34 resultados para large volume samples

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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BACKGROUND: Individual adaptation of processed patient's blood volume (PBV) should reduce number and/or duration of autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collections. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The durations of leukapheresis procedures were adapted by means of an interim analysis of harvested CD34+ cells to obtain the intended yield of CD34+ within as few and/or short as possible leukapheresis procedures. Absolute efficiency (AE; CD34+/kg body weight) and relative efficiency (RE; total CD34+ yield of single apheresis/total number of preapheresis CD34+) were calculated, assuming an intraapheresis recruitment if RE was greater than 1, and a yield prediction models for adults was generated. RESULTS: A total of 196 adults required a total of 266 PBPC collections. The median AE was 7.99 x 10(6), and the median RE was 1.76. The prediction model for AE showed a satisfactory predictive value for preapheresis CD34+ only. The prediction model for RE also showed a low predictive value (R2 = 0.36). Twenty-eight children underwent 44 PBPC collections. The median AE was 12.13 x 10(6), and the median RE was 1.62. Major complications comprised bleeding episodes related to central venous catheters (n = 4) and severe thrombocytopenia of less than 10 x 10(9) per L (n = 16). CONCLUSION: A CD34+ interim analysis is a suitable tool for individual adaptation of the duration of leukapheresis. During leukapheresis, a substantial recruitment of CD34+ was observed, resulting in a RE of greater than 1 in more than 75 percent of patients. The upper limit of processed PBV showing an intraapheresis CD34+ recruitment is higher than in a standard large-volume leukapheresis. Therefore, a reduction of individually needed PBPC collections by means of a further escalation of the processed PBV seems possible.


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It is widely accepted that stabilization of the continental crust requires the presence of sub-continental lithospheric mantle. However, the degree of melt depletion required to stabilize the lithosphere and whether widespread refertilization is a significant process remain unresolved. Here, major and trace element, including platinum group elements (PGE), characterization of 40 mantle xenoliths from 13 localities is used to constrain the melt depletion, refertilization and metasomatic history of lithospheric mantle underneath the micro-continent Zealandia. Our previously published Re–Os isotopic data for a subset of these xenoliths indicate Phanerozoic to Paleoproterozoic ages and, reinterpreted with the new major and trace element data presented here, demonstrate that a large volume (>2 million km3) of lithospheric mantle with an age of 1·99 ± 0·21 Ga is present below the much younger crust of Zealandia. A peritectic melting model using moderately incompatible trace elements (e.g. Yb) in bulk-rocks demonstrates that these peridotites experienced a significant range of degrees of partial melting, between 3 and 28%. During subsolidus equilibration clinopyroxene gains significant rare earth elements (REE), which then leads to the underestimation of the degree of partial melting by ≤12% in fertile xenoliths. A new approach taking into account the effects of subsolidus re-equilibration on clinopyroxene composition effectively removes discrepancies in the calculated degree of melting and provides consistent estimates of between 4 and 29%. The estimated amount of melting is independent of the Re–Os model ages of the samples. The PGE patterns record simple melt depletion histories and the retention of primary base metal sulfides in the majority of the xenoliths. A rapid decrease in Pt/IrN observed at c. 1·0 wt % Al2O3 is a direct result of the exhaustion of sulfide in the mantle residue at c. 20–25% partial melting and the inability of Pt to form a stable alloy phase. Major elements preserve evidence for refertilization by a basaltic component that resulted in the formation of secondary clinopyroxene and low-forsterite olivine. The majority of xenoliths show the effects of cryptic metasomatic overprinting, ranging from minor to strong light REE enrichments in bulk-rocks (La/YbN = 0·16–15·9). Metasomatism is heterogeneous, with samples varying from those with weak REE enrichment and notable positive Sr and U–Th anomalies and negative Nb–Ta anomalies in clinopyroxene to those that have extremely high concentrations of REE, Th–U and Nb. Chemical compositions are consistent with a carbonatitic component contributing to the metasomatism of the lithosphere under Zealandia. Notably, the intense metasomatism of the samples did not affect the PGE budget of the peridotites as this was controlled by residual sulfides.


