22 resultados para claudication
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
PURPOSE: To report percutaneous fenestration of aortic dissection flaps to relieve distal ischemia using a novel intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)-guided fenestration device. CASE REPORTS: Two men (47 and 62 years of age) with aortic dissection and intermittent claudication had percutaneous ultrasound-guided fenestration performed under local anesthesia. Using an ipsilateral transfemoral approach, the intimal flap was punctured under real-time IVUS guidance using a needle-catheter combination through which a guidewire was placed across the dissection flap into the false lumen. The fenestration was achieved using balloon catheters of increasing diameter introduced over the guidewire. Stenting of the re-entry was performed in 1 patient to equalize pressure across the dissection membrane in both lumens. The procedures were performed successfully and without complications. In both patients, ankle-brachial indexes improved from 0.76 to 1.07 and from 0.8 to 1.1, respectively. Both patients were without claudication at the 3- and 6-month follow-up examination. CONCLUSION: Percutaneous intravascular ultrasound-guided fenestration and stenting at the level of the iliac artery in aortic dissection patients with claudication is a technically feasible and safe procedure and relieves symptoms.
Herbal drugs are being increasingly used in medical practice, often without appropriate scrutiny of their safety and efficacy. The medicinal product Padma 28 is a fixed combination with Tibetan origin, used in Europe since the 1960s for the symptomatic treatment of circulatory disorders, including those of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). We have conducted an analysis of all available data on this herbal drug from published literature as well as from original data we obtained from contacting the authors of published papers, reports and the manufacturer. A total of 19 trials have reported on 2084 patients to date, 444 of whom were in six controlled clinical studies on PAOD. A meta-analysis of five trials showed Padma 28 to increase walking distance by >100m in 18.2% of the patients with verum, versus 2.1% with placebo (P<0.001; odds ratio: 10 [95% CI 3.03, 33.33]; RR: 0.12; number needed to treat=6.2). The safety profile appears to be favourable. Available evidence shows that Padma 28 provides significant relief from PAOD-related symptoms (i.e. walking distance), probably of the same order of magnitude as other employed medications. However, larger confirmatory RCTs are desirable.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the primary success and short-term patency associated with a new 4-F sheath-compatible self-expanding nitinol stent after failed conventional angioplasty of distal popliteal and infrapopliteal lesions in severe lifestyle-limiting claudication (LLC) and chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between May 2003 and July 2005, 35 patients with Rutherford category 3-5 disease (16 patients with CLI, 19 patients with LLC) underwent percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stent implantation. Indications for stent placement were residual stenosis, flow-limiting dissections, or elastic recoil after PTA. Before and after the intervention and during the 6-month follow-up, clinical investigation, color-flow and duplex Doppler ultrasonography, and digital subtraction angiography were performed. Technical success, primary patency at 6 months, clinical improvement as defined by Rutherford with clinical and hemodynamic measures, and complications were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 22 patients underwent distal popliteal artery stent placement and 13 underwent tibioperoneal artery stent placement. Stent implantation was successfully performed in all patients. After stent placement, the primary cumulative patency rate for the study group at 6 months was 82%. The mean resting ankle-brachial index at baseline was 0.50 +/- 0.16 and significantly increased to 0.90 +/- 0.17 at 12-24 hours after intervention and 0.82 +/- 0.24 at latest follow-up (P < .001 for both). The sustained clinical improvement rate was 80% at the 6-month follow-up. The 6-month limb salvage rate regarding major amputation was 100%. The rate of major complications was 17%. CONCLUSIONS: Infrapopliteal application of the new nitinol stent is a safe, feasible, and effective method with good short-term patency rate in the treatment of severe LLC and chronic CLI.
