30 resultados para Waterfronts - Serbia - Belgrad - Competitions
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After the collapse of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, a number of actors started to engage in the power struggle for the opportunities to shape the new order in successive nation-states. In Serbia and Georgia historically hegemonic Orthodox Christian churches were among the firsts in the frontlines for political and economic power. More than a decade has passed since the so-called Coloured Revolutions in Georgia and Serbia, and the Orthodox churches still remain participants of an ongoing socio-political transition of these states. The revival of public role of religion appeared temporary in Serbia followed by a gradual decline of an influence of the Orthodox Church over political life and legal process. However, in Georgia the public and political role of religion increased rather than declined albeit changed shape. Examining the degree to which the two Orthodox churches can influence the political agenda in Serbia and Georgia, the paper attempts to understand how church-State relations work in practice. By bringing rich empirical data from the field (70 interviews with (arch)bishops, priests and religious clerics in Georgia and Serbia added to field observations), the paper reflects on the themes under which the two Orthodox churches mobilize public protest in Serbia and Georgia. The paper further looks at varying State responses and their broader implication for church-state problematique.
Church and Public Education in Contemporary Serbia and Georgia: Secularization or De-Secularization?
Long-term endurance sports are associated with atrial remodeling and an increased risk for atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter. Pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (pro-ANP) is a marker of atrial wall tension and elevated in patients with AF. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that atrial remodeling would be perpetuated by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching during strenuous competitions, reflected by elevated levels of pro-ANP. A cross-sectional study was performed on nonelite runners scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race. Four hundred ninety-two marathon and nonmarathon runners applied for participation, 70 were randomly selected, and 56 entered the final analysis. Subjects were stratified according to former marathon participations: a control group (nonmarathon runners, n = 22), group 1 (1 to 4 marathons, n = 16), and group 2 (≥5 marathons, n = 18). Results were adjusted for age, training years, and average weekly endurance training hours. The mean age was 42 ± 7 years. Compared to the control group, marathon runners in groups 1 and 2 had larger left atria (25 ± 6 vs 30 ± 6 vs 34 ± 7 ml/m(2), p = 0.002) and larger right atria (27 ± 7 vs 31 ± 8 vs 35 ± 5 ml/m(2), p = 0.024). Pro-ANP levels at baseline were higher in marathon runners (1.04 ± 0.38 vs 1.42 ± 0.74 vs 1.67 ± 0.69 nmol/L, p = 0.006). Pro-ANP increased significantly in all groups after the race. In multiple linear regression analysis, marathon participation was an independent predictor of left atrial (β = 0.427, p <0.001) and right atrial (β = 0.395, p = 0.006) remodeling. In conclusion, marathon running was associated with progressive left and right atrial remodeling, possibly induced by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching. The altered left and right atrial substrate may facilitate atrial arrhythmias.
Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a widespread and severe zoonotic disease caused by infection with the larval stage of the eucestode Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato. The polymorphism exhibited by nuclear and mitochondrial markers conventionally used for the genotyping of different parasite species and strains does not reach the level necessary for the identification of genetic variants linked to restricted geographical areas. EmsB is a tandemly repeated multilocus microsatellite that proved its usefulness for the study of genetic polymorphisms within the species E. multilocularis, the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis. In the present study, EmsB was used to characterize E. granulosus sensu lato samples collected from different host species (sheep, cattle, dromedaries, dogs, and human patients) originating from six different countries (Algeria, Mauritania, Romania, Serbia, Brazil, and the People's Republic of China). The conventional mitochondrial cox1 and nad1 markers identified genotypes G1, G3, G5, G6, and G7, which are clustered into three groups corresponding to the species E. granulosus sensu stricto, E. ortleppi, and E. canadensis. With the same samples, EmsB provided a higher degree of genetic discrimination and identified variations that correlated with the relatively small-scale geographic origins of the samples. In addition, one of the Brazilian single hydatid cysts presented a hybrid genotypic profile that suggested genetic exchanges between E. granulosus sensu stricto and E. ortleppi. In summary, the EmsB microsatellite exhibits an interesting potential for the elaboration of a detailed map of the distribution of genetic variants and therefore for the determination and tracking of the source of CE.
