10 resultados para ei-REM

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep abnormalities, including cataplexy. The aim of this study was to assess REM sleep pressure and homeostasis in narcolepsy. Six patients with narcolepsy and six healthy controls underwent a REM sleep deprivation protocol, including one habituation, one baseline, two deprivation nights (D1, D2) and one recovery night. Multiple sleep latency tests (MSLTs) were performed during the day after baseline and after D2. During D1 and D2 REM sleep was prevented by awakening the subjects at the first polysomnographic signs of REM sleep for 2 min. Mean sleep latency and number of sleep-onset REM periods (SOREMs) were determined on all MSLT. More interventions were required to prevent REM sleep in narcoleptics compared with control subjects during D1 (57 ± 16 versus 24 ± 10) and D2 (87 ± 22 versus 35 ± 8, P = 0.004). Interventions increased from D1 to D2 by 46% in controls and by 53% in narcoleptics (P < 0.03). Selective REM sleep deprivation was successful in both controls (mean reduction of REM to 6% of baseline) and narcoleptics (11%). Both groups had a reduction of total sleep time during the deprivation nights (P = 0.03). Neither group had REM sleep rebound in the recovery night. Narcoleptics had, however, an increase in the number of SOREMs on MSLT (P = 0.005). There was no increase in the number of cataplexies after selective REM sleep deprivation. We conclude that: (i) REM sleep pressure is higher in narcoleptics; (ii) REM sleep homeostasis is similar in narcoleptics and controls; (iii) in narcoleptics selective REM sleep deprivation may have an effect on sleep propensity but not on cataplexy.


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REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is reported in up to 50% of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Only a few systematic, large-scale studies have addressed the characteristics of RBD in PD. The aim of the present study is to assess the frequency of RBD in patients with PD and the association with PD characteristics.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: In healthy subjects, arousability to inspiratory resistive loading is greater during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep compared with non-REM (NREM) sleep but is poorest in REM sleep in patients with sleep apnea. We therefore examined the hypothesis that sleep fragmentation impairs arousability, especially from REM sleep. DESIGN: Two blocks of 3 polysomnographies (separated by at least 1 week) were performed randomly. An inspiratory-loaded night followed either 2 undisturbed control nights (LN(C)) or 2 acoustically fragmented nights (LN(F)) SETTING: Sleep laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Sixteen healthy men aged 20 to 29 years. INTERVENTIONS: In both loaded nights, an inspiratory resistive load was added via a valved facemask every 2 minutes during sleep and turned off either when arousal occurred or after 2 minutes. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: During LN(F), arousability remained significantly greater in REM sleep (71% aroused within 2 minutes) compared with stage 2 (29%) or stage 3/4 (16%) sleep. After sleep fragmentation, arousability was decreased in stage 2 sleep (LN(F): 29%; LN(C): 38%; p < .05) and low in early REM sleep, increasing across the night (p < .01). In stage 3/4 sleep, neither an attenuation nor a change across the night was seen after sleep fragmentation. CONCLUSIONS: Mild sleep fragmentation is already sufficient to attenuate arousability in stage 2 sleep and to decrease arousability in early, compared with late, REM sleep. This means that sleep fragmentation affects the arousal response to increasing resistance and that the effects are different in stage 2 and REM sleep. The biologic reason for this increase in the arousal response in REM sleep across the night is not clear.