Supervised exercise training has been shown to improve walking capacity in several studies of patients with intermittent claudication. However, data on long-term outcome are quite limited. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate long-term effects of supervised exercise training on walking capacity and quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication. Patients and methods: Sixty-seven consecutive patients with intermittent claudication who completed a supervised 12-week exercise training program were asked for follow up evaluation 39 +/- 20 months after program completion. Pain-free walking distance (PWD) and maximum walking distances (MWD) were assessed by treadmill test and several questionnaires. Results: Forty (60%) patients agreed to participate, 22 (33%) refused participation, and 5 (7%) died during follow-up. PWD and MWD significantly improved at completion of 12-weeks supervised exercise training as compared to baseline (PWD 114 +/- 100 vs. 235 +/- 248, p = 0.002; MWD 297 +/- 273 vs. 474 +/- 359, p = 0.001). Improvement of PWD and MWD could be maintained at follow up (197 +/- 254, p = 0.014; 390 +/- 324, p = 0.035, respectively) with non-smokers showing significantly better sustained PWD and MWD improvement as compared to baseline. Overall, walking capacity correlated with functional status of quality of life. Conclusions: Major findings of this investigation were that improvement in walking capacity is sustained after completion of supervised exercise training program with best results in patients who quitted or never smoked. Improved walking capacity is associated with increased functional status of quality of life.
Coral reef aorta is a rare form of calcifying atherosclerosis typically involving the supra and juxtarenal aorta. P atients classically present with refractory hypertension, intermittent claudication and abdominal angina. The treatment is either surgical via transaortic endarterectomy or through transferal endovascular stentgraft placement. Here we describe the case of a 45yearold female patient infected with human immuno deficiency virus, with resistant hypertension, lower limb and abdominal claudication, who was successfully treated with endovascular stent placement. We f urther provide a brief overview of the disease characteristics and treatment options.
BACKGROUND: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is common and imposes a high risk of major systemic and limb ischemic events. The REduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) Registry is an international prospective registry of patients at risk of atherothrombosis caused by established arterial disease or the presence of 3 atherothrombotic risk factors. METHODS AND RESULTS: We compared the 2-year rates of vascular-related hospitalizations and associated costs in US patients with established PAD across patient subgroups. Symptomatic PAD at enrollment was identified on the basis of current intermittent claudication with an ankle-brachial index (ABI) <0.90 or a history of lower-limb revascularization or amputation. Asymptomatic PAD was diagnosed on the basis of an enrollment ABI <0.90 in the absence of symptoms. Overall, 25 763 of the total 68 236-patient REACH cohort were enrolled from US sites; 2396 (9.3%) had symptomatic and 213 (0.8%) had asymptomatic PAD at baseline. One- and cumulative 2-year follow-up data were available for 2137 (82%) and 1677 (64%) of US REACH patients with either symptomatic or asymptomatic PAD, respectively. At 2 years, mean cumulative hospitalization costs, per patient, were $7445, $7000, $10 430, and $11 693 for patients with asymptomatic PAD, a history of claudication, lower-limb amputation, and revascularization, respectively (P=0.007). A history of peripheral intervention (lower-limb revascularization or amputation) was associated with higher rates of subsequent procedures at both 1 and 2 years. CONCLUSIONS: The economic burden of PAD is high. Recurring hospitalizations and repeat revascularization procedures suggest that neither patients, physicians, nor healthcare systems should assume that a first admission for a lower-extremity PAD procedure serves as a permanent resolution of this costly and debilitating condition.
Peripheral artery disease is a progressive disease. Primary ischemic leg symptoms are muscle fatigue, discomfort or pain during ambulation, known as intermittent claudication. The most severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease is critical limb ischemia (CLI). The long-term safety of gene therapy in peripheral artery disease remains unclear. This four center peripheral artery disease registry was designed to evaluate the long-term safety of the intramuscular non-viral fibroblast growth factor-1 (NV1FGF), a plasmid-based angiogenic gene for local expression of fibroblast growth factor-1 versus placebo in patients with peripheral artery disease who had been included in five different phase I and II trials. Here we report a 3-year follow-up in patients suffering from CLI or intermittent claudication. There were 93 evaluable patients, 72 of them in Fontaine stage IV (47 NV1FGF versus 25 placebo) and 21 patients in Fontaine stage IIb peripheral artery disease (15 NV1FGF versus 6 placebo). Safety parameters included rates of non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, death, cancer, retinopathy and renal dysfunction. At 3 years, in 93 patients included this registry, there was no increase in retinopathy or renal dysfunction associated with delivery of this angiogenic factor. There was also no difference in the number of strokes, MI or deaths, respectively, for NV1FGF versus placebo. In the CLI group, new cancer occurred in two patients in the NV1FGF group. Conclusions that can be drawn from this relatively small patient group are limited because of the number of patients followed and can only be restricted to safety. Yet, data presented may be valuable concerning rates in cancer, retinopathy, MI or strokes following angiogenesis gene therapy in the absence of any long-term data in angiogenesis gene therapy. It may take several years until data from larger patient populations will become available.
