27 resultados para VHDL (Computer hardware description language)
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
N. Bostrom’s simulation argument and two additional assumptions imply that we are likely to live in a computer simulation. The argument is based upon the following assumption about the workings of realistic brain simulations: The hardware of a computer on which a brain simulation is run bears a close analogy to the brain itself. To inquire whether this is so, I analyze how computer simulations trace processes in their targets. I describe simulations as fictional, mathematical, pictorial, and material models. Even though the computer hardware does provide a material model of the target, this does not suffice to underwrite the simulation argument because the ways in which parts of the computer hardware interact during simulations do not resemble the ways in which neurons interact in the brain. Further, there are computer simulations of all kinds of systems, and it would be unreasonable to infer that some computers display consciousness just because they simulate brains rather than, say, galaxies.
Any image processing object detection algorithm somehow tries to integrate the object light (Recognition Step) and applies statistical criteria to distinguish objects of interest from other objects or from pure background (Decision Step). There are various possibilities how these two basic steps can be realized, as can be seen in the different proposed detection methods in the literature. An ideal detection algorithm should provide high recognition sensitiv ity with high decision accuracy and require a reasonable computation effort . In reality, a gain in sensitivity is usually only possible with a loss in decision accuracy and with a higher computational effort. So, automatic detection of faint streaks is still a challenge. This paper presents a detection algorithm using spatial filters simulating the geometrical form of possible streaks on a CCD image. This is realized by image convolution. The goal of this method is to generate a more or less perfect match between a streak and a filter by varying the length and orientation of the filters. The convolution answers are accepted or rejected according to an overall threshold given by the ackground statistics. This approach yields as a first result a huge amount of accepted answers due to filters partially covering streaks or remaining stars. To avoid this, a set of additional acceptance criteria has been included in the detection method. All criteria parameters are justified by background and streak statistics and they affect the detection sensitivity only marginally. Tests on images containing simulated streaks and on real images containing satellite streaks show a very promising sensitivity, reliability and running speed for this detection method. Since all method parameters are based on statistics, the true alarm, as well as the false alarm probability, are well controllable. Moreover, the proposed method does not pose any extraordinary demands on the computer hardware and on the image acquisition process.
Image overlay projection is a form of augmented reality that allows surgeons to view underlying anatomical structures directly on the patient surface. It improves intuitiveness of computer-aided surgery by removing the need for sight diversion between the patient and a display screen and has been reported to assist in 3-D understanding of anatomical structures and the identification of target and critical structures. Challenges in the development of image overlay technologies for surgery remain in the projection setup. Calibration, patient registration, view direction, and projection obstruction remain unsolved limitations to image overlay techniques. In this paper, we propose a novel, portable, and handheld-navigated image overlay device based on miniature laser projection technology that allows images of 3-D patient-specific models to be projected directly onto the organ surface intraoperatively without the need for intrusive hardware around the surgical site. The device can be integrated into a navigation system, thereby exploiting existing patient registration and model generation solutions. The position of the device is tracked by the navigation system’s position sensor and used to project geometrically correct images from any position within the workspace of the navigation system. The projector was calibrated using modified camera calibration techniques and images for projection are rendered using a virtual camera defined by the projectors extrinsic parameters. Verification of the device’s projection accuracy concluded a mean projection error of 1.3 mm. Visibility testing of the projection performed on pig liver tissue found the device suitable for the display of anatomical structures on the organ surface. The feasibility of use within the surgical workflow was assessed during open liver surgery. We show that the device could be quickly and unobtrusively deployed within the sterile environment.
