10 resultados para collision-induced dissociation

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The fragmentation of electrospray-generated multiply deprotonated RNA and mixed-sequence RNA/DNA pentanucleotides upon low-energy collision-induced dissociation (CID) in a hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer was investigated. The goal of unambiguous sequence identification of mixed-sequence RNA/DNA oligonucleotides requires detailed understanding of the gas-phase dissociation of this class of compounds. The two major dissociation events, base loss and backbone fragmentation, are discussed and the unique fragmentation behavior of oligoribonucleotides is demonstrated. Backbone fragmentation of the all-RNA pentanucleotides is characterized by abundant c-ions and their complementary y-ions as the major sequence-defining fragment ion series. In contrast to the dissociation of oligodeoxyribonucleotides, where backbone fragmentation is initiated by the loss of a nucleobase which subsequently leads to the formation of the w- and [a-base]-ions, backbone dissociation of oligoribonucleotides is essentially decoupled from base loss. The different behavior of RNA and DNA oligonucleotides is related to the presence of the 2'-hydroxyl substituent, which is the only structural alteration between the DNA and RNA pentanucleotides studied. CID of mixed-sequence RNA/DNA pentanucleotides results in a combination of the nucleotide-typical backbone fragmentation products, with abundant w-fragment ions generated by cleavage of the phosphodiester backbone adjacent to the deoxy building blocks, whereas backbone cleavage adjacent to ribonucleotides induces the formation of c- and y-ions. (C) 2002 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.


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Cancer is one of the most severe and widespread diseases and an ideal treatment has not yet been found. In the last decades, cisplatinum was commonly applied in cancer therapy with very good results. However, serious side effects and resistant tumors necessitated the development of new antineoplastic agents, such as metallocenes dihalides. These are metal-based compounds exhibiting two cyclopentadienyl ligands and a cis-dihalide motif. They resemble the cis-chloro configuration of cisplatinum, which propounds a similar mode of action. Metallocenes comprising one of the transition metals titanium, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, and zirconium as the metal center have been shown to be effective against several cancer cell lines. Evidence for the accumulation of metallocenes in the nucleus implied that DNA is one of the major targets. Although several studies reported adduct formation of metallocenes with nuclear DNA, as yet substantial information about the general binding pattern and the binding to higher-order structures is lacking. Mass spectrometry can fill this gap as it constitutes a powerful technique to investigate the formation of organometallic adducts. Presented data demonstrate that the two agents titanocene dichloride and molybdenocene dichloride bind to single-stranded DNA and RNA. Distinct fragment ions formed upon collision-induced dissociation help to unravel preferential binding sites within the oligonucleotides. Moreover, adducts with duplexes and quadruplexes shed light on the molecular mechanism of action.


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Antisense oligonucleotides are medical agents for the treatment of genetic diseases that are designed to interact specifically with mRNA. This interaction either induces enzymatic degradation of the targeted RNA or modifies processing pathways, e.g. by inducing alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA. The latter mechanism applies to the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with a sugar-modified DNA analogue called tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA). In tcDNA the ribose sugar-moiety is extended to a three-membered ring system, which augments the binding affinity and the selectivity of the antisense oligonucleotide for its target. The advent of chemically modified nucleic acids for antisense therapy presents a challenge to diagnostic tools, which must be able to cope with a variety of structural analogues. Mass spectrometry meets this demand for non-enzyme based sequencing methods ideally, because the technique is largely unaffected by structural modifications of the analyte. Sequence coverage of a fully modified tcDNA 15mer can be obtained in a single tandem mass spectrometric experiment. Beyond sequencing experiments, tandem mass spectrometry was applied to elucidate the gas-phase structure and stability of tcDNA:DNA and tcDNA:RNA hybrid duplexes. Most remarkable is the formation of truncated duplexes upon collision-induced dissociation of these structures. Our data suggest that the cleavage site within the duplex is directed by the modified sugar-moiety. Moreover, the formation of truncated duplexes manifests the exceptional stability of the hybrid duplexes in the gas-phase. This stability arises from the modified sugar-moiety, which locks the tcDNA single strand into a conformation that is similar to RNA in A-form duplexes. The conformational particularity of tcDNA in the gas-phase was confirmed by ion mobility-mass spectrometry experiments on tcDNA, DNA, and RNA.