PURPOSE: To evaluate arterial lesion characteristics and their impact on angiographic and clinical outcomes after endovascular below-the-knee (BTK) revascularization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between April 2008 and June 2009, 33 patients (mean age 74.9 years) with 34 limbs and 50 arterial segments (mean lesion length 59.3 mm) undergoing endovascular BTK revascularization agreed to undergo prospective clinical and intraarterial angiographic 6-month follow-up evaluation. Clinical indication for BTK revascularization was critical limb ischemia (CLI) in 18 patients and delayed wound healing without hemodynamic evidence of CLI and intermittent claudication (IC) in 15 patients. RESULTS: Binary restenosis was observed in 40% of treated segments at 6 months. Primary sustained clinical improvement was 82.4% and 55.9% at 3 months and 6 months. Lesion length was independently associated with binary restenosis (hazard ratio [HR] 1.013, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.000-1.016, P = .05) and lower rates of primary sustained clinical improvement (HR 1.024, 95% CI 1.006-1.042, P = .008). CONCLUSIONS: Endovascular BTK revascularization yields clinical and angiographic benefits both for patients with IC and for patients with CLI. Although arterial lesion length adversely affects angiographic and clinical outcomes after endovascular revascularization, limb salvage rates were substantially higher compared with the comparatively low patency rates after BTK angioplasty.
Recommendations stated in the TASC II guidelines for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) regard a heterogeneous group of patients ranging from claudicants to critical limb ischaemia (CLI) patients. However, specific considerations apply to CLI patients. An important problem regarding the majority of currently available literature that reports on revascularisation strategies for PAD is that it does not focus on CLI patients specifically and studies them as a minor part of the complete cohort. Besides the lack of data on CLI patients, studies use a variety of endpoints, and even similar endpoints are often differentially defined. These considerations result in the fact that most recommendations in this guideline are not of the highest recommendation grade. In the present chapter the treatment of CLI is not based on the TASC II classification of atherosclerotic lesions, since definitions of atherosclerotic lesions are changing along the fast development of endovascular techniques, and inter-individual differences in interpretation of the TASC classification are problematic. Therefore we propose a classification merely based on vascular area of the atherosclerotic disease and the lesion length, which is less complex and eases the interpretation. Lesions and their treatment are discussed from the aorta downwards to the infrapopliteal region. For a subset of lesions, surgical revascularisation is still the gold standard, such as in extensive aorto-iliac lesions, lesions of the common femoral artery and long lesions of the superficial femoral artery (>15 cm), especially when an applicable venous conduit is present, because of higher patency and limb salvage rates, even though the risk of complications is sometimes higher than for endovascular strategies. It is however more and more accepted that an endovascular first strategy is adapted in most iliac, superficial femoral, and in some infrapopliteal lesions. The newer endovascular techniques, i.e. drug-eluting stents and balloons, show promising results especially in infrapopliteal lesions. However, most of these results should still be confirmed in large RCTs focusing on CLI patients. At some point when there is no possibility of an endovascular nor a surgical procedure, some alternative non-reconstructive options have been proposed such as lumbar sympathectomy and spinal cord stimulation. But their effectiveness is limited especially when assessing the results on objective criteria. The additional value of cell-based therapies has still to be proven from large RCTs and should therefore still be confined to a research setting. Altogether this chapter summarises the best available evidence for the treatment of CLI, which is, from multiple perspectives, completely different from claudication. The latter also stresses the importance of well-designed RCTs focusing on CLI patients reporting standardised endpoints, both clinical as well as procedural.
