43 resultados para Supramolecular Chemistry

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Conjugation of functional entities with a specific set of optical, mechanical or biological properties to DNA strands allows engineering of sophisticated DNA-containing architectures. Among various hybrid systems, DNA-grafted polymers occupy an important place in modern materials science. In this contribution we present the non-covalent synthesis and properties of DNA-grafted linear supramolecular polymers (SPs), which are assembled in a controllable manner from short chimeric DNA-pyrene oligomers. The synthetic oligomers consist of two parts: a 10 nucleotides long DNA chain and a covalently attached segment of variable number of phosphodiester-linked pyrenes. The temperature-dependent formation of DNA-grafted SPs is described by a nucleation-elongation mechanism. The high tendency of pyrenes to aggregate in water, leads to the rapid formation of SPs. The core of the assemblies consists of stacked pyrenes. They form a 1D platform, to which the DNA chains are attached. Combined spectroscopic and microscopic studies reveal that the major driving forces of the polymerization are π-stacking of pyrenes and hydrophobic interactions, and DNA pairing contributes to a lesser extent. AFM and TEM experiments demonstrate that the 1D SPs appear as elongated ribbons with a length of several hundred nanometers. They exhibit an apparent helical structure with a pitch-to-pitch distance of 50±15 nm. Since DNA pairing is a highly selective process, the ongoing studies are aimed to utilize DNA-grafted SPs for the programmable arrangement of functional entities. For example, the addition of non-modified complementary DNA strands to the DNA-grafted SPs leads to the cooperative formation of higher-order assemblies. Also, our experiments suggest that the fluorescent pyrene core of 1D ribbons serves as an efficient donor platform for energy transfer applications.


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The precise arraying of functional entities in morphologically well-defined shapes remains one of the key challenges in the processing of organic molecules1. Among various π-conjugated species, pyrene exhibits a set of unique properties, which make it an attractive compound for the utilization in materials science2. In this contribution we report on properties of self-assembled structures prepared from amphiphilic pyrene trimers (Py3) consisting of phosphodiester-linked pyrenes. Depending on the geometry of a pyrene core substitution (1.6-, 1.8-, or 2.7- type, see Scheme), the thermally-controlled self-assembly allows the preparation of supramolecular architectures of different morphologies in a bottom-up approach: two-dimensional (2D) nanosheets3 are formed in case of 1.6- and 2.7-substitution4 whereas one-dimensional (1D) fibers are built from 1.8- substituted isomers. The morphologies of the assemblies are established by AFM and TEM, and the results are further correlated with spectroscopic and scattering data. Two-dimensional assemblies consist of an inner layer of hydrophobic pyrenes, sandwiched between a net of phosphates. Due to the repulsion of the negative charges, the 2D assemblies exist mostly as free-standing sheets. An internal alignment of pyrenes leads to strong exciton coupling with an unprecedented observation (simultaneous development of J- and H-bands from two different electronic transitions). Despite the similarity in spectroscopic properties, the structural parameters of the 2D aggregates drastically depend on the preparation procedure. Under certain conditions extra-large sheets (thickness of 2 nm, aspect ratio area/thickness ~107) in aqueous solution are formed4B. Finally, one-dimensional assemblies are formed as micrometer-long and nanometer-thick fibers. Both, planar and linear structures are intriguing objects for the creation of conductive nanowires that may find interest for applications in supramolecular electronics.


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Creation of biocompatible functional materials is an important task in supramolecular chemistry. In this contribution, we report on noncovalent synthesis of DNA-grafted supramolecular polymers (SPs). DNA-grafted SPs enable programmed arrangement of oligonucleotides in a regular, tightly packed one-dimensional array. Further interactions of DNA-grafted SPs with complementary DNA strands leads to the formation of networks through highly cooperative G-C blunt-end stacking interactions. The structural changes in the polymeric core enable to monitor spectroscopically the stepwise formation of networks. Such stimuli-responsive supramolecular networks may lead to the development of DNA-based smart materials.


