20 resultados para hydroxyl,

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Modified nucleoside triphosphates (dA(Hs)TP, dU(POH)TP, and dC(Val)TP) bearing imidazole, hydroxyl, and carboxylic acid residues connected to the purine and pyrimidine bases through alkyne linkers were prepared. These modified dN*TPs were excellent substrates for various DNA polymerases in primer extension reactions. Moreover, the combined use of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and the modified dNTPs led to efficient tailing reactions that rival those of natural counterparts. Finally, the triphosphates were tolerated by polymerases under PCR conditions, and the ensuing modified oligonucleotides served as templates for the regeneration of unmodified DNA. Thus, these modified dN*TPs are fully compatible with in vitro selection methods and can be used to develop artificial peptidases based on DNA.


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Glutamate transporters maintain synaptic concentration of the excitatory neurotransmitter below neurotoxic levels. Their transport cycle consists of cotransport of glutamate with three sodium ions and one proton, followed by countertransport of potassium. Structural studies proposed that a highly conserved serine located in the binding pocket of the homologous GltPh coordinates l-aspartate as well as the sodium ion Na1. To experimentally validate these findings, we generated and characterized several mutants of the corresponding serine residue, Ser-364, of human glutamate transporter SLC1A2 (solute carrier family 1 member 2), also known as glutamate transporter GLT-1 and excitatory amino acid transporter EAAT2. S364T, S364A, S364C, S364N, and S364D were expressed in HEK cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes to measure radioactive substrate transport and transport currents, respectively. All mutants exhibited similar plasma membrane expression when compared with WT SLC1A2, but substitutions of serine by aspartate or asparagine completely abolished substrate transport. On the other hand, the threonine mutant, which is a more conservative mutation, exhibited similar substrate selectivity, substrate and sodium affinities as WT but a lower selectivity for Na(+) over Li(+). S364A and S364C exhibited drastically reduced affinities for each substrate and enhanced selectivity for l-aspartate over d-aspartate and l-glutamate, and lost their selectivity for Na(+) over Li(+). Furthermore, we extended the analysis of our experimental observations using molecular dynamics simulations. Altogether, our findings confirm a pivotal role of the serine 364, and more precisely its hydroxyl group, in coupling sodium and substrate fluxes.


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With a combination of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) calculation and test particle computation, the ballistic transport process of the hydroxyl radicals and oxygen atoms produced by photodissociation of water molecules in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is modelled. We discuss the key elements and essential features of such simulations which results can be compared with the remote-sensing and in situ measurements of cometary gas coma from the Rosetta mission at different orbital phases of this comet.


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Epothilones are bacterial macrolides with potent microtubule-stabilizing and antiproliferative activity, which have served as successful lead structures for the discovery of several clinical candidates for cancer treatment. Overall, seven epothilone-type agents have been advanced to clinical evaluation in humans so far and one of these has been approved by the FDA in 2007 for clinical use in breast cancer patients. Notwithstanding these impressive numbers, however, the structural diversity represented by the collection of epothilone analogs that have been (or still are) investigated clinically is rather limited and their individual structures show little divergence from the original natural product leads. In contrast, we have elaborated a series of epothilone-derived macro-lactones, whose overall structural features significantly deviate from those of the natural epothilone scaffold and thus define new structural families of microtubule-stabilizing agents. Key elements of our hypermodification strategy are the change of the natural epoxide geometry from cis to trans, the incorporation of conformationally constrained side chains, the removal of the C(3)-hydroxyl group, and the replacement of C(12) with nitrogen. The latter modification leads to aza-macrolides that may be described as 'non-natural natural products'.


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Two novel bicyclo-T nucleosides carrying a hydroxyl or a carboxymethyl substituent in C(6')-[alpha]-position were prepared and incorporated into oligodeoxynucleotides. During oligonucleotide deprotection the carboxymethyl substituent was converted into different amide substituents in a parallel way. Tm-measurements showed no dramatic differences in both, thermal affinity and mismatch discrimination, compared to unmodified oligonucleotides. The post-synthetic modification of the carboxymethyl substituent allows in principle for a parallel preparation of a library of oligonucleotides carrying diverse substituents at C(6'). In addition, functional groups can be placed into unique positions in a DNA double helix.


