85 resultados para mRNA expression level

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG) is the major whey protein in cow's milk. It is well established that the predominant 2 genetic variants, beta-LG A and B, are differentially expressed. Extensive investigation of the genetic variation in the promoter region of the BLG gene revealed the existence of specific haplotypes associated with the A and B variants, respectively. However, the genetic basis for the differential expression of BLG A and B alleles is still elusive. We have previously reported a quantitative beta-LG B variant, characterized by a very low beta-LG protein expression level. Here, we report that the corresponding BLG allele (BLG B*) shows a correspondingly low mRNA expression level. Comparative DNA sequencing of 7,670 bp of the BLG B* allele and the established BLG B allele revealed a unique difference of a C to A transversion at position 215 bp upstream of the translation initiation site (g.-215C>A). This mutation segregated perfectly with the differential phenotypic expression in a paternal half-sib family and could be confirmed in 2 independent cases. The sequence of the BLG B allele in the region of the mutation is highly conserved among 4 related ruminant species. The site of the mutation corresponds to a putative consensus-binding sequence for the transcription factors c-Rel and Elk-1 as predicted by searching the TRANSFAC database. The beta-LG B* site might be relevant in the natural production of milk of low beta-LG content.


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OBJECTIVE: To measure maximum binding capacity (B(max)) and levels of mRNA expression for alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes in ileal and colonic muscle layers of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Ileal and colonic muscle specimens from 6 freshly slaughtered cows. PROCEDURES: Ileal and colonic muscle layers were obtained by scraping the mucosa and submucosa from full-thickness tissue specimens. Level of mRNA expression for alpha(2)-AR subtypes was measured by real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis and expressed relative to the mean mRNA expression of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase, ubiquitin, and 18S ribosomal RNA. Binding studies were performed with tritiated RX821002 ((3)H-RX821002) and subtype-selective ligands as competitors. RESULTS: mRNA expression for alpha(2AD)-, alpha(2B)-, and alpha(2C)-AR subtypes was similar in ileal and colonic muscle layers. The mRNA expression for alpha(2AD)-AR was significantly greater than that for alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-AR subtypes, representing 92%, 6%, and 2%, respectively, of the total mRNA. Binding competition of (3)H-RX821002 with BRL44408, imiloxan, and MK-912 was best fitted by a 1-site model. The B(max) of alpha(2AD)- and alpha(2C)-AR sub-types was greater than that of alpha(2B)-AR. The B(max) and level of mRNA expression were only correlated (r = 0.8) for alpha(2AD)-AR. Ratio of B(max) to mRNA expression for alpha(2C)-AR was similar to that for alpha(2B)-AR, but significantly greater than for alpha(2AD)-AR. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Subtypes of alpha(2)-AR in bovine intestinal muscle layers are represented by a mixture of alpha(2AD)- and alpha(2C)-ARs and of alpha(2B)-AR at a lower density. Information provided here may help in clarification of the role of AR subtypes in alpha(2)-adrenergic mechanisms regulating bovine intestinal motility.


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It has been proposed that gonadotropins and/or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) could be involved in the pathophysiology of the side effects after spaying in bitches, such as urinary incontinence and an increased production of a woolly undercoat. In order to provide tools to investigate the role of these hormones in dogs we developed immunohistochemical techniques and real-time RT-PCR to study whether GnRH-, LH-, and FSH-receptors exist in canine skin and urinary bladder. Tissue samples from the skin of the flank region and the ventral midline of the urinary bladder from euthanised dogs were examined. We were able to quantify mRNA expression of GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors in canine skin and bladder biopsies with a high primer efficacy. Immunohistochemical studies showed that GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors are expressed in vessel walls, the epidermis, the hair follicle and in sebaceous and sweat glands in canine skin and in transitional epithelium, and smooth muscle tissue in the urinary bladder. Our data provide the fundamentals to examine the distribution of FSH-, LH-, and GnRH-receptors in canine skin and urinary bladder and to assess gene activity at the transcriptional level by real-time RT-PCR.


