13 resultados para Waste-to-Energy

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Pneumococcal meningitis causes neurological sequelae, including learning and memory deficits in up to half of the survivors. In both humans and in animal models of the disease, there is apoptotic cell death in the hippocampus, a brain region involved in learning and memory function. We previously demonstrated that in an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis, there is activation of the kynurenine (KYN) pathway in the hippocampus, and that there was a positive correlation between the concentration of 3-hydroxykynurenine and the extent of hippocampal apoptosis. To clarify the role of the KYN pathway in the pathogenesis of hippocampal apoptosis in pneumococcal meningitis, we specifically inhibited 2 key enzymes of the KYN pathway and assessed hippocampal apoptosis, KYN pathway metabolites, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) concentrations by high-performance liquid chromatography. Pharmacological inhibition of kynurenine 3-hydroxylase and kynureninase led to decreased cellular NAD levels and increased apoptosis in the hippocampus. The cerebrospinal fluid levels of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1? and -? were not affected. Our data suggest that activation of the KYN pathway in pneumococcal meningitis is neuroprotective by compensating for an increased NAD demand caused by infection and inflammation;this mechanism may prevent energy failure and apoptosis in the hippocampus.


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Milk fatty acid (FA) profile is a dynamic pattern influenced by lactational stage, energy balance and dietary composition. In the first part of this study, effects of the energy balance during the proceeding lactation [weeks 1-21 post partum (pp)] on milk FA profile of 30 dairy cows were evaluated under a constant feeding regimen. In the second part, effects of a negative energy balance (NEB) induced by feed restriction on milk FA profile were studied in 40 multiparous dairy cows (20 feed-restricted and 20 control). Feed restriction (energy balance of -63 MJ NEL/d, restriction of 49 % of energy requirements) lasted 3 weeks starting at around 100 days in milk. Milk FA profile changed markedly from week 1 pp up to week 12 pp and remained unchanged thereafter. The proportion of saturated FA (predominantly 10:0, 12:0, 14:0 and 16:0) increased from week 1 pp up to week 12 pp, whereas monounsaturated FA, predominantly the proportion of 18:1,9c decreased as NEB in early lactation became less severe. During the induced NEB, milk FA profile showed a similarly directed pattern as during the NEB in early lactation, although changes were less marked for most FA. Milk FA composition changed rapidly within one week after initiation of feed restriction and tended to adjust to the initial composition despite maintenance of a high NEB. C18:1,9c was increased significantly during the induced NEB indicating mobilization of a considerable amount of adipose tissue. Besides 18:1,9c, changes in saturated FA, monounsaturated FA, de-novo synthesized and preformed FA (sum of FA >C16) reflected energy status in dairy cows and indicated the NEB in early lactation as well as the induced NEB by feed restriction.


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BACKGROUND: The recurrent ~600 kb 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 deletion is among the most frequent known genetic aetiologies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related neurodevelopmental disorders. OBJECTIVE: To define the medical, neuropsychological, and behavioural phenotypes in carriers of this deletion. METHODS: We collected clinical data on 285 deletion carriers and performed detailed evaluations on 72 carriers and 68 intrafamilial non-carrier controls. RESULTS: When compared to intrafamilial controls, full scale intelligence quotient (FSIQ) is two standard deviations lower in carriers, and there is no difference between carriers referred for neurodevelopmental disorders and carriers identified through cascade family testing. Verbal IQ (mean 74) is lower than non-verbal IQ (mean 83) and a majority of carriers require speech therapy. Over 80% of individuals exhibit psychiatric disorders including ASD, which is present in 15% of the paediatric carriers. Increase in head circumference (HC) during infancy is similar to the HC and brain growth patterns observed in idiopathic ASD. Obesity, a major comorbidity present in 50% of the carriers by the age of 7 years, does not correlate with FSIQ or any behavioural trait. Seizures are present in 24% of carriers and occur independently of other symptoms. Malformations are infrequently found, confirming only a few of the previously reported associations. CONCLUSIONS: The 16p11.2 deletion impacts in a quantitative and independent manner FSIQ, behaviour and body mass index, possibly through direct influences on neural circuitry. Although non-specific, these features are clinically significant and reproducible. Lastly, this study demonstrates the necessity of studying large patient cohorts ascertained through multiple methods to characterise the clinical consequences of rare variants involved in common diseases.