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Numerous bacterial pathogens subvert cellular functions of eukaryotic host cells by the injection of effector proteins via dedicated secretion systems. The type IV secretion system (T4SS) effector protein BepA from Bartonella henselae is composed of an N-terminal Fic domain and a C-terminal Bartonella intracellular delivery domain, the latter being responsible for T4SS-mediated translocation into host cells. A proteolysis resistant fragment (residues 10-302) that includes the Fic domain shows autoadenylylation activity and adenylyl transfer onto Hela cell extract proteins as demonstrated by autoradiography on incubation with α-[(32)P]-ATP. Its crystal structure, determined to 2.9-Å resolution by the SeMet-SAD method, exhibits the canonical Fic fold including the HPFxxGNGRxxR signature motif with several elaborations in loop regions and an additional β-rich domain at the C-terminus. On crystal soaking with ATP/Mg(2+), additional electron density indicated the presence of a PP(i) /Mg(2+) moiety, the side product of the adenylylation reaction, in the anion binding nest of the signature motif. On the basis of this information and that of the recent structure of IbpA(Fic2) in complex with the eukaryotic target protein Cdc42, we present a detailed model for the ternary complex of Fic with the two substrates, ATP/Mg(2+) and target tyrosine. The model is consistent with an in-line nucleophilic attack of the deprotonated side-chain hydroxyl group onto the α-phosphorus of the nucleotide to accomplish AMP transfer. Furthermore, a general, sequence-independent mechanism of target positioning through antiparallel β-strand interactions between enzyme and target is suggested.


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According to semiempirical calculations the planarizing distortions in the central C(C)4 substructure of fenestranes, represented as 1, can be enhanced by a variety of structural modifications. Based on these results we selected the 7-hydroxy-c,c,c,c- and c,t,c,c[]fenestranones 13 and 16 as precursors for the introduction of a bridgehead double bond. The efficient synthesis of these precursors and their chemical transformations are reported. Attempts to activate the hydroxyl group in 16 for introduction of a bridgehead double bond led to the rearrangement of the []fenestrane to a triquinacane skeleton. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In animal models of Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis, rifampin is neuroprotective in comparison to ceftriaxone. So far it is not clear whether this can be generalized for other protein synthesis-inhibiting antimicrobial agents. We examined the effects of the bactericidal protein synthesis-inhibiting clindamycin (n = 12) on the release of proinflammatory bacterial components, the formation of neurotoxic compounds and neuronal injury compared with the standard therapy with ceftriaxone (n = 12) in a rabbit model of pneumococcal meningitis. Analysis of the CSF and histological evaluation were combined with microdialysis from the hippocampal formation and the neocortex. Compared with ceftriaxone, clindamycin reduced the release of lipoteichoic acids from the bacteria (p = 0.004) into the CSF and the CSF leucocyte count (p = 0.011). This led to lower extracellular concentrations of hydroxyl radicals (p = 0.034) and glutamate (p = 0.016) in the hippocampal formation and a subsequent reduction of extracellular glycerol levels (p = 0.018) and neuronal apoptosis in the dentate gyrus (p = 0.008). The present data document beneficial effects of clindamycin compared with ceftriaxone on various parameters linked with the pathophysiology of pneumococcal meningitis and development of neuronal injury. This study suggests neuroprotection to be a group effect of bactericidal protein synthesis-inhibiting antimicrobial agents compared with the standard therapy with beta-lactam antibiotics in meningitis.


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Epothilones are macrocyclic bacterial natural products with potent microtubule-stabilizing and antiproliferative activity. They have served as successful lead structures for the development of several clinical candidates for anticancer therapy. However, the structural diversity of this group of clinical compounds is rather limited, as their structures show little divergence from the original natural product leads. Our own research has explored the question of whether epothilones can serve as a basis for the development of new structural scaffolds, or chemotypes, for microtubule stabilization that might serve as a basis for the discovery of new generations of anticancer drugs. We have elaborated a series of epothilone-derived macrolactones whose overall structural features significantly deviate from those of the natural epothilone scaffold and thus define new structural families of microtubule-stabilizing agents. Key elements of our hypermodification strategy are the change of the natural epoxide geometry from cis to trans, the incorporation of a conformationally constrained side chain, the removal of the C3-hydroxyl group, and the replacement of C12 with nitrogen. So far, this approach has yielded analogs 30 and 40 that are the most advanced, the most rigorously modified, structures, both of which are potent antiproliferative agents with low nanomolar activity against several human cancer cell lines in vitro. The synthesis was achieved through a macrolactone-based strategy or a high-yielding RCM reaction. The 12-aza-epothilone ("azathilone" 40) may be considered a "non-natural" natural product that still retains most of the overall structural characteristics of a true natural product but is structurally unique, because it lies outside of the general scope of Nature's biosynthetic machinery for polyketide synthesis. Like natural epothilones, both 30 and 40 promote tubulin polymerization in vitro and at the cellular level induce cell cycle arrest in mitosis. These facts indicate that cancer cell growth inhibition by these compounds is based on the same mechanistic underpinnings as those for natural epothilones. Interestingly, the 9,10-dehydro analog of 40 is significantly less active than the saturated parent compound, which is contrary to observations for natural epothilones B or D. This may point to differences in the bioactive conformations of N-acyl-12-aza-epothilones like 40 and natural epothilones. In light of their distinct structural features, combined with an epothilone-like (and taxol-like) in vitro biological profile, 30 and 40 can be considered as representative examples of new chemotypes for microtubule stabilization. As such, they may offer the same potential for pharmacological differentiation from the original epothilone leads as various newly discovered microtubule-stabilizing natural products with macrolactone structures, such as laulimalide, peloruside, or dictyostatin.