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The effect of somatic cell count (SCC) and milk fraction on milk composition, distribution of cell populations, and mRNA expression of various inflammatory parameters was studied. Therefore, quarter milk samples were defined as cisternal (C), first 400 g of alveolar (A1), and remaining alveolar milk (A2) during the course of milking. Quarters were assigned to 4 groups according to their total SCC: 1) <12 x 10(3)/mL, 2) 12 to 100 x 10(3)/mL, 3) 100 to 350 x 10(3)/mL, and 4) >350 x 10(3)/mL. Milk constituents of interest were SCC, fat, protein, lactose sodium, and chloride ions as well as electrical conductivity. Cell populations were classified into lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils (PMN). The mRNA expression of the inflammatory factors tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1beta, cyclooxygenase-2, lactoferrin, and lysozyme was measured via real-time, quantitative reverse transcription PCR. Somatic cell count decreased from highest levels in C to lowest levels in A1 and increased thereafter to A2 in all groups. Fat content increased from C to A2 and with increasing SCC level. Lactose decreased with increasing SCC level but remained unchanged during milking. Concentrations of sodium and chloride, and electrical conductivity increased with increasing SCC but were higher in C than in A1 and A2. Protein was not affected by milk fraction or SCC level. The distribution of leukocytes was dramatically influenced by milk fraction and SCC. Lymphocytes were the dominating cell population in group 1, but the proportion of lymphocytes was low in groups 2, 3, and 4. Macrophage proportion was highest in group 2 and decreased in groups 3 and 4, whereas that of PMN increased from group 2 to 4. The content of macrophages decreased during milking in all SCC groups whereas that of PMN increased. The proportion of lymphocytes was not affected by milk fraction. The mRNA expression of all inflammatory factors showed an increase with increasing SCC but minor changes occurred during milking. In conclusion, milk fraction and SCC level have a crucial influence on the distribution of leukocyte populations and several milk constituents. The surprisingly high content of lymphocytes and concomitantly low mRNA expression of inflammatory factors in quarters with SCC <12 x 10(3)/mL indicates a different and possibly reduced readiness of the immune system to respond to invading pathogens.


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To establish the mRNA expression profiles of selected genes involved in bladder contractility and epithelial permeability in the bladder dome and trigone in order to evaluate the use of cold-cut biopsies for comparative quantitative studies into the anatomical differences between these two bladder regions.


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The objective was to study changes in plasma leptin concentration parallel to changes in the gene expression of lipogenic- and lipolytic-related genes in adipose tissue of dairy cows around parturition. Subcutaneous fat biopsies were taken from 27 dairy cows in week 8 antepartum (a.p.), on day 1 postpartum (p.p.) and in week 5 p.p. Blood samples were assayed for concentrations of leptin and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). Subcutaneous adipose tissue was analysed for mRNA abundance by real-time qRT-PCR encoding for leptin, adiponectin receptor 1 (AdipoR1), adiponectin receptor 2 (AdipoR2), hormones-sensitive lipase (HSL), perilipin (PLIN), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), acyl-CoA synthase long-chain family member 1 (ACSL1), acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), fatty acid synthase (FASN) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (GPD2). Body weight and body condition score of the cows were lower after parturition than before parturition. The calculated energy balance was negative in week 1 and 5 p.p., with higher negative energy balance in week 1 p.p. compared with that in week 5 p.p. On day 1 p.p., highest concentrations of NEFA (353.3 mumol/l) were detected compared with the other biopsy time-points (210.6 and 107.7 mumol/l, in week 8 a.p., and week 5 p.p. respectively). Reduced plasma concentrations of leptin during p.p. when compared with a.p. would favour increasing metabolic efficiency and energy conservation for mammary function and reconstitution of body reserves. Lower mRNA abundance of ACC and FASN expression on day 1 p.p. compared with other biopsy time-points suggests an attenuation of fatty acid synthesis in subcutaneous adipose tissue shortly after parturition. Gene expression of AdipoR1, AdipoR2, HSL, PLIN, LPL, ACSL1 and GPD2 was unchanged over time.


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Liver tissue was collected from eight random dairy cows at a slaughterhouse to test if gene expression of pyruvate carboxylase (PC), mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCKm) and cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCKc) is different at different locations in the liver. Obtained liver samples were analysed for mRNA expression levels of PC, PEPCKc and PEPCKm and subjected to the MIXED procedure of SAS to test for the sampled locations with cow liver as repeated subject. Additionally, the general linear model procedure (GLM) for analysis of variance was applied to test for significant differences for mRNA abundance of PEPCKm, PEPCKc and bPC between the livers. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that mRNA abundance of PC, PEPCKc and PEPCKm is not different between locations in the liver but may differ between individual cows.