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Using molecular building blocks to self-assemble lattices supporting long-range magnetic order is currently an active area of solid-state chemistry. Consequently, it is the realm of supramolecular chemistry that synthetic chemists are turning to in order to develop techniques for the synthesis of structurally well-defined supramolecular materials. In recent years we have investigated the versatility and usefulness of two classes of molecular building blocks, namely, tris-oxalato transition-metal (M. Pilkington and S. Decurtins, in “Magnetoscience—From Molecules to Materials,” Wiley–VCH, 2000), and octacyanometalate complexes (Pilkington and Decurtins, Chimia 54, 593 (2001)), for applications in the field of molecule-based magnets. Anionic, tris-chelated oxalato building blocks are able to build up two-dimensional honeycomb-layered structural motifs as well as three-dimensional decagon frameworks. The discrimination between the crystallization of the two- or three-dimensional structures relies on the choice of the templating counterions (Decurtins, Chimia 52, 539 (1998); Decurtins et al. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 273, 167 (1995); New J. Chem. 117 (1998)). These structural types display a range of ferro, ferri, and antiferromagnetic properties (Pilkington and Decurtins, in “Magnetoscience—From Molecules to Materials”). Octacyanometalate building blocks self-assemble to afford two new classes of cyano-bridged compounds namely, molecular clusters and extended three dimensional networks (J. Larionova et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 39, 1605 (2000); Pilkington et al., in preparation). The molecular cluster with a MnII9MoV6 core has the highest ground state spin value, S=51/2, reported to-date (Larionova et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 39, 1605 (2000)). In the high-temperature regime, the magnetic properties are characterized by ferromagnetic intracluster coupling. In the magnetic range below 44 K, the magnetic cluster signature is lost as possibly a bulk behavior starts to emerge. The three-dimensional networks exhibit both paramagnetic and ferromagnetic behavior, since the magnetic properties of these materials directly reflect the electronic configuration of the metal ion incorporated into the octacyanometalate building blocks (Pilkington et al., in preparation). For both the oxalate- and cyanide-bridged materials, we are able to manipulate the magnetic properties of the supramolecular assemblies by tuning the electronic configurations of the metal ions incorporated into the appropriate molecular building blocks (Pilkington and Decurtins, in “Magnetoscience—From Molecules to Materials,” Chimia 54, 593 (2000)).


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Our research goals are focused on the preparation of novel molecule-based materials that possess specifically designed properties in solution or in the solid state e.g. self-assembly, magnetism, conductivity and spin crossover phenomena. Most of our systems incorporate paramagnetic transition metal ions and the search for new molecule-based magnetic materials is a prominent theme. Specific areas of research include the preparation and study of oxalate based 2D and 3D magnets, probing the versatility of octacyanometalate building blocks as precursors for new molecular magnets, and the preparation of new tetrathiafulvalene (TIF) derivatives for applications in molecular and supramolecular chemistry.


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Cleverly designed molecular building blocks provide chemists with the tools of a powerful molecular-scale construction set. They enable them to engineer materials having a predictable order and useful solid-state properties. Hence, it is in the realm of supramolecular chemistry to follow a strategy for synthesizing materials which combine a selected set of properties, for instance from the areas of magnetism, photophysics and electronics. As a successful approach, host/guest solids which are based on extended anionic, homo- and bimetallic oxalato-bridged transition-metal compounds with two-and three-dimensional connectivities have been investigated. In this report, a brief review is given on the structural aspects of this class of compounds followed by a presentation of a thermal and magnetic study for two distinct, heterometallic oxalato-bridged layer compounds.