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The role of colostrum and milk in the neonate has been chiefly recognized as a comprehensive nutrient foodstuff. In addition, the provision of colostrum-the first milk-for early immune capacity has been well documented for several species. Colostrum is additionally a rich and concentrated source of various factors that demonstrate biological activity in vitro. Three hypotheses have been proposed for the phenotypic function of these secreted bioactive components: (1) only mammary disposal, (2) mammary cell regulation, and (3) neonatal function [gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or systemic]. Traditionally, it was assumed that the development of the GIT is preprogrammed and not influenced by events occurring in the intestinal lumen. However, a large volume of research has demonstrated that colostrum (or milk-borne) bioactive components can basically contribute to the regulation of GIT growth and differentiation, while their role in postnatal development at physiological concentrations has remained elusive. Much of our current understanding is derived from cell culture and laboratory animals, but experimentation with agriculturally important species is taking place. This chapter provides an overview of work conducted primarily in neonatal calves and secondarily in other species on the effects on neonates of selected peptide endocrine factors (hormones, growth factors, in part cytokines) in colostrum. The primary focus will be on insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) and other bioactive peptides, but new interest and concern about steroids (especially estrogens) in milk are considered as well.


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Our knowledge about the lunar environment is based on a large volume of ground-based, remote, and in situ observations. These observations have been conducted at different times and sampled different pieces of such a complex system as the surface-bound exosphere of the Moon. Numerical modeling is the tool that can link results of these separate observations into a single picture. Being validated against previous measurements, models can be used for predictions and interpretation of future observations results. In this paper we present a kinetic model of the sodium exosphere of the Moon as well as results of its validation against a set of ground-based and remote observations. The unique characteristic of the model is that it takes the orbital motion of the Moon and the Earth into consideration and simulates both the exosphere as well as the sodium tail self-consistently. The extended computational domain covers the part of the Earth’s orbit at new Moon, which allows us to study the effect of Earth’s gravity on the lunar sodium tail. The model is fitted to a set of ground-based and remote observations by tuning sodium source rate as well as values of sticking, and accommodation coefficients. The best agreement of the model results with the observations is reached when all sodium atoms returning from the exosphere stick to the surface and the net sodium escape rate is about 5.3 × 1022 s−1.


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Based on a dye tracer experiment in a sand tank we addressed the problem of local dispersion of conservative tracers in the unsaturated zone. The sand bedding was designed to have a defined spatial heterogeneity with a strong anisotropy. We estimated the parameters that characterize the local dispersion and dilution from concentration maps of a high spatial and temporal resolution obtained by image analysis. The plume spreading and mixing behavior was quantified on the basis of the coefficient of variation of the concentration and of the dilution index. The heterogeneous structure modified the flow pattern depending on water saturation. The shape of the tracer plumes revealed the structural signature of the sand bedding at low saturation only. In this case pronounced preferential flow was observed. At higher flow rates the structure remained hidden by a spatially almost homogeneous behavior of the plumes. In this context, we mainly discuss the mechanism of re-distributing a finite mass of inert solutes over a large volume, due to macro- and micro-heterogeneities of the structure. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. AU rights reserved.


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Liver transplantation recipients, like other solid organ transplantation recipients, have an increased risk of dermatologic problems due to their long-term immunosuppression and benefit from pre-and post-transplantation screenings, and management by a dermatologist and dermatologic care should be integrated into the comprehensive, multidisciplinary care of liver transplantation recipients [1,2]. Cutaneous findings include aesthetic alterations, infections, precancerous lesions, and malignancies. The severity of skin alterations ranges from benign, unpleasant changes to life-threatening conditions [3-5]. In addition to skin cancer diagnosis and management, visits with a dermatologist serve to educate and improve the patient's sun-protection behavior. Among all solid organ transplantations, liver transplantation requires the least amount of immunosuppression, sometimes even permitting its complete cessation [6]. As a result, patients who have undergone liver transplantation tend to have fewer dermatologic complications compared with other solid organ transplantation recipients [7]. However, due to the large volume of the liver, patients undergoing liver transplantation receive more donor lymphocytes than kidney, heart, or lung transplantation recipients. Because of the immunosuppression, the transplanted lymphocytes proliferate and rarely trigger graft-versus-host-disease [8,9]. This topic will provide an overview of dermatologic disorders that may be seen following liver transplantation. A detailed discussion of skin cancer following solid organ transplantation and the general management of patients following liver transplantation are discussed separately. (See "Development of malignancy following solid organ transplantation" and "Management of skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients" and "Long-term management of adult liver transplant recipients".)


