8 resultados para WINTER-WHEAT

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Soilborne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) is one of the most important winter wheat pathogens worldwide. To identify genes for resistance to the virus in U.S. winter wheat, association study was conducted using a selected panel of 205 elite experimental lines and cultivars from U.S. hard and soft winter wheat breeding programs. Virus symptoms were evaluated twice in virus-infected fields for the panel at Manhattan, KS in spring 2010 and 2011 and for a subpanel of 137 hard winter wheat accessions at Stillwater, OK in spring 2008. At the two locations, 69.8 and 79.5% of cultivars were resistant or moderately resistant to the disease, respectively. After 282 simple-sequence repeat markers covering all wheat chromosome arms were scanned for association in the panel, marker Xgwm469 on the long arm of chromosome 5D (5DL) showed a significant association with the disease rating. Three alleles (Xgwm469-165bp, -167bp, and -169bp) were associated with resistance and the null allele was associated with susceptibility. Correlations between the marker and the disease rating were highly significant (0.80 in Manhattan at P < 0.0001 and 0.63 in Stillwater at P < 0.0001). The alleles Xgwm469-165bp and Xgwm469-169bp were present mainly in the hard winter wheat group, whereas allele Xgwm469-167bp was predominant in the soft winter wheat. The 169 bp allele can be traced back to 'Newton', and the 165 bp allele to Aegilops tauschii. In addition, a novel locus on the short arm of chromosome 4D (4DS) was also identified to associate with the disease rating. Marker Xgwm469-5DL is closely linked to SBWMV resistance and highly polymorphic across the winter wheat accessions sampled in the study and, thus, should be useful in marker-assisted selection in U.S. winter wheat.


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Introduction: Drought is one of the most significant factors that limit plant productivity. Oxidative stress is a secondary event in many unfavorable environmental conditions. Intracellular proteases have a role in the metabolism reorganisation and nutrient remobilization under stress. In order to under stand the relative significance of oxidative stress and proteolysis in the yield reduction under drought, four varieties of Triticum aestivum L. with different field drought resistance were examined. Methods: A two-year field experiment was conducted. Analyses were performed on the upper most leaf of control plants and plants under water deficitat the stages most critical for yield reduction under drought (from jointing till milk ripeness). Leaf water deficit and electrolyte leakage, malondyaldehyde level, activities and isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase, leaf protein content and proteolytic activity were studied. Yield components were analyzed. Results: A general trend of increasing the membrane in stability and accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides was observed with some differences among varieties, especially under drought. The anti-oxidative enzyme activities were progressively enhanced, as well as the azocaseinolytic activities. The leaf protein content decreased under drought at the last phase. Differences among varieties were observed in the parameters under study. They were compared to yield components` reduction under water deprivation.


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The phloem mobility of heavy metals is relevant to the redistribution of micronutrients and pollutants and, ultimately, to the quality of harvested plant parts. The relative mobility in wheat may vary considerably between different cations. In the study reported here, radio-labeled nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) were introduced into either intact young winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) via a leaf flap, or detached maturing shoots via the cut stem. Elements fed into the lamina of the second leaf of 21-day-old plants were translocated to the younger (expanding) leaves and to the roots but not or only in trace amounts to the first (already fully expanded) leaf. The 63Ni and 65Zn were exported more rapidly compared with the other heavy metals. Most of 54Mn was retained in the originally labeled leaf. The peduncle of some maturing shoots was steam-girdled below the ear to distinguish between xylem and phloem transport. This phloem interruption reduced the content of 63Ni in the ear to about 25%. Intermediate effects were observed for 65Zn, 57Co, and 109Cd. Total 54Mn accumulation in the ear was hardly affected by steam-girdling, indicating a transport of this element within the xylem to the ear. These results suggest that the relative phloem mobility of Ni and Zn in young wheat plants and in maturing wheat shoots is higher than the mobility of Co and Cd, whereas the mobility of Mn is very low.


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The alkali metals cesium, rubidium, lithium and sodium were introduced together with strontium via flaps into leaf laminas or into the stem of maturing, intact winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) grown in a field. Long-distance transport of these elements and the influence of the application date and of different application positions were investigated. The phloem-immobile Sr served as a marker for the distribution of the xylem sap in the plants. Dry matter accumulation in the grains and the transpiration per shoot were not markedly affected by the treatments as compared to control plants. The phloem mobility was rather high for Cs and Rb. Li was almost immobile in the phloem (similarly to Sr). An application into the cut stem xylem below the second leaf node contributed more to the contents in the grains than an application into the flag leaf. An earlier feeding date led to a higher accumulation in the grains. The marked losses of the elements applied during maturation (most pronounced for Li) can be explained by leakage in the rain.


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Cobalt, nickel and strontium were introduced via flaps into leaf laminas or into the stem of maturing, intact winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. `Arina') grown under natural conditions in a field. Long-distance transport of these elements and the influence of the application date and of different application positions were investigated. The dry-matter accumulation in the grains was not markedly affected by the treatments as compared to untreated control plants. The phloem-immobile strontium served as a marker for the distribution of the xylem sap in the plants. After foliar application, nickel accumulated more rapidly and in higher quantities in the grains than cobalt. Therefore, nickel has a slightly better phloem mobility than cobalt. Regardless of the application date, a higher percentage of the two elements was transported from the flag leaf lamina than from the second or third lamina from the top to the grains. These results indicate that the leaf position is highly relevant for the transfer of the heavy metals investigated to the ear. Introduction into the stem led to a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains than introduction into one of the leaves. An earlier feeding date caused a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains when introduced into the stem. In contrast, no major differences between earlier and later feeding dates were detected when the elements were introduced into the leaves. Losses of the applied elements were detected during maturation and can be explained by leakage in the rain.