13 resultados para chloroplast genetic engineering

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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While the WTO agreements do not regulate the use of biotechnology per se, their rules can have a profound impact on the use of the technology for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. This book seeks to identify the challenges to international trade regulation that arise from biotechnology. The contributions examine whether existing international obligations of WTO Members are appropriate to deal with the issues arising for the use of biotechnology and whether there is a need for new international legal instruments, including a potential WTO Agreement on Biotechnology. They combine various perspectives on and topics relating to genetic engineering and trade, including human rights and gender; intellectual property rights; traditional knowledge and access and benefit sharing; food security, trade and agricultural production and food safety; and medical research, cloning and international trade.


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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive motor neuron disease, fatal within 1 to 5 years after onset of symptoms. About 3 out of 100’000 persons are diagnosed with ALS and there is still no cure available [1, 2]. 95% of all cases occur sporadically and the aetiology remains largely unknown [XXXX]. However, up to now 16 genes were identified to play a role in the development of familial ALS. One of these genes is FUS that encodes for the protein fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma (FUS/TLS). Mutations in this gene are responsible for some cases of sporadic as well as of inherited ALS [3]. FUS belongs to the family of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins and is predicted to be involved in several cellular functions like transcription regulation [4], RNA splicing [5, 6], mRNA transport in neurons [7] and microRNA processing [8]. Aberrant accumulation of mutated FUS has been found in the cytoplasm of motor neurons from ALS patients [9]. The mislocalization of FUS is based on a mutation in the nuclear localization signal of FUS [10]. However, it is still unclear if the cytoplasmic localization of FUS leads to a toxic gain of cytoplasmic function and/or a loss of nuclear function that might be crucial in the course of ALS. The goal of this project is to characterize the impact of ALS-associated FUS mutations on in vitro differentiated motor neurons. To this end, we edit the genome of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) [11,12] to create three isogenic cell lines, each carrying an ALS-associated FUS mutation (G156E, R244C and P525L). These iPSC’s will then be differentiated to motor neurons according to a recently establishe protocol (Ref Wichterle) and serve to study alterations in the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome upon the expression of ALS-associated FUS. With this approach, we hope to unravel the molecular mechanism leading to FUS-associated ALS and to provide new insight into the emerging connection between misregulation of RNA metabolism and neurodegeneration, a connection that is currently implied in a variety of additional neurological diseases, including spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA-2), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), fragile X syndrome, and myotonic dystrophy.


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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive motor neuron disease, fatal within 1 to 5 years after onset of symptoms. About 3 out of 100’000 persons are diagnosed with ALS and there is still no cure available [1, 2]. 95% of all cases occur sporadically and the aetiology remains largely unknown [3]. However, up to now 16 genes were identified to play a role in the development of familial ALS. One of these genes is FUS that encodes for the protein fused in sarcoma (FUS). Mutations in this gene are responsible for some cases of sporadic as well as of inherited ALS [4]. FUS belongs to the family of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins and is predicted to be involved in several cellular functions like transcription regulation, RNA splicing, mRNA transport in neurons and microRNA processing [5] Aberrant accumulation of mutated FUS has been found in the cytoplasm of motor neurons from ALS patients [6]. The mislocalization of FUS is based on a mutation in the nuclear localization signal of FUS [7]. However, it is still unclear if the cytoplasmic localization of FUS leads to a toxic gain of cytoplasmic function and/or a loss of nuclear function that might be crucial in the course of ALS. The goal of this project is to characterize the impact of ALS-associated FUS mutations on in vitro differentiated motor neurons. To this end, we edit the genome of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) [8,9] to create three isogenic cell lines, each carrying an ALS-associated FUS mutation (G156E, R244C and P525L). These iPSC’s will then be differentiated to motor neurons according to a recently established protocol [10] and serve to study alterations in the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome upon the expression of ALS-associated FUS. With this approach, we hope to unravel the molecular mechanism leading to FUS-associated ALS and to provide new insight into the emerging connection between misregulation of RNA metabolism and neurodegeneration, a connection that is currently implied in a variety of additional neurological diseases, including spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA-2), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), fragile X syndrome, and myotonic dystrophy. [1] Cleveland, D.W. et al. (2001) Nat Rev Neurosci 2(11): 806-819 [2] Sathasivam, S. (2010) Singapore Med J 51(5): 367-372 [3] Schymick, J.C. et al. (2007) Hum Mol Genet Vol 16: 233-242 [4] Pratt, A.J. et al. (2012). Degener Neurol Neuromuscul Dis 2012(2): 1-14 [5] Lagier-Tourenne, C. Hum Mol Genet, 2010. 19(R1): p. R46-64 [6] Mochizuki, Y. et al. (2012) J Neurol Sci 323(1-2): 85-92 [7] Dormann, D. et al. (2010) EMBO J 29(16): 2841-2857 [8] Hockemeyer, D. et al. (2011) Nat Biotech 29(8): 731-734 [9] Joung, J.K. and J.D. Sander (2013) Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14(1): 49-55 [10]Amoroso, M.W. et al. (2013) J Neurosci 33(2): 574-586.


