62 resultados para average age

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The objective of this study was to characterize empirically the association between vaccination coverage and the size and occurrence of measles epidemics in Germany. In order to achieve this we analysed data routinely collected by the Robert Koch Institute, which comprise the weekly number of reported measles cases at all ages as well as estimates of vaccination coverage at the average age of entry into the school system. Coverage levels within each federal state of Germany are incorporated into a multivariate time-series model for infectious disease counts, which captures occasional outbreaks by means of an autoregressive component. The observed incidence pattern of measles for all ages is best described by using the log proportion of unvaccinated school starters in the autoregressive component of the model.


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Reprogramming of gene expression contributes to structural and functional adaptation of muscle tissue in response to altered use. The aim of this study was to investigate mechanisms for observed improvements in leg extension strength, gain in relative thigh muscle mass and loss of body and thigh fat content in response to eccentric and conventional strength training in elderly men (n = 14) and women (n = 14; average age of the men and women: 80.1 ± 3.7 years) by means of structural and molecular analyses. Biopsies were collected from m. vastus lateralis in the resting state before and after 12 weeks of training with two weekly resistance exercise sessions (RET) or eccentric ergometer sessions (EET). Gene expression was analyzed using custom-designed low-density PCR arrays. Muscle ultrastructure was evaluated using EM morphometry. Gain in thigh muscle mass was paralleled by an increase in muscle fiber cross-sectional area (hypertrophy) with RET but not with EET, where muscle growth is likely occurring by the addition of sarcomeres in series or by hyperplasia. The expression of transcripts encoding factors involved in muscle growth, repair and remodeling (e.g., IGF-1, HGF, MYOG, MYH3) was increased to a larger extent after EET than RET. MicroRNA 1 expression was decreased independent of the training modality, and was paralleled by an increased expression of IGF-1 representing a potential target. IGF-1 is a potent promoter of muscle growth, and its regulation by microRNA 1 may have contributed to the gain of muscle mass observed in our subjects. EET depressed genes encoding mitochondrial and metabolic transcripts. The changes of several metabolic and mitochondrial transcripts correlated significantly with changes in mitochondrial volume density. Intramyocellular lipid content was decreased after EET concomitantly with total body fat. Changes in intramyocellular lipid content correlated with changes in body fat content with both RET and EET. In the elderly, RET and EET lead to distinct molecular and structural adaptations which might contribute to the observed small quantitative differences in functional tests and body composition parameters. EET seems to be particularly convenient for the elderly with regard to improvements in body composition and strength but at the expense of reducing muscular oxidative capacity.


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Traumatische Epiphysenfugenlösungen [Einteilung von Salter u. Harris (SH) I/II] der unteren Extremität sind selten. Mit Komplikationen behaftete Verläufe werden in 2,2–39,6% der Fälle berichtet. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll aktuelle Daten zur Epidemiologie und zu den Behandlungsgrundlagen von Wachstumsfugenlösungen der distalen Tibia liefern. In einem Zeitraum von 36 Monaten wurden in einer multizentrischen Studie alle Patienten aufgenommen, die eine Wachstumsfugenlösung der distalen Tibia erlitten hatten. Daten zu Alter, Geschlecht, Unfall, Klassifikation, Therapieentscheidung und Frühkomplikationen wurden erhoben und online archiviert. 150 Fälle (64,6% Jungen, 35,4% Mädchen, Altersdurchschnitt 11,8 Jahre) wurden eingeschlossen. Häufigste Unfallursache war der Sport (42%). 76% der Fälle wurden einer Reposition zugeführt. Die Toleranzgrenze für eine Antekurvationsfehlstellung lag bei 10° (p=0,0021), für den Valgus bei 7° (p=0,0155). Toleranzen von maximal 5° für Retrokurvation und Varus waren statistisch nicht signifikant. Die Untersuchung bestätigt die Verletzungsepidemiologie anderer Studien. Erstmals wurden Daten zur Behandlungswirklichkeit bei Wachstumsfugenlösungen der distalen Tibia erhoben. Diese orientiert sich konsequent an den Empfehlungen der einschlägigen Literatur.