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Tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA) is a sugar- and backbone-modified analogue of DNA that is currently tested as antisense oligonucleotide for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The name tricyclo-DNA is derived from the modified sugar-moiety: the deoxyribose is extended to a three-membered ring system. This modification is designed to limit the flexibility of the structure, thus giving rise to entropically stabilized hybrid duplexes formed between tcDNA and complementary DNA or RNA oligonucleotides. While the structural modifications increase the biostability of the therapeutic agent, they also render the oligonucleotide inaccessible to enzyme-based sequencing methods. Tandem mass spectrometry constitutes an alternative sequencing technique for partially and fully modified oligonucleotides. For reliable sequencing, the fragmentation mechanism of the structure in question must be understood. Therefore, the presented work evaluates the effect of the modified sugar-moiety on the gas-phase dissociation of single stranded tcDNA. Moreover, our experiments reflect the exceptional gas-phase stability of hybrid duplexes that is most noticeable in the formation of truncated duplex ions upon collision-induced dissociation. The stability of the duplex arises from the modified sugar-moiety, as the rigid structure of the tcDNA single strand minimizes the change of the entropy for the annealing. Moreover, the tc-modification gives rise to extended conformations of the nucleic acids in the gas-phase, which was studied by ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry.


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Antisense oligonucleotides deserve great attention as potential drug candidates for the treatment of genetic disorders. For example, muscle dystrophy can be treated successfully in mice by antisense-induced exon skipping in the pre-mRNA coding for the structural protein dystrophin in muscle cells. For this purpose a sugar- and backbone-modified DNA analogue was designed, in which a tricyclic ring system substitutes the deoxyribose. These chemical modifications stabilize the dimers formed with the targeted RNA relative to native nucleic acid duplexes and increase the biostability of the antisense oligonucleotide. While evading enzymatic degradation constitutes an essential property of antisense oligonucleotides for therapeutic application, it renders the oligonucleotide inaccessible to biochemical sequencing techniques and requires the development of alternative methods based on mass spectrometry. The set of sequences studied includes tcDNA oligonucleotides ranging from 10 to 15 nucleotides in length as well as their hybrid duplexes with DNA and RNA complements. All samples were analyzed on a LTQ Orbitrap XL instrument equipped with a nano-electrospray source. For tandem mass spectrometric experiments collision-induced dissociation was performed, using helium as collision gas. Mass spectrometric sequencing of tcDNA oligomers manifests the applicability of the technique to substrates beyond the scope of enzyme-based methods. Sequencing requires the formation of characteristic backbone fragments, which take the form of a-B- and w-ions in the product ion spectra of tcDNA. These types of product ions are typically associated with unmodified DNA, which suggests a DNA-like fragmentation mechanism in tcDNA. The loss of nucleobases constitutes the second prevalent dissociation pathway observed in tcDNA. Comparison of partially and fully modified oligonucleotides indicates a pronounced impact of the sugar-moiety on the base loss. As this event initiates cleavage of the backbone, the presented results provide new mechanistic insights into the fragmentation of DNA in the gas-phase. The influence of the sugar-moiety on the dissociation extends to tcDNA:DNA and tcDNA:RNA hybrid duplexes, where base loss was found to be much more prominent from sugar-modified oligonucleotides than from their natural complements. Further prominent dissociation channels are strand separation and backbone cleavage of the single strands, as well as the ejection of backbone fragments from the intact duplex. The latter pathway depends noticeably on the base sequence. Moreover, it gives evidence of the high stability of the hybrid dimers, and thus directly reflects the affinity of tcDNA for its target in the cell. As the cellular target of tcDNA is a pre-mRNA, the structure was designed to discriminate RNA from DNA complements, which could be demonstrated by mass spectrometric experiments.


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A tandem mass spectral database system consists of a library of reference spectra and a search program. State-of-the-art search programs show a high tolerance for variability in compound-specific fragmentation patterns produced by collision-induced decomposition and enable sensitive and specific 'identity search'. In this communication, performance characteristics of two search algorithms combined with the 'Wiley Registry of Tandem Mass Spectral Data, MSforID' (Wiley Registry MSMS, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA) were evaluated. The search algorithms tested were the MSMS search algorithm implemented in the NIST MS Search program 2.0g (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) and the MSforID algorithm (John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA). Sample spectra were acquired on different instruments and, thus, covered a broad range of possible experimental conditions or were generated in silico. For each algorithm, more than 30,000 matches were performed. Statistical evaluation of the library search results revealed that principally both search algorithms can be combined with the Wiley Registry MSMS to create a reliable identification tool. It appears, however, that a higher degree of spectral similarity is necessary to obtain a correct match with the NIST MS Search program. This characteristic of the NIST MS Search program has a positive effect on specificity as it helps to avoid false positive matches (type I errors), but reduces sensitivity. Thus, particularly with sample spectra acquired on instruments differing in their Setup from tandem-in-space type fragmentation, a comparably higher number of false negative matches (type II errors) were observed by searching the Wiley Registry MSMS.