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Hint2 belongs to the superfamily of histidine triad hydrolase enzymes. Recently, it has been shown to influence the mitochondria-dependent apoptosis occurring in hepatocytes, but its mechanism of action is still obscure. Here, we demonstrate that Hint2 is expressed in the mitochondria of H295R cells and in normal adrenals, and that this protein is involved in steroidogenesis. The presence of Hint2 in H295R cells was revealed by RT-PCR and by immunoblot analysis of subcellular fractions. The protein appeared associated with mitochondrial membranes, probably facing the interior of the organelle. Hint2 overexpression in H295R cells had no effect on pregnenolone secretion elicited by angiotensin II or K+, whereas protein silencing with specific small interfering RNA resulted in a marked reduction of the steroidogenic response. The duration of the mitochondrial calcium signal induced by angiotensin II was also reduced upon Hint2 down-regulation with small interfering RNA, but not affected after its overexpression, suggesting that under basal conditions, Hint2 is optimally expressed, and not rate limiting in steroidogenesis. Moreover, Hint2 also appeared involved in Ca2+-independent pathways leading to steroid formation. Indeed, pregnenolone formation in response to either forskolin or a hydroxyl analog of cholesterol was markedly reduced after Hint2 silencing. Calcium-dependent and calcium-independent actions of Hint2 on steroidogenesis could be related to its ability to maintain a favorable mitochondrial potential. In conclusion, these data suggest that, in H295R cells, Hint2 is required for an optimal steroidogenic response, possibly because of a particular signalling function exerted within the mitochondria and that still remains to determine at the molecular level.


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An extracellular peroxygenase of Agrocybe aegerita catalyzed the H(2)O(2)-dependent hydroxylation of the multi-function beta-adrenergic blocker propranolol (1-naphthalen-1-yloxy-3-(propan-2-ylamino)propan-2-ol) and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac (2-[2-[(2,6-dichlorophenyl)amino]phenyl]acetic acid) to give the human drug metabolites 5-hydroxypropranolol (5-OHP) and 4'-hydroxydiclofenac (4'-OHD). The reactions proceeded regioselectively with high isomeric purity and gave the desired 5-OHP and 4'-OHD in yields up to 20% and 65%, respectively. (18)O-labeling experiments showed that the phenolic hydroxyl groups in 5-OHP and 4'-OHD originated from H(2)O(2), which establishes that the reaction is mechanistically a peroxygenation. Our results raise the possibility that fungal peroxygenases may be useful for versatile, cost-effective, and scalable syntheses of drug metabolites.


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Although the nature of the blood groups A and B has been comprehensively studied for a long time, it is still unclear as to what exactly is the epitope that is recognized by antibodies having AB specificity, i.e. monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies which are capable of interacting equally well with the antigens GalNAcalpha 1-3(Fucalpha 1-2)Gal (A trisaccharide) and Galalpha 1-3(Fucalpha 1-2)Gal (B trisaccharide), but do not react with their common fragment Fucalpha 1-2Gal. We have supposed that besides Fucalpha 1-2Gal, A and B antigens have one more shared epitope. The trisaccharides A and B are practically identical from the conformational point of view, the only difference being situated at position 2 of Galalpha residue, i.e. trisaccharide A has a NHAc group, whereas trisaccharide B has a hydroxyl group (see formulas). We have hypothesized that the AB-epitope should be situated in the part of the molecule that is opposite to the NHAc group of GalNAc residue. In order to test this hypothesis we have synthesized a polymeric conjugate in such a way that de-N-acetylated A-trisaccharide is attached to a polymer via the nitrogen in position C-2 of the galactosamine residue. In this conjugate the supposed AB-epitope should be maximally accessible for antibodies from the solution, whereas the discrimination site of antigens A and B by the antibodies should be maximally hidden due to the close proximity of the polymer. Interaction with several anti-AB monoclonal antibodies revealed that a part of them really interacted with the synthetic AB-glycotope, thus confirming our hypothesis. Moreover, similar antibodies were revealed in the blood of healthy blood group 0 donors. Analysis of spatial models was performed in addition to identify the hydroxyl groups of Fuc, Galalpha, and Galbeta residues, which are particularly involved in the composition of the AB-glycotope.


