30 resultados para nickel, cobalt and copper determination
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• Background and Aims The uptake, translocation and redistribution of the heavy metals zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt and cadmium are relevant for plant nutrition as well as for the quality of harvested plant products. The long-distance transport of these heavy metals within the root system and the release to the shoot in young wheat (Triticum aestivum ‘Arina’) plants were investigated. • Methods After the application of 65Zn, 54Mn, 63Ni, 57Co and 109Cd for 24 h to one seminal root (the other seminal roots being excised) of 54-h-old wheat seedlings, the labelled plants were incubated for several days in hydroponic culture on a medium without radionuclides. • Key Results The content of 65Zn decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root. After the transfer of 65Zn from the roots to the shoot, a further redistribution in the phloem from older to younger leaves was observed. In contrast to 65Zn, 109Cd was released more slowly from the roots to the leaves and was subsequently redistributed in the phloem to the youngest leaves only at trace levels. The content of 63Ni decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root, moving to the newly formed parts of the root system and also accumulating transiently in the expanding leaves. The 54Mn content decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root and increased simultaneously in leaf 1. A strong retention in the labelled part of the root was observed after supplying 57Co. • Conclusions The dynamics of redistribution of 65Zn, 54Mn, 63Ni, 57Co and 109Cd differed considerably. The rapid redistribution of 63Ni from older to younger leaves throughout the experiment indicated a high mobility in the phloem, while 54Mn was mobile only in the xylem and 57Co was retained in the labelled root without being loaded into the xylem.
Three new coordination polymers [M(Pht)(1-MeIm)2]n (where M=Cu (1), Zn (2), Co (3); Pht2−=dianion of o-phthalic acid; 1-MeIm=1-methylimidazole) and two compounds [M(1-MeIm)6](HPht)2 · 2H2O (M=Co (4), Ni (5)) have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography. The structures of 1–3 (2 is isostructural to 3) consist of [M(1-MeIm)2] building units connected by 1,6-bridging phthalate ions to form infinite chains. In complex 1, each copper(II) center adopts a square coordination mode of N2O2 type by two O atoms from different phthalate ions and two N atoms of 1-MeIm, whereas in 3 two independent metal atoms are tetrahedrally (N2O2) coordinated to a pair of Pht ligands and a pair of 1-MeIm molecules. There are only van der Waals interactions between the chains in 1, while the three-dimensional network in 3 is assembled by C–H⋯O contacts. In contrast to polymers 1–3 the structures of 4 and 5 (complexes are also isostructural) are made up of the [M(1-MeIm)6]2+ cation, two hydrogen phthalate anions (HPht−) and two H2O solvate molecules. The coordination around each metal(II) atom is octahedral with six nitrogen atoms of 1-MeIm. Extended hydrogen bonding networks embracing the solvate water molecules and a phthalate residue as well as the weak C–H⋯O interactions stabilize the three-dimensional structures. Magnetic studies clearly show that the magnetic ions do not interact with each other. Furthermore, in compound 4 we have another example of a highly anisotropic Co2+ ion with a rhombic g-tensor and large zero-field-splitting. The complexes were also characterized by IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and all data are discussed in the terms of known structures.
New coordination polymers [M(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (M=Co (1), Cu (2); Pht2−=dianion of o-phthalic acid; 4-MeIm=4-methylimidazole) have been synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, thermogravimetric analysis and magnetic measurements. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 are isostructural and consist of [M(4-MeIm)2(H2O)] building units linked in infinite 1D helical chains by 1,6-bridging phthalate ions which also act as chelating ligands through two O atoms from one carboxylate group in the case of 1. In complex 1, each Co(II) atom adopts a distorted octahedral N2O4 geometry being coordinated by two N atoms from two 4-MeIm, three O atoms of two phthalate residues and one O atom of a water molecule, whereas the square-pyramidal N2O3 coordination of the Cu(II) atom in 2 includes two N atoms of N-containing ligands, two O atoms of two carboxylate groups from different Pht, and a water molecule. An additional strong O–H⋯O hydrogen bond between a carboxylate group of the phthalate ligand and a coordinated water molecule join the 1D helical chains to form a 2D network in both compounds. The thermal dependences of the magnetic susceptibilities of the polymeric helical Co(II) chain compound 1 were simulated within the temperature range 20–300 K as a single ion case, whereas for the Cu(II) compound 2, the simulations between 25 and 300 K, were made for a linear chain using the Bonner–Fisher approximation. Modelling the experimental data of compound 1 with MAGPACK resulted in: g=2.6, |D|=62 cm−1. Calculations using the Bonner–Fisher approximation gave the following result for compound 2: g=2.18, J=–0.4 cm−1.
The phloem mobility of heavy metals is relevant to the redistribution of micronutrients and pollutants and, ultimately, to the quality of harvested plant parts. The relative mobility in wheat may vary considerably between different cations. In the study reported here, radio-labeled nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) were introduced into either intact young winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) via a leaf flap, or detached maturing shoots via the cut stem. Elements fed into the lamina of the second leaf of 21-day-old plants were translocated to the younger (expanding) leaves and to the roots but not or only in trace amounts to the first (already fully expanded) leaf. The 63Ni and 65Zn were exported more rapidly compared with the other heavy metals. Most of 54Mn was retained in the originally labeled leaf. The peduncle of some maturing shoots was steam-girdled below the ear to distinguish between xylem and phloem transport. This phloem interruption reduced the content of 63Ni in the ear to about 25%. Intermediate effects were observed for 65Zn, 57Co, and 109Cd. Total 54Mn accumulation in the ear was hardly affected by steam-girdling, indicating a transport of this element within the xylem to the ear. These results suggest that the relative phloem mobility of Ni and Zn in young wheat plants and in maturing wheat shoots is higher than the mobility of Co and Cd, whereas the mobility of Mn is very low.
