECTIVES: To test whether dynamic contour tonometry yields ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) measurements that are independent of corneal thickness and curvature, and to assess variables of observer agreement. METHODS: In a multivariate cluster analysis on 223 eyes, the relationship between central corneal thickness, corneal curvature, axial length, anterior chamber depth, intraocular pressure, sex, age, and OPA measurements was assessed. Intraobserver and interobserver variabilities were calculated from repeated measurements obtained from 8 volunteers by 4 observers. RESULTS: The OPA readings were not affected by central corneal thickness (P = .08), corneal curvature (P = .47), anterior chamber depth (P = .80), age (P = .60), or sex (P = .73). There was a positive correlation between OPA and intraocular pressure (0.12 mm Hg/1 mm Hg of intraocular pressure; P<.001) and a negative correlation between OPA and axial length (0.27 mm Hg/1 mm of length; P<.001). Intraobserver and interobserver variabilities were 0.08 and 0.02 mm Hg, respectively, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.89. CONCLUSIONS: The OPA readings obtained with dynamic contour tonometry in healthy subjects are not influenced by the structure of the anterior segment of the eye but are affected by intraocular pressure and axial length. We found a high amount of agreement within and between observers.


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BACKGROUND: The objective of the present study was to compare three different sampling and questionnaire administration methods used in the international KIDSCREEN study in terms of participation, response rates, and external validity. METHODS: Children and adolescents aged 8-18 years were surveyed in 13 European countries using either telephone sampling and mail administration, random sampling of school listings followed by classroom or mail administration, or multistage random sampling of communities and households with self-administration of the survey materials at home. Cooperation, completion, and response rates were compared across countries and survey methods. Data on non-respondents was collected in 8 countries. The population fraction (PF, respondents in each sex-age, or educational level category, divided by the population in the same category from Eurostat census data) and population fraction ratio (PFR, ratio of PF) and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals were used to analyze differences by country between the KIDSCREEN samples and a reference Eurostat population. RESULTS: Response rates by country ranged from 18.9% to 91.2%. Response rates were highest in the school-based surveys (69.0%-91.2%). Sample proportions by age and gender were similar to the reference Eurostat population in most countries, although boys and adolescents were slightly underrepresented (PFR <1). Parents in lower educational categories were less likely to participate (PFR <1 in 5 countries). Parents in higher educational categories were overrepresented when the school and household sampling strategies were used (PFR = 1.78-2.97). CONCLUSION: School-based sampling achieved the highest overall response rates but also produced slightly more biased samples than the other methods. The results suggest that the samples were sufficiently representative to provide reference population values for the KIDSCREEN instrument.


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The present study was carried out to check whether classic osteometric parameters can be determined from the 3D reconstructions of MSCT (multislice computed tomography) scans acquired in the context of the Virtopsy project. To this end, four isolated and macerated skulls were examined by six examiners. First the skulls were conventionally (manually) measured using 32 internationally accepted linear measurements. Then the skulls were scanned by the use of MSCT with slice thicknesses of 1.25 mm and 0.63 mm, and the 33 measurements were virtually determined on the digital 3D reconstructions of the skulls. The results of the traditional and the digital measurements were compared for each examiner to figure out variations. Furthermore, several parameters were measured on the cranium and postcranium during an autopsy and compared to the values that had been measured on a 3D reconstruction from a previously acquired postmortem MSCT scan. The results indicate that equivalent osteometric values can be obtained from digital 3D reconstructions from MSCT scans using a slice thickness of 1.25 mm, and from conventional manual examinations. The measurements taken from a corpse during an autopsy could also be validated with the methods used for the digital 3D reconstructions in the context of the Virtopsy project. Future aims are the assessment and biostatistical evaluation in respect to sex, age and stature of all data sets stored in the Virtopsy project so far, as well as of future data sets. Furthermore, a definition of new parameters, only measurable with the aid of MSCT data would be conceivable.


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BACKGROUND: Exertional oscillatory ventilation (EOV) in heart failure may potentiate the negative effects of low cardiac output and high ventilation on exercise performance. We hypothesized that the presence of EOV might, per se, influence exercise capacity as evaluated by maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test. METHODS AND RESULTS: We identified 78 severe chronic heart failure patient pairs with and without EOV. Patients were matched for sex, age and peak oxygen consumption (VO2). Patients with EOV showed, for the same peak VO2, a lower workload (WL) at peak (DeltaWatts=5.8+/-23.0, P=0.027), a less efficient ventilation (higher VE/VCO2 slope: 38.0+/-8.3 vs. 32.8+/-6.3, P<0.001), lower peak exercise tidal volume (1.49+/-0.36 L vs. 1.61+/-0.46 L, P=0.015) and higher peak respiratory rate (34+/-7/min vs. 31+/-6/min, P=0.002). In 33 patients, EOV disappeared during exercise, whereas in 45 patients EOV persisted. Fifty percent of EOV disappearing patients had an increase in the VO2/WL relationship after EOV regression, consistent with a more efficient oxygen delivery to muscles. No cardiopulmonary exercise test parameter was associated with the different behaviour of VO2/WL. CONCLUSION: The presence of EOV negatively influences exercise performance of chronic heart failure patients likely because of an increased cost of breathing. EOV disappearance during exercise is associated with a more efficient oxygen delivery in several cases.