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Refractory ascites (RA) affects 10% of patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites. Usual therapy includes large volume paracentesis, and in selected patients, a transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS). These therapies may be associated with increased morbidity: paracentesis may induce circulatory dysfunction and impair quality of life and TIPS may induce encephalopathy and is associated with increased mortality in patients with severe liver dysfunction. We present the results of a multicenter, non-randomized trial to assess the safety and efficacy of a new automated pump system for treatment of RA. METHODS: Forty patients at 9 centers (February 2010-June 2011) received an implanted pump for the automated removal of ascites from the peritoneal cavity into the bladder, from where it was eliminated through normal urination. Patients were followed-up for 6months. The primary study outcome was safety. Secondary outcomes included recurrence of tense ascites and pump performance. RESULTS: Surgical complications occurred early in the study and became less frequent. The pump system removed 90% of the ascites and significantly reduced the median number of large volume paracentesis per month [3.4 (range 1-6) vs. 0.2 (range 0-4); p <0.01]. Cirrhosis-related adverse events decreased along follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The automated pump seems an efficacious tool to move out ascites from the peritoneal cavity to the bladder. Its safety is still moderate, but a broad use in different countries will improve the surgical technique as well as the medical surveillance. A prospective randomized clinical trial vs. large volume paracentesis is underway to confirm these preliminary results.


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This paper presents the performance of the ATLAS muon reconstruction during the LHC run with pp collisions at √s = 7–8 TeV in 2011–2012, focusing mainly on data collected in 2012. Measurements of the reconstruction efficiency and of the momentum scale and resolution, based on large reference samples of J/ψ → μμ, Z → μμ and ϒ → μμ decays, are presented and compared to Monte Carlo simulations. Corrections to the simulation, to be used in physics analysis, are provided. Over most of the covered phase space (muon |η| < 2.7 and 5 ≲ pT ≲ 100 GeV) the efficiency is above 99% and is measured with per-mille precision. The momentum resolution ranges from 1.7% at central rapidity and for transverse momentum pT ≅ 10 GeV, to 4% at large rapidity and pT ≅ 100 GeV. The momentum scale is known with an uncertainty of 0.05% to 0.2% depending on rapidity. A method for the recovery of final state radiation from the muons is also presented.


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I introduce the new mgof command to compute distributional tests for discrete (categorical, multinomial) variables. The command supports largesample tests for complex survey designs and exact tests for small samples as well as classic large-sample x2-approximation tests based on Pearson’s X2, the likelihood ratio, or any other statistic from the power-divergence family (Cressie and Read, 1984, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological) 46: 440–464). The complex survey correction is based on the approach by Rao and Scott (1981, Journal of the American Statistical Association 76: 221–230) and parallels the survey design correction used for independence tests in svy: tabulate. mgof computes the exact tests by using Monte Carlo methods or exhaustive enumeration. mgof also provides an exact one-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for discrete data.


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Low viscosity domains such as localized shear zones exert an important control on the geodynamics of the uppermost mantle. Grain size reduction and subsequent strain localization related to a switch from dislocation to diffusion creep is one mechanism to form low viscosity domains. To sustain strain localization, the grain size of mantle minerals needs to be kept small over geological timescales. One way to keep olivine grain sizes small is by pinning of mobile grain boundaries during grain growth by other minerals (second phases). Detailed microstructural studies based on natural samples from three shear zones formed at different geodynamic settings, allowed the derivation of the olivine grain-size dependence on the second-phase content. The polymineralic olivine grain-size evolution with increasing strain is similar in the three shear zones. If the second phases are to pin the mobile olivine grain boundary the phases need to be well mixed before grain growth. We suggest that melt-rock and metamorphic reactions are crucial for the initial phase mixing in mantle rocks. With ongoing deformation and increasing strain, grain boundary sliding combined with mass transfer processes and nucleation of grains promotes phase mixing resulting in fine-grained polymineralic mixtures that deform by diffusion creep. Strain localization due to the presence of volumetrically minor minerals in polymineralic mantle rocks is only important at high strain deformation (ultramylonites) at low temperatures (<~800°C). At smaller strain and stress conditions and/or higher temperatures other parameters like overall energy available to deform a given rock volume, the inheritance of mechanical anisotropies or the presence of water or melts needs to be considered to explain strain localization in the upper mantle.