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Objective: To review the literature to identify and synthesize the evidence on risk factors for patient falls in geriatric rehabilitation hospital settings. Data sources: Eligible studies were systematically searched on 16 databases from inception to December 2010. Review methods: The search strategies used a combination of terms for rehabilitation hospital patients, falls, risk factors and older adults. Cross-sectional, cohort, case-control studies and randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published in English that investigated risks for falls among patients ≥65 years of age in rehabilitation hospital settings were included. Studies that investigated fall risk assessment tools, but did not investigate risk factors themselves or did not report a measure of risk (e.g. odds ratio, relative risk) were excluded. Results: A total of 2,824 references were identified; only eight articles concerning six studies met the inclusion criteria. In these, 1,924 geriatric rehabilitation patients were followed. The average age of the patients ranged from 77 to 83 years, the percentage of women ranged from 56% to 81%, and the percentage of fallers ranged from 15% to 54%. Two were case-control studies, two were RCTs and four were prospective cohort studies. Several intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for falls were identified. Conclusion: Carpet flooring, vertigo, being an amputee, confusion, cognitive impairment, stroke, sleep disturbance, anticonvulsants, tranquilizers and antihypertensive medications, age between 71 and 80, previous falls, and need for transfer assistance are risk factors for geriatric patient falls in rehabilitation hospital settings.


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The goal of the study was to calculate the direct costs of therapy for patients with MAP. This retrospective study included 242 MAP patients treated at the Department of Prosthodontics of the University of Bern between 2003 and 2006. The following parameters were collected from the clinical charts: chief complaint, diagnosis, treatment modalities, total costs, costs of the dental technician, number of appointments, average cost per appointment, length of treatment, and services reimbursed by health insurance agencies. The average age of the patients was 40.4 ± 17.3 years (76.4% women, 23.6% men). The chief complaint was pain in 91.3% of the cases, TMJ noises (61.2%) or limitation of mandibular mobility (53.3%). Tendomyopathy (22.3%), disc displacement (22.4%), or a combination of the two (37.6%) were more often diagnosed than arthropathy alone (7.4%). Furthermore, 10.3% of the MAP patients had another primary diagnosis (tumor, trauma, etc.). Patients were treated with counseling and exercises (36.0%), physiotherapy (23.6%), or occlusal splints (32.6%). The cost of treatment reached 644 Swiss francs for four appointments spread over an average of 21 weeks. In the great majority of cases, patients can be treated with inexpensive modalities. 99.9% of the MAP cases submitted to the insurance agencies were reimbursed by them, in accordance with Article 17d1-3 of the Swiss Health Care Benefits Ordinance (KLV) and Article 25 of the Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG). The costs of treatment performed by dentists remain modest. The more time-consuming services, such as providing information, counseling and instructions, are poorly remunerated. This aspect should be re-evaluated in a future revision of the tariff schedule.


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Diverse concepts for BVD eradication or control have been applied in several countries with varying success. Results of previous studies conducted in Switzerland have shown that the prevalence of antibody-positive animals is high and that BVDV is widespread in the country causing serious economic losses. A new approach to eradicate BVD in the cattle population in Switzerland was chosen. It consists in testing the whole Swiss cattle population for virus detection in a short period of time, without initial antibody screening. Identified persistently infected (PI) animals have to be slaughtered, and new herd infections should be avoided by movement restrictions. Ear-notches are collected using special tags for labeling the animals, and are analyzed using ELISA or rtRT-PCR methods. Confirmatory tests if needed are performed on blood samples using rtRT-PCR. The eradication program is divided into four phases: (1) Pre-pasturing phase: all young bovines going to transhumance in summer have to be negative tested before. (2) Initial phase: all non-tested bovines have to be tested. Movement restrictions are effective at the same time. (3) Calves phase: all newborn calves have to be tested. (4) Surveillance phase: several strategies will be compared using a modeling approach. After the pre-pasture phase already 595,230 animals (37% of the livestock) have been tested within four months. A prevalence of 1.1% of PIs was observed. The average age of infected animals is 403 days compared to 794 days for non-infected animals, with the oldest PI-animal being over 11 years old. On average PI-animals are slaughtered within 18 days after the last positive result. The pre-pasture phase has shown that sampling and testing a high number of animals in a short time is challenging but possible. The next phase will deal with double the number of animals in a similar time frame. The coordination between all partners as well as the collaboration of farmers is the key factor for ensuring the success of the program.