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Computed tomography (CT) has proved to be a valuable investigative tool for mummy research and is the method of choice for examining mummies. It allows for noninvasive insight, especially with virtual endoscopy, which reveals detailed information about the mummy's sex, age, constitution, injuries, health, and mummification techniques used. CT also supplies three-dimensional information about the scanned object. Mummification processes can be summarized as "artificial," when the procedure was performed on a body with the aim of preservation, or as "natural," when the body's natural environment resulted in preservation. The purpose of artificial mummification was to preserve that person's morphologic features by delaying or arresting the decay of the body. The ancient Egyptians are most famous for this. Their use of evisceration followed by desiccation with natron (a compound of sodium salts) to halt putrefaction and prevent rehydration was so effective that their embalmed bodies have survived for nearly 4500 years. First, the body was cleaned with a natron solution; then internal organs were removed through the cribriform plate and abdomen. The most important, and probably the most lengthy, phase was desiccation. After the body was dehydrated, the body cavities were rinsed and packed to restore the body's former shape. Finally, the body was wrapped. Animals were also mummified to provide food for the deceased, to accompany the deceased as pets, because they were seen as corporal manifestations of deities, and as votive offerings. Artificial mummification was performed on every continent, especially in South and Central America.


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Regular preoperative application of corticosteroids has been considered as a contraindication to lung transplantation for fear of an increased risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality. Recently, however, we have accepted patients for transplantation in whom treatment with steroid medication could not be terminated preoperatively. Up to February 1991, 27 unilateral and bilateral transplantations in 26 patients were analyzed. Corticosteroid therapy was discontinued at least three months prior to transplantation in 13 patients (group 1), whereas in 14 cases, the patients continued their daily corticosteroid therapy to the time of transplantation (prednisolone, 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg/day; group 2). There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to sex, age, diagnosis, or type of transplantation. One limited bronchial dehiscence occurred; the incidence of postoperative bronchial stenosis was identical in both cohorts; one patient died in each group. In conclusion, no increased morbidity or mortality could be found following lung transplantation with regular preoperative administration of prednisolone up to 0.3 mg/kg/day. Thus, patients who cannot be weaned from their steroid medication but who otherwise are acceptable candidates should not be excluded from lung transplantation.


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OBJECTIVE: The paper aims to define the parameters available before surgery which could predict immediate facial nerve function after excision of a vestibular schwannoma (VS). METHODS: Ninety-nine patients with VS operated consecutively by a single surgeon using an identical surgical technique have been evaluated retrospectively. Data were collected regarding patients' sex, age at onset of symptoms and at surgery, initial symptoms, neurological status at presentation, early post-operative neurological status and complications. The main radiological parameters included in the study were tumour extension pattern, diameters, shape, and volume, as well as extent of bony changes of the internal auditory canal. RESULTS: As the tumour stage and volume increase, facial nerve function is worse after surgery (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). Concomitantly, larger extra-meatal tumour diameters in three dimensions (sagittal, coronal and axial) led to worse function (p < 0.01). Anterior and/or caudal tumour extension (p = 0.001 and p = 0.004, respectively) had more significant correlation than posterior and/or cranial extension (p = 0.022 and p = 0.353, respectively). Polycyclic VS had the worst prognosis, followed by the tumours with oval shape. The extent of intra-meatal tumour growth does not correlate with immediate facial nerve outcome. The different angles, lengths and diameters of the internal auditory channel showed no significant correlation with facial nerve outcome. Patients with headache as an initial symptom and those with gait instability and/or pre-operative poor facial nerve function had significantly worse immediate facial nerve outcome. CONCLUSION: Our data suggests that the analysis of the radiological and neurological patient data prior to surgery could give reliable clues regarding the immediate post-operative facial nerve function.


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BACKGROUND: HIV-infected individuals have an increased risk of myocardial infarction. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is regarded as a major determinant of dyslipidemia in HIV-infected individuals. Previous genetic studies have been limited by the validity of the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) interrogated and by cross-sectional design. Recent genome-wide association studies have reliably associated common SNPs to dyslipidemia in the general population. METHODS AND RESULTS: We validated the contribution of 42 SNPs (33 identified in genome-wide association studies and 9 previously reported SNPs not included in genome-wide association study chips) and of longitudinally measured key nongenetic variables (ART, underlying conditions, sex, age, ethnicity, and HIV disease parameters) to dyslipidemia in 745 HIV-infected study participants (n=34 565 lipid measurements; median follow-up, 7.6 years). The relative impact of SNPs and ART to lipid variation in the study population and their cumulative influence on sustained dyslipidemia at the level of the individual were calculated. SNPs were associated with lipid changes consistent with genome-wide association study estimates. SNPs explained up to 7.6% (non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), 6.2% (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and 6.8% (triglycerides) of lipid variation; ART explained 3.9% (non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), 1.5% (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and 6.2% (triglycerides). An individual with the most dyslipidemic antiretroviral and genetic background had an approximately 3- to 5-fold increased risk of sustained dyslipidemia compared with an individual with the least dyslipidemic therapy and genetic background. CONCLUSIONS: In the HIV-infected population treated with ART, the weight of the contribution of common SNPs and ART to dyslipidemia was similar. When selecting an ART regimen, genetic information should be considered in addition to the dyslipidemic effects of ART agents.


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Clinical studies indicate that exaggerated postprandial lipemia is linked to the progression of atherosclerosis, leading cause of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD). CVD is a multi-factorial disease with complex etiology and according to the literature postprandial Triglycerides (TG) can be used as an independent CVD risk factor. Aim of the current study is to construct an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based system for the identification of the most important gene-gene and/or gene-environmental interactions that contribute to a fast or slow postprandial metabolism of TG in blood and consequently to investigate the causality of postprandial TG response. The design and development of the system is based on a dataset of 213 subjects who underwent a two meals fatty prandial protocol. For each of the subjects a total of 30 input variables corresponding to genetic variations, sex, age and fasting levels of clinical measurements were known. Those variables provide input to the system, which is based on the combined use of Parameter Decreasing Method (PDM) and an ANN. The system was able to identify the ten (10) most informative variables and achieve a mean accuracy equal to 85.21%.