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A new Stata command called -mgof- is introduced. The command is used to compute distributional tests for discrete (categorical, multinomial) variables. Apart from classic large sample $\chi^2$-approximation tests based on Pearson's $X^2$, the likelihood ratio, or any other statistic from the power-divergence family (Cressie and Read 1984), large sample tests for complex survey designs and exact tests for small samples are supported. The complex survey correction is based on the approach by Rao and Scott (1981) and parallels the survey design correction used for independence tests in -svy:tabulate-. The exact tests are computed using Monte Carlo methods or exhaustive enumeration. An exact Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for discrete data is also provided.


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This paper describes informatics for cross-sample analysis with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). GCxGC-HRMS analysis produces large data sets that are rich with information, but highly complex. The size of the data and volume of information requires automated processing for comprehensive cross-sample analysis, but the complexity poses a challenge for developing robust methods. The approach developed here analyzes GCxGC-HRMS data from multiple samples to extract a feature template that comprehensively captures the pattern of peaks detected in the retention-times plane. Then, for each sample chromatogram, the template is geometrically transformed to align with the detected peak pattern and generate a set of feature measurements for cross-sample analyses such as sample classification and biomarker discovery. The approach avoids the intractable problem of comprehensive peak matching by using a few reliable peaks for alignment and peak-based retention-plane windows to define comprehensive features that can be reliably matched for cross-sample analysis. The informatics are demonstrated with a set of 18 samples from breast-cancer tumors, each from different individuals, six each for Grades 1-3. The features allow classification that matches grading by a cancer pathologist with 78% success in leave-one-out cross-validation experiments. The HRMS signatures of the features of interest can be examined for determining elemental compositions and identifying compounds.


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Introduction: Small animal models are widely used in basic research. However, experimental systems requiring extracorporeal circuits are frequently confronted with limitations related to equipment size. This is particularly true for oxygenators in systems with limited volumes. Thus we aimed to develop and validate an ultra mini-oxygenator for low-volume, buffer-perfused systems. Methods: We have manufactured a series of ultra mini-oxygenators with approximately 175 aligned, microporous, polypropylene hollow fibers contained inside a shell, which is sealed at each of the two extremities to isolate perfusate and gas compartments. With this construction, gas passes through hollow fibers, while perfusate circulates around fibers. Performance of ultra mini-oxygenators (oxygen partial pressure (PO2 ), gas and perfusate flow, perfusate pressure and temperature drop) were assessed with modified Krebs-Henseleit buffer in an in vitro perfusion circuit and an ex vivo rat heart preparation. Results: Mean priming volume of ultra mini-oxygenators was 1.2±0.5 mL and, on average, 86±6% of fibers were open (n=17). In vitro, effective oxygenation (PO2=400-500 mmHg) was achieved for all flow rates up to 50 mL/min and remained stable for at least 2 hours (n=5). Oxygenation was also effective and stable (PO2=456±40 mmHg) in the isolated heart preparation for at least 60 minutes ("venous" PO2=151±11 mmHg; n=5). Conclusions: We have established a reproducible procedure for fabrication of ultra mini-oxygenators, which provide reliable and stable oxygenation for at least 60-120 min. These oxygenators are especially attractive for pre-clinical protocols using small, rather than large, animals.


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Methane and nitrous oxide are important greenhouse gases which show a strong increase in atmospheric mixing ratios since pre-industrial time as well as large variations during past climate changes. The understanding of their biogeochemical cycles can be improved using stable isotope analysis. However, high-precision isotope measurements on air trapped in ice cores are challenging because of the high susceptibility to contamination and fractionation. Here, we present a dry extraction system for combined CH4 and N2O stable isotope analysis from ice core air, using an ice grating device. The system allows simultaneous analysis of δD(CH4) or δ13C(CH4), together with δ15N(N2O), δ18O(N2O) and δ15N(NO+ fragment) on a single ice core sample, using two isotope mass spectrometry systems. The optimum quantity of ice for analysis is about 600 g with typical "Holocene" mixing ratios for CH4 and N2O. In this case, the reproducibility (1σ ) is 2.1‰ for δD(CH4), 0.18‰ for δ13C(CH4), 0.51‰ for δ15N(N2O), 0.69‰ for δ18O(N2O) and 1.12‰ for δ15N(NO+ fragment). For smaller amounts of ice the standard deviation increases, particularly for N2O isotopologues. For both gases, small-scale intercalibrations using air and/or ice samples have been carried out in collaboration with other institutes that are currently involved in isotope measurements of ice core air. Significant differences are shown between the calibration scales, but those offsets are consistent and can therefore be corrected for.