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In fall 2004, a survey of a representative sample of 1185 Swiss suckler beef farmers was carried out by questionnaire (return rate 51.9%). 32.7% of the respondents castrated their calves without the help of a veterinarian, 37.8% mandated a veterinarian to carry out the castrations and 29.4% did not castrate their bull calves at all. On average, 8 calves were castrated per farm and year at an average age of 7 days when the castration was carried out by a farmer or 34 days when the castration was carried out by a veterinarian. Almost all farmers castrated their calves with the rubber ring, and a majority considered no other method as feasible. 73.9% of the veterinarians used the Burdizzo technique, 14.9% applied rubber rings, and 11.2% performed a surgical procedure. 22.6% of the farmers and 85.4% of the veterinarians used sedation; local anaesthesia was performed in 32.1% of the castrations carried out by farmers and in 84.5% of the castrations carried out by veterinarians. 65.7% of the farmers were concerned by the change of the Swiss Animal Protection Ordinance (2001), when pain relief became mandatory. 47.6% of these farmers changed their castration routine: 53.1% now mandated a veterinarian, 33.0% used sedation or local anaesthesia and 8.9% abandoned castration of their calves. 59.8% of the farmers intended to participate in a future course for laymen, to study and train the technique of local anaesthesia for castration. Castration of their calves is for many suckler beef farmers an inevitable husbandry procedure. The political goal, that all calves shall be castrated with local anaesthesia can only be reached when livestock owners are informed about the distress caused by the castration and convinced of the benefit of the local anaesthesia.Veterinarians are important information carriers in this process. The implementation also produces work, be it the more complex castration procedure or the education of the farmers who want to carry out the local anaesthesia themselves.


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BACKGROUND: The procoagulant factor D-dimer has been shown to be associated with thrombus formation and degradation as seen with conditions such as myocardial infarction and unstable angina. Research has demonstrated that spousal dementia caregivers have elevated levels of D-dimer relative to their non-caregiving peers. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of basal level and laboratory stressor-induced concentration of D-dimer to severity of dementia in spousal care recipients. METHODS: Seventy-one elderly caregivers were compared with a comparison group of 37 non-caregivers (average age: 71 years). Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), a global measure of dementia, was used to assess severity of spousal dementia. Plasma D-dimer was measured at baseline and in response to an acute speech stressor. RESULTS: Regression analysis revealed a significant positive association between severity of spousal dementia and caregiver D-dimer, both at baseline and in response to acute stress, while controlling for age. The model examined an exponential relationship, with D-dimer increasing progressively across the span of dementia stages. DISCUSSION: Dementia severity of the care recipient was associated with increasing hypercoagulability among elderly caregivers. Effect size estimates suggest that such D-dimer increases may have clinical implications, particularly among late-stage caregivers.


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BACKGROUND: Factors predisposing to tearing of the rotator cuff are poorly understood. We have observed that the acromion of patients with a rotator cuff tear very often appears large on anteroposterior radiographs or during surgery. The purpose of this study was to quantify the lateral extension of the acromion in patients with a full-thickness rotator cuff tear and in patients with an intact rotator cuff. METHODS: The lateral extension of the acromion was assessed on true anteroposterior radiographs made with the arm in neutral rotation. The distance from the glenoid plane to the lateral border of the acromion was divided by the distance from the glenoid plane to the lateral aspect of the humeral head to calculate the acromion index. This index was determined in a group of 102 patients (average age, 65.0 years) with a proven full-thickness rotator cuff tear, in an age and gender-matched group of forty-seven patients (average age, 63.7 years) with osteoarthritis of the shoulder and an intact rotator cuff, and in an age and gender-matched control group of seventy volunteers (average age, 64.4 years) with an intact rotator cuff as demonstrated by ultrasonography. RESULTS: The average acromion index (and standard deviation) was 0.73 +/- 0.06 in the shoulders with a full-thickness tear, 0.60 +/- 0.08 in those with osteoarthritis and an intact rotator cuff, and 0.64 +/- 0.06 in the asymptomatic, normal shoulders with an intact rotator cuff. The difference between the index in the shoulders with a full-thickness supraspinatus tear and the index in those with an intact rotator cuff was highly significant (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: A large lateral extension of the acromion appears to be associated with full-thickness tearing of the rotator cuff.


