em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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eIF4E, the cytoplasmatic cap-binding protein, is required for efficient cap-dependent translation. We have studied the influence of mutations that alter the activity and/or expression level of eIF4E on haploid and diploid cells in the yeast S. cerevisiae. Temperature-sensitive eIF4E mutants with reduced levels of expression and reduced cap-binding affinity clearly show a loss in haploid adhesion and diploid pseudohyphenation upon starvation for nitrogen. Some of these mutations affect the interaction of the cap-structure of mRNAs with the cap-binding groove of eIF4E. The observed reduction in adhesive and pseudohyphenating properties is less evident for an eIF4E mutant that shows reduced interaction with p20 (an eIF4E-binding protein) or for a p20-knockout mutant. Loss of adhesive and pseudohyphenating properties was not only observed for eIF4E mutants but also for knockout mutants of components of eIF4F such as eIF4B and eIF4G1. We conclude from these experiments that mutations that affect components of the eIF4F-complex loose properties such as adhesion and pseudohyphal differentiation, most likely due to less effective translation of required mRNAs for such processes.


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That gene transfer to plant cells is a temperature-sensitive process has been known for more than 50 years. Previous work indicated that this sensitivity results from the inability to assemble a functional T pilus required for T-DNA and protein transfer to recipient cells. The studies reported here extend these observations and more clearly define the molecular basis of this assembly and transfer defect. T-pilus assembly and virulence protein accumulation were monitored in Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58 at different temperatures ranging from 20 degrees C to growth-inhibitory 37 degrees C. Incubation at 28 degrees C but not at 26 degrees C strongly inhibited extracellular assembly of the major T-pilus component VirB2 as well as of pilus-associated protein VirB5, and the highest amounts of T pili were detected at 20 degrees C. Analysis of temperature effects on the cell-bound virulence machinery revealed three classes of virulence proteins. Whereas class I proteins (VirB2, VirB7, VirB9, and VirB10) were readily detected at 28 degrees C, class II proteins (VirB1, VirB4, VirB5, VirB6, VirB8, VirB11, VirD2, and VirE2) were only detected after cell growth below 26 degrees C. Significant levels of class III proteins (VirB3 and VirD4) were only detected at 20 degrees C and not at higher temperatures. Shift of virulence-induced agrobacteria from 20 to 28 or 37 degrees C had no immediate effect on cell-bound T pili or on stability of most virulence proteins. However, the temperature shift caused a rapid decrease in the amount of cell-bound VirB3 and VirD4, and VirB4 and VirB11 levels decreased next. To assess whether destabilization of virulence proteins constitutes a general phenomenon, levels of virulence proteins and of extracellular T pili were monitored in different A. tumefaciens and Agrobacterium vitis strains grown at 20 and 28 degrees C. Levels of many virulence proteins were strongly reduced at 28 degrees C compared to 20 degrees C, and T-pilus assembly did not occur in all strains except "temperature-resistant" Ach5 and Chry5. Virulence protein levels correlated well with bacterial virulence at elevated temperature, suggesting that degradation of a limited set of virulence proteins accounts for the temperature sensitivity of gene transfer to plants.


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Past agricultural responses to climate variability can helps us to better understand the current and future impacts of climate change on agricultural production. We studied rye (Secale cereale) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) yield responses to temperature fluctuations in Finland during the period 1861–1913. Our analyses demonstrate the high sensitivity of non-industrialised northern agriculture to temperature anomalies. We found evidence of a strong relationship between monthly and seasonal mean temperatures and crop yields. In particular, high spring temperatures were associated with higher yields. Additionally, we tested temperature-sensitive tree-ring series for their value in indicating previous agricultural outputs. The results imply that tree-ring proxies (in particular, maximum latewood density) can provide novel material for studies of historical periods and locations where instrumentally measured climate and harvest data are not available.


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Translation initiation factors eIF4A and eIF4G form, together with the cap-binding factor eIF4E, the eIF4F complex, which is crucial for recruiting the small ribosomal subunit to the mRNA 5' end and for subsequent scanning and searching for the start codon. eIF4A is an ATP-dependent RNA helicase whose activity is stimulated by binding to eIF4G. We report here the structure of the complex formed by yeast eIF4G's middle domain and full-length eIF4A at 2.6-A resolution. eIF4A shows an extended conformation where eIF4G holds its crucial DEAD-box sequence motifs in a productive conformation, thus explaining the stimulation of eIF4A's activity. A hitherto undescribed interaction involves the amino acid Trp-579 of eIF4G. Mutation to alanine results in decreased binding to eIF4A and a temperature-sensitive phenotype of yeast cells that carry a Trp579Ala mutation as its sole source for eIF4G. Conformational changes between eIF4A's closed and open state provide a model for its RNA-helicase activity.


