4 resultados para family interventions

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Over the past years, evidence for the efficacy of psychological therapies in schizophrenia has been summarized in a series of meta-analyses. The present contribution aims to provide a descriptive survey of the evidence for the efficacy of psychological therapies as derived from these meta-analyses and to supplement them by selected findings from an own recent meta-analysis. Relevant meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials were identified by searching several electronic databases and by hand searching of reference lists. In order to compare the findings of the existing meta-analyses, the reported effect sizes were extracted and transformed into a uniform effect size measure where possible. For the own meta-analysis, weighted mean effect size differences between comparison groups regarding various types of outcomes were estimated. Their significance was tested by confidence intervals, and heterogeneity tests were applied to examine the consistency of the effects. From the available meta-analyses, social skills training, cognitive remediation, psychoeducational coping-oriented interventions with families and relatives, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy of persistent positive symptoms emerge as effective adjuncts to pharmacotherapy. Social skills training consistently effectuates the acquisition of social skills, cognitive remediation leads to short-term improvements in cognitive functioning, family interventions decrease relapse and hospitalization rates, and cognitive behavioral therapy results in a reduction of positive symptoms. These benefits seem to be accompanied by slight improvements in social functioning. However, open questions remain as to the specific therapeutic ingredients, to the synergistic effects, to the indication, as well as to the generalizability of the findings to routine care.


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Auf der Grundlage von Metaanalysen und umfassenden Überblicksarbeiten werden Schlussfolgerungen über eine wirksame psychosoziale Behandlung von Patienten mit einer Komorbidität von psychischen Störungen und Sucht (Doppeldiagnosen) gezogen. Dabei wird näher auf die Studienergebnisse zu schweren und zu leichten Formen von Doppeldiagnosen eingegangen. Die Heterogenität der Patienten-, Behandlungs-, Settings- und Ergebnismerkmale erschweren allgemeingültige Schlussfolgerungen über die Wirksamkeit psychosozialer Behandlungen. Integrative, gestufte Behandlungsprogramme, die störungsspezifische Interventionen kombinieren und motivierende Gesprächsführung, kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Interventionen, suchtmittelreduzierende Interventionen wie Rückfallprävention oder Kontingenzmanagement und/oder Familieninterventionen enthalten, sind Kontrollgruppen (z.B. Wartegruppen, Standardbehandlungen) meistens, anderen aktiven Behandlungen (z.B. Psychoedukation) manchmal in den drei Ergebnisbereichen (Sucht, psychische Störung und Funktionsniveau) überlegen.


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Aims: This review provides evidence of which interventions need to be part of effective outpatient integrated treatment for patients with comorbid schizophrenia and substance use disorders. Methods: A total of 14 randomized controlled trials were included. Effect sizes are provided to assess the magnitude of the treatments’ efficacy. Results: Despite the studies’ heterogeneity, we can conclude that certain programs (e.g., Behavioral Treatment for Substance Abuse in Schizophrenia) and specific interventions (e.g., motivational interviewing, family interventions) seem to be effective. Moreover, programs integrating multiple interventions are more likely to be positively related to better outcomes than single interventions. Finally, the lack of difference between effect sizes of assertive community treatment compared to case management suggests that a lower caseload is not necessary for positive treatment outcomes. Conclusion: Integrated treatment seems advantageous, although effect sizes are mostly modest. More homogeneous and qualitative sound studies are needed.


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Results on the effectiveness of psychosocial treatments for patients with comorbid psychiatric and substance use disorders (dual disorders) will be discussed based on relevant meta-analyses and comprehensive reviews. Findings pertaining to severe (e.g., schizophrenia) and mild to moderate (e.g., anxiety disorders) dual disorders will be presented. The heterogeneity in patient characteristics, treatments, settings, and measured outcomes within the studies hinders the extraction of simple conclusions regarding how to effectively integrate psychiatric and addiction-oriented services into one psychosocial treatment. However, promising treatment strategies and interventions include integrative programs that comprise motivational interviewing; disorder-specific cognitive-behavioral interventions; substance use reduction interventions such as relapse prevention or contingency management; and/or family interventions. Such programs are generally superior to control groups (e.g., waiting list, treatment as usual) and are sometimes superior to other active treatments (e.g., skills training) in outcomes of substance use, psychiatric disorders, and social functioning.