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Toll-like receptors are of key importance in the recognition of and response to infectious agents by cells of the innate immune system. TLR mRNA expression and TLR-mediated functions were determined in bovine macrophages (MPhi) infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) or stimulated with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in order to see whether they are correlated under these conditions. As parameters quantitative real time RT-PCR (QRT-PCR) for TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4, NO and TNF production were measured. Triggering of bovine MPhi with bona fide TLR2 and TLR4 agonists (lipopolysaccharide, lipoteichoic acid, peptidoglycan, lipopetide) led to NO and TNF production but neither TLR3 nor TLR9 agonists (double-stranded RNA, CpG DNA) showed this effect. The mRNA expression of TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4 was neither influenced by MPhi costimulation with IFN-gamma nor by MPhi preinfection with BVDV nor by the ligands themselves. However, NO production induced by TLR2 or TLR4 agonists was strongly modulated either by IFN-gamma costimulation or BVDV preinfection. Thus costimulation of MPhi with IFN-gamma resulted in an increase of both NO synthesis and TNF expression by cells stimulated simultaneously by TLR2 or TLR4 agonists. Preinfection of bovine MPhi by BVDV resulted in upregulation of TLR2- and TLR4-mediated NO synthesis. Collectively, these data show that TLR-mediated functions may be modulated by viral infection or activation via IFN-gamma of MPhi whereas the mRNA concentrations of relevant TLR members were not significantly influenced. Thus, the amount of TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4 mRNA transcripts is stable at least under the conditions tested. More importantly, modulation of TLR-mediated responses was dissociated from mRNA expression of TLR members.


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Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) is a lentivirus of goats that causes persistent infection characterized by the appearance of inflammatory lesions in various organs. To define the sites of persistence, 5 goats were infected with a molecular clone of CAEV, and the viral load was monitored by real-time-PCR and RT-PCR in different sites 8 years after infection. The lymph nodes proved to be an important virus reservoir, with moderate virus replication relative to what is reported for lentiviruses of primates. Mammary gland and milk cells were preferred sites of viral replication. The viral load varied significantly between animals, which points to an important role of the genetic background. We found a clear association between occurrence of histopathological lesions and viral load in specific sites. The mRNA expression analysis of several cytokines did not reveal differences between animals that could explain the considerable individual variations in viral load observed.


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Ovariectomy interrupts the regulatory loop in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis, leading to a several-fold increase in gonadotropin levels. This rise in hormonal secretion may play a causal role in ovariectomy-related urinary incontinence. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of ovariectomy in bitches on the expression of GnRH- and LH-receptors in the lower urinary tract, and assess the relationship between receptor expression and plasma gonadotropin concentrations. Plasma gonadotropins were measured in 37 client-owned bitches. Biopsies were harvested from the mid-ventral bladder wall in all dogs, and from nine further locations within the lower urinary tract in 17 of the 37 animals. Messenger RNA of the LH and GnRH receptors was quantified using RT-PCR with the TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix. Gonadotropins were measured with a canine-specific FSH-immunoradiometric assay and LH-radioimmunoassay. The hierarchical mixed ANOVA model using MINITAB, Mann-Whitney U-test, unpaired means comparison and linear regressions using StatView were applied for statistical analyses. Messenger RNA for both receptors was detected in all biopsy samples. Age was negatively correlated to mRNA expression of the LH and the GnRH receptors. A relationship between the mRNA values and the plasma gonadotropin concentrations was not established. Evaluation of results within each of the biopsy locations revealed greater LH-receptor expression in the proximal second quarter of the urethra in spayed bitches than in intact bitches (P=0.0481). Increased mRNA expression of LH receptors in this location could possibly play a role in the decrease in closing pressure of the urethra following ovariectomy.


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Equine recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is an inflammatory, obstructive airway disease induced by exposure of susceptible horses to inhaled organic dust particles. The immunological process underlying RAO is still unclear. Previous studies have shown that RAO is linked to the Interleukin-4 receptor (IL-4R) gene in one Warmblood family (F1), but not in another (F2). It has also been shown that in F1, but not in F2, RAO is associated with resistance against parasites, suggesting that this association may have an immuno-genetic basis. Therefore, we hypothesized that the T helper (h)1/Th2/regulatory (Treg) cytokine profiles of RAO-associated antigen- and parasite-antigen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) differ between RAO-affected and healthy horses depending on their genetic background. In our study, PBMC from 17 RAO-affected and 14 healthy control horses of F1 and F2 were stimulated for 24h with antigens relevant to RAO [hay dust extract (HDE), Aspergillus fumigatus extract (AFE) and lipopolysaccharids (LPS)]; cyathostomin extract (CE) and recombinant cyathostomin antigen (RCA) or with concanavalin A (ConA). Total mRNA levels of IL-4, IL-4R, IL-13, interferon (INF)-γ and IL-10 were examined by qRT-PCR. Stimulation with either HDE or RCA resulted in significant differences in IL-4R mRNA levels between RAO-affected and control horses in F1, but not in F2. For IL-10 mRNA expression, a significant difference between RAO-affected and control horses in F1 but not in F2 was observed only following stimulation with HDE. In contrast to HDE, stimulation with CE resulted in a significant difference of IL-10 mRNA expression level between RAO-affected horses of F2 and healthy horses of F1. No significant differences were detected upon stimulation with any of the other challenge agents. These findings indicate that the immunological response, specifically IL-4R expression, in response to hay dust and cyathostomin antigens, differs between RAO-affected and healthy horses depending on their genetic background. This study shows that analysis of PBMC reveals systemic changes associated with RAO and helps to elucidate immunological pathways involved in this disease.