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Marine genetic resources other than fish and mammals are of increasing commercial interest and importance in genetic engineering, but fail being properly addressed in the law of the sea and in international economic law. The paper analyses the implication of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Convention on Biodiversity, the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and related instruments under the auspices of WIPO. The paper argues that the triangle of these agreements does not adequately address marine genetic resources in particular in the high seas. Neither concerns of protecting biodiversity nor of access and benefit sharing find appropriate answers commensurate to the commercial potential of marine genetic resources. The paper suggests developing an instrument inspired by, and comparable to, the mechanisms developed by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The instrument would grant facilitated access to marine genetic resources and offer a more detailed set of rules with respect to the sharing of benefits resulting from their use, thereby addressing the existing legal gaps in a comprehensive way.


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Live vaccines possess the advantage of having access to induce cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity; thus in certain cases they are able to prevent infection, and not only disease. Furthermore, live vaccines, particularly bacterial live vaccines, are relatively cheap to produce and easy to apply. Hence they are suitable to immunize large communities or herds. The induction of both cell-mediated immunity as well as antibody-mediated immunity, which is particularly beneficial in inducing mucosal immune responses, is obtained by the vaccine-strain's ability to colonize and multiply in the host without causing disease. For this reason, live vaccines require attenuation of virulence of the bacterium to which immunity must be induced. Traditionally attenuation was achieved simply by multiple passages of the microorganism on growth medium, in animals, eggs or cell cultures or by chemical or physical mutagenesis, which resulted in random mutations that lead to attenuation. In contrast, novel molecular methods enable the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) targeted to specific genes that are particularly suited to induce attenuation or to reduce undesirable effects in the tissue in which the vaccine strains can multiply and survive. Since live vaccine strains (attenuated by natural selection or genetic engineering) are potentially released into the environment by the vaccinees, safety issues concerning the medical as well as environmental aspects must be considered. These involve (i) changes in cell, tissue and host tropism, (ii) virulence of the carrier through the incorporation of foreign genes, (iii) reversion to virulence by acquisition of complementation genes, (iv) exchange of genetic information with other vaccine or wild-type strains of the carrier organism and (v) spread of undesired genes such as antibiotic resistance genes. Before live vaccines are applied, the safety issues must be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case. Safety assessment includes knowledge of the precise function and genetic location of the genes to be mutated, their genetic stability, potential reversion mechanisms, possible recombination events with dormant genes, gene transfer to other organisms as well as gene acquisition from other organisms by phage transduction, transposition or plasmid transfer and cis- or trans-complementation. For this, GMOs that are constructed with modern techniques of genetic engineering display a significant advantage over random mutagenesis derived live organisms. The selection of suitable GMO candidate strains can be made under in vitro conditions using basic knowledge on molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity of the corresponding bacterial species rather than by in vivo testing of large numbers of random mutants. This leads to a more targeted safety testing on volunteers and to a reduction in the use of animal experimentation.


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Jasmonates regulate plant secondary metabolism and herbivore resistance. How they influence primary metabolites and how this may affect herbivore growth and performance are not well understood. We profiled sugars and starch of jasmonate biosynthesis-deficient and jasmonate-insensitive Nicotiana attenuata plants and manipulated leaf carbohydrates through genetic engineering and in vitro complementation to assess how jasmonate-dependent sugar accumulation affects the growth of Manduca sexta caterpillars. We found that jasmonates reduce the constitutive and herbivore-induced concentration of glucose and fructose in the leaves across different developmental stages. Diurnal, jasmonate-dependent inhibition of invertase activity was identified as a likely mechanism for this phenomenon. Contrary to our expectation, both in planta and in vitro approaches showed that the lower sugar concentrations led to increased M. sexta growth. As a consequence, jasmonate-dependent depletion of sugars rendered N. attenuata plants more susceptible to M. sexta attack. In conclusion, jasmonates are important regulators of leaf carbohydrate accumulation and this determines herbivore growth. Jasmonate-dependent resistance is reduced rather than enhanced through the suppression of glucose and fructose concentrations, which may contribute to the evolution of divergent resistance strategies of plants in nature.


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Making plants resistant to salty environments would be a boon for developing countries where poor land management has rendered large areas of arable land unfit for crop production. In a Perspective, Frommer and colleagues discuss how genetic engineering can be used to confer salt tolerance on plants ( see Apse et al.) and explore the implications of this feat for improving crop production in developing countries.


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Clinical studies indicate that exaggerated postprandial lipemia is linked to the progression of atherosclerosis, leading cause of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD). CVD is a multi-factorial disease with complex etiology and according to the literature postprandial Triglycerides (TG) can be used as an independent CVD risk factor. Aim of the current study is to construct an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based system for the identification of the most important gene-gene and/or gene-environmental interactions that contribute to a fast or slow postprandial metabolism of TG in blood and consequently to investigate the causality of postprandial TG response. The design and development of the system is based on a dataset of 213 subjects who underwent a two meals fatty prandial protocol. For each of the subjects a total of 30 input variables corresponding to genetic variations, sex, age and fasting levels of clinical measurements were known. Those variables provide input to the system, which is based on the combined use of Parameter Decreasing Method (PDM) and an ANN. The system was able to identify the ten (10) most informative variables and achieve a mean accuracy equal to 85.21%.