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The receptor tyrosine kinase MET is a prime target in clinical oncology due to its aberrant activation and involvement in the pathogenesis of a broad spectrum of malignancies. Similar to other targeted kinases, primary and secondary mutations seem to represent an important resistance mechanism to MET inhibitors. Here, we report the biologic activity of a novel MET inhibitor, EMD1214063, on cells that ectopically express the mutated MET variants M1268T, Y1248H, H1112Y, L1213V, H1112L, V1110I, V1206L, and V1238I. Our results demonstrate a dose-dependent decrease in MET autophosphorylation in response to EMD1214063 in five out of the eight cell lines (IC50 2-43nM). Blockade of MET by EMD1214063 was accompanied by a reduced activation of downstream effectors in cells expressing EMD1214063-sensitive mutants. In all sensitive mutant-expressing lines, EMD1214063 altered cell cycle distribution, primarily with an increase in G1 phase. EMD1214063 strongly influenced MET-driven biological functions, such as cellular morphology, MET-dependent cell motility and anchorage-independent growth. To assess the in vivo efficacy of EMD1214063, we used a xenograft tumor model in immunocompromised mice bearing NIH3T3 cells expressing sensitive and resistant MET mutated variants. Animals were randomized for the treatment with EMD1214063 (50mg/kg/day) or vehicle only. Remarkably, five days of EMD1214063 treatment resulted in a complete regression of the sensitive H1112L-derived tumors, while tumor growth remained unaffected in mice with L1213V tumors and in vehicle-treated animals. Collectively, the current data identifies EMD1214063 as a potent MET small molecule inhibitor with selective activity towards mutated MET variants.


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The thermometer-based global surface temperature time series (GST) commands a prominent role in the evidence for global warming, yet this record has considerable uncertainty. An independent record with better geographic coverage would be valuable in understanding recent change in the context of natural variability. We compiled the Paleo Index (PI) from 173 temperature-sensitive proxy time series (corals, ice cores, speleothems, lake and ocean sediments, historical documents). Each series was normalized to produce index values of change relative to a 1901–2000 base period; the index values were then averaged. From 1880 to 1995, the index trends significantly upward, similar to the GST. Smaller-scale aspects of the GST including two warming trends and a warm interval during the 1940s are also observed in the PI. The PI extends to 1730 with 67 records. The upward trend appears to begin in the early 19th century but the year-to-year variability is large and the 1730–1929 trend is small.


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External forcing and internal dynamics result in climate system variability ranging from sub-daily weather to multi-centennial trends and beyond1, 2. State-of-the-art palaeoclimatic methods routinely use hydroclimatic proxies to reconstruct temperature (for example, refs 3, 4), possibly blurring differences in the variability continuum of temperature and precipitation before the instrumental period. Here, we assess the spectral characteristics of temperature and precipitation fluctuations in observations, model simulations and proxy records across the globe. We find that whereas an ensemble of different general circulation models represents patterns captured in instrumental measurements, such as land–ocean contrasts and enhanced low-frequency tropical variability, the tree-ring-dominated proxy collection does not. The observed dominance of inter-annual precipitation fluctuations is not reflected in the annually resolved hydroclimatic proxy records. Likewise, temperature-sensitive proxies overestimate, on average, the ratio of low- to high-frequency variability. These spectral biases in the proxy records seem to propagate into multi-proxy climate reconstructions for which we observe an overestimation of low-frequency signals. Thus, a proper representation of the high- to low-frequency spectrum in proxy records is needed to reduce uncertainties in climate reconstruction efforts.


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TFIIH has been implicated in several fundamental cellular processes, including DNA repair, cell cycle progression, and transcription. In transcription, the helicase activity of TFIIH functions to melt promoter DNA; however, the in vivo function of the Cdk7 kinase subunit of TFIIH, which has been hypothesized to be involved in RNA polymerase II (Pol II) phosphorylation, is not clearly understood. Using temperature-sensitive and null alleles of cdk7, we have examined the role of Cdk7 in the activation of Drosophila heat shock genes. Several in vivo approaches, including polytene chromosome immunofluorescence, nuclear run-on assays, and, in particular, a protein-DNA cross-linking assay customized for adults, revealed that Cdk7 kinase activity is required for full activation of heat shock genes, promoter-proximal Pol II pausing, and Pol II-dependent chromatin decondensation. The requirement for Cdk7 occurs very early in the transcription cycle. Furthermore, we provide evidence that TFIIH associates with the elongation complex much longer than previously suspected.