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Theileria parva-infected lymphoblastoid cell lines of T or B cell origin were examined for IL-2 mRNA expression. T. parva-infected T cell lines could be of the CD4-CD8-, CD4+CD8-, CD4-CD8+, or CD4+CD8+ phenotype and express alpha beta or gamma delta TCR. By Northern blot analysis and amplification by the polymerase chain reaction, IL-2 mRNA could be detected in all T. parva-infected cell lines tested. IL-2 mRNA expression was also shown to be dependent on the continuous presence of the parasite in the host cell cytoplasm, because elimination of the parasite by treatment of T. parva-infected cell cultures with the theilericidal drug BW720c resulted in the disappearance of detectable IL-2 mRNA. The effect of anti-IL-2 antibodies on the proliferation of T. parva-infected cells was also tested. Inhibition experiments suggest that although IL-2 mRNA can be detected in all cell lines tested, not all T. parva-infected cell lines are dependent on IL-2 for their proliferation. Our data provide the first example for the constitutive expression of IL-2 mRNA in T and B cells caused by infection with an intracellular parasite.


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The acceptance of the fetal allograft by pregnant women and mice seems to be associated with a shift from a Th 1 dominated to a Th 2 dominated immune response to certain infectious agents. The goal of this study was to examine cytokine expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from cattle immune to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) to determine whether pregnancy also has an influence on the type of immune response in this species. Forty-six heifers and cows between 14 months and 13 years of age were included in this study. Twenty-four were seropositive and 22 seronegative for BVDV. Eleven of the seropositive animals and 11 of the seronegative animals were in the eighth month of gestation, the remaining animals were virgin heifers. PBMC from these animals were analyzed for Interferon (IFN)-gamma and Interleukin (IL)-4 mRNA expression by real-time RT-PCR after stimulation with a non-cytopathic strain of BVDV. Additionally, an ELISA was performed to measure IFN-gamma in the supernatants of stimulated cell cultures. In BVDV seropositive animals, IFN-gamma mRNA levels were significantly higher than in BVDV seronegative animals and there was a significant positive correlation between the changes in IFN-gamma and IL-4 mRNA expression. There was, however, no significant difference in IFN-gamma and IL-4 mRNA levels between pregnant and non-pregnant animals. These results are inconsistent with BVDV inducing a Th1 or Th2 biased immune response. Furthermore, a shift in the cytokine pattern during bovine pregnancy was not evident.


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The beta 2 subunit of the interleukin (IL)-12 receptor (IL-12R beta 2) has been shown to play an essential role in differentiation of T helper 1 (Th1) cells in the murine and human system, and antibodies raised against IL-12R beta 2 recognized this molecule on human Th1 but not Th2 cells. However, while the cytokines secreted by clones of murine cells allowed the definition of distinct T helper cell subsets, bovine clones with polarized Th1 and Th2 cytokine profiles were rarely found. This raised important questions about the regulation of immune responses in cattle. We therefore cloned bovine IL-12R beta2 (boIL-12R beta 2) DNA complementary to RNA (cDNA) from the start codon to the 3' end of the mRNA. Comparison of boIL-12R beta 2 cDNA with human and murine IL-12R beta 2 cDNA sequences revealed homologies of 85 and 78%, respectively. The deduced protein sequence showed the hallmark motifs of the cytokine receptor superfamily including the four conserved cysteine residues, the WSXWS motif and fibronectin domains in the extracellular part as well as a STAT4 binding site in the intracellular part of the molecule. Using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, upregulation of mRNA expression of this molecule could be demonstrated in cultured bovine lymph node cells stimulated with phytohemagglutinin. Furthermore, cells with upregulated boIL-12R beta 2 mRNA responded with enhanced expression of interferon gamma to treatment with interleukin 12.