OBJECTIVE: Maintenance of good walking speed is essential to independent living. People with musculoskeletal disease often have reduced walking speed. We investigated determinants of slower walking, other than musculoskeletal disease, that might provide valuable additional targets for therapy. METHODS: We analyzed data from the Somerset and Avon Survey of Health, a community based survey of people aged over 35 years. A total of 2703 participants who reported hip or knee pain at baseline (1994/1995) were studied, and reassessed in 2002-2003; 1696 were available for followup, and walking speed was tested in 1074. Walking speed (m/s) was used as outcome measure. Baseline characteristics, including comorbidities and socioeconomic factors, were tested for their ability to predict reduced walking speed using multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Age, female sex, and immobility at baseline were predictive of slower walking speed. Other independent risk factors included the presence of cataract, low socioeconomic status, intermittent claudication, and other cardiovascular conditions. Having a cataract was associated with a decrease of 0.10 m/s (95% CI 0.03, 0.16). Those in social class V had a walking speed 0.22 m/s (95% CI 0.126, 0.31) slower than those in social class I. CONCLUSION: Comorbidities, age, female sex, and lower socioeconomic position determine walking speed in people with joint pain. Issues such as poor vision and social-economic disadvantage may add to the effect of musculoskeletal disease, suggesting the need for a holistic approach to management of these patients.
Cystic adventitial disease is a rare non-atheromatous cause of popliteal artery disease. We report a case of a 54-year-old patient with claudication of the right calf caused by cystic adventitial disease. Intra-operatively, a communication between the adventitia and the knee joint was identified. Connections between the adventitial cyst and the nearby joint have been reported in the literature that support the developmental theory. This theory suggests that cystic adventitial disease is a developmental manifestation of mucin-secreting cells derived from the mesenchyme of the adjacent joint. This case is the first, to our knowledge, in which a communication between joint and adventitia has been clearly documented by operative findings.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the acute and midterm effectiveness of a novel vascular occlusion device for embolization of the internal iliac artery (IIA) before endovascular repair of aortoiliac aneurysms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between March 2005 and April 2006, nine men (mean age, 75 years +/- 5; range, 66-83 y) with aortoiliac aneurysms underwent bifurcated endovascular stent-graft procedures. All these patients were referred specifically for embolization. Pre- and perioperatively, eight patients underwent unilateral embolization and one underwent bilateral embolization of the IIA to prevent type II endoleak. Via a contralateral femoral approach with a 6-F or 8-F sheath, the embolization procedure was performed with an Amplatzer Vascular Plug, a self-expandable cylindrical device consisting of a nitinol-based wire mesh. Technical success, clinical outcome, and complications were evaluated. Follow-up at 3, 6, and 12 months was performed with clinical and radiologic examinations. RESULTS: IIA embolization was technically successful in all cases and no procedure-related complications occurred. Imaging at discharge and at 3-, 6-, or 12-month follow-up was accomplished in all nine patients. Control computed tomography and magnetic resonance angiography did not reveal retrograde perfusion of the aneurysmal sac, ie, type II endoleak. Three of nine patients (33.3%) reported symptoms of buttock claudication that did not resolve completely. Clinical symptoms such as bowel ischemia or sexual dysfunction were not observed. CONCLUSIONS: The midterm results of this study suggest that preoperative IIA embolization with a nitinol vascular occlusion plug during endovascular treatment of aortoiliac aneurysms is safe and effective.