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The present understanding of the initiation of boudinage and folding structures is based on viscosity contrasts and stress exponents, considering an intrinsically unstable state of the layer. The criterion of localization is believed to be prescribed by geometry-material interactions, which are often encountered in natural structures. An alternative localization phenomenon has been established for ductile materials, in which instability emerges for critical material parameters and loading rates from homogeneous conditions. In this thesis, conditions are sought under which this type of instability prevails and whether localization in geological materials necessarily requires a trigger by geometric imperfections. The relevance of critical deformation conditions, material parameters and the spatial configuration of instabilities are discussed in a geological context. In order to analyze boudinage geometries, a numerical eigenmode analysis is introduced. This method allows determining natural frequencies and wavelengths of a structure and inducing perturbations on these frequencies. In the subsequent coupled thermo-mechanical simulations, using a grain size evolution and end-member flow laws, localization emerges when material softening through grain size sensitive viscous creep sets in. Pinch-and-swell structures evolve along slip lines through a positive feedback between the matrix response and material bifurcations inside the layer, independent from the mesh-discretization length scale. Since boudinage and folding are considered to express the same general instability, both structures should arise independently of the sign of the loading conditions and for identical material parameters. To this end, the link between material to energy instabilities is approached by means of bifurcation analyses of the field equations and finite element simulations of the coupled system of equations. Boudinage and folding structures develop at the same critical energy threshold, where dissipative work by temperature-sensitive creep overcomes the diffusive capacity of the layer. This finding provides basis for a unified theory for strain localization in layered ductile materials. The numerical simulations are compared to natural pinch-and-swell microstructures, tracing the adaption of grain sizes, textures and creep mechanisms in calcite veins. The switch from dislocation to diffusion creep relates to strain-rate weakening, which is induced by dissipated heat from grain size reduction, and marks the onset of continuous necking. The time-dependent sequence uncovers multiple steady states at different time intervals. Microstructurally and mechanically stable conditions are finally expressed in the pinch-and-swell end members. The major outcome of this study is that boudinage and folding can be described as the same coupled energy-mechanical bifurcation, or as one critical energy attractor. This finding allows the derivation of critical deformation conditions and fundamental material parameters directly from localized structures in the field.


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In humans, there are different types of cutaneous cold-sensitive afferents responsible for cold sensation and cold pain. Innocuous cold is primarily mediated by a population of slow A delta afferents, based on psychophysical and neurophysiological studies. Noxious cold (usually below 15 degrees C) is mediated, at least in part, by polymodal nociceptors. There is also a population of unmyelinated afferents responsive to innocuous low temperature, some of which also respond to heat, whose sensory function has not been completely defined. A paradoxical hot/burning evoked by cooling is unmasked by A-fibre block, and similar sensations are evoked by applying simultaneous cool and warm stimuli to adjacent skin areas. These unmyelinated fibres activated by innocuous cooling (and heating) may contribute to this hot/burning sensation, along with other thermoregulatory functions.


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Mutations in NADPH P450 oxidoreductase (POR) cause a broad spectrum of human disease with abnormalities in steroidogenesis. We have studied the impact of P450 reductase mutations on the activity of CYP19A1. POR supported CYP19A1 activity with a calculated Km of 126 nm for androstenedione and a Vmax of 1.7 pmol/min. Mutations R457H and V492E located in the FAD domain of POR that disrupt electron transfer caused a complete loss of CYP19A1 activity. The A287P mutation of POR decreased the activities of CYP17A1 by 60-80% but had normal CYP19A1 activity. Molecular modeling and protein docking studies suggested that A287P is involved in the interaction of POR:CYP17A1 but not in the POR:CYP19A1 interaction. Mutations C569Y and V608F in the NADPH binding domain of POR had 49 and 28% of activity of CYP19A1 compared with normal reductase and were more sensitive to the amount of NADPH available for supporting CYP19A1 activity. Substitution of NADH for NADPH had a higher impact on C569Y and V608F mutants of POR. Similar effects were obtained at low/high (5.5/8.5) pH, but using octanol to limit the flux of electrons from POR to CYP19A1 inhibited activity supported by all variants. High molar ratios of KCl also reduced the CYP19A1 supporting activities of C569Y and V608F mutants of POR to a greater extent compared to normal POR and A287P mutant. Because POR supports many P450s involved in steroidogenesis, bone formation, and drug metabolism, variations in the effects of POR mutations on specific enzyme activities may explain the broad clinical spectrum of POR deficiency.