Qualitative assessment of spontaneous motor activity in early infancy is widely used in clinical practice. It enables the description of maturational changes of motor behavior in both healthy infants and infants who are at risk for later neurological impairment. These assessments are, however, time-consuming and are dependent upon professional experience. Therefore, a simple physiological method that describes the complex behavior of spontaneous movements (SMs) in infants would be helpful. In this methodological study, we aimed to determine whether time series of motor acceleration measurements at 40-44 weeks and 50-55 weeks gestational age in healthy infants exhibit fractal-like properties and if this self-affinity of the acceleration signal is sensitive to maturation. Healthy motor state was ensured by General Movement assessment. We assessed statistical persistence in the acceleration time series by calculating the scaling exponent α via detrended fluctuation analysis of the time series. In hand trajectories of SMs in infants we found a mean α value of 1.198 (95 % CI 1.167-1.230) at 40-44 weeks. Alpha changed significantly (p = 0.001) at 50-55 weeks to a mean of 1.102 (1.055-1.149). Complementary multilevel regression analysis confirmed a decreasing trend of α with increasing age. Statistical persistence of fluctuation in hand trajectories of SMs is sensitive to neurological maturation and can be characterized by a simple parameter α in an automated and observer-independent fashion. Future studies including children at risk for neurological impairment should evaluate whether this method could be used as an early clinical screening tool for later neurological compromise.
Focusing of four hemoglobins with concurrent electrophoretic mobilization was studied by computer simulation. A dynamic electrophoresis simulator was first used to provide a detailed description of focusing in a 100-carrier component, pH 6-8 gradient using phosphoric acid as anolyte and NaOH as catholyte. These results are compared to an identical simulation except that the catholyte contained both NaOH and NaCl. A stationary, steady-state distribution of carrier components and hemoglobins is produced in the first configuration. In the second, the chloride ion migrates into and through the separation space. It is shown that even under these conditions of chloride ion flux a pH gradient forms. All amphoteric species acquire a slight positive charge upon focusing and the whole pattern is mobilized towards the cathode. The cathodic gradient end is stable whereas the anodic end is gradually degrading due to the continuous accumulation of chloride. The data illustrate that the mobilization is a cationic isotachophoretic process with the sodium ion being the leading cation. The peak height of the hemoglobin zones decreases somewhat upon mobilization, but the zones retain a relatively sharp profile, thus facilitating detection. The electropherograms that would be produced by whole column imaging and by a single detector placed at different locations along the focusing column are presented and show that focusing can be commenced with NaCl present in the catholyte at the beginning of the experiment. However, this may require detector placement on the cathodic side of the catholyte/sample mixture interface.
Object-oriented meta-languages such as MOF or EMOF are often used to specify domain specific languages. However, these meta-languages lack the ability to describe behavior or operational semantics. Several approaches used a subset of Java mixed with OCL as executable meta-languages. In this paper, we report our experience of using Smalltalk as an executable and integrated meta-language. We validated this approach in incrementally building over the last decade, Moose, a meta-described reengineering environment. The reflective capabilities of Smalltalk support a uniform way of letting the base developer focus on his tasks while at the same time allowing him to meta-describe his domain model. The advantage of our this approach is that the developer uses the same tools and environment
This paper describes a method for DRR generation as well as for volume gradients projection using hardware accelerated 2D texture mapping and accumulation buffering and demonstrates its application in 2D-3D registration of X-ray fluoroscopy to CT images. The robustness of the present registration scheme are guaranteed by taking advantage of a coarse-to-fine processing of the volume/image pyramids based on cubic B-splines. A human cadaveric spine specimen together with its ground truth was used to compare the present scheme with a purely software-based scheme in three aspects: accuracy, speed, and capture ranges. Our experiments revealed an equivalent accuracy and capture ranges but with much shorter registration time with the present scheme. More specifically, the results showed 0.8 mm average target registration error, 55 second average execution time per registration, and 10 mm and 10° capture ranges for the present scheme when tested on a 3.0 GHz Pentium 4 computer.
Most languages fall into one of two camps: either they adopt a unique, static type system, or they abandon static type-checks for run-time checks. Pluggable types blur this division by (i) making static type systems optional, and (ii) supporting a choice of type systems for reasoning about different kinds of static properties. Dynamic languages can then benefit from static-checking without sacrificing dynamic features or committing to a unique, static type system. But the overhead of adopting pluggable types can be very high, especially if all existing code must be decorated with type annotations before any type-checking can be performed. We propose a practical and pragmatic approach to introduce pluggable type systems to dynamic languages. First of all, only annotated code is type-checked. Second, limited type inference is performed on unannotated code to reduce the number of reported errors. Finally, external annotations can be used to type third-party code. We present Typeplug, a Smalltalk implementation of our framework, and report on experience applying the framework to three different pluggable type systems.