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This paper addresses the issues of dual pricing and export restrictions in the energy sector, stressing the comparability of their economic and climate change impacts. It assesses whether WTO disciplines relevant and applicable to such practices are well-equipped to ensure fair access to energy resources. It finds that relevant GATT disciplines are overall deficient in the case of dual pricing and export taxes, while the landscape of WTO-plus obligations generally consisting of a network of narrowly tailored commitments. It discusses possible avenues to address such practices under the ASCM to the extent that they distort domestic energy prices and subsidize consumption of cheap fossil fuels


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Metabolic stress is believed to constitute an important signal for training-induced adjustments of gene expression and oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that the effects of endurance training on expression of muscle-relevant transcripts and ultrastructure would be specifically modified by a hypoxia complement during exercise due to enhanced glycolytic strain. Endurance training of untrained male subjects in conditions of hypoxia increased subsarcolemmal mitochondrial density in the recruited vastus lateralis muscle and power output in hypoxia more than training in normoxia, i.e. 169 versus 91% and 10 versus 6%, respectively, and tended to differentially elevate sarcoplasmic volume density (42 versus 20%, P = 0.07). The hypoxia-specific ultrastructural adjustments with training corresponded to differential regulation of the muscle transcriptome by single and repeated exercise between both oxygenation conditions. Fine-tuning by exercise in hypoxia comprised gene ontologies connected to energy provision by glycolysis and fat metabolism in mitochondria, remodelling of capillaries and the extracellular matrix, and cell cycle regulation, but not fibre structure. In the untrained state, the transcriptome response during the first 24 h of recovery from a single exercise bout correlated positively with changes in arterial oxygen saturation during exercise and negatively with blood lactate. This correspondence was inverted in the trained state. The observations highlight that the expression response of myocellular energy pathways to endurance work is graded with regard to metabolic stress and the training state. The exposed mechanistic relationship implies that the altitude specificity of improvements in aerobic performance with a 'living low-training high' regime has a myocellular basis.


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Contention-based MAC protocols follow periodic listen/sleep cycles. These protocols face the problem of virtual clustering if different unsynchronized listen/sleep schedules occur in the network, which has been shown to happen in wireless sensor networks. To interconnect these virtual clusters, border nodes maintaining all respective listen/sleep schedules are required. However, this is a waste of energy, if locally a common schedule can be determined. We propose to achieve local synchronization with a mechanism that is similar to gravitation. Clusters represent the mass, whereas synchronization messages sent by each cluster represent the gravitation force of the according cluster. Due to the mutual attraction caused by the clusters, all clusters merge finally. The exchange of synchronization messages itself is not altered by LACAS. Accordingly, LACAS introduces no overhead. Only a not yet used property of synchronization mechanisms is exploited.


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Insufficient feed intake during early lactation results in elevated body fat mobilization to meet energy demands for milk production. Hepatic energy metabolism is involved by increasing endogenous glucose production and hepatic glucose output for milk synthesis and by adaptation of postcalving fuel oxidation. Given that cows differ in their degree of fat mobilization around parturition, indicated by variable total liver fat concentration (LFC), the study investigated the influence of peripartum fat mobilization on hepatic gene expression involved in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, ketogenesis, and cholesterol synthesis, as well as transcriptional factors referring to energy metabolism. German Holstein cows were grouped according to mean total LFC on d 1, 14, and 28 after parturition as low [<200mg of total fat/g of dry matter (DM); n=10], medium (200-300 mg of total fat/g of DM; n=10), and high (>300 mg of total fat/g of DM; n=7), indicating fat mobilization during early lactation. Cows were fed total mixed rations ad libitum and held under equal conditions. Liver biopsies were taken at d 56 and 15 before and d 1, 14, 28, and 49 after parturition to measure mRNA abundances of pyruvate carboxylase (PC); phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; glucose-6-phosphatase; propionyl-coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase α; carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1A (CPT1A); acyl-CoA synthetase, long chain 1 (ASCL1); acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, very long chain; 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 1 and 2; sterol regulatory element-binding factor 1; and peroxisome proliferator-activated factor α. Total LFC postpartum differed greatly among cows, and the mRNA abundance of most enzymes and transcription factors changed with time during the experimental period. Abundance of PC mRNA increased at parturition to a greater extent in high- and medium-LFC groups than in the low-LFC group. Significant LFC × time interactions for ACSL1 and CPT1A during the experimental period indicated variable gene expression depending on LFC after parturition. Correlations between hepatic gene expression and performance data and plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones showed time-specific relations during the transition period. Elevated body fat mobilization during early lactation affected gene expression involved in gluconeogenesis to a greater extent than gene expression involved in lipid metabolism, indicating the dependence of hepatic glucose metabolism on hepatic lipid status and fat mobilization during early lactation.