Detached wheat shoots (ear with peduncle and flag leaf) were incubated for 4 d in a solution containing 1 mM RbCl and 1 mM SrCl2 as well as 10, 40 or 160 µM NiCl2 and CoCl2. The phloem of some plants was interrupted by steam-girdling the stem below the ear to distinguish between xylem and phloem transport. The phloem-immobile Sr flowed mainly to the leaf lamina and to the glumes via the xylem. The Sr transport was not sensitive to steam-girdling. In contrast, the phloem-mobile Rb accumulated during the incubation time mainly in the stem and the leaf sheath. The Rb transport to the grains was impaired by steam-girdling as well as by elevated Ni and Co concentrations in the incubation solution indicating that Rb was transported via the phloem to the maturing grains and that this transport was affected by the heavy metals. Ni was removed more efficiently from the xylem in the peduncle than Co (but far less efficiently than Rb). It became evident that the two heavy metals can also be transferred from the xylem to the phloem in the stem of wheat and reach the maturing grains via the phloem.
Cobalt, nickel and strontium were introduced via flaps into leaf laminas or into the stem of maturing, intact winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. `Arina') grown under natural conditions in a field. Long-distance transport of these elements and the influence of the application date and of different application positions were investigated. The dry-matter accumulation in the grains was not markedly affected by the treatments as compared to untreated control plants. The phloem-immobile strontium served as a marker for the distribution of the xylem sap in the plants. After foliar application, nickel accumulated more rapidly and in higher quantities in the grains than cobalt. Therefore, nickel has a slightly better phloem mobility than cobalt. Regardless of the application date, a higher percentage of the two elements was transported from the flag leaf lamina than from the second or third lamina from the top to the grains. These results indicate that the leaf position is highly relevant for the transfer of the heavy metals investigated to the ear. Introduction into the stem led to a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains than introduction into one of the leaves. An earlier feeding date caused a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains when introduced into the stem. In contrast, no major differences between earlier and later feeding dates were detected when the elements were introduced into the leaves. Losses of the applied elements were detected during maturation and can be explained by leakage in the rain.
Homeopathic preparations are used in homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine. Although there is evidence of effectiveness in several clinical studies, including double-blinded randomized controlled trials, their nature and mode of action could not be explained with current scientific approaches yet. Several physical methods have already been applied to investigate homeopathic preparations but it is yet unclear which methods are best suited to identify characteristic physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. The aim of this study was to investigate homeopathic preparations with UV-spectroscopy. In a blinded, randomized, controlled experiment homeopathic preparations of copper sulfate (CuSO(4); 11c-30c), quartz (SiO(2); 10c-30c, i.e., centesimal dilution steps) and sulfur (S; 11×-30×, i.e., decimal dilution steps) and controls (one-time succussed diluent) were investigated using UV-spectroscopy and tested for contamination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The UV transmission for homeopathic preparations of CuSO(4) preparations was significantly lower than in controls. The transmission seemed to be also lower for both SiO(2) and S, but not significant. The mean effect size (95% confidence interval) was similar for the homeopathic preparations: CuSO(4) (pooled data) 0.0544% (0.0260-0.0827%), SiO(2) 0.0323% (-0.0064% to 0.0710%) and S 0.0281% (-0.0520% to 0.1082%). UV transmission values of homeopathic preparations had a significantly higher variability compared to controls. In none of the samples the concentration of any element analyzed by ICP-MS exceeded 100 ppb. Lower transmission of UV light may indicate that homeopathic preparations are less structured or more dynamic than their succussed pure solvent.
Enterococcus hirae ATCC 9790 is a Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium that has been used in basic research for over 4 decades. Here we report the sequence and annotation of the 2.8-Mb genome of E. hirae and its endemic 29-kb plasmid pTG9790.
Nickel allergy and device closure of the patent foramen ovale, now that we were told should we care?
Quantitative meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials investigating the specific therapeutic efficacy of homeopathic remedies yielded statistically significant differences compared to placebo. Since the remedies used contained mostly only very low concentrations of pharmacologically active compounds, these effects cannot be accounted for within the framework of current pharmacology. Theories to explain clinical effects of homeopathic remedies are partially based upon changes in diluent structure. To investigate the latter, we measured for the first time high-field (600/500 MHz) 1H T1 and T2 nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation times of H2O in homeopathic preparations with concurrent contamination control by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Homeopathic preparations of quartz (10c–30c, n = 21, corresponding to iterative dilutions of 100−10–100−30), sulfur (13x–30x, n = 18, 10−13–10−30), and copper sulfate (11c–30c, n = 20, 100−11–100−30) were compared to n = 10 independent controls each (analogously agitated dilution medium) in randomized and blinded experiments. In none of the samples, the concentration of any element analyzed by ICP-MS exceeded 10 ppb. In the first measurement series (600 MHz), there was a significant increase in T1 for all samples as a function of time, and there were no significant differences between homeopathic potencies and controls. In the second measurement series (500 MHz) 1 year after preparation, we observed statistically significant increased T1 relaxation times for homeopathic sulfur preparations compared to controls. Fifteen out of 18 correlations between sample triplicates were higher for controls than for homeopathic preparations. No conclusive explanation for these phenomena can be given at present. Possible hypotheses involve differential leaching from the measurement vessel walls or a change in water molecule dynamics, i.e., in rotational correlation time and/or diffusion. Homeopathic preparations thus may exhibit specific physicochemical properties that need to be determined in detail in future investigations.