As domain-specific modeling begins to attract widespread acceptance, pressure is increasing for the development of new domain-specific languages. Unfortunately these DSLs typically conflict with the grammar of the host language, making it difficult to compose hybrid code except at the level of strings; few mechanisms (if any) exist to control the scope of usage of multiple DSLs; and, most seriously, existing host language tools are typically unaware of the DSL extensions, thus hampering the development process. Language boxes address these issues by offering a simple, modular mechanism to encapsulate (i) compositional changes to the host language, (ii) transformations to address various concerns such as compilation and highlighting, and (iii) scoping rules to control visibility of language extensions. We describe the design and implementation of language boxes, and show with the help of several examples how modular extensions can be introduced to a host language and environment.
Concurrency control is mostly based on locks and is therefore notoriously difficult to use. Even though some programming languages provide high-level constructs, these add complexity and potentially hard-to-detect bugs to the application. Transactional memory is an attractive mechanism that does not have the drawbacks of locks, however the underlying implementation is often difficult to integrate into an existing language. In this paper we show how we have introduced transactional semantics into Smalltalk by using the reflective facilities of the language. Our approach is based on method annotations, incremental parse tree transformations and an optimistic commit protocol. The implementation does not depend on modifications to the virtual machine and therefore can be changed at the language level. We report on a practical case study, benchmarks and further and on-going work.
Brain processing of grammatical word class was studied analyzing event-related potential (ERP) brain fields. Normal subjects observed a randomized sequence of single German nouns and verbs on a computer screen, while 20-channel ERP field map series were recorded separately for both word classes. Spatial microstate analysis was applied, based on the observation that series of ERP maps consist of epochs of quasi-stable map landscapes and based on the rationale that different map landscapes must have been generated by different neural generators and thus suggest different brain functions. Space-oriented segmentation of the mean map series identified nine successive, different functional microstates, i.e., steps of brain information processing characterized by quasi-stable map landscapes. In the microstate from 116 to 172 msec, noun-related maps differed significantly from verb-related maps along the left–right axis. The results indicate that different neural populations represent different grammatical word classes in language processing, in agreement with clinical observations. This word class differentiation as revealed by the spatial–temporal organization of neural activity occurred at a time after word input compatible with speed of reading.
The understanding of lumbar spine pathologies made substantial progress at the turn of the twentieth century. The authors review the original publication of Otto Veraguth in 1929 reporting on the successful resection of a herniated lumbar disc, published exclusively in the German language. His early report is put into the historical context, and its impact on the understanding of pathologies of the intervertebral disc (IVD) is estimated. The Swiss surgeon and Nobel Prize laureate Emil Theodor Kocher was among the first physicians to describe the traumatic rupture of the IVD in 1896. As early as 1909 Oppenheim and Krause published 2 case reports on surgery for a herniated lumbar disc. Goldthwait was the first physician to delineate the etiopathogenes is between annulus rupture, symptoms of sciatica, and neurological signs in his publication of 1911. Further publications by Middleton and Teacher in 1911 and Schmorl in 1929 added to the understanding of lumbar spinal pathologies. In 1929, the Swiss neurologist Veraguth (surgery performed by Hans Brun) and the American neurosurgeon Walter Edward Dandy both published their early experiences with the surgical therapy of a herniated lumbar disc. Veraguth's contribution, however, has not been appreciated internationally to date. The causal relationship between lumbar disc pathology and sciatica remained uncertain for some years to come. The causal relationship was not confirmed until Mixter and Barr's landmark paper in 1934 describing the association of sciatica and lumbar disc herniation, after which the surgical treatment became increasingly popular. Veraguth was among the first physicians to report on the clinical course of a patient with successful resection of a herniated lumbar disc. His observations should be acknowledged in view of the limited experience and literature on this ailment at that time.