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Clay mineral-rich sedimentary formations are currently under investigation to evaluate their potential use as host formations for installation of deep underground disposal facilities for radioactive waste (e.g. Boom Clay (BE), Opalinus Clay (CH), Callovo-Oxfordian argillite (FR)). The ultimate safety of the corresponding repository concepts depends largely on the capacity of the host formation to limit the flux towards the biosphere of radionuclides (RN) contained in the waste to acceptably low levels. Data for diffusion-driven transfer in these formations shows extreme differences in the measured or modelled behaviour for various radionuclides, e. g. between halogen RN (Cl-36, I-129) and actinides (U-238,U-235, Np-237, Th-232, etc.), which result from major differences between RN of the effects on transport of two phenomena: diffusion and sorption. This paper describes recent research aimed at improving understanding of these two phenomena, focusing on the results of studies carried out during the EC Funmig IP on clayrocks from the above three formations and from the Boda formation (HU). Project results regarding phenomena governing water, cation and anion distribution and mobility in the pore volumes influenced by the negatively-charged surfaces of clay minerals show a convergence of the modelling results for behaviour at the molecular scale and descriptions based on electrical double layer models. Transport models exist which couple ion distribution relative to the clay-solution interface and differentiated diffusive characteristics. These codes are able to reproduce the main trends in behaviour observed experimentally, e.g. D-e(anion) < D-e(HTO) < D-e(cation) and D-e(anion) variations as a function of ionic strength and material density. These trends are also well-explained by models of transport through ideal porous matrices made up of a charged surface material. Experimental validation of these models is good as regards monovalent alkaline cations, in progress for divalent electrostatically-interacting cations (e.g. Sr2+) and still relatively poor for 'strongly sorbing', high K-d cations. Funmig results have clarified understanding of how clayrock mineral composition, and the corresponding organisation of mineral grain assemblages and their associated porosity, can affect mobile solute (anions, HTO) diffusion at different scales (mm to geological formation). In particular, advances made in the capacity to map clayrock mineral grain-porosity organisation at high resolution provide additional elements for understanding diffusion anisotropy and for relating diffusion characteristics measured at different scales. On the other hand, the results of studies focusing on evaluating the potential effects of heterogeneity on mobile species diffusion at the formation scale tend to show that there is a minimal effect when compared to a homogeneous property model. Finally, the results of a natural tracer-based study carried out on the Opalinus Clay formation increase confidence in the use of diffusion parameters measured on laboratory scale samples for predicting diffusion over geological time-space scales. Much effort was placed on improving understanding of coupled sorption-diffusion phenomena for sorbing cations in clayrocks. Results regarding sorption equilibrium in dispersed and compacted materials for weakly to moderately sorbing cations (Sr2+, Cs+, Co2+) tend to show that the same sorption model probably holds in both systems. It was not possible to demonstrate this for highly sorbing elements such as Eu(III) because of the extremely long times needed to reach equilibrium conditions, but there does not seem to be any clear reason why such elements should not have similar behaviour. Diffusion experiments carried out with Sr2+, Cs+ and Eu(III) on all of the clayrocks gave mixed results and tend to show that coupled diffusion-sorption migration is much more complex than expected, leading generally to greater mobility than that predicted by coupling a batch-determined K-d and Ficks law based on the diffusion behaviour of HTO. If the K-d measured on equivalent dispersed systems holds as was shown to be the case for Sr, Cs (and probably Co) for Opalinus Clay, these results indicate that these cations have a D-e value higher than HTO (up to a factor of 10 for Cs+). Results are as yet very limited for very moderate to strongly sorbing species (e.g. Co(II), Eu(III), Cu(II)) because of their very slow transfer characteristics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the short- and long-term effects of an intensive, concentrated rehabilitation programme in patients with chronic heart failure. DESIGN Randomized controlled trial, with one-month and six-year evaluations. SETTING Residential rehabilitation centre in Switzerland. SUBJECTS Fifty patients with chronic heart failure, randomized to exercise or control groups. INTERVENTIONS A rehabilitation programme lasting one month, including educational sessions, a low-fat diet, and 2 hours of individually prescribed exercise daily. MAIN MEASURES Exercise test responses, health outcomes and physical activity patterns. RESULTS Peak Vo(2) increased 21.4% in the exercise group during the rehabilitation programme (P<0.05), whereas peak Vo(2) did not change among controls. After the six-year follow-up period, peak Vo(2) was only slightly higher than that at baseline in the trained group (7%, NS), while peak Vo(2) among controls was unchanged. During long-term follow-up, 9 and 12 patients died in the exercise and control groups, respectively (P = 0.63). At six years, physical activity patterns tended to be higher in the exercise group; the mean energy expenditure values over the last year were 2,704 +/- 1,970 and 2,085 +/- 1,522 kcal/week during recreational activities for the exercise and control groups, respectively. However, both groups were more active compared to energy expenditure prior to their cardiac event (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS Six years after participation in a residential rehabilitation programme, patients with chronic heart failure had slightly better outcomes than control subjects, maintained exercise capacity and engaged in activities that exceed the minimal amount recommended by guidelines for cardiovascular health.