BACKGROUND: Surgical profundaplasty (SP)is used mainly as an adjunct to endovascular management of peripheral vascular disease (PAD) today. Results from earlier series of profundaplasty alone have been controversial, especially regarding its hemodynamic effect. The question is: Can profundaplasty alone still be useful? Our aim was to evaluate its role in the modern management of vascular patients. METHODS: This was a retrospective outcome study. A consecutive series of 97 patients (106 legs) from January 2000 through December 2003 were included. In 55 (52%) legs, the superficial femoral artery was occluded. These patients were included in the current analysis. Of these patients 14 (25%) were female. Mean age was 71 ((11) years. Nineteen (35%) were diabetic. The indication for operation was claudication in 29 (53%), critical leg ischemia (CLI) in 26 (47%), either with rest pain in 17 (31%), or ulcer/gangrene in 9 (16%). Endarterectomy with patch angioplasty with bovine pericardium was performed in all cases. Mean follow-up was 33 ( 14 months. Mean preoperative ankle brachial index (ABI) was 0.6. Sustained clinical efficacy was defined as upward shift of 1 or greater on the Rutherford scale without repeat target limb revascularization (TLR) or amputation. Mortality, morbidity, need for TLR, or amputation were separate endpoints. RESULTS: Postoperatively, ABI was significantly improved (mean = 0.7), in 24 (44%) by more than 0.15. At three years, cumulative clinical success rate was 80%. Overall, patients with claudication had a better outcome than those with CLI (p = 0.04). Two (4%) major amputations and 2 (4%) minor ones were performed, all in patients with CLI. None of the 9 (16%) ulcers healed. CONCLUSION: Profundaplasty is still a valuable option for patients with femoral PAD and claudication without tissue loss. It is a straightforward procedure that combines good efficacy with low complication rates. Further endovascular treatment may be facilitated. It is not useful for patients with the combination of critical ischemia and tissue loss.
INTRODUCTION: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is associated with systemic impaired flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and increased risk for cardiovascular events. Decreased FMD may be caused by a decrease in arterial shear stress due to claudication and inflammation due to muscle ischemia and reperfusion. We assumed that endovascular revascularization of lower limb arterial obstructions ameliorates FMD and lowers inflammation through improvement of peripheral perfusion. METHODS: The study was a prospective, open, randomized, controlled, single-center follow-up evaluation assessing the effect of endovascular revascularization on brachial artery reactivity (FMD) measured by ultrasound, white blood cell (WBC) count, high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and fibrinogen. We investigated 33 patients (23 men) with chronic and stable PAD (Rutherford 2 to 3) due to femoropopliteal obstruction. Variables were assessed at baseline and after 4 weeks in 17 patients (group A) who underwent endovascular revascularization and best medical treatment, and in 16 patients (group B) who received best medical treatment only. RESULTS: FMD did not differ between group A and B (4.96% +/- 1.86% vs 4.60% +/- 2.95%; P = .87) at baseline. It significantly improved after revascularization in group A (6.44% +/- 2.88%; P = .02) compared with group B at 4 weeks of follow-up (4.53% +/- 3.17%; P = .92), where it remained unchanged. The baseline ankle-brachial index (ABI) was similar for group A and B (0.63 +/- 0.15 vs 0.66 +/- 0.10; P = .36). At 4 weeks of follow-up, ABI was significantly increased in group A (1.05 +/- 0.15; P = .0004) but remained unchanged in group B (0.62 +/- 0.1). WBC counts of the two groups were comparable at baseline (group A: 7.6 +/- 2.26 x 10(6)/mL and group B: 7.8 +/- 2.02 x 10(6)/mL, P = .81). In group A, the leukocyte count significantly decreased after angioplasty from 7.6 +/- 2.26 to 6.89 +/- 1.35 x 10(6)/mL (P = .03). For group B, WBC count did not differ significantly compared with baseline (7.76 +/- 2.64 x 10(6)/mL; P = .94). No effects were observed on hs-CRP or fibrinogen from endovascular therapy. CONCLUSION: Endovascular revascularization with reestablishment of peripheral arterial perfusion improves FMD and reduces WBC count in patients with claudication. Revascularization may therefore have clinical implications beyond relief of symptoms, for example, reducing oxidative stress caused by repeated muscle ischemia or increased shear stress due to improved ambulatory activity.