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The general goal of this thesis is correlating observable properties of organic and metal-organic materials with their ground-state electron density distribution. In a long-term view, we expect to develop empirical or semi-empirical approaches to predict materials properties from the electron density of their building blocks, thus allowing to rationally engineering molecular materials from their constituent subunits, such as their functional groups. In particular, we have focused on linear optical properties of naturally occurring amino acids and their organic and metal-organic derivatives, and on magnetic properties of metal-organic frameworks. For analysing the optical properties and the magnetic behaviour of the molecular or sub-molecular building blocks in materials, we mostly used the more traditional QTAIM partitioning scheme of the molecular or crystalline electron densities, however, we have also investigated a new approach, namely, X-ray Constrained Extremely Localized Molecular Orbitals (XC-ELMO), that can be used in future to extracted the electron densities of crystal subunits. With the purpose of rationally engineering linear optical materials, we have calculated atomic and functional group polarizabilities of amino acid molecules, their hydrogen-bonded aggregates and their metal-organic frameworks. This has enabled the identification of the most efficient functional groups, able to build-up larger electric susceptibilities in crystals, as well as the quantification of the role played by intermolecular interactions and coordinative bonds on modifying the polarizability of the isolated building blocks. Furthermore, we analysed the dependence of the polarizabilities on the one-electron basis set and the many-electron Hamiltonian. This is useful for selecting the most efficient level of theory to estimate susceptibilities of molecular-based materials. With the purpose of rationally design molecular magnetic materials, we have investigated the electron density distributions and the magnetism of two copper(II) pyrazine nitrate metal-organic polymers. High-resolution X-ray diffraction and DFT calculations were used to characterize the magnetic exchange pathways and to establish relationships between the electron densities and the exchange-coupling constants. Moreover, molecular orbital and spin-density analyses were employed to understand the role of different magnetic exchange mechanisms in determining the bulk magnetic behaviour of these materials. As anticipated, we have finally investigated a modified version of the X-ray constrained wavefunction technique, XC-ELMOs, that is not only a useful tool for determination and analysis of experimental electron densities, but also enables one to derive transferable molecular orbitals strictly localized on atoms, bonds or functional groups. In future, we expect to use XC-ELMOs to predict materials properties of large systems, currently challenging to calculate from first-principles, such as macromolecules or polymers. Here, we point out advantages, needs and pitfalls of the technique. This work fulfils, at least partially, the prerequisites to understand materials properties of organic and metal-organic materials from the perspective of the electron density distribution of their building blocks. Empirical or semi-empirical evaluation of optical or magnetic properties from a preconceived assembling of building blocks could be extremely important for rationally design new materials, a field where accurate but expensive first-principles calculations are generally not used. This research could impact the community in the fields of crystal engineering, supramolecular chemistry and, of course, electron density analysis.


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We present a molecular modeling study based on ab initio and classical molecular dynamics calculations, for the investigation of the tridimensional structure and supramolecular assembly formation of heptapyrenotide oligomers in water solution. Our calculations show that free oligomers self-assemble in helical structures characterized by an inner core formed by π- stacked pyrene units, and external grooves formed by the linker moieties. The coiling of the linkers has high ordering, dominated by hydrogen-bond interactions among the phosphate and amide groups. Our models support a mechanism of longitudinal supramolecular oligomerization based on interstrand pyrene intercalation. Only a minimal number of pyrene units intercalate at one end, favoring formation of very extended longitudinal chains, as also detected by AFM experiment. Our results provide a structural explanation of the mechanism of chirality amplification in 1:1 mixtures of standard heptapyrenotides and modified oligomers with covalently linked deoxycytidine, based on selective molecular recognition and binding of the nucleotide to the groove of the left-wound helix.


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Self – assembly is a powerful tool for the construction of highly organized nanostructures. Therefore, the possibility to control and predict pathways of molecular ordering on the nanoscale level is a critical issue for the production of materials with tunable and adaptive macroscopic properties. 2D polymers are attractive objects for the field of material sciences due to their exceptional properties. [1] As shown before, amphiphilic oligopyrenotides (produced via automated solid-phase synthesis) form rod–like supramolecular polymers in water. [2] These assemblies form 1D objects. [3] By applying certain changes to the design of the oligopyrenotide units the dimensionality of the formed assemblies can be influenced. Herein, we demonstrate that Py3 (see Figure 1) forms defined supramolecular assemblies under thermodynamic conditions in water. To study Py3 self-assembly, we carried out whole set of spectroscopic (UV/vis, fluorescence, DLS) and microscopic experiments (AFM). The obtained results suggest that oligopyrenotides with the present type of geometry and linker length leads to formation of 2D supramolecular assemblies.