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Neonatal energy metabolism in calves has to adapt to extrauterine life and depends on colostrum feeding. The adrenergic and glucocorticoid systems are involved in postnatal maturation of pathways related to energy metabolism and calves show elevated plasma concentrations of cortisol and catecholamines during perinatal life. We tested the hypothesis that hepatic glucocorticoid receptors (GR) and α₁- and β₂-adrenergic receptors (AR) in neonatal calves are involved in adaptation of postnatal energy metabolism and that respective binding capacities depend on colostrum feeding. Calves were fed colostrum (CF; n=7) or a milk-based formula (FF; n=7) with similar nutrient content up to d 4 of life. Blood samples were taken daily before feeding and 2h after feeding on d 4 of life to measure metabolites and hormones related to energy metabolism in blood plasma. Liver tissue was obtained 2 h after feeding on d 4 to measure hepatic fat content and binding capacity of AR and GR. Maximal binding capacity and binding affinity were calculated by saturation binding assays using [(3)H]-prazosin and [(3)H]-CGP-12177 for determination of α₁- and β₂-AR and [(3)H]-dexamethasone for determination of GR in liver. Additional liver samples were taken to measure mRNA abundance of AR and GR, and of key enzymes related to hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism. Plasma concentrations of albumin, triacylglycerides, insulin-like growth factor I, leptin, and thyroid hormones changed until d 4 and all these variables except leptin and thyroid hormones responded to feed intake on d 4. Diet effects were determined for albumin, insulin-like growth factor I, leptin, and thyroid hormones. Binding capacity for GR was greater and for α₁-AR tended to be greater in CF than in FF calves. Binding affinities were in the same range for each receptor type. Gene expression of α₁-AR (ADRA1) tended to be lower in CF than FF calves. Binding capacity of GR was related to parameters of glucose and lipid metabolism, whereas β₂-AR binding capacity was negatively associated with glucose metabolism. In conclusion, our results indicate a dependence of GR and α₁-AR on milk feeding immediately after birth and point to an involvement of hepatic GR and AR in postnatal adaptation of glucose and lipid metabolism in calves.


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Evolutionary innovations, traits that give species access to previously unoccupied niches, may promote speciation and adaptive radiation. Here, we show that such innovations can also result in competitive inferiority and extinction. We present evidence that the modified pharyngeal jaws of cichlid fishes and several marine fish lineages, a classic example of evolutionary innovation, are not universally beneficial. A large-scale analysis of dietary evolution across marine fish lineages reveals that the innovation compromises access to energy-rich predator niches. We show that this competitive inferiority shaped the adaptive radiation of cichlids in Lake Tanganyika and played a pivotal and previously unrecognized role in the mass extinction of cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria after Nile perch invasion.


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The present understanding of the initiation of boudinage and folding structures is based on viscosity contrasts and stress exponents, considering an intrinsically unstable state of the layer. The criterion of localization is believed to be prescribed by geometry-material interactions, which are often encountered in natural structures. An alternative localization phenomenon has been established for ductile materials, in which instability emerges for critical material parameters and loading rates from homogeneous conditions. In this thesis, conditions are sought under which this type of instability prevails and whether localization in geological materials necessarily requires a trigger by geometric imperfections. The relevance of critical deformation conditions, material parameters and the spatial configuration of instabilities are discussed in a geological context. In order to analyze boudinage geometries, a numerical eigenmode analysis is introduced. This method allows determining natural frequencies and wavelengths of a structure and inducing perturbations on these frequencies. In the subsequent coupled thermo-mechanical simulations, using a grain size evolution and end-member flow laws, localization emerges when material softening through grain size sensitive viscous creep sets in. Pinch-and-swell structures evolve along slip lines through a positive feedback between the matrix response and material bifurcations inside the layer, independent from the mesh-discretization length scale. Since boudinage and folding are considered to express the same general instability, both structures should arise independently of the sign of the loading conditions and for identical material parameters. To this end, the link between material to energy instabilities is approached by means of bifurcation analyses of the field equations and finite element simulations of the coupled system of equations. Boudinage and folding structures develop at the same critical energy threshold, where dissipative work by temperature-sensitive creep overcomes the diffusive capacity of the layer. This finding provides basis for a unified theory for strain localization in layered ductile materials. The numerical simulations are compared to natural pinch-and-swell microstructures, tracing the adaption of grain sizes, textures and creep mechanisms in calcite veins. The switch from dislocation to diffusion creep relates to strain-rate weakening, which is induced by dissipated heat from grain size reduction, and marks the onset of continuous necking. The time-dependent sequence uncovers multiple steady states at different time intervals. Microstructurally and mechanically stable conditions are finally expressed in the pinch-and-swell end members. The major outcome of this study is that boudinage and folding can be described as the same coupled energy-mechanical bifurcation, or as one critical energy attractor. This finding allows the derivation of critical deformation conditions and fundamental material parameters directly from localized structures in the field.