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BACKGROUND: Recent studies have suggested that tenotomy and repair of the subscapularis tendon carried out for anterior approaches to the shoulder can be followed by failure of the tendon repair and by changes resulting in permanent loss of subscapularis function. We hypothesized that release of the subscapularis with use of a superficial osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity followed by repair of the two opposing bone surfaces would lead to consistent bone-to-bone healing, which would be possible to monitor radiographically, and would lead to satisfactory clinical and structural outcomes. METHODS: Thirty-nine shoulders in thirty-six consecutive patients who, at an average age of fifty-seven years, had undergone total shoulder replacement through an anterior approach involving an osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity were evaluated at an average of thirty-nine months. Assessment included a standardized interview and physical examination, scoring according to the system described by Constant and Murley, and imaging with conventional radiography and computed tomography to assess healing of the osteotomy site and changes in the subscapularis. RESULTS: The osteotomized tuberosity fragment healed in an anatomical position in all shoulders, and no cuff tendon ruptures were observed. At the time of follow-up, thirty-three (89%) of thirty-seven shoulders evaluated with a belly-press test had a negative result and twenty-seven (75%) of thirty-six shoulders evaluated with a lift-off test had an unequivocally normal result. Fatty infiltration of the subscapularis muscle increased after the operation (p < 0.0001) and was at least stage two in eleven (32%) of thirty-four shoulders. The fatty infiltration had progressed by one stage in eight (24%) of the thirty-four shoulders, by two stages in five shoulders (15%), and by three stages in two shoulders (6%). CONCLUSIONS: Osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity provides an easy anterior approach for total shoulder replacement and is followed by consistent bone-to-bone healing, which can be monitored, and good subscapularis function. In the presence of documented anatomical healing of the osteotomy site, postoperative fatty infiltration of the subscapularis muscle remains unexplained and needs to be investigated further as it is associated with a poorer clinical outcome.


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Autogenous iliac crest has long served as the gold standard for anterior lumbar arthrodesis although added morbidity results from the bone graft harvest. Therefore, femoral ring allograft, or cages, have been used to decrease the morbidity of iliac crest bone harvesting. More recently, an experimental study in the animal showed that harvesting local bone from the anterior vertebral body and replacing the void by a radio-opaque beta-tricalcium phosphate plug was a valid concept. However, such a concept precludes theoretically the use of posterior pedicle screw fixation. At one institution a consecutive series of 21 patients underwent single- or multiple-level circumferential lumbar fusion with anterior cages and posterior pedicle screws. All cages were filled with cancellous bone harvested from the adjacent vertebral body, and the vertebral body defect was filled with a beta-tricalcium phosphate plug. The indications for surgery were failed conservative treatment of a lumbar degenerative disc disease or spondylolisthesis. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to report on the surgical technique, operative feasibility, safety, benefits, and drawbacks of this technique with our primary clinical experience. An independent researcher reviewed all data that had been collected prospectively from the onset of the study. The average age of the patients was 39.9 (26-57) years. Bone grafts were successfully harvested from 28 vertebral bodies in all but one patient whose anterior procedure was aborted due to difficulty in freeing the left common iliac vein. This case was converted to a transforaminal interbody fusion (TLIF). There was no major vascular injury. Blood loss of the anterior procedure averaged 250 ml (50-350 ml). One tricalcium phosphate bone plug was broken during its insertion, and one endplate was broken because of wrong surgical technique, which did not affect the final outcome. One patient had a right lumbar plexopathy that was not related to this special technique. There was no retrograde ejaculation, infection or pseudoarthrosis. One patient experienced a deep venous thrombosis. At the last follow up (mean 28 months) all patients had a solid lumbar spine fusion. At the 6-month follow up, the pain as assessed on the visual analog scale (VAS) decreased from 6.9 to 4.5 (33% decrease), and the Oswestry disability index (ODI) reduced from 48.0 to 31.7 with a 34% reduction. However, at 2 years follow up there was a trend for increase in the ODI (35) and VAS (5). The data in this study suggest that harvesting a cylinder of autograft from the adjacent vertebral body is safe and efficient. Filling of the void defect with a beta-tricalcium phosphate plug does not preclude the use of posterior pedicle screw stabilization.


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BACKGROUND: Anecortave acetate is an angiostatic cortisene which is injected as a posterior juxtascleral depot and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The compound is not yet approved in Switzerland but can be used as "compassionate use" in individual cases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An uncontrolled case series with standardised documentation of ETDRS visual acuity, near acuity, need for magnification and fluorescein angiography was performed. RESULTS: 22 eyes of 19 patients (8 male, 11 female, average age 78.8 years) were treated with a posterior juxtascleral depot injection (PJD) of 15 mg anecortave acetate. The mean change in visual acuity after 3 months in eyes treated with anecortave acetate was -2.6 ETDRS letters corresponding to 0.52 Snellen lines. 3/20 eyes gained more than 1 line. 11/20 eyes showed stable visual acuity (+/- 1 Snellen line, +/- 5 ETDRS letters). 5/20 eyes developed moderate vision loss (one to two Snellen lines, 6-10 ETDRS letters). 1/20 lost 18 ETDRS letters (> 3 Snellen lines). There were no moderate or severe adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: A PJD of 15 mg anecortave acetate is safe and well tolerated. In eyes with occult CNV without recent progression or with residual neovascular activity after photodynamic therapy anecortave acetate may be an alternative therapeutic option before considering intravitreal anti-VEGF agents due to the much less invasive character and lower risk profile.