A kvalitatív módszerekkel nyert kutatási eredményeink értelmezése során a transznacionális tér, a transznacionális és az etnikai migráció elméleti és szemléleti kereteit egyaránt figyelembe vettük. Az általunk vizsgált migrációs folyamatok transznacionális térben zajlanak, és a transznacionális irodalomban leírt migráns élethelyzetek, gyakorlatok – különböző nemzetállamokban elhelyezkedő lokalitásokhoz való egyidejű, bár eltérő intenzitású kötődés, kapcsolatok – több példájával is találkoztunk. Ludger Pries nyomán a transznacionális migrációt és a transznacionális migráns alakját olyan ideáltípusnak tekintettük, amelyhez az egyes migráns utak és helyzetek csupán közelítenek, és empirikus eredményeink alapján azt mondhatjuk, hogy a valóban plurilokális, vagyis a két helyhez való egyidejű, intenzív és tartós kötődés s az ehhez kapcsolódó gyakorlatok csupán a migránsok kisebbségét, illetve a migrációs életpályák egy-egy szakaszát jellemzik. A vizsgált migrációs folyamatokban az etnicitás strukturális tényezőként és a migráns tapasztalatok értelmezési kereteként egyaránt perdöntő szerepet játszik. Az etnikai migráció szakirodalomban tárgyalt mindhárom magyarázó modellje – az anyaországba való hazatérés, a gazdasági okokból való, illetve a kisebbségi létben elszenvedett sérelmek által ösztönzött migráció – alkalmas a migrációt kiváltó és mozgató okok elemzésére, a migráns narratívák értelmezésére, azt azonban nem állíthatjuk, hogy bármelyikük kizárólagos érvényre tehet szert. Más kutatókhoz hasonlóan Rogers Brubaker meghatározását tartjuk a leginkább gyümölcsözőnek, aki az etnikai migráció tág értelmezését használva minden olyan vándorlási folyamatot etnikai migrációnak tekint, amelyben az etnicitás kulturális és szimbolikus tőkeként szabályozó szerepet játszik. This special issue of Tér és Társadalom presents some results of an international research project carried out by researchers from Switzerland, Hungary and Serbia between 2010 and 2012. The topic of the research was “Integrating (Trans-)national Migrants in Transition States” (TRANSMIG) and was financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The research aimed to explore and interpret migration flows from the Vojvodina (Serbia) to Hungary and from ex-Yugoslav republics to the Vojvodina. In the first period of the last twenty years, wars which contributed to the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the formation of new national states have caused migration flows. After the change of the millennium, educational migration of Vojvodina Hungarian youth can be considered the most important migratory movement from the Vojvodina to Hungary. Labour (economic) migration also occurs, but this cannot be understood as a one-way movement, since in the Hungarian–Serbian border zone migrants from the Vojvodina who already resettled to Hungary commute to the Vojvodina. While interpreting the qualitative research data the theoretical frameworks and approaches of transnational space, transnationalism and ethnic migration were taken into consideration. The migration movement in question occurs in a transnational social space where migrants are in constant motion. By their movements and actions that space is continually recreated. With Ludger Pries we see a transnational migrant as an ideal type to whom individual migratory movements and positions only approximate. Based on our empirical results we can conclude that real pluri-local, intensive and long-lasting bonding to two places at the same time and the relating practices only characterise a minority of migrants and certain sections of migratory careers. In the migration processes studied, ethnicity as a term is needed as a “structural factor” and frame of interpretation to approach migrant experiences. All three explanatory models for ethnic migration – return migration, economic migration, migration motivated by grievances suffered in a minority situation – are suitable to analyse the reasons that initiated migration and kept it in motion. They are helpful in interpreting migrant narratives. However, none of the reasons can claim exclusive validity. Agreeing with other researchers, we find Roger Brubaker’s definition the most useful: Ethnic migration should be comprehended in a broad sense. In addition, every migration can be considered as “ethnically” motivated where ethnicity plays a dominant role as a cultural and symbolic capital.
Die antilateinischen Traktate von Gregorios Palamas und Barlaam von Kalabrien stellten für die serbischen Übersetzer des 14. Jahrhunderts eine grosse Herausforderung dar – nicht nur wegen ihres dogmatischen Inhalts, sondern auch wegen des ausgeprägt polemischen Charakters ihrer Argumentation. In diesem Aufsatz wird die argumentative Form der zwei Traktate („opuscula“ ) Barlaams von Kalabrien analysiert, die in cod. Dečani 88 enthalten sind (fol. 38r-81r). Der zweite von ihnen (fol. 69v-81r) richtet sich an ein griechisches (orthodoxes) Auditorium; die Anreden an die Lateiner, die sich darin finden, haben rein rhetorischen Charakter. Der erste Traktat (fol. 39r-69r), der während der Unionsverhandlungen des Jahres 1334/1335 entstand, hat jedoch eine für die byzantinische Unionspolemik eher ungewöhnliche Form: der Dialog mit der Gegenseite ist hier keine rhetorische Fiktion, sondern ein ernstes Anliegen des Autors. Dies hat bereits bei der Rezeption des Traktats im griechisch-athonitischen Milieu den Verdacht geweckt, Barlaam habe den Lateinern unzulässige Zugeständnisse gemacht. Barlaam hat versucht, diesen Verdacht durch metakommunikative Kommentare zu entkräften, die ausschliesslich in der serbisch-kirchenslavischen Übersetzung von Dečani 88 enthalten sind. Der Übersetzer der Traktate hat deren argumentative Form im wesentlichen nicht angetastet und nur gelegentlich versucht, die Zugehörigkeit der einzelnen Argumente dem Leser durch Marginalscholien deutlich zu machen.