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The adsorption interactions of thallium and its compounds with gold and quartz surfaces were investigated. Carrier-free amounts of thallium were produced in nuclear fusion reactions of alpha particles with thick gold targets. The method chosen for the studies was gas thermochromatography and varying the redox potential of the carrier gases. It was observed that thallium is extremely sensitive to trace amounts of oxygen and water, and can even be oxidized by the hydroxyl groups located on the quartz surface. The experiments on a quartz surface with O2, He, H2 gas in addition with water revealed the formation and deposition of only one thallium species – TlOH. The adsorption enthalpy was determined to be Δ HSiO2ads(TlOH) = −134 ± 5 kJ mol−1. A series of experiments using gold as stationary surface and different carrier gases resulted in the detection of two thallium species – metallic Tl (H2 as carrier gas) and TlOH (O2, O2+H2O and H2+H2O as pure carrier gas or carrier gas mixture) with Δ HAuads(Tl) = −270 ± 10 kJ mol− and Δ HAuads(TlOH) = −146 ± 3 kJ mol−1. These data demonstrate a weak interaction of TlOH with both quartz and gold surfaces. The data represent important information for the design of future experiments with the heavier homologue of Tl in group 13 of the periodic table – element 113 (E113).


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Methane is an important greenhouse gas, responsible for about 20 of the warming induced by long-lived greenhouse gases since pre-industrial times. By reacting with hydroxyl radicals, methane reduces the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and generates ozone in the troposphere. Although most sources and sinks of methane have been identified, their relative contributions to atmospheric methane levels are highly uncertain. As such, the factors responsible for the observed stabilization of atmospheric methane levels in the early 2000s, and the renewed rise after 2006, remain unclear. Here, we construct decadal budgets for methane sources and sinks between 1980 and 2010, using a combination of atmospheric measurements and results from chemical transport models, ecosystem models, climate chemistry models and inventories of anthropogenic emissions. The resultant budgets suggest that data-driven approaches and ecosystem models overestimate total natural emissions. We build three contrasting emission scenarios � which differ in fossil fuel and microbial emissions � to explain the decadal variability in atmospheric methane levels detected, here and in previous studies, since 1985. Although uncertainties in emission trends do not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn, we show that the observed stabilization of methane levels between 1999 and 2006 can potentially be explained by decreasing-to-stable fossil fuel emissions, combined with stable-to-increasing microbial emissions. We show that a rise in natural wetland emissions and fossil fuel emissions probably accounts for the renewed increase in global methane levels after 2006, although the relative contribution of these two sources remains uncertain.


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Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in air particulate matter contribute considerably to the health risk of air pollution. The objectives of this study were to assess the occurrence and variation in concentrations and sources of PM2.5-bound PACs [Oxygenated PAHs (OPAHs), nitro-PAHs and parent-PAHs] sampled from the atmosphere of a typical Chinese megacity (Xi'an), to study the influence of meteorological conditions on PACs and to estimate the lifetime excess cancer risk to the residents of Xi'an (from inhalation of PM2.5-bound PACs). To achieve these objectives, we sampled 24-h PM2.5 aerosols (once in every 6 days, from 5 July 2008 to 8 August 2009) from the atmosphere of Xi'an and measured the concentrations of PACs in them. The PM2.5-bound concentrations of Σcarbonyl-OPAHs, ∑ hydroxyl + carboxyl-OPAHs, Σnitro-PAHs and Σalkyl + parent-PAHs ranged between 5–22, 0.2–13, 0.3–7, and 7–387 ng m− 3, respectively, being markedly higher than in most western cities. This represented a range of 0.01–0.4% and 0.002–0.06% of the mass of organic C in PM2.5 and the total mass of PM2.5, respectively. The sums of the concentrations of each compound group had winter-to-summer ratios ranging from 3 to 8 and most individual OPAHs and nitro-PAHs had higher concentrations in winter than in summer, suggesting a dominant influence of emissions from household heating and winter meteorological conditions. Ambient temperature, air pressure, and wind speed explained a large part of the temporal variation in PACs concentrations. The lifetime excess cancer risk from inhalation (attributable to selected PAHs and nitro-PAHs) was six fold higher in winter (averaging 1450 persons per million residents of Xi'an) than in summer. Our results call for the development of emission control measures.