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BACKGROUND: A high proportion of patients with essential hypertension need a combination therapy to reach the therapeutic goal. In the present study, the tolerability and efficacy of a fixed, once daily combination of the AT1 blocker Losartan (100 mg) and the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) (25 mg) for patients in the real-life situation was investigated. Special consideration was given to the results of ambulatory 24-hourblood pressure (ABP) measurements. METHODS: The open label, prospective non-interventional surveillance study took place from October 2005 to June 2006. A total of 1139 patients over 18 years in age were included whose blood pressures could not be adequately treated with HCTZ alone and for whom an individual dose titration for Losartan and HCTZ had already been performed. RESULTS: The average age (+/- standard deviation) of the patients was 61.2 +/- 11.6 years; 55.8% were men. Comorbidities were common. Specifically, left ventricular hypertrophy was present in 3.1% of the patients, coronary heart disease in 30.1%, chronic heart failure in 11.8% and status post myocardial infarction in 10.5%, respectively. In addition to the Losartan/HCTZ treatment, 61.0% of the patients received a second antihypertensive medicine. After an average treatment duration of 50.4 +/- 17.2 days, the base line systolic blood pressure of 160.8 +/- 16.3 mmHg decreased by 24.0 +/- 17.0 mmHg (-14.4%) and the diastolic blood pressure of 94.4 +/- 9.9 mmHg decreased by 11.8 +/- 10.2 mmHg (-11.8%). For the ABP measurements, the overall average systolic and diastolic blood pressures fell by 16.9 +/- 14.2 mmHg and 8.8 +/-10.3 mmHg, the day average by 17.3 +/- 14.8 mmHg and 9.0 +/- 10.2 mmHg and the night average by 15.1 +/- 17.6 mmHg and 7.8 +/- 11.7 mmHg, respectively. In twelve of the 1139 patients (1.1%), a total of 15 adverse events occurred. A causal connection with the medication was suspected in only in one case (one patient with three). CONCLUSION: The combination of Losartan/HCTZ 100/25 mg, as the exclusive therapy or in addition to other antihypertensive medicines, was for patients, many of whom who had comorbidities, in the real-life situation well tolerated and effective. The efficacy was demonstrated also during the night through ABP.


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OBJECTIVE: The standard heart-lung machine is a major trigger of systemic inflammatory response and the morbidity attributed to conventional extracorporeal circulation (CECC) is still significant. Reduction of blood-artificial surface contact and reduction of priming volume are principal aims in minimized extracorporeal circulation (MECC) cardiopulmonary bypass systems. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the literature and to present our experience with the MECC-smart suction system. METHODS AND RESULTS: At our institution, 1799 patients underwent isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery, 1372 with a MECC-smart suction system and 427 with CECC. All in-hospital data were assessed and the results were compared between the 2 groups. Patient characteristics and the distribution of EuroSCORE risk profile in our collective were similar between both groups. Average age in the MECC collective was 67.5 +/- 11.4 years and average EuroSCORE was 5.0 +/- 1.5. Average number of distal anastomoses was similar to the average number encountered in patients undergoing CABG surgery with CECC (3.3 +/- 1.0 for MECC versus 3.2 +/- 1.1 for CECC; P = ns). Myocardial protection is superior in MECC patients with lower postoperative maximal cTnI values (11.0 +/- 10.8 micromol/L for MECC versus 24.7 +/- 25.3 micromol/L for CECC; P < .05). Postoperative recovery was faster in patients operated on with the MECC-smart suction system and discharge from the hospital was earlier than for CECC patients (7.4 +/- 1.9 days for MECC versus 8.8 +/- 3.8 days for CECC; P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: The MECC-smart suction system is a safe perfusion technique for CABG surgery. In patients operated on with this system, the clinical outcome seems to be better than in patients operated on with CECC. This promising and less damaging perfusion technology has the potential to replace CECC systems in CABG surgery.