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The penetration of ertapenem, a new carbapenem with a long half-life, reached 7.1 and 2.4% into inflamed and noninflamed meninges, respectively. Ertapenem had excellent antibacterial activity in the treatment of experimental meningitis due to penicillin-sensitive and -resistant pneumococci, leading to a decrease of 0.69 +/- 0.17 and 0.59 +/- 0.22 log(10) CFU/ml x h, respectively, in the viable cell counts in the cerebrospinal fluid. The efficacy of ertapenem was comparable to that of standard regimens (ceftriaxone monotherapy against the penicillin-sensitive strain and ceftriaxone combined with vancomycin against the penicillin-resistant strain). In vitro, ertapenem in concentrations above the MIC was highly bactericidal against both strains. Even against a penicillin- and quinolone-resistant mutant, ertapenem had similar bactericidal activity in vitro.


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BACKGROUND: Control of breathing, heart rate, and body temperature are interdependent in infants, where instabilities in thermoregulation can contribute to apneas or even life-threatening events. Identifying abnormalities in thermoregulation is particularly important in the first 6 months of life, where autonomic regulation undergoes critical development. Fluctuations in body temperature have been shown to be sensitive to maturational stage as well as system failure in critically ill patients. We thus aimed to investigate the existence of fractal-like long-range correlations, indicative of temperature control, in night time rectal temperature (T(rec)) patterns in maturing infants. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We measured T(rec) fluctuations in infants every 4 weeks from 4 to 20 weeks of age and before and after immunization. Long-range correlations in the temperature series were quantified by the correlation exponent, alpha using detrended fluctuation analysis. The effects of maturation, room temperature, and immunization on the strength of correlation were investigated. We found that T(rec) fluctuations exhibit fractal long-range correlations with a mean (SD) alpha of 1.51 (0.11), indicating that T(rec) is regulated in a highly correlated and hence deterministic manner. A significant increase in alpha with age from 1.42 (0.07) at 4 weeks to 1.58 (0.04) at 20 weeks reflects a change in long-range correlation behavior with maturation towards a smoother and more deterministic temperature regulation, potentially due to the decrease in surface area to body weight ratio in the maturing infant. alpha was not associated with mean room temperature or influenced by immunization CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the quantification of long-range correlations using alpha derived from detrended fluctuation analysis is an observer-independent tool which can distinguish developmental stages of night time T(rec) pattern in young infants, reflective of maturation of the autonomic system. Detrended fluctuation analysis may prove useful for characterizing thermoregulation in premature and other infants at risk for life-threatening events.


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Results of studies of the static and dynamic dielectric properties in rod-like 4-n-octyloxy-4'-cyanobiphenyl (8OCB) with isotropic (I)–nematic (N)–smectic A (SmA)–crystal (Cr) mesomorphism, combined with measurements of the low-frequency nonlinear dielectric effect and heat capacity are presented. The analysis is supported by the derivative-based and distortion-sensitive transformation of experimental data. Evidence for the I–N and N–SmA pretransitional anomalies, indicating the influence of tricritical behavior, is shown. It has also been found that neither the N phase nor the SmA phase are uniform and hallmarks of fluid–fluid crossovers can be detected. The dynamics, tested via the evolution of the primary relaxation time, is clearly non-Arrhenius and described via τ(T) = τc(T−TC)−phgr. In the immediate vicinity of the I–N transition a novel anomaly has been found: Δτ ∝ 1/(T − T*), where T* is the temperature of the virtual continuous transition and Δτ is the excess over the 'background behavior'. Experimental results are confronted with the comprehensive Landau–de Gennes theory based modeling.


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This review deals with the complex sex determining system of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, governed by the interactions between a genetic determination and the influence of temperature, shown in both domestic and wild populations. Naturally sex reversed individuals are strongly suggested in two wild populations. This can be due to the masculinising temperatures which some fry encounter during their sex differentiation period when they colonise shallow waters, and/or to the influence of minor genetic factors. Differences regarding a) thermal responsiveness of sex ratios between and within Nile tilapia populations, b) maternal and paternal effects on temperature dependent sex ratios and c) nearly identical results in offspring of repeated matings, demonstrate that thermosensitivity is under genetic control. Selection experiments to increase the thermosensitivity revealed high responses in the high and low sensitive lines. The high-line showed ~ 90% males after 2 generations of selection whereas the weakly sensitive line had 54% males. This is the first evidence that a surplus of males in temperature treated groups can be selected as a quantitative trait. Expression profiles of several genes (Cyp19a, Foxl2, Amh, Sox9a,b) from the gonad and brain were analysed to define temperature action on the sex determining/differentiating cascade in tilapia. The coexistence of GSD and TSD is discussed.