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High arterial partial oxygen pressure (Pao(2)) oscillations within the respiratory cycle were described recently in experimental acute lung injury. This phenomenon has been related to cyclic recruitment of atelectasis and varying pulmonary shunt fractions. Noninvasive detection of Spo(2) (oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry) as an indicator of cyclic collapse of atelectasis, instead of recording Pao(2) oscillations, could be of clinical interest in critical care. Spo(2) oscillations were recorded continuously in three different cases of lung damage to demonstrate the technical feasibility of this approach. To deduce Pao(2) from Spo(2), a mathematical model of the hemoglobin dissociation curve including left and right shifts was derived from the literature and adapted to the dynamic changes of oxygenation. Calculated Pao(2) amplitudes (derived from Spo(2) measurements) were compared to simultaneously measured fast changes of Pao(2), using a current standard method (fluorescence quenching of ruthenium). Peripheral hemoglobin saturation was capable to capture changes of Spo(2) within each respiratory cycle. For the first time, Spo(2) oscillations due to cyclic recruitment of atelectasis within a respiratory cycle were determined by photoplethysmography, a technology that can be readily applied noninvasively in clinical routine. A mathematic model to calculate the respective Pao(2) changes was developed and its applicability tested.


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Toll-like receptors are of key importance in the recognition of and response to infectious agents by cells of the innate immune system. TLR mRNA expression and TLR-mediated functions were determined in bovine macrophages (MPhi) infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) or stimulated with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in order to see whether they are correlated under these conditions. As parameters quantitative real time RT-PCR (QRT-PCR) for TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4, NO and TNF production were measured. Triggering of bovine MPhi with bona fide TLR2 and TLR4 agonists (lipopolysaccharide, lipoteichoic acid, peptidoglycan, lipopetide) led to NO and TNF production but neither TLR3 nor TLR9 agonists (double-stranded RNA, CpG DNA) showed this effect. The mRNA expression of TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4 was neither influenced by MPhi costimulation with IFN-gamma nor by MPhi preinfection with BVDV nor by the ligands themselves. However, NO production induced by TLR2 or TLR4 agonists was strongly modulated either by IFN-gamma costimulation or BVDV preinfection. Thus costimulation of MPhi with IFN-gamma resulted in an increase of both NO synthesis and TNF expression by cells stimulated simultaneously by TLR2 or TLR4 agonists. Preinfection of bovine MPhi by BVDV resulted in upregulation of TLR2- and TLR4-mediated NO synthesis. Collectively, these data show that TLR-mediated functions may be modulated by viral infection or activation via IFN-gamma of MPhi whereas the mRNA concentrations of relevant TLR members were not significantly influenced. Thus, the amount of TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4 mRNA transcripts is stable at least under the conditions tested. More importantly, modulation of TLR-mediated responses was dissociated from mRNA expression of TLR members.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE To determine the effectiveness of an esophageal doppler device to non-invasively detect experimental pseudo-electromechanical dissociation (pseudo-EMD). DESIGN Prospective, controlled, laboratory investigation using an asphyxial canine cardiac arrest model and a newly-developed esophageal flat-flow probe doppler unit. INTERVENTIONS Mongrel dogs (20) were instrumented for hemodynamic monitoring. The esophageal doppler probe was placed in the distal esophagus of each animal. Electromechanical dissociation (EMD) was induced by clamping the endotracheal tube. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS A period of pseudo-EMD was defined as the time where cardiac contractility was present, measured by a micromanometer tipped thoracic aortic catheter, without concurrent femoral pulses by palpation. The pseudo-EMD period could be produced consistently in all 20 animals. The characteristic doppler flow sounds were easily heard using the esophageal device in all animals. The time from endotracheal tube clamping until loss of femoral pulses was 622 +/- 96 s; until loss of radial artery doppler signals was 616 +/- 92 s; until loss of esophageal doppler signals was 728 +/- 88 s; and until loss of aortic fluctuations by thoracic aortic catheter was 728 +/- 82 s. The times to loss of esophageal doppler sounds and loss of aortic fluctuations were not significantly different. However, they were significantly longer than the time to loss of femoral pulses (P < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS The canine asphyxial EMD model can be used for short experimental studies of pseudo-EMD. Pseudo-EMD can be consistently and non-invasively detected with this esophageal doppler device. The device is as reliable as a micromanometer tipped aortic arch catheter in detecting pseudo-EMD. The doppler device could potentially be useful in improving recognition of near cardiac arrest in pre-hospital and emergency department settings. Further research on the utility of this device in other models of low-flow states should be performed.