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Endothelial function typically precedes clinical manifestations of cardiovascular disease and provides a potential mechanism for the associations observed between cardiovascular disease and sleep quality. This study examined how subjective and objective indicators of sleep quality relate to endothelial function, as measured by brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD). In a clinical research centre, 100 non-shift working adults (mean age: 36 years) completed FMD testing and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, along with a polysomnography assessment to obtain the following measures: slow wave sleep, percentage rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, REM sleep latency, total arousal index, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, sleep efficiency and apnea-hypopnea index. Bivariate correlations and follow-up multiple regressions examined how FMD related to subjective (i.e., Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores) and objective (i.e., polysomnography-derived) indicators of sleep quality. After FMD showed bivariate correlations with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores, percentage REM sleep and REM latency, further examination with separate regression models indicated that these associations remained significant after adjustments for sex, age, race, hypertension, body mass index, apnea-hypopnea index, smoking and income (Ps < 0.05). Specifically, as FMD decreased, scores on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index increased (indicating decreased subjective sleep quality) and percentage REM sleep decreased, while REM sleep latency increased (Ps < 0.05). Poorer subjective sleep quality and adverse changes in REM sleep were associated with diminished vasodilation, which could link sleep disturbances to cardiovascular disease.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS In a questionnaire survey, we identified 36 (9%) of 417 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with sleepwalking (SW); 72% of them also had a history of REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD). We aimed to assess the clinical and polysomnographic characteristics of SW in PD and to compare them to patients with PD with and without a history of RBD. METHODS We performed video-polysomnography and detailed clinical examination in 30 PD patients from the above-mentioned survey: 10 patients with a history of SW, 10 patients with a history of RBD, and 10 patients with no history of either SW or RBD. RESULTS PD patients with SW had higher depression, anxiety and Hoehn & Yahr scores and lower activities of daily living scores than patients without a history of RBD but did not differ from patients with RBD. Patients with SW and RBD also had more often dyskinesia and hallucinations. By polysomnography, RBD was observed in 8 patients with SW and in all patients with a history of RBD. A total of 5 patients without a history of either SW or RBD had REM sleep without atonia without behavioural peculiarities. CONCLUSION SW in PD is associated with depression, higher disease severity and functional disability. The simultaneous occurrence of SW and RBD (overlap parasomnia) in most patients suggests a common underlying disturbance of motor control during sleep in PD, with variable manifestations in different sleep stages.


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Einleitung Ein Klartraum ist definiert als ein Traum, in dem der Träumende weiß, dass er träumt. In der Fachliteratur finden sich verschiedene Induktionstechniken, um die Klartraum-häufigkeit zu steigern (z.B. Stumbrys, Erlacher, Schädlich & Schredl, 2012). Zudem wurde in einer Pilotstudie gezeigt, dass ein Training im Klartraum zu Verbesserungen in einer Zielwurfaufgabe am nächsten Morgen führt (Erlacher & Schredl, 2010). Um ein regelmäßiges Training im Traum zu ermöglichen, besteht für die Sportpraxis das Problem, Klarträume gezielt zu induzieren. In dieser Studie wurde im Schlaflabor die so genannte Memnotische Induktion von luziden Träumen (MILT) – eine Autosugges-tionstechnik in der die Intention, einen Klartraum zu erleben, an Traumhinweise ge-koppelt wird – im Morgenschlaf überprüft. Methoden Insgesamt wurden 52 Versuchsteilnehmer (32 männlich und 20 weiblich) im Alter von 24 Jahren (± 2.2) im Schlaflabor untersucht. Die Personen waren in 4 Gruppen aufge-teilt. Alle Personen schliefen zunächst für ca. 6 Stunden, wurden dann aus einer REM-Phase geweckt und sollten einen Traum berichten. Im Anschluss blieben die Teilnehmer 30 bzw. 60 Minuten wach und praktizierten entweder MILT oder beschäf-tigten sich mit einer kognitiven oder motorischen Kontrollaufgabe. Im Anschluss durf-ten alle Teilnehmer für max. 4 weitere Stunden schlafen. Das Auftreten eines Klartraums in der morgendlichen Schlafphase diente als abhängige Variable. Ergebnisse und Diskussion Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass MILT zu einer gesteigerten Klartraumhäufigkeit (33-70%) im Vergleich zur Kontrollbedingung (9-14%) führt. Ein Unterschied zwischen 30 Minuten (50%) zu 60 Minuten MILT (70%) ist marginal. Das Auftreten von Klarträumen kann durch MILT im Morgenschlaf signifikant gestei-gert werden. Die Erfolgsquote schwankt jedoch mit Blick auf die genaue Definition ei-nes Klartraums. Es konnten bei nicht klartraumerfahrenen Versuchsteilnehmerinnen mehr Klarträume induziert werden. Für die Sportpraxis könnten solche Induktions-techniken dem Sportler ermöglichen, im Traum zu trainieren. In weiteren Studien wäre zu untersuchen, ob Athleten ebenfalls Klarträume induziert werden können. Ebenso sollte die Auswirkung eines regelmäßigen Klartraumtrainings in der Sportpraxis wei-ter untersucht werden. Literatur Stumbrys, T., Erlacher, D., Schädlich, M. & Schredl, M. (2012). Induction of lucid dreams: a systematic review of evidence. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(3), 1456-1475. Erlacher, D. & Schredl, M. (2010). Practicing a motor task in a lucid dream enhances subsequent performance: A pilot study. The Sport Psychologist, 24(2), 157-167.