6 resultados para VELOCIMETRY
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
PURPOSE: In this study we examined the arterial-adaptive dilatation and Doppler velocimetry, especially RI values, in normal fetuses with a single umbilical artery (SUA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 195 fetuses from 18 to 39 weeks of gestational age with a prenatally identified SUA retrospectively. They were enrolled in this study if the following information applied: > 18 weeks of gestational age, no structural or chromosomal abnormalities, and histopathological confirmation of SUA. Sonographic examination included evaluation of the umbilical artery resistance and the cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord, and its vessels were measured in all cases. Small for gestational age (SGA) was diagnosed when the birth weight was below the 10th percentile for gestational age. Fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction were defined as those with biometric data below the 5th percentile. RESULTS: There were 119 cases of prenatally identified SUA which met the inclusion criteria. RI values were below the 10th percentile in 33/119 (27.33) and below the 50th percentile in 73/119 (61.33). RI values below the 10th percentile were significantly more likely to be in the normal collective than in the growth restricted collective [31/87 (35.63%) vs. 2/32 (6.25%); p = 0.001]. Even more significant differences became apparent when comparing the RI values below the 50th percentile of both groups. An umbilical artery diameter over the 90th percentile was found in 49 (41.9%) of cases and was significantly more likely to be present in normal growing fetuses than in the growth restricted group. CONCLUSION: Normal fetuses with SUA are at higher risk to be born as SGA. With our study results we can confirm the hypothesis that Doppler flow measurements and arterial diameter in SUA are different from those found in normal fetal umbilical arteries. RI values over the 50th percentile or a cross-sectional area of the artery below 95th percentile after 26th week of gestation significantly increases the risk of SGA.
Direct revascularization of a bronchial artery has been proposed as a measure to alleviate the problem of bronchial ischemia after lung transplantation. To assess the effect of restoration of arterial blood flow to the transplanted bronchus, bronchial mucosal blood flow was measured in a model of modified unilateral lung transplantation in pigs. Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and radioisotope studies using radio-labeled erythrocytes (RI) were used to measure blood flow at the donor main carina (DC) and upper lobe carina (DUC) after 3 h of reperfusion. The recipient carina was used as a reference point; values obtained by LDV and RI were expressed as percentage of blood flow at the recipient carina. Two groups of animals were studied. In group 1 (n = 6) standard unilateral transplantation was performed; in group 2 (n = 6) a left bronchial artery was reimplanted into the descending thoracic aorta of the recipient. No differences were observed between the two groups with respect to preoperative or postoperative gas exchange or hemodynamics. In group 1, bronchial blood flow at the DC was 37.6 +/- 2.2% (LDV) and 44.1 +/- 14.8% (RI) of reference blood flow. At the DUC, blood flow was 54.9 +/- 7.7% (LDV) and 61.6 +/- 25.7% (RI) of normal flow. In group 2, blood flow was increased at the DC as measured by LDV (55.3 +/- 17.1%; p less than 0.05) and by RI (60.8 +/- 25.3%; p less than 0.2). A similar increase was found at the DUC (LDV: 81.8 +/- 19.3%; p less than 0.05; RI: 88.6 +/- 31.0%; p less than 0.2). It is concluded that there is a significant gradient of blood flow from intra- to extrapulmonary airways after lung transplantation. Reimplantation of a bronchial artery results in significant improvement of graft bronchial blood flow. Restoration of bronchial perfusion to normal levels, however, cannot be achieved, suggesting a possible defect in the microcirculation of the donor airways.
BACKGROUND: Volume resuscitation is one of the primary therapeutic goals in hemorrhagic shock, but data on microcirculatory effects of different colloidal fluid resuscitation regimen are sparse. We investigated sublingual mucosal microcirculatory parameters during hemorrhage and after fluid resuscitation with gelatin, hydroxyethyl starch, or hypertonic saline and hydroxyethyl starch in pigs. METHODS: To induce hemorrhagic shock, 60% of calculated blood volume was withdrawn. Microvascular blood flow was assessed by laser Doppler velocimetry. Microcirculatory hemoglobin oxygen saturation was measured with a tissue reflectance spectrophotometry, and side darkfield imaging was used to visualize the microcirculation and to quantify the flow quality. Systemic hemodynamic variables, systemic acid base and blood gas variables, and lactate measurements were recorded. Measurements were performed at baseline, after hemorrhage, and after fluid resuscitation with a fixed volume regimen. RESULTS: Systemic hemodynamic parameters returned or even exceeded to baseline values in all three groups after fluid resuscitation, but showed significantly higher filling pressures and cardiac output values in animals treated with isotonic colloids. Microcirculatory parameters determined in gelatin and hydroxyethyl starch resuscitated animals, and almost all parameters except microvascular hemoglobin oxygen saturation in animals treated with hypertonic saline and hydroxyethyl starch, were restored after treatment. DISCUSSION: Hemorrhaged pigs can be hemodynamically stabilized with either isotonic or hypertonic colloidal fluids. The main finding is an adequate restoration of sublingual microcirculatory blood flow and flow quality in all three study groups, but only gelatin and hydroxyethyl starch improved microvascular hemoglobin oxygen saturation, indicating some inadequate oxygen supply/demand ratio maybe due to a better restoration of systemic hemodynamics in isotonic colloidal resuscitated animals.
The instantaneous three-dimensional velocity field past a bioprosthetic heart valve was measured using tomographic particle image velocimetry (PIV). Two digital cameras were used together with a mirror setup to record PIV images from four different angles. Measurements were conducted in a transparent silicone phantom with a simplified geometry of the aortic root. The refraction indices of the silicone phantom and the working fluid were matched to minimize optical distortion from the flow field to the cameras. The silicone phantom of the aorta was integrated in a flow loop driven by a piston pump. Measurements were conducted for steady and pulsatile flow conditions. Results of the instantaneous, ensemble and phase averaged flow field are presented. The three-dimensional velocity field reveals a flow topology, which can be related to features of the aortic valve prosthesis.
Regulation of tissue size requires fine tuning at the single-cell level of proliferation rate, cell volume, and cell death. Whereas the adjustment of proliferation and growth has been widely studied [1, 2, 3, 4 and 5], the contribution of cell death and its adjustment to tissue-scale parameters have been so far much less explored. Recently, it was shown that epithelial cells could be eliminated by live-cell delamination in response to an increase of cell density [6]. Cell delamination was supposed to occur independently of caspase activation and was suggested to be based on a gradual and spontaneous disappearance of junctions in the delaminating cells [6]. Studying the elimination of cells in the midline region of the Drosophila pupal notum, we found that, contrary to what was suggested before, Caspase 3 activation precedes and is required for cell delamination. Yet, using particle image velocimetry, genetics, and laser-induced perturbations, we confirmed [ 6] that local tissue crowding is necessary and sufficient to drive cell elimination and that cell elimination is independent of known fitness-dependent competition pathways [ 7, 8 and 9]. Accordingly, activation of the oncogene Ras in clones was sufficient to compress the neighboring tissue and eliminate cells up to several cell diameters away from the clones. Mechanical stress has been previously proposed to contribute to cell competition [ 10 and 11]. These results provide the first experimental evidences that crowding-induced death could be an alternative mode of super-competition, namely mechanical super-competition, independent of known fitness markers [ 7, 8